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Character Creation Assistance

One of the most common questions asked by potential members while recruiting is "what kind of character should I make?" Many are not quite sure what sorts of choices they have at their disposal. If you are one of these people, as either a potential or current member, or if you're just interested in the various species in the Star Trek universe, this page should prove at least somewhat interesting to you.

The first thing you'll want to do is choose a race, since race can largely determine what a character's background and personality are like. Once a race is chosen, there are easy references to determine the sort of name a character should be given and what kind of quirks he or she should have. Click some of the following links to see more information about any of these races, or if none of them are of any particular interest, take your time and simply scroll down the page, browsing until something strikes you. Some of the more major available races are:

  • Terran (human)
  • Vulcan
  • Betazoid
  • Klingon
  • Trill (under construction)
  • Bajoran (under construction)
  • Cardassian (under construction)
  • Romulan (under construction)
  • Andorian (under construction)

Terrans (humans)

Obvious Physical Features: This species is, as the main force behind the Federation and its science, considered the basis for the term "humanoid," and is therefore considered to have the standard humanoid shape. It is, however, different from many species in its formation of sub-races with varying skin tones and body/facial structures.
As seen in Star Trek:

Beverly Crusher

Benjamin Sisko


Hoshi Sato
Other Physical Characteristics: Build and skelatal structure varies greatly depending on an individual's background, but all variations tend to center around what is considered the "average."
Home Planet Characteristics: Sol III, or Earth, is a pleasant M-class planet. It is the center of the United Federation of Planets, and actually lets itself be ruled by the Federation with no other planetary governing body. Human colonies are also scattered throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants on many other planets, some formed by seperatists against the Federation and others formed by adverturous groups of pioneers.
Language: Today, the planet largely speaks the Federation Standard language, but some regions also retain their former lingual traditions, of which there have been very many of very wide variation. The dialect known as "English" was the foundation of Federation Standard.
Brief History: Earth was very divided into regional groups for most of its history, for the most part coexisting peacefully (with occasional skirmishes) until the century and a half before first contact with the Vulcans, during which time there were three World Wars. After the third World War, Dr. Zefram Cochrane built his warp ship and was noticed by a Vulcan survey mission. In the wake of the realization that they were not alone in the universe, the human race unified and eliminated most of its social problems, becoming the central power behind what would become the Federation.
Other Characteristics: Various descriptions have been attributed to humans as a species, many of which point out their passion, imagination, and paradoxical nature. This is only one of them:
"The are a highly passionate people--so passionate that even their music stirs the emotions. [ . . . ] But they are a highly creative people, an intuitive people, who seem to use their intellect and their emotions in harmony to create new things. We believe that, given time, their potential will increase exponentially. Despite their recent troubles, and a long history of discord, we believe they are on the verge of becoming a powerful force for civilization." (T'Pau to Lela Dax during a visit to Trill shortly after first contact with the humans. The Lives of Dax, ed. Marco Palmieri)
Naming System: Names are typically composed of two given names and a family name in that order, although this pattern can vary based on an individual's background. When present, the middle name is rarely used for anything but official purposes. Name style is largely dependent on the linguistic pattern of an individual's ancestors.
Source References and Helpful Links: Earth
Random Name Generator (uses data from the US Census to generate first and last name)


Obvious Physical Features: Pointed ears, angled eyebrows. Tall and slender, often described by non-Vulcans as "majestic" due to their height and tranquil bearing.
As seen in Star Trek:




Other Physical Characteristics: Vulcan blood is copper-based, rather than iron-based, which gives them green blood. This also results in a slightly green-tinted skin tone. The increased gravity on their home planet makes them particularly strong. Vulcans have a lifespan that is several times that of humans.
Home Planet Characteristics: Vulcan is a hot, arid planet which is only marginally Class-M. It has a small supply of resources and higher-than-average gravity.
Language: Largely a compounding language, characterized by fricatives and glottal stops. See The Vulcan Language Institute.
Brief History: The condition of their planet caused Vulcans to be a very warlike people, struggling over the limited resources available to them. This continued until their advances in technology threatened to cause the destruction of their entire race. At this point in their history, approximately 2000 years ago, a Vulcan named Surak rose with a philosophy grounded in logic and the abandonment of emotion. Vulcans have since seen their lack of emotional entanglements as one of their greatest assets. Since their first contact with humans in 2063, they have been integral to the formation and sustainment of the Federation.
Other Characteristics: -- Vulcans are generally pacifistic, interested in the sciences more than combat roles.
-- The traditional Vulcan greeting is paired fingers separated with the thumb held out (see picture at right), usually accompanied with the words "Peace and Long Life" or "Live Long and Prosper."
-- Vulcans are touch-telepaths, which explains their ability to "mind-meld." Due to this, they find the handshake greeting invasive and uncomfortable.
-- Vulcans experience a period of extreme emotion called the "Pon farr" every seven years, in which they are compelled to mate with the person chosen by their parents as a child.
Naming System: Vulcans are always referred to by only their given name. Family names also exist, but are not used at all in relations with non-Vulcans due to the extreme difficulty offworlders have in pronouncing them. Some sample Vulcan names (remember to make one in this style instead of just using one of these!):
Males: Spock, Sarek, Surak, Stonn, Sonak, Sybok, Tuvok, Taurik
Females: T'Pau, T'Pring, T'Pel, T'plana-Hath, T'Pan, T'Lar, Selar, Saavik, Valeris
Source References and Helpful Links: Vulcan race, Vulcan homeworld
More detailed information about Vulcans
Ex Astris Scientia: cultural inconsistencies (more information about Vulcan naming system)


Obvious Physical Features: Betazoids' eyes consist of very dark, solid colored pupils, often appearing to be black against the white area. Other than that, they are physically indistinguishable from humans. Many miss this very small difference and believe the two races to be exactly alike in appearance.
As seen in Star Trek:

Deanna Troi (half Betazoid)

Lwaxanna Troi
Other Physical Characteristics: The paracortex in the Betazoid brain gives the species the ability to communicate telepathically amongst themselves and have varying degrees of ability to read the thoughts and emotions of other races, with the exception of Ferengi, Breen, Ullians, and Dopterians. Telepathic abilities generally develop during adolescence.
Home Planet Characteristics: Betazed is a standard M-class planet, much like earth in structure and composition.
Language: Spoken language among Betazoids is typically only used around offworlders and when speaking to children who have not yet developed telepathy. Federation Standard has been widely adopted, and little information is available about the original Betazoid language.
Brief History: Betazed has a long, rich history, with family trees often dating back to forty generations. Its people are generally pacifistic, and thus there are no major wars to note in the world's history.
Other Characteristics: -- The Betazoid ability to see the thoughts and emotions of others have made them a completely honest people, which tends to make other races uncomfortable when practiced fully. For this reason, Betazoid culture has been slow to integrate into the Federation.
-- Betazoid women are not considered to be mature until they reach approximately the age of 40, at which point they enter a "Phase" that involves an increased libido for a short time.
-- Betazoid marriages are considered celebrations of love, and all participants attend nude. Betazoids are renowned for their ability to love more than one person without losing their ability to love their lifelong mate, and thus usually have "open" marriages.
-- The period of gestation for a Betazoid woman is ten months.
Naming System: Betazoids are usually referred to by a given name and a family name. Some examples of names are as follows:
Family names: lbrun, Grax, Hagen, Morganth, Stadi, Suder
Males: Andrus, Lon, Reittan, Tam, Talloc
Females: Azuma, Deanna, Jemma, Kestra, Lwaxana, Yaxara
Source References and Helpful Links: Betazoid race, Betazed
Star Trek Lives (general information)
Anomaly TrekMUX (more detailed information, some of which may not be canon)


Obvious Physical Features: The Klingon race evolved from a species with a tough exoskeleton, the remnants of which can be seen in their severely ridged foreheads.
As seen in Star Trek:

Chancellor Gorkon



B'Elanna Torres (half-Klingon)
Other Physical Characteristics: The predilection for violence has made an internal structure with a great many redundancies beneficial to the Klingons. They also have a heightened sense of smell.
Home Planet Characteristics: Qo'noS--often standardized to the spelling of "Kronos" in the Federation--is the center of the Klingon empire, a neighbor of the Federation. There is only one land mass, and its severely tilted axis causes radical seasonal changes. The capital remains neutral in Klingon civil wars, and is hailed as a place where Klingons can meet and drink with their enemies before battle.
Language: Characterized by being spoken very forcefully, often with a great deal of guttural sounds and spitting involved. See the Klingon Langauge Institute.
Brief History: Klingons have a predisposition toward violence, and thus have fought many civil wars. Their most visible historical figure is Kahless, the Klingon who is reputed to have been the greatest warrior ever to have lived. He is prophesied to return at some point in the Klingons' future to rule the Empire. Klingons are very pround of the glorious battles in their past, and their history is passed on through songs and stories.
Other Characteristics: -- Klingons despise (and are somewhat allergic to) Tribbles.
-- When a Klingon dies, other Klingons howl/roar to warn those in the afterlife that a warrior is coming.
Naming System: Klingons have a given name, an honorific attached to their house name, and often refer to themselves with their father's name using "son of ___" or "daughter of ___". Houses tend to take the names of their current leaders. In relations with non-Klingons, only the given name is typically used. Sample names follow.
Male names: Gorkon, Gowron, Kahless, Kang, Martok, Mogh, T'Kar, Worf
Female names: B'Elanna, B'Etor, Grilka, Lursa, K'Ehleyr
Honorifics: (in order of honor, from normal level to highest) taI', veStaI', SutaI', HSantaI', epetaI'.
Source References and Helpful Links: Klingons, Qo'noS
Wikipedia: Klingons (very detailed)