T'rz'e of Calion was raised in the wilds of Xenex with an old warrior man who knew nothing of the boy's past. He was taught hunting, fishing, fighting, math, architecture and diplomacy by the wise sage. He spent his life away from the slavery that was occuring at the hands of the Danteri in the larger cities and had no care that his fellow Xenexians were in peril. He, as it turned out, was taken off the world by a Starfleet officer and enlisted in Starfleet as an Engineer.
Trace's warrior nature, however, could not and would not be contained. He was a natural warrior and had a natural killer instinct. Recognizing this, Starfleet made him an Engineer in the Ranger Battalion at Starfleet Headquarters and he operated there for years. He served for a year on the U.S.S. Venture under the command of Captain Allison Britt before moving back off to the Battalion for the next few years.
His transfer to the USS Avalon came as a shock and he met his new family and friends. He became involved with Dr. Brigid Lea almost immediately after joining and formed a tight bond with Telsia Hunter, his ODA leader.
Family data:
Father, Unknown...
Mother, Unknown...
Siblings, Unknown...
Lovers, Brigid Lea, Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-A). Age 28.
Children, Unknown....