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Starfleet Army Personnel Record

1st Lieutenant Trace Calion

Name: Trace Calion (T're'z of Calion)
Serial Number: C13EN-07TE-6075K
Age (Terran Years): 25
Birthdate: Stardate 33115
Marital Status: Courting Brigid Lea
Height: 1.82 meters
Weight: 84 kilograms
Hair color: Charcoal Black
Eye color: Brown with Lavender Flecks
Species: Xenexian

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: Calion, Xenex

Army 1st Lieutenant
Languages spoken: Federation Standard, Xenexian, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Dominion (Advanced)
Interests: Dr. Lea, Architecture, Design, Philosophy (to a degree)

2372 Starfleet Basic Training

Service Record:
Current Position: Special Forces Detachment Commander, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-B)
Previous Position: Special Forces Warrant Officer, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-A)
Service Record:
2372  Starfleet Basic Training Recruit
2372 Haven Station Ranger Brigade Member
2373 Tactical Orbit Diving School Student
2373 Special Forces School Student
2373-2374 USS Venture Ranger Bridgade Member
2374-2381 Ranger Head Quarters Ranger Brigade Member
2381 USS Avalon A Special Forces Engineer
2381 USS Avalon A Special Forces Senior NCO
2381 USS Avalon A Special Forces Warrant Officer
2381 USS Avalon B Special Forces Detachment Commander


T'rz'e of Calion was raised in the wilds of Xenex with an old warrior man who knew nothing of the boy's past. He was taught hunting, fishing, fighting, math, architecture and diplomacy by the wise sage. He spent his life away from the slavery that was occuring at the hands of the Danteri in the larger cities and had no care that his fellow Xenexians were in peril. He, as it turned out, was taken off the world by a Starfleet officer and enlisted in Starfleet as an Engineer.

Trace's warrior nature, however, could not and would not be contained. He was a natural warrior and had a natural killer instinct. Recognizing this, Starfleet made him an Engineer in the Ranger Battalion at Starfleet Headquarters and he operated there for years. He served for a year on the U.S.S. Venture under the command of Captain Allison Britt before moving back off to the Battalion for the next few years.

His transfer to the USS Avalon came as a shock and he met his new family and friends. He became involved with Dr. Brigid Lea almost immediately after joining and formed a tight bond with Telsia Hunter, his ODA leader.

Family data:
Father, Unknown...
Mother, Unknown...
Siblings, Unknown...
Lovers, Brigid Lea, Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-A). Age 28.
Children, Unknown....

Personality Profile:
From what has been seen of Senior Chief Calion aboard the U.S.S. Avalon A he is definately a force to be reckoned with. He is a light spirited individual who focuses in combat situations. He is often seen in the company of Lieutenant Telsia Hunter or his girlfriend, Dr. Brigid Lea. He enjoys exercising and studying aincent Earth Architecture.

Special Notes: