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Starfleet Personnel Record

Crewman Recruit Jora Cross

Name: Jora Cross
Serial Number: G52WD-81AL-5906I
Age (Terran Years): 22
Birthdate: Stardate 36410
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.60 meters
Weight: 54 kilograms
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Species: Terran

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Earth

Crewman Recruit
Languages spoken: Federation Standard, German, French, Italian, Cardassian
Interests: Mythology

2377 - 2381 Starfleet Academy

Service Record:
Current Position: Counselor, USS Premonition (NCC 121501-B)
Previous Position: Starfleet Academy
Service Record:
2377-2378 Starfleet Academy Cadet
2378-2379  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2379-2380  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2380-2381  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2381  USS Premonition-B Counselor

Jora joined Starfleet when she was 18. Just before graduation, her parents were killed in a fire during a visit. Jora was injured in the same fire.

Personality Profile:
Social butterfly, but never gets close to anyone if she can help it.

Special Notes: