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Starfleet Personnel Record

Commander Jean Fontane

Name: Jean Elisa Fontane
Serial Number: T87MP-83ZZ-7490K
Age (Terran Years): 30
Birthdate: Stardate 28982
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.80 meters
Weight: 67 kilograms
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Species: Terran

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: San Antonio, Texas, Earth

Lt. Commander
Languages spoken: Federation Standard, Klingon and some Bajoran
Interests: Swimming, Earth 1940's Music and Stellar Cartography

2369 - 2373 Starfleet Academy

Service Record:
Current Position: Chief Science Officer, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-B)
Previous Position: Chief Science Officer USS Avalon (NCC 06742-A)
Service Record:
2369-2370  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2370-2371 Starfleet Academy Cadet
2371-2372 Starfleet Academy Cadet
2372-2373 Starfleet Academy Cadet
2373 USS Enterprise E Science Intern
2373 USS Nebula Science Officer
2373-2374 Special Forces School Student
2374 USS Nebula Special Forces Science Advisor
2374-2376 USS Avalon Special Forces Science Advisor
2378 USS Avalon-A Development Team Type XX+ Phaser Cannon Designer
2378-2381 USS Avalon-A Chief Stellar Cartography Officer
2381 USS Avalon-A Chief Science Officer
2381 USS Avalon-A Chief Science Officer
2381 USS Avalon-B Chief Science Officer

Jean Elisa Fontane was born on Earth December 25, 2351 to Mark and Geraldne Fontane of historical San Antonio, Texas. She led a fairly humble ranching life on the outskirts of town on her family's ranch. She attended John Marshall High School and graduated in the distinguished program. It was at the dead end of high school that she decided what she would do with the rest of her life. Having always been interested in making maps of her ranch and the trails that she rode, she decided to become the ultimate map maker: a Stellar Cartographer.

With the help of her guidance counselor she submitted her application to the Academy, took exams, found a sponsor and was appointed to the class of 2373. She was a diligent student and tended to make all A's on everything she did. Her years at the Academy made her a social butterfly and also turned her onto her second passion: lounge singing. She loved the way it felt to get all gussied up in a shimmering red gown and sing infront of all her fellow cadets. Her favorite singer of the era was Johnny Muldune. She participated in extra curricular activities such as cross country navigation (oreinteering) and the cadet choir.

Jean's first official assignment was on the USS Enterprise E as an intern science officer in her last Cadet year. During this time she got to go back in time with the USS Enterprise E and help first contact take place. It was a stunning adventure and Lieutenant Commander Data and she built a professional relationship that was not to be taken away until his destruction in 2379. Never the less, she has kept ties with the Enterprise crew and Captain Picard will still mockingly refer to her as Data's 'coffee girl.'

After her tour with the USS Enterprise she was transferred to the USS Nebula as a Science Officer in the Stellar Cartography Department. She was a great asset to the Nebula as the vessel's primary duty during its initial part of its tour was to map out unexplored territory. This all changed when the Dominion War really heated up and Fontane found herself volunteering for Special Forces school.

She was accepted and spent the next two months in a brutal training area. She almost gave up several times but at the urging of several of her instructors she kept pushing and became a stronger woman because of it.

Returning to the Nebula she had a new found confidence that was not to be messed with and a half pip for her completion of Special Forces school. During the next two months she distinguished herself as a member of the Elite Away teams beamed into lightly defended Dominion installations. She grew cocky as her reputation grew. This all changed when she accepted transfer to the USS Avalon and met their Special Forces crew. They were all seasoned veterans and most had survived at least ten drops into heavily fortified planetary installations! She made the worst mistake of her life when she acted like she was the cream of the crop and found herself among people who could push past 210% of the pain, torture, physical limitations and mental limitations that she could. It was a powerful lesson in humility but a necessary one. By late 2374 the team had accepted her and helped her reach their level. She became best friends with members of the team such as Lieutenant Commander Alexander Hunter, Lieutenant Selphie Strife and developed a crush on the Cheif Science Officer at the time, Lieutenant Mitchelle Silvere.

Serving the team as a role of Special Forces Science Advisor and a technician, Jean grew more and more attached to the crew and ship on which she served. Special Forces had seemed to be the right way to go until the battle of Quo'Nos. With massive amounts of her friends killed, she sunk into a depression which lasted for two months. Her friends from the Avalon, especially the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Strife pulled her from the edge and brought her back. Captain Hunter gave her a great assignment and challenge. She would be the head of a new weapons design department for the new USS Avalon-A. She felt a great resolved to do the job but quit Special Forces at the same time. She had lost sight of her goal to become an accomplished cartographer and scientist and felt it was time to return to her roots.

As a Lieutenant Commander she headed up the Type XX+ phaser cannon project for the next few months, seeing it installed on the USS Avalon-A was a crowning moment at that part of her life. After the ship was comissioned, she was brought on board as Cheif Stellar Cartography Officer. A great honor- at least to her. When most of the senior members of the ship retired, she stayed to give the crew morale boosts with her songs and guidance from her experience.

Her life changed for the better when in 2381, Alex Hunter and Selphie Strife returned to the Avalon to take their places at her helm once again. With Alex back she knew everything would be fine. In June of 2381 she was promoted to Chief Science Officer and enjoys that position even now.

Personality Profile:
Jean is the unofficial morale officer and counselor of the Avalon. She is always there for people and tends to be a very openminded individual. She loves to sing and can be found almost every night in the Star's End Bar singing for the patrons of the establishment. She has a very firm belief in duty and tends to wear no less than a class B uniform (tries to always wear A's unless in a battle situation) or wears her scientific garb when in the laboratory. She is one of two original Avalon crew members left on the A and can remember any of the vessel's traditions, if asked.

Special Notes: