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Starfleet Personnel Record

Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea

Name: Brigid Lea
Serial Number: S39SI-80KD-3135L
Age (Terran Years): 29
Birthdate: Stardate 29405
Marital Status: Courting Trace Calion
Height: 1.63 meters
Weight: 59 kilograms
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Violet
Species: Terran

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland, Earth

Lieutenant JG
Languages spoken: Federation Standard, Ancient Gaelic, Latin
Interests: Botany, Drawing, Playing Flute, Painting

2370 - 2372 Starfleet Academy
2372 - 2377 Medical School (Starfleet)

Service Record:
Current Position: Chief Medical Officer, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-B)
Previous Position: Chief Medical Officer, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-A)
Service Record:
2370-2371  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2371-2372  Starfleet Academy Cadet
2372-2373  Starfleet Academy Cadet and Medical Student
2373-2374  Starfleet Academy Cadet and Medical Student
2374-2377  Starfleet Medical School Student
2377-2378  USS Corizone Assistant Medical Officer
2378-2381  USS Corizone Assistant Medical Officer
2378-2381  USS Avalon-A Assistant Medical
2381  USS Avalon-A Assistant Medical
2381  Officer Examination Board Applicant
2381  USS Avalon-A Chief Medical Officer
2381  USS Avalon-A Chief Medical Officer
2381  USS Avalon-A Chief Medical Officer
2381  USS Avalon-A Chief Medical Officer
2381  USS Avalon-B Chief Medical Officer

The youngest of a set of twins, Bryan, a starfleet Commander. An excellent doctor with Degrees in Psychology, Neurology and Bio engineering.

Personality Profile:
An isolationist with a difficult way about her outside of the Medical Bay. Good bedside manner but to be watched.

Special Notes:
Late 2380 Formal Reprimand for Insubordination. Reprimand included a Dropping of Rank with the option of Dishonorable discharge or Transfer. Crewman Lea accepted Transfer.