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Starfleet Personnel Record

Ensign Kal Radick

Name: Kal Xulan Radick
Serial Number: Q00HC-95VA-0772E
Age (Terran Years): 55
Birthdate: Stardate 3531
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.62 meters
Weight: 72 kilograms
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Species: Betazoid/Vulcan

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: Vulcan

Languages spoken: Federation Standard
Interests: Poetry, Stargazing, Reading, Writing Holo-Novels

2343 - 2348 Starfleet Academy

Service Record:
Current Position: Chief Medical Officer, USS Incursion (NCC 93104)
Previous Position: Assistant Medical Officer, USS Greyhorse

Kal Radick was born into a family of Ambassadors. He was the younger of twins. His sister, T'Priell, was born 39.6 seconds before he was. He was a quick study, picking up everything rather quickly. At the age of 10, he was building model shuttles, using household materials. He entered Starfleet Academy: Vulcan, at the age of 17. He moved through his class's ranks quickly, becoming the top student. His fourth year, however, he became ill, and had to drop out of the academy.

After half a year, in a medical facility, he returned to the Academy and graduated in the middle of his class. Kal was immediately posted on the U.S.S. Greyhorse, a Nova-class vessel. During his first mission, the ship was attacked by the Borg, and he was assimilated. He was determined M.I.A., and his family moved on.

Many years later, the U.S.S. Roustabout was investigating a planet that had an "alleged" Borg colony. The Commanding Officer found several drones that were on the surface, and beamed them onto the ship. After several hours of testing, they realized that the drones were alive, yet in a catatonic sleep.

Captain William-Howe had the CMO remove as much of the Borg components as possible, as they made way back to Starbase 199. Ensign Kal Xulan Radick was re-activated as a Starfleet Officer, and assigned a post onboard the U.S.S. Incursion NCC 93041 as its Chief Medical Officer.

Personality Profile:
Kal is a nice guy, easy to get along with, and slow to anger. Should he be angered, he will let you know. At present, he is still acclimating to life outside the Hive. He can usually be seen sitting out a viewport, wondering about the future.

Special Notes: