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Space Station New Frontier

Quick Links: About the Station | Specifications | Deck Listing | Personnel

About the Station

New Frontier Station is situated in orbit of the new colony world New Herseford in the Gamma Quadrant. She is a pure STF Starbase and is positioned specifically to service the Gamma Fleet although she is more than able to service any other vessels that happen to be in the area. She is a more capable replacement for the late Centurion Station who was destroyed in the battle for the Gamma Quadrant between the Ilve Faction and U.S.S. Avalon.

The station is commanded by the ecentric Commander Ranpha Franboise who had command of the former Centurion station. New Frontier is the home of Gamma Fleet and their communications hub with the Alpha Quadrant. As such, Gamma Fleet has invested a particularly large porition of the station's assets to defense.

While most star bases stand alone, New Frontier is a space dock starbase which has been built into an asteroid, only the mushroom top is exposed. The asteroid itself is tunneled out and has a vast variety of resources inside. Connected to it are eight docking asteroids used to service additional ships.

New Frontier is the only Federation stronghold in the Gamma Quadrant and is the only resupply point. Currently, it is the headquarters of the Gamma Fleet.


  • Category: Deep Space Station/NPC Station
  • Crew complement: 3,607 officers and crew; 7,311 civilians; and any additional 10,000 people at any given time.
  • Crew Quarters:
    • Staff Officers: State
    • Junior Officers: Luxurious
    • Enlisted: Comfortable
  • Durability:
    • Recommended Overhaul: 15 years
  • Dimensions (Main Facility):
    • Height: Overall 5.5 kilometers
    • Diameter: 7.43 kilometers
    • Decks: 144 decks
    • Displacement: 300,205,000 metric tons
  • Docking/Cargo Bays
    • Docking Bays:
      • Starbase Section: 32 docking stations
      • Asteroid Section: 8 bays (Starships 1500 meters), 10(Starships of Pathfinder, Galaxy, and Sovereign Size), 20 (Ambassador and Smaller)
      • Asteroid Rings: 8 individual asteroids linked to the main section. Can hold 1 starship of a Sovereign's size each.
    • Small Craft Pads: 8(Intrepid-class and smaller)
    • Cargo Bays: 120
  • Shuttle Bays/Flight Decks
    • Main Shuttle Bays: 30
    • Auxilary Bays: 25
    • Flight Decks: 10
  • Thruster System: 64 RCS Manuvering Thrusters
  • Weaponry
    • Phasers: 60 Type XIV Collimated Phaser Arrays along with 8 pulse phaser turrets on strategic points on the hull.
    • Torpedo Launchers: 45 launchers with a total payload of 15,000 quantam torpedos and 2,500 transphasic units.
  • Shielding: Double layered high capacity regenerative shielding, Asteroid covering (Duranium/Iron), Heavy Quadratanium hull (inner facilities and exposed sections), high level structural integrity field, 30cm ablative armor coating
  • Support Craft:


    Command Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Commander Ranpha Franboise Commanding Officer F-Angelian  
    Commander Cam Lon Pham Executive Officer F-Terran  
    Lieutenant Commander E'tan Ji Second Officer M-Bajoran  

    Operations Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Lieutenant Commander Ellone Nu Chief of Operations F-Trill (Joined)  
    Lieutenant (JG) Zarina Williams Flight Control Officer F-Terran  
    Lieutenant Justin Hayase Chief of Station Defense M-Terran  

    Engineering Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Ensign Kaycee Dexter Chief Engineer F-Terran  
    Petty Officer First Class Cale H'Anora First Mate Engineer M-Betazoid  
    - Vacant - Assistant Engineer    

    Security Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Captain Xandra Hunter Chief of Security (Ranger Division) F-Xenexian  
    Ensign Lily O'Day Chief of Security (Starfleet Division) F-Betazoid  

    Counselling and Medical Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Lieutenant JG Venus Spencer Station Counselor F-Terran  
    Lieutenant J'Kar Chief Medical Officer F-Vulcan  
    Ensign Shamus O'Riley Assistant Medical Officer M-Terran  

    Science Staff

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Commander Cam Lon Pham Chief Science Officer F-Terran  
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Courtney Mangrum Assistant Science Officer F-Terran  

    Ranger Battalion

    Rank Name Position Species  
    Captain Xandra Hunter Ranger Commander F-Xenexian  