1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Walks up to the front of the congregation and goes to attention:: Battalion, ATTEN-HUT!
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::The Lieutenant Colonel stood to the right of his First Lieutenant, as he stood there in his Marine BDUs, addressing the Marines present within the Conference Room within Starfleet Marine Corps Camp Butler::
Lance Corporal John Wallace: | :: Quickly snaps to attention.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::He stood there, as he had his arms tucked behind his back, as he clasped his hands together, right over left::
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | PFC pryde ::AA::
Private Dee Rickman: | ::aa::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Turns to Stokes and salutes:: The Battalion is formed and ready sir.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::He looked over to his Lieutenant, as he raised his right arm in a crisp salute, returning it, and then lowering his right arm back down to his side:: Thank you, Lieutenant.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Cuts his salute, and remains at attention::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::He turned back towards his Marines, as he looked towards them, adressing them:: Welcome to Starfleet Marine Corps Camp Butler. This is where we will be conducting most of our training in preparation for any missions that come our way. All of you present here are currently the top enlisted.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | As far as logistics go, the First Lieutenant and I are working on completing them, and plan to have rosters and other pertinent information out to you within the coming week. You are to study them, and know them. Because those listed under your individual leadership will be coming to you. I have faith in my leaders and know that you will get things done from your individual positions.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | We are still in the process of forming, so things may seem a little awkward at first. But mark my word. We will be elite. That is one of my promises to you.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | I am going to turn the floor over to the First Lieutenant, as he has some logistics to go over with you as well. ::And with that, he stepped to the side and looked over towards his First Lieutenant:: Lieutenant...
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Nods slightly to the CO, and glances back at the Marines:: Go to Parade Rest, Marines, I know the position of attention is a loittle rigid.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::The Lieutenant Colonel once again placed his arms behind his back, as he clasped his hands right over left, watching over the Marines and listening to his First Lieutenant as well::
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | ::goes to parade rest
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | I'm going to go over the current chain of command to you all.
Private Dee Rickman: | ::asumes parade rest::
Lance Corporal John Wallace: | :: Goes in the position of parade rest.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Looks at the faces of all the Marines:: As you all know, the Admiralty is above everyone, they are the top. Know their names.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Nods slighlty:: Also know the names of all the Commanding Officers and Executive Officers of the three ships.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | For us..
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | Your Commanding Officer, the Battalion Commander, is right there. He is Lieutenant Colonel Stokes.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Motions towards Stokes:: I'm your Executive Officer, 1st Lieutenant Rostof.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | Your current Cattalion Sergeant Major is Lance Corporal Wallace. that position will always be the senior enlisted.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | You are all members of Able Company. Your company commander as of yet, has not been placed. So I will function as that for now.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | There are two platoons in the company. 1st and 2nd.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | 1st is all infantry, the "kill" platoon. 2nd is support.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | The first Platoon is led by Pryde. The second, Private Rickman.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | Platoon Sergeant for the 1st Platoon is Private Johnson.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::nods slightly:: during an inspection, you may be quizzed on your chain of command. Know it. ::Glances at stokes:: I'm finished, Sir.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::The Lieutenant Colonel nodded towards his First Lieutenant, as he then turned his attention back to the Marines in Parade Rest:: Thank you Lieutenant...
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | Like I said before, one of my goals is to make the 54th elite. The setting standard for the rest of the Marines out there. And in doing so, I am going to implement specific training classes, such as a firing range, medical lab to provide Platoon Leaders on how to properly address any medical problems that can be incurred out in the field, and etc. I will give you advanced schedules of the training areas they will take place in.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | The First Lieutenant and I are here to help you advance and progress through your training. So please let us know at any time in the form of any communication of any concerns or questions.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | We need to take care of all this first, before we can be deployed.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::The Lieutenant Colonel motioned towards the seats surrounding the large conference table in the center of the room:: Now if you will please, the First Lieutenant and I will respond to any conerns or questions that you have right now.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::glances around at the Marines:: Looks like they have no questions.
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | ::nods::
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | how long is the training going to be sir?
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | Approximately two to three weeks to complete, Private.
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | thank you sir
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::He nodded, as he saw that no one else had any questions. He looked over towards his Lieutenant:: Lieutenant, carry out the plan of the day.
General Robert Staf: | ::Manages to arrange a surprise visit without Colonel Stokes or Lieutenant Rostof finding out, and enters Camp Butler's Conference Room wearing a standard Starfleet "Admiralty" uniform, but with a green undershirt::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Sees the General:: Battalion, Atten-hunt!
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | ::Snaps to attention::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes: | ::The Lieutenant Colonel went to Attention::
Lance Corporal John Wallace: | :: Quickly snaps to attention.::
Private Dee Rickman: | ::goes to attention::
Private First Class Adian Pryde: | ::AA::
General Robert Staf: | ::Walks further into the conference room standing a few feet away from Colonel Stokes' position looking over the formed men and nods happily:: I believe the Admiralty will be quite pleased Colonel. Quite pleased.
General Robert Staf: | ::Steps back a few steps:: Please, carry on.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | When you recieve the command to fall out, you are secured for the day.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof: | Battalion, FALL OUT! |