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54th SFMC Expeditionary Unit: Episode I

"The Crucible"

The Marines of the 54th SFMC gather at Camp Butler to witness a short promotion ceremony and to take part in required vaccinations. Part of the vaccinations involves a hypospray intended to put the Marines to sleep, and when they awaken, they are in the main briefing room of the USS Vanguard. They are given orders to investigate a CAP-controlled moon being used for weapons testing, and they make their way to the Drop Ship Sulico. The USS Vanguard is attacked, and the DS Sulico is knocked out of commission due to the faults of her pilot, a shaky Cadet. The pilot is killed, and 1st Lieutenant Rostof takes control of the Sulico, crash-landing on the nearest planet. After the Marines exit the Sulico, a lava flow consumes the Drop Ship and leaves them stranded. They head toward a tricorder reading consistent of a settlement, and find a tower in the middle of the area with a small lift. Despite ominous warning signs, the 54th makes its way into the lift and up into the tower, only to be confronted by ghostly figures and a corridor of bodies that had been stuck to the wall by some unknown material.

1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Battalion, attenHUT!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::goes to attention::
Lance Corporal John Wallace: :: Quickly stands at attention.::
Private Anya Rostof:::stance changes to Attention.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel stepped into the Conference Room of Camp Butler, as he wore his standard Marine BDUs. Upon him entering the room he removed the cover from his head and placed it into his right pant cargo pocket::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Does an about face to face Stokes, staying at attention:: Sir, the Battalion is formed and ready for instruction.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::He nodded to his First Lieutenant, as he eyed the Marines in the small congregation that had assembled for yet another day of training.:: Outstanding, Lieutenant.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Does a right face and goes to the left of Stokes, facing the battalion::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::As he addressed his Marines, he lowered both of his hands as he adjusted and straightened out his uniform jacket.:: Lance Corporal Wallace, front and center.
Lance Corporal John Wallace::: He marched to the Colonel, stood at attention, and snapped a salute.:: Lance Corporal Wallace reporting as ordered, Sir.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Gives Wallace a cold gaze as he makes his way up to the Lieutenant Colonel::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel raised his own right arm in a salute as well, cutting the Lance Corporal's::
Lance Corporal John Wallace::: He returned his arm to his side, standing at attention.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::He peered into the eyes of the Lance Corporal, as if he could read minds, but he was no telepath. He met the stare of his Lance Corporal, and then looked at the other faces of the bodies standing before him:: To all those present, greetings. Know that on this day, I, Lieutenant Colonel Stokes of the 54th Marine Expeditionary Unit, trusting in the fidelity of Lance Corporal Wallace, I do hereby promote him to the rank of Corporal.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Grabs a box from his left breast vest pocket, and hands it to Wallace with his left hand, offering his right to Wallace to shake::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Congratulations Corporal.
Corporal John Wallace::: He takes the box with his left, and shakes the Lt's hand with his right.:: Thank you, Sir!
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::He looked at his newly appointed Corporal:: Dismissed, Corporal.
Corporal John Wallace::: He then raised his right hand to salute the Colonel.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel raised his right arm in return at the Corporal, sharply::
Corporal John Wallace::: He cut his salute, did an about face, then marched back to his place.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel lowered his right arm back down to his side, as he looked over at his Marines. He stood in his place as he spoke to them about their agenda for the day:: All right Marines, it seems Starfleet requires all ground-personnel to retake vaccinations. It is nothing serious, but we still have to take them. You are to report to the Medical Bay on the camp site within 5 minutes to take your vaccincation.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:Dismissed!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::falls out of formation::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::begins his walk to the Medical bay::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks away, heading towards the BMC::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel began walking towards the back of the formation, as he left the Conference Room and towards the Medical Bay.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::arrives at the medical bay::
Corporal John Wallace::: He stood easy, then began walking to the Medical Bay.::
Private Anya Rostof:::walks to the medical bay herself. Her expression blank. Moves swift, graceful, silent as they take her in that direction.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Enters the BMC, greeting the various medics::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::stands at parade rest awaiting his vaccination shots::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Inside the Medical Bay, there are various medical personnel at work. As the Marines approach the doors and enter it, they are each greeted by an assistant and guided towards a medical bed in preparation for the vaccincations.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:He doc, what shots have ya got for us today? ::Glancing at a Chief::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:::The Lieutenant Colonel stood to the side for the moment, as he pulled out a PADD from his pocket, turning it on. He began looking over some information as his Marines prepared to take their vaccincation::
Private Anya Rostof:::enters the bay watching everyone and everything with a patient gaze. A slight tightening of her jaw. but she followed instructions.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Chief curiously looked at the First Lieutenant, speaking in a language that the others could not understand since he was of a different species
Corporal John Wallace::: Walking into the Medical bay, he is greeted by an assistant, then he walks to the bed where he is guided to.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Shakes his head:: Where does the Corps get these guys for us?
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::an assistant finally realized I was standing at parade rest and guided me to the bed , I layed down on it::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As everyone is settled into their medical beds, the Medics cautiously move up an instrument panel and tray towards each one of them. Each panel and tray consists of four hyposprays. One consists of a green liquid, one red, one, orange, and the other, black.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:looks pretty what is this stuff ::asking the assistant::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks by all of the beds, looking at the Marines:: Enjoy your shots.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Medics skip over the first three, and go straight for the black-liquid hypospray. As they, in unison, grab the hypospray and give the dose to each one of the Marines in their upper-right arms.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::falls asleep::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Watches all the Marines taking their shots:: Love this shot, gives you the best sleep ever.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As each of the Marines receive the vaccination, they become incredibly tired. Too dispondent to realize what the Medics are doing next. The last thing they see in their vision is the Medic hovering over their lying bodies.
Corporal John Wallace::: He is slowly put into a sleep state.::
Private Anya Rostof:::Makes a face but stays still. Cuts off giving the lieutenant a look he was her commanding officer. Instead she stared at the ceiling. Till the hypospray. A small flinch then relaxation. Her eyes glazing but she doesn't close them for a long time. Then they do close.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Lets out a sort of chuckle glancing over the sleeping bodies of the Marines:: So peaceful.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - A few hours pass in time, as the Marines wake up one by one. They are now onboard the USS Vanguard within the Main Briefing Room.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::wakes up grogily:: What the hell happend, and where am I?
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks in shortly after Pryde wakes up:: Marines! Get up!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::stands up::
Private Anya Rostof:::Bites off a mild cussing. shaking her head. She knew exactly where she was. No questions. She simply stood up. Blinking a bit.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Glances around, kicking those that remain sleeping in the leg:: Up up up!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::stands at Attention::
Corporal John Wallace::: Quickly awoken by the scream of what sounded like a rooster.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Around the Briefing Room are various panels and controls. The main holographic display panel in the center of the conference table displays a grid of a planet. It rotated on its axis as it glittered blue and white, indicating possible land formations and such.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Marines! We have recieved a situation on a suspected CAP Planet.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Glances around at everyone, to make sure he has their attention::
Corporal John Wallace::: Stood to his feet, giving his attention to the Lt.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:It appears the Coalition of Allied Planets has been using this moon ::Taps a planet on one of the monitors:: to test new weapons.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:They seem to be Nuclear in nature and guess what..
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::listens intentsly::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Glancing around:: We get to go land on the planet and investigate.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Sonuds stupid, but thats our orders.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::smirks knowing that they will see action soon::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Any questions?
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:Is there going to be any resistance?
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:and if so how much?
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:We don't know.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Starfleet intelligence has given us no reports.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:thank you, Sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Anymore? No? Good, get to the Shuttle bay and board Drop Ship Sulico.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Your weapons are on the Dropship already.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Dismissed.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::falls out and begins to walk to the shuttle bay::
Corporal John Wallace::: Begins walking to the shuttle bay.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Inside the Primary Drop-Ship Bay rested DS Sulaco in all of her beauty. A fantastically modernized piece of machinery made by Starfleet R and D specifically just for the Marines. As no marks are yet seen on the DS, the Marines can tell that this would be the first drop for the ship.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::as he enters the shuttle bay he sees the Drop Ship Sulico and smiles::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks out of the Briefing room at a quick pace, entering the Turbolift:: Comp> Shuttle bay
Corporal John Wallace::: Sneaks into the LT's TL.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::enters the drop ship to find his weapons::
Private Anya Rostof:::Silently goes to the shuttle bay her gaze unwavering as she observed everything. Turbo lift joy. No glance to the Lt.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::The Turbolift hums at it takesa him down to the shuttle bay, and he exits into the main, and only, shuttle bay on the ship, keeping the same murderous gaze in his eyes::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Sulaco lowered its rear-hatch door, as it came to a rest upon the surface of the Bay. The pilot came out, wearing a tactical pilot's uniform, black in color, as he waved over at the Marines to hurry up and get settled in.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks into the DS Sulico::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Alright, I'll explain the weapons to you when everyone gets here, the are all new and experimental.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir, yes sir!
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The pilot raised a salute, seeing the Lieutenant board the Sulaco. "Welcome aboard, Sir!"
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Waves an arm at the pilot:: As you were Cadet.
Private Anya Rostof:::Makes her way into the Sulaco. Watching everyone it seemed.::
Corporal John Wallace::: Quickly hurried into the Sulaco.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Alright marines.. ::Grabs an odd looking rifle:: This is the DEP-10.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:DEP meaning Deployed Energy Plasma.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Cadet cut his salute at the Lieutenant, as he turned about and hit a pylon that stuck out from the DS' rear-hatch. The Cadet turned red in the face as he picked himself up and ran towards the cockpit of the DS. The Cadet never imagined his first drop would be with Marines to an unknown planet.
Corporal John Wallace::: His eyes now trained on the weapon, taking mental notes.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:You shoot something with it, it dies. UNderstood?
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::stares happily at the DEP 10::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:Sir, yes sir!
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Pryde, Wallace, You both get one.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Hands the DEP-10 to Pryde::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::accepts the DEP-10::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::starts holding the gun at the ready to get a feel for it::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:How many shots sir?
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Grabs an MX-1 PHase Rifle:: This is a better Type-III.. Has underslung Grenade Launcher.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:I get this.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:PRyde, you'll find out won't you?
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Cadet settled into the pilot's chair, as he looked at all the instruments... his hands glided over the panels, shaky. Too shaky.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:Understood sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Private Rostof
Corporal John Wallace::: Sat there, still, getting no weapon from the Lt.:: Sir, do I get a DEP?
Private Anya Rostof:Sir. ::Her voice firm but showing she was paying attention.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:You get this ::Hands her a small Phase Pistol:: Its deadly at close range.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Wallace, did I not say grab one?
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::slings the rifle knowing it will do him good::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Everyone buckle up, we got a cadet piloting us, so it'll be shakey. Cadet, get us under way.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As the Cadet sat there, he wondered what the Marines were doing in the mid-section of the DS. He clasped his hands together, as the thought of his first drop began to overwhelm him.
Private Anya Rostof:::Avoids a sardonic look taking the pistol with a small nod. She had other work she was sure.::
Corporal John Wallace:Didn't hear you, Sir. :: He got up, and grabbed a DEP-10, then returned to his place.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Sits down in the center seat, strapping himself in tight::
Private Anya Rostof:::Buckling in. She felt some silent sympathy for the cadet. But said nothing.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Cadet looked back towards the mid-section, as he waved an acknowedgment. He turned around and then ran his hands over the consoles. The rear-hatch of the DS raised and closed shut, as an overhead red light began flashing and remained solid, as the white light disappeared.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::sits down and straps himself in::
Corporal John Wallace::: He looks over the DEP, getting a feel for it.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Wallace, remember your time in the ESU.
Corporal John Wallace:Yes, Sir.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:You too Pryde.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:Yes sir
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Bay doors of the Vanguard opened slowly, giving a glimpse of the space they were in. Due to the secret nature of the mission, the ship was nestled among a nebula, hopefully hidden from view from CAP fleets.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Rostof, Don't run infront of someone while they are shooting.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::smiles at the private, remembering when he was a bott::
Private Anya Rostof:Yes, sir. ::avoiding rolling her eyes. The result was a slight nod. Her gaze still steady.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:what is the range of the DEP 10?
Corporal John Wallace::: His eyes still running over the DEP, not paying too much attention to the chit chat going on.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:or is that for me to find out aswell?
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The DS began to power up, as it hovered above the surface of the Bay. It turned slowly to the right, as it faced the space outside. The DS slowly crept forward and began heading out the Bay doors, as a Red Alert sounded onboard the Vanguard. The Cadet looked at the display console, as he looked over at the Lieutenant. "The CO has apparently sounded a Red Alert onboard the Vanguard, Sir!"
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Don't shoot at anything over 500 meters away.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir yes sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Continue with mission.
Private Anya Rostof:::Blinks at Pryde for a moment. then goes back to staring forward. A small smile returned before doing so. Her fingers finding a small gadget playing with it for a moment then slipping it away again.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Thinks for a second:: Cadet, raise the Vanguard and ask them whats wrong, but stay your course.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::unslings his rifle and begins to stare down the barrel, getting used to the new design::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As the DS left the Bay Doors, two larger ships, in comparison to the Vanguard, approached the ship, firing turrets from all sides of the ship. Blasts and explosions erupted on the surface of the Vanguard as its shields were lowered and expecting nothing.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Cadet flipped to a channel as he looked over at the Lieutenant. "Incoming transmission, Sir!"
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Feeling a shakes, he unbuckles himself and runs to the cockpit:: Cadet! What the hell is going on?
Corporal John Wallace::: Says to himself.:: This can't be good...
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::slings his rifle hearing the turrent fire, knowing there was nothing he could do but put his trust into this cadet::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Grumbles outloud to himself:: Cadet, full speed, get us on the planet now.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Sits in the Copilot seat, strapping himself in::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The DS shook a bit, as the explosions rocked off the Vanguard. The Cadet flipped on the communication console. The Lieutenant Colonel, badly burned and the surrounding bridge was in ruins. "Lieutenant... get out of here.... now!!' And with that, the communications channel went to static and cleared out.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:looks like there will be action after all
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Cadet, am I going to have to fly this thing? You do NOT want me to fly.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Cadet acknowledged the Lieutenant, as he piloted the DS down towards the planet. The Vanguard, consumed in fire, began exploding piece by piece into the still of space.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::slips out a 16 inch war knife:: nothing like a blade though
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:for close quarters of course
Corporal John Wallace:Knives.. so primitive, but yet, so effective.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:I have extras
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Glances towards the back:: Everyone hang tight for a crash landing, weapons on safe, put anything sharp away.
Private Anya Rostof:::She blinked at Pryde agreeing fully. She was well versed in blade use. Already having everything away. She simply blinked up at the Lt.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::sheaths his knife and tosses it to wallace:: you may need it
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - One of the ships' turrets fired upon the DS as it headed down towards the planet. The DS was struck only once, but once was enough. The shot hit the cockpit area. In the course of all the excitement, the Cadet had forgotten to raise shields. The blast hit the cockpit surface, as the DS itself shook violently. Emergency vents came online as all lighting went out within the DS.
Corporal John Wallace:No thanks... :: He raised his pant leg slightly, reveiling a knife sheathed.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:ahh
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:well toss her back
Corporal John Wallace::: Tosses it back to him.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:christ
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::catches the knife::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Swears loudly to himself as the Drop Ship shutters violently, everything not nailed down flying all over the place::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:you need it Private?
Corporal John Wallace::: Shaking, quite a bit.:: Gees... why did WE get the Cadet..
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Cadet! Reguian control right now!
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Weapons and piles of storage came down upon the flooring of the DS. One of the weapons fired a stray particle towards the cockpit, and the Cadet screamed as it hit him from the back, squarely, as he hunched over in his seat. As the Cadet stood to his feet once again, he looked over at the Marines, until a support pylon came down upon his body, squashing him as his blood and organs flew everywhere onboard the cabin.
Corporal John Wallace:You better put that away...
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Swears to himself, grabbing the stick, and wrestling with it::
Private Anya Rostof:::blinks slowly shaking her head a little bit. Pointing to her belt. No she didn't talk much but she knew what she was about. Again she smiled. Then blinked looking to Wallace. Then to the lt. The smile fading she got up. Gripping
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::swears out loud::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:We are going down folks!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::puts the knife away::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Hits the Acclerator to max power, lowering the nost down toward the planet::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa this is it people
Private Anya Rostof:the backs of chairs made her way forward.:: May I? ::She gestured. to the controls. Her gaze narrowing a bit.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:No, get back there Private
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The DS lost main power, as it began a slow spin down towards the planet surface.
Corporal John Wallace:Brace for impact!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::grabs the shoulder restraints tightly::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Pulls up on the stick, try to use the Dropships innate gliding ability::
Private Anya Rostof:::She held on her gaze turning derisive for a moment. She didn't move mainly because it would unbalance her and she'd go flying.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The panels around the Marines heads began to spark here and there, as the cabin was darkened, this was the only light they could see clearly.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Begins to beat on the control panel with the flat and of his fist:: Work!
Corporal John Wallace:This ought to be a fun landing... :: Said softly.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:this is what I joined up for
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Begins to go through the black clouds of the planet::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:to die because of a stupid cadet
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:muhahaha
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The DS hurled down towards the surface of a remote part of the planet. The DS collided with trees and dense brush, so the impact was not as hard, but the DS was sent skidding across the land until it hit a rock formation and came to a complete stop.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:ironic
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Swears to himself glancing back:: Injuries?
Corporal John Wallace:None here, Sir!
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::unstraps himself::
Private Anya Rostof:None here, Sir. ::She stated flatly.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Unfastens himself from his chair, standing up, checking himself::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:not that I know of sir
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:secure the perimiter sir?
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks into the main area:: Come on, we need to get out now.
Corporal John Wallace::: He unstarpped himself, standing to his feet.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - A few panels onboard the DS sizzled and cracked. The only visible light now was the one shining through from one of the viewports.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:We aren't securing a perimeter, we getting away from here. We can't fight all of the Cap.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir yes sir
Corporal John Wallace:Yes, Sir.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Try and lower the ramp..
Corporal John Wallace::: Kicks it, forcefully.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Unfortunately, this light was provided by the flowing lava that began to slowly head towards the crashed DS.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The ramp lowered as the supporting struts collapsed in on itself.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Snatches up a DEP-10, and shoots the wall, blowing a hole in it::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::sprints off the rampp::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Rostof fired, making a giant hole in the side of the DS, large enough for any person to fit through one at a time.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Tosses the DEP-10 to Rostof, grabbing his MX-1 and running out of the DS::
Corporal John Wallace::: He qucikly hustled down the ramp.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::glances around and sees a raised hill out of the lava flow::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:high ground east sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Nods to Pryde:: Get up there.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The lava on the planet surface slowly began to eat through the greenery around it as it proceeded towards the DS.
Private Anya Rostof:Wonderful. ::She murmured and looked for a clear path.::
Corporal John Wallace::: He gripped hos DEP tightly.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Everyone up the hill.
Corporal John Wallace:Yes, Sir.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Motions towards the raised ground to the East::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::sprints to the east onto the raised hill while holding his DEP-10 at the ready scanning the area before him::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The lava consumed the DS... along with any medical supplies and food they could have taken out before weapons.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Runs after the rest of the MArines, making sure they all get onto the hill::
Corporal John Wallace::: He hustled, quickly up the hill.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:no hostiles I can see of sir
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The planet's environment was harsh. The air was difficult to breath. As they overlooked the hill, all they could see was flowing lava.... this lava provided the only light on the planet for the time being, and everything else was dark.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::closes his eyes getting used to the darkness around him::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Private Rostof, use your Tricorder, see if you can locate anything that might be of use.
Private Anya Rostof:::Up the hill and a slight glare at the men. She had grabbed some food and medical equipment but not enough for more than a couple days. Her brow furrowed slightly but she refused to give in.:: The air is dangerous. ::She took out
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As lava encircled the majority of the planet, the temperature was obviously very hot, but not too difficult to deal with.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde::: opens his eyes and they are ajusted better for the darkness of this planet
Private Anya Rostof:the tricorder and began scanning.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Nothing we can do about the air.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Starfleet said it was breathable, and so it is.. Mostly.. ::Chuckles outloud, coughing a little bit too::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The tricorder detected a small energy reading, that most common to small portable energy devices used in colonial settlements, off in the distance approximately 30 kilometers away.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The tricorder could not detect any lifesigns though, just that.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Anything, private?
Private Anya Rostof:That wasn't the point ... the point is... this place will kill us if we are here too long. ::She pointed.:: energy signature 30 Kilometers that way.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Walks up behind Rostof, glancing over he shoulder::
Corporal John Wallace::: Stood at the hilltop, looking over the mostly lava covered landscape.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Lets head to it, Private, lead the way, Pryde, you are rear.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Wallace, cover the right, I'll look left.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::takes his position at the rear::
Corporal John Wallace:Aye, Sir.
Private Anya Rostof:::looks up at the lt. her gaze trusting. Then nodded taking point she lead them to it. That phase pistol at the ready.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Makes a Hastey sling with the MX-1, and puts it to his shoulder::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::began following the boot from the rear::
Corporal John Wallace::: Following the Private, he gripped the DEP, every so often, glancing to the right.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::still hoding the DEP-10 at the ready knowing the rear was the most dangerous for an ambush::
Private Anya Rostof:::After a moment she took a cloth from her pocket tying it around her face to hopefully syphon some of the ash so she didn't suffocate from it. Her speed and agility taking them over the rough ground.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As they passed through the dark environment that was illuminated by the orange glow of the hot lava, they could see nothing much in the distance. The tricorder was the only real tool that could be of their advantage now.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - P.S. The cloth did not syphon out anything. Suck ash, Marines.
Corporal John Wallace::: Sucking ash on the way.::
Private Anya Rostof:Hmmm ::She kept scanning.:: no life signs. ::She moved more cautiously though.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - In due time the Marines approached the settlement as the tricorder beeped that they were right around the corner to their destination. It was an abandoned colony, to say the least. There were former housing indentations upon the surface, where the lava had sort of cleared. Most likely the housing of a temporary excavation team.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Alright, Private, put the away, get in the middle of us.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Corporal Wallace, go to the Ready.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::moves slightly to cover the right and the rear::
Private Anya Rostof:::She did as ordered. sliding the corder away. Looking around intently. Her gaze intence. She refused to admit yet that her lungs hurt.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - In the center of the settlement, though, there stood a 50-foot tall tower. A lift was at the bottom of the metallic tower, that would raise up to its belly.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Advances into the coloney, with his rifle just below his line of sight::
Corporal John Wallace::: Places his rifle upon his shoulder.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The tricorder could read nothing else, but a small power signature that dissipated from scans that was located within the tower.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Alright Marines, we are going to that tower.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::scans his surroundings by looking down the barrel of his DEP-10::
Corporal John Wallace:Yes, Sir.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:understood, Sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Maybe we can call in a pickup
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:by all means lead the way
Private Anya Rostof:::She nodded.:: There's where it came from. ::She sounded funny of course by this time they all probably did. Ash in the lungs. Trying not to cough. She would in a minute though.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:One at a time, when you are moving go prone, we you are, you are running.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The Marines could feel the temperature warming up to them, as the environment provided no wind at all to help cool them.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Everyone get down.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::goes prone::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Goes to a kneeling position::
Corporal John Wallace::: Dives to the ground, going prone.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:When I signal, Wallace, you run up to me, then Pryde, then Rostof.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::continues scanning the area around him looking for hostiles::
Corporal John Wallace:Aye, Sir.
Private Anya Rostof:::As told goes prone. She really worked at not coughing. Wouldn't do to start coughing now. She gave a small nod.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Gets to his feet, and runs about 6 meters, then drops to the ground::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The tower emitted a small beacon of light, as it flashed here and there. As the Marines drew closer to the tower, the light ceased to work.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Scans around, still seeing nothing, he waves for the next person to come up::
Corporal John Wallace::: He gets up, quickly dashing to his position, then he dove to the ground.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Within the surrounding environment there was nothing accounted for except for the two main features of darkness and hot temperature. Everything seemed clear within their path... for the moment.
Private Anya Rostof:::Frowns slightly taking out the tricorder and taking a reading for energy. Watching the others.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Waves for the next person::
Private Anya Rostof:::Slides the corder away. Readying herself.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Glances at the dark spot where the tower is::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Waves again for Pryde to get up here::
Private Anya Rostof:::pokes Pryde and motions him to move it. she was going to start coughing and that might not be good.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::scans quickly and the gets up and sprints to 6 meters then goes prone again quickly retaking his position at the rear::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The lift remained at the bottom of the tower, as its supports seemed to be intact. It appeared to be a lift that would raise up and meet a small chamber within the main section of the tower itself.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Waves for Rostof::
Private Anya Rostof:::She got up ran the six meters and dropped. Beside them. Her face strained but perhaps no one could see.::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Alright, there seems to be nothing, we are going to run straight for that lift, 5 seconds inbetween us.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:After I go, Wallace, count to five, then you go, Pryde, after He goes, count to 5, then you go, Rostof, run with Pryde.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Understood?
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Within the tower itself there were multiple viewports that seemed to be covered within them, as if there was someone, or something, behind each of those viewports, staring down at the approaching Marines.
Corporal John Wallace:Yes, Sir.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir, yes sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:I'm getting a bad feeling about this place. ::Jumps to his feet and runs for the lift at a full sprint, his rifle across his body::
Corporal John Wallace::: He counted in his head.. one.. two..three.. four..five!. He jumped up, sprinting to the tower.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:1
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:2
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:3
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:4
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:5
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::gets up 5 seconds after Wallace and sprints to the lift while covering the area around him with his DEP-10::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Waits at the lift, his weapon at his shoulder::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::looks over his shoulder at the boot::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As the Corporal ran towards the tower, he could distinctly see a Type-III Phaser Rifle that had been smashed in two lying across from him, 5 yards away.
Corporal John Wallace::: Stops sprinting when he gets by the Lt, then waits for the others.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::while running::
Private Anya Rostof:::She nodded. Follows Pryde. To the lift.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::reaches the lift and covers for the prviate::
Private Anya Rostof:::Into the lift her hand jammed to her mouth.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As the Marines were now on the lift, they could see a panel to the right of a handrail. The light blinked/
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Everyone aboard.. ::Pushes a button on the panel::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::gets on the lift::
Private Anya Rostof:::Squints at it. Taking out the corder.:: Sir... my lungs are heavy ... ::Her voice strained.:: I may not be able to hold back coughing much longer. ::She warned in a low voice disappointed with her lack of strength.::
Corporal John Wallace::: Thought nothing of the type III.. thinking it might have been something else...::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - And with that, the lift slowly began to raise up towards the under-belly of the tower. Loud screeches of metal and such resonated in the Marines' ears as it slowly grinded upwards.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Reads the underslung grenade launcher on his MX-1::
Private Anya Rostof:::She saw it and knew something was terribly wrong. She started scaning again. This time making sure of variants from the norm.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The lift stopped for a moment, as it creaked a bit..... then it sank a bit as the light on the panel turned off, as they stood on the lift in midair...
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::readied his DEP- 10::
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Wallace and Pryde, if you would please blow a hole in the wall so we can get off this lift.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Motions toward the wall::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The panel lit up again, as the lift raised. It soon became enclosed within the area of the tower now.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Disreguard.
Private Anya Rostof:::Continues to scan. Her gaze intent.:: Power here is slowly failing. ::Tries to guess how long they have till the power here dies completely.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The door of the lift remained closed for the time being, but distinct sounds of scratching could be heard outside of it. Movement perhaps... unsure.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The scans of the tricorder picked up a mass of movement encircling the lift. Nothing could be specifically isolated.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Okay, I want this door taken down.. MAke it happen.
Corporal John Wallace::: He aimed his DEP at the lift door... not liking the sounds coming from it.::
Corporal John Wallace:Pryde, fire on my mark.
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::points his DEP-10 at the lift doors waiting for a target::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:sir yes sir
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Aims his MX-1 at the doors:: Blow them off.
Private Anya Rostof:::She blinked and squinted. Changing the area of scan to the doors. Dropping low.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::fires into the door::
Corporal John Wallace::: He aimed his DEP at the door, then fired.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - As the Marines fired into the door, it blew off as it hit the wall clear across from their location... smoke and darkness now encircled them within the lift. As they peered into the darkness, they saw only the movement of darkended figures running off into the distant hallway.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Open fire!
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:::Fires at the scurrying firgures, single shots only::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde:::begins to fire rapidly into the movement knowhing he his hitting a target with every shot::
Corporal John Wallace::: Gripping his rifle tightly, he send two shot bursts at the dark figures.::
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - The shadows disappeared from view... as their shots hit the walls of the corridor. Bodies of the excavation team could be seen lining the walls of the room that they were in. They had been stuck to the wall by a large organ-like substance.
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:Cease fire! Cease fire!
Corporal John Wallace::: Immediatly stops fire.::
Private Anya Rostof:They seem to be everywhere. ::She whispered.:: unidentifiable. Just movement. ::She coughed a little bit spitting the ash from her mouth. Then her mouth tightened a little bit.::
Lance Corporal Adian Pryde::: holds his fire::man what the hell did this?
1st Lieutenant Jack Rostof:We hit nothing.
Lt. Colonel Nick Stokes:- ACTION - Simulation is paused for now. No need to go to Attention since technically, we are still on the tower. We are now OOC/limbo.