Captain Alex Hunter: | =/\=[BEGIN PRE-SIM]=/\=
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She was in Sickbay with those getting their noses altered for the mission, handling some Bajoran earrrings she'd replicated.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::sitting in the shuttle with the rest of the crew as he pilots the shuttle closer to the ship. As he brings her around the starbase the avalon comes into view:: [SOPS][AOPS][AMO] Well here is your new ship and home for the
Commander John Etti: | next few months.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][NOIP]::: Telsia runs her fingers down the ridges and wrinkles her nose, making sure the prosthesis took correctly. She sneezes once and sighs ::: Looks like I'm a Okay
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] ::grins:: She's a byute, sir!
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Is waiting her turn for the aleration grumbling to herself about how itchy they are. Takes her turn getting them done scowling fit to kill.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::sits in the back of John's shuttle behind Crewman Lea, there on official business only::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Is currently leaning over his console in his ready room wearing the class C uniform. He seems to be quite intent on memorizing every nook and cranney of the Kelvin-class's design. :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Sitting stiff in her seat not saying anything staring straight ahead. Trying not to snap.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal was running over the last few checks, and diagnostics, his fingers dancing over the control panel before him, waiting to clear the incoming shuttle once they were ready to dock. He was becoming a great deal more at
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Sir... is that a disruptor underneath the saucer?
Ensign JG Verkal: | ease with the ship's systems::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed.:: [TAC] Alright, Liel, you need a Bajoran name... and you need this. ::She handed one of the earrings over.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::grins::[AOPS] Yes it is atucally.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | ::: looks in the mirror ::: I'm even sexier as a bajoran... ::: corrects some facets of her hair girlishly and continues, grinning :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] I bet target practice with that baby is fun....
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][OPS] Yessay ::Annoyed clearly by the prostetic. Taking the earrings and applying them.:: What name you suggest?
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::taps a few commands as he hails the Avalon:: [AVALON] USS Avalon, this is Exit Eden 1 requesting landing clearence.
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon's nacelles, this time, are glowing as the shuttle approaches. Warp power has been turned on and maintence craft scurry everywhere, trying to get the last little details in order before the captial ship leaves port
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She paused and thought after casting an odd glance at Telsia.:: Hmm. How does Rolan Leyra sound?
Captain Alex Hunter: | on its mission::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][OPS] Good as any I suppose... ::Laughing trying not to rub at her nose.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] For my name? It sounds pretty. ::: She grins and spins around in her drab, lower classed clothing:::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][Eden 1] You are clear to dock ... I am opening the bay doors now, welcome aboard ::he entered the proper commands, allowing the shuttle to dock when they were prepared::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] It sounds pretty on Liel, too ::: Grins, a bit embarrased. Had been caught up in her minor but amazing transformation.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][NIOP]Rolan Leyra...::She smiled to herself.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Walks out onto the bridge and takes the center seat. He leans back, promptly and taps a few buttons on the side of his command chair :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::glances at the Admiral sitting behind her looking uncomfortable.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She grinned softly, realizing Teslia's mistake.:: [SOP] For you... ::A moment of thought.:: How about Indaam Arona?
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::grins as heads into the docking bay::[AVALON] On my way in. Tell Captain Hunter that we have an extra geust that will want to speak with him immedietly.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] Indamm Arona ::: lets it roll off her tounge once or twice before she nods her now brown eyes ::: Sounds good as well.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][AMO] Ah, dont be nervous, I'm sure she wont bite.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][NOIP] Not bad at all. ::She examined herself wondering if she could pull this off.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::glares back at Lea, then straightens in preparation to exit the shuttle::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he nodded to the captain, and, then responded to the shuttle:: [Eden 1] Consider it done, good to have you back
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Tries not to cringe. Her mouth tightening a bit.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She picked an earring out for Telsia as well. Each varied slightly in design, as the standard. It had taken her some time to make them look like the other, usually handmade earrings.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::brings the shuttle in as he enters the final docking commands:: [CREW] Welcome to the Avalon. ::gets up and walks past them to the back as he opens the doors out.:: Everyone out. [VASG] Admiral, i believe you know where the
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Takes the earring and fumbles to put in on... looking at a loss. She makes several attempts then finally gets it right :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] I wonder who he's speaking of ::Verkal mused, now checking over the impulse engines::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::is rather intreagued by the feeling of being gobbled up by the tail end of a vessel:: Heh, hope we're welcome. ::he said jokingly::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS][TAC][SOPS] Do either of you know when the Commander's coming in for his alterations?
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Stands up waiting for the Admiral to go first AA the whole time.::
Commander John Etti: | Captains Office is? ::motions for the two guards to come over:: [Guards] Escort Vice Admiral Gwynne and Crewman Lea to the captain's Office.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Beats me ::: he sighs ::: Do me a favor and make sure all departments are ready to go. I can't wait to get into deep space again.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] Stands AA and lets the Admiral, XO, and AMO egress the shuttle before him::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::stands and walks toawrd the front of the shuttle:: [XO] I do, Commander, but thank you for the escort.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] He should be in as soon as he is done with his ferrying mission, I suppose.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::forces herself to be quiet. Following the Admiral stiffly.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She grinned.:: Oh, one more thing.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Not a problem ... if there are any complications, I shall let you know ::he started sending out requests for the needed reports through his console::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] What is that? ::Obviously frustrated about the itch.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Slips on her body holster vest, she puts the new phaser pistol in its holster then puts on a light leather jacket ::: [OPS] Can you tell I'm wearing a weapon?
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS][SOP][TAC] I was on DS9 for a little while looking for passage to earth when I went to the Academy. Someone might recognize my full name so call me Sina Feala.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Stands beside the XO, wondering where he is to go, since his name was not mentioned to go to the Captain's office.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] ::: Stands patting him on the shoulder ::: Well, you finally get your way. You can take the Avalon out today.
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS][SOP] Mmm... no. But the scanners on DS9 will.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][OPS] Sina Feala... strong name ::Nods.:: I will try to remember.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][AOPS][AENG] Okay now you will follow me as i show you the important parts of the ship.
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The hall ways and all areas except for the bridge are electric with activity. Crewman and officers alike, move about in flashes attempting to be ready for the ship's departure.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Let us hope I don't damage the paint ::he chuckled slightly, running over his systems yet again, popping his shoulder::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::follows the Avalon's guards, expecting Lea to be behind her the whole time, finally getting to the bridge and looking about for the Captain::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::follows john etti ::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] I'm confident you'll be fine ::: smirks, sitting back at his seat. His raven hair has been tied back, into its usual pony tail :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::grins in anticipation to see the Avalon and turns toward his XO:: I'm all eyes and ears, sir.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Standing behind the Admiral stiff at attention. Her eyes carefully trained forward.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::heads out of the shuttlebay and down the hallway to the turbolift:: [Both] Okay your quarters are on the 4th deck. I am going to take you to our CIC for right now.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Turns over his shoulder, stiffening slightly then smiling as a formaility :: [VASG] Admiral, welcome aboard ::: extends his hand, curtiously :::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::walks onto the TL::[TL] Deck 2
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he nodded:: [CO] Well, she's no Galor class, but I shall do what I can ::a sly smile:: all systems appear operational ... as the Humans say, we're as ready as we'll ever be
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] Well, I'll be on the bridge if I'm done here ::: Looks to the two Ensigns :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS][SOP] I think so. Be sure to get some Bajoran clothes from the replicator.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] ::: Turns over his shoulder ::: Outstanding.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] Watches the turbolift doors close in front of him, noting the Soverign class turbolifts are more cozy than the Galaxy class ones used in simulation at the Academy::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::walks onto TL, following commander etti::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::nods and smiles pleasantly enough, moving over to the CO and taking his hand in a shake:: [CO] Hello, Captain.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] ::: Twirls, already in full bajoran civilian attire.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM]::Verkal stood at attention when the Vice Admiral stepped onto the bridge::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][VASG] What brings you to our neck of the woods. A long way from Starbase Eight.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC]Me too. I need to check departure stuff. ::Sighing. As she moved to the door.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG][CO] I have one of your new crew members here... I was on DS12 to see you off when I was told that one of your transfers might need... ::glances over to Lea:: special attention.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::mouth tightens slightly. But remains staring ahead. Her hands even rigidly straight.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][OPS] See you on the bridge. ::: Follows Ensign Andora, slightly behind, a sign of respect because she is the ranking officer :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed and waited for the Commander to come in for his alteration.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::on the way to the CIC, whatever that was, he stifled his wish to begin humming and felt some tention mounting.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC]::Glances back to Telsia nodding slightly in acknowledgement of the courtesy but not acting like it was deserved. A slight smile as they entered the lift.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG][AMO] Crewman, come down here, please.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Stands to the far left side of the lift ::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Moves to just behind and to the right of the Admiral. Obviously trying to control emotions.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Glances at the new arrival, with a wirey smile on his face :::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::waits as the lift hums to a stop as the doors open he gets out.the two Crewman can see A huge bustle of communications, holographic tables, and a bridge helm, center seat and ops on an upper teir, over looking it all.
Commander John Etti: | ::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verak stood bolt upright as was normal for him when at attention, even if he did turn his head a bit to get a look at this new crew member who seemed to have irked the vice admiral::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] Computer... Bridge please. ::She spoke softly. Her eyes half closed. Half seeing the prostetic. Annoyed.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Waves his hand to the rest of the crew, a sign that they should return to their duties :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Wow... I've uh... I don't think I've seen anything like this before... what is this?
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][TAC] It's bothering you?
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Genuine curiosity :::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::turns to Lea and lowers her voice a bit:: [AMO] You know this is probably going to be your last chance. Your last captain gave you the choice of transfer or court martial.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::steps off the TL::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][SOP] It itches... for some reason they always seem to itch.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal nodded, sitting back at his station, getting back to a few last checks on the contents of the shuttle bay::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][VASG] Yes, Ma'am ::She said softly but formally. Last straw.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][VASG] Already it sounds like she's going to fit in ::: Looks at the admiral assuredly ::: We'll take care of her ma'am.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][AOPS] This is our Command Information Center. From here we can issue commands to various ships and control fleets. The Avalon is the only ship to have this in the STF.
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::nods:: [CO] She's all yours, Captain Hunter. I'll get out of your hair now so you can get back to your departure preparations.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] Realizes he should step off the TL, and does so briskly, not wanting to miss a peak at this hulking room of equipment::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][VASG] Oh, Admiral?
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG][CO] ::stops in the middle of turning back toward the lift:: Yes?
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][VASG] ::: Takes her hands in both of his and bows slightly. A Xenexian tradition asign of true gratitude ::: Thank you for making the effort to see us off ::: hell... she was one of the few admirals he liked, much less
Captain Alex Hunter: | tolerated :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Steps from the turbo lift looking well Bajoran. Moves to her station and stands AA realizing the Admiral is there.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ::: Returns to his standing position :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Blinks as well, noticing the admiral and going AA ::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG][CO] ::smiles, honestly honored:: I hope your journeys are safe, Captain.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Sir, that looks like an awfully good spot for an OPS station up there, is that my post?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::wide grin::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][BOth] Allright, next stop bridge. ::heads back to the TL:: This tour is not as extensive as i would like it to be but we have plans to make and need both of you at your statiosn
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][VASG] Have a safe trip. Now... ::: Looks at the AMO ::: [AMO]What's your story?
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG][CO] Good day. ::turns back toward the lift, nodding an "as you were" at the two who went to attention::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Liel made an attractive Bajoran ... no more time to think of that though, as he lowered his head into the reticule ... he liked that little system:: [TAC] Liel, are you ready to depart?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Oh. Right. ::re-enters the TL, and goes silent, realizing his post wasn't to be in the CIC::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][AOPS] Yes there is....but we need you more on the bridge rihgt now.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::follows commander etti onto TL without delay
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Goes to at ease and walks to her station. Tapping in a few things before looking to Alex ::: [CO] What do you think of my Bajoran transformation?
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne: | [VASG] ::boards the turbolift and, for all intents and purposes, disappears::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Very good, sir.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][TL] Deck 1
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][CO] ::Looking stiff and uncomfortable.:: I was on the Corizone with Captain Shtow. We had an Arguement about ... insubordination. I was told to Transfer or be courtmartialed. ::She said firmly.:: I chose transfer, Sir.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][SOP] Not bad, even got the earring right and everything. Well, I don't believe in court martials on this ship. We're disciplined... in our skill. Be the best at what you do, and we'll be fine.
Captain Alex Hunter: | ::: The last part being to the AMO :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] Yes.. ::She blushed a bit checking her controls going AE as the Admiral left.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Sends an armory report to the tactical station and operations station :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Looks over the armory report and nods a little bit with a small grin.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::waits as the Turbolift doors open:: [Both] Okay here is the bridge. I am sure you have seen quite a few from your days in the acadamy. Crewman Grimmson, when you are on the bridge you will be here at this station. ::points
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] Yes, sir. ::She said formally but softly.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][TAC] Good ::he smiled at her before speaking again:: [NOIP] Unless there's something in the shuttle bay I don't know about, everything there is ready
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::yes sir::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::exits the turbolift onto the bridge, following Cmdr Etti and Cheif Grimmson::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AMO] Now, sickbay is on deck sixteen. Go ahead and get yourself familiarized. ::: Whips around ::: [HELM] Start warming up the engines. We're getting ready to blow this popscicle stand.
Commander John Etti: | to the one in front of them:: You can acess all you need form there. ::he walks over to what was once the science consol:: [AOPS] Crewman Jameson, you will be here. Ensign Corav is your suprior officer. If you have any problems
Commander John Etti: | please talk to her. SHe will be glad to help you.
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed, going over their cover story one more time. She wasn't so sure how well having a Cardassian aboard would work, but still she kept running through it until Etti got there.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] No nothing unaccounted for. I even told you where the Latinum is. ::Laughing a bit. Keeping her hands busy so she doesn't itch.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Depresses a button on the right of his command console ::: This is the Captain speaking. We will departing in five minutes. All stations run a final check and report into OPS.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Begins a final check of the systems. Her head tilted over her station.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Those words echo throughout the super structure of the Avalon, once again, even on the bridge. It was one of the few times when one felt omnipotent.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Starts running her final check, anxious to get to work :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he nodded, looking very please:: [CO] I think I speak for us all when I say gladly ::he started to feed power to the engines, navigational systems, and proximity sensors::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Turned to the TL and boarding it as ordered. Her mouth slightly tight.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][XO] Of course, sir. thank you for the rundown.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][NOIP] Special Operations division is number one! ::: sends her finished report to OPS :::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::with all the done he sighed and crossed over to the front of the bridge and tooks his seat next to Hunter::[CO] Ready to go?
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Frown. That was her. She hoped Zander didn't think she was neglecting her station.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][TL] Deck 16 Medical Bay. ::She stated as the door closed.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO] Damn near it. ::: He sits in his chair and smirks gesturing for the crewman to take the OPS console until Corav got back ::: It's all yours for now, Jameson.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::takes his station::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AOPS] When not at that station you'll be at our science post. ::: Points to the fore most bridge station on the upper teir on the left side of the bridge from the captain's chair :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Nothing seems to be overloading, or exploding ... so I await your order to ease us away from dock ::his voice almost seemed to ooze joy at the notion of actually flying this ship::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Hold on there, Speed Racer.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] Everything looks excellent.::Reporting her findings though she was nearly always at top.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Just be ready.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AOPS] Get me the dock master on the screen.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Ready? I believe I can do that ::he smirked, running over a few checks of the power systems that fed into the engines::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::for the first time since he came on board he looked over to Liel and noticed she looked different:: [TAc] COuldn't wait till i got back...
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: leans over her console, examining the screen :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] Takes the comfy ops station at the fore of the bridge beside Verkal, and hails the Dock Master for Captain Hunter:: Aye, sir.
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The hail is returned, awaiting to be put on screen
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Stands ready. Her head tilted a little bit blinking a bit.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM]::Verkal put it on screen::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The dock master is a strong, mean looking Bolian male. His brow is furrowed and his face angry looking
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Familiarizes herself with her station in Medical. Reporting all is as it should be.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][DM] This is USS Avalon, requesting permission to get underway.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Shoots Andora a look. As if to say 'doesn
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | 't look too happy :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: The dock master that is :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] :::wonders why someone would like to do his job for him::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Feels the look and the feeling behind it. Glances back her face echoing agreement.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She looked over at the crewman she didn't recognize, still waiting there in Sickbay.:: [AMO] Hello.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [DM][CO] ::: Nods and coughs gruffly ::: Well! Permission granted. We're releasing our mooring tractors now. ::: He makes what passes for a smile ::: Good hunting, Avalon.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he was looking a bit jumpy ... he was ready to fly this bird::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::making final check of systems...finished::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][DM] Thank you. Avalon out. ::: the signal for OPS to cut the transmission :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he looked to the captain, of course waiting for his order to ease the ship away::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][OPS] Hello. ::Looks rather frustrated and put off at the moment.:: Is there something I can help you with. ::Trying to let her know that it wasn't her that Brigid was frustrated with.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Stands up, in the center of the Operations and Helm Stations ::: ARe all umbilicals disconnected?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Ends transmission::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [AOPS]
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he looked to the ops station, waiting for them to tell him everything was disconnected::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] Yes sir, all umbillicals are disconnected, we are no longer moored down.
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS][AMO] No, I'm just waiting here for someone. ::She paused and thought for a moment.:: I'm ensign Corav Feala. ::Feala offered a smile. The woman looked tense.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: smiles softly shaking his head ::: Death before dishonor... [HELM] Verkal, take us out. One quarter impulse power.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ;:A little bit amused. She wanted to fly out of here too.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] :::He looked at the Helm station, waiting for the Avalon to actually MOVE:::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] Crewman Brigid Lea...::She introduced herself. The crewman had a ring to say that she didn't like it for some reason.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he said nothing, just nodding, his fingers moving with odd grace, and dexterity, obeying Alex's order, the ship easing away at 1/4 impulse, guided by amazingly skilled thruster work::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon lurches forward. It's truely a majestic specitcal as everyone at DS12 watches. The sleek and shiny ship clears the dock and proceeds outward into the unknow,
Captain Alex Hunter: | n
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Turns his attention to the viewscreen for a moment, noticing the spacedock structure beginning to move backwards in relation to the ship::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::looks over to hunter:: [CO] I assume everything is ready for the mission?
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Set course for the Bajoran sector. Stop us 60 thousand kilometers out from Deep Space 12.
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She nodded. She picked up some disdain in Brigid's voice, but decided that if she wanted to talk about it she would have. A sigh, then, as she didn't like missing the grand departure.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO] ::: Turns around ::: Everything except for you ::: Grins ::: You need to get your Bajoran face on.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] What warp factor do you wish? ::he oriented the ship, ready to send her into faster than light speeds::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][XO] All but you, Sir... ::Trying not to chuckle. Looking very Bajoran and trying like crazy not to itch. Blinks as she and the captain say it at the same time.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Begins to receive reports from all over the ship, noting that things seem to be running smoothly::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Let's go with... warp seven point five.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Don't want to blow a gasket on the first mission out again.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG] [CO] engineering systems check complete. all systems normal ::glances at the captain::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AOPS] Assemble all mission personel in the Observation lounge on deck two.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AOPS] Use the PA, it's easier.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][CO] ::grins:: On my way. [TAC] Get to your quarters and into civilian cloths and then head down to the Scorpion and get her ready. I want to be ready to launch 10 minutes before we leave warp.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::gets up and heads to the TL:: [TL] Deck 16
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Oh, pity, I was hoping for 9.95 ::he said in a joking manner, as he powered up the warp drive, setting course to the needed location at the ordered speed::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO][TAC] Hold on, get to the conference lounge first. XO get your makeup on
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS][CO] Aye, sir. [ALL] Mission personnel please report to the Obervation lounge on deck two at once.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][XO] Yes sir. ::Does a final check before leaving her station.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon banks slightly and rushes into warp, making the trademark light explosion
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Starts to move to the turbolift, awaiting the others :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] Yes sir.. ::Moves to the Turbo lift.Having done her check.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][NOIP] This vessel ... is amazing ::he said after using the helm controls first hand::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The AOPS's voice booms over the PA system
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Jumps into the turbo lift ::::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Follows the CO, waiting to see if anyone else is coming :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::is in the TL::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AOPS and HELM] Come on guys, this ain't no ice cream social
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Another frown.:: [AMO] Well, that's me... maybe we'll chat again later. ::She smiled one more time before exiting Sickbay, then headed for the nearest turbolift.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Nods looking slightly apologetic.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::bounds into the turbolift on the captains order::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CO] Ice cream social or not ... I don't think I've ever repressed the urge to giggle in joy over a ship's performance before ::he snickered, getting ready to follow if need be::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::enters Sickabay just as Corav is leaving:: [AMO] I am ready for the face change. I need this to be quick.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][TL] Deck two ::: A short ride sees the captain get off and immediately turn into a door to the right :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] :: She follows, not yet knowing fully the layout of the vessel :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [AMO][XO] Yes, sir. ::Setting to work giving him Bajoran ridges.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She got into the turbolift.:: Deck two. ::Exited after the ride up so many decks, then turned to the observation lounge.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Follows the captain and Special Operations officer into the door to the right::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::since he was part of the mission, and the computer had been programmed, he followed along, feeling it would be best to see all this first hand::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The room is fairly dim but has a great view of the stars. In the center is a table that is an entire holographic table. It has twenty some odd chairs and one on either end of the table.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC]::Steps off the Turbo lift following into the room.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] :: She sits in one of the chairs closest to the door, resting her arms on the holo table :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::It takes only a few minutes and she checked her work nodding.:: [XO] There you go, Sir.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Waits for his superior officers to take a seat before he sits down at the holotable::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Sitting in the centermost chair on the windowed side of the room he looks to telsia ::: [SOP] I hope you have your mission plan ready.
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She nodded to everyone in the room and found a seat, brushing off her Bajoran clothing.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Taps a few buttons on the table and instantly a diagram of their position appears with holo representations of DS9 and bajor. While the ships aren't to scale, the distances are :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal took a seat, waiting to see what was to be spoken of. He was a bit nervous about going to a Bajoran space station::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][CO] Was there ever any doubt? ::: smirks fully as if to say "nanny nanny boo boo' :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::After taking his seat, notes the number of people with Bajoran countenances at the table::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][AMO] Thank you. ::stands up:: [COMP] Computer Site to site transport. Observation lounge Deck 2. Energize. ::wiith that said he shimmer out in a bluish light and reappears in the observation lounge near his seat:: [CO] Sorry
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Sits down her head tilted a bit. Her fingers fidgetting trying not to itch.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Jumps back and blinks as etti materializes in the room :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::looks up at the holographic representation, laughing quietly at the Commander's entrance::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Clears up the sick bay tapping her fingers as she begins verious reports and checks all the supplies.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO] ::: Almost jumps but covers his surprise really well ::: You really are going to kill some one with that one day.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] He is as bad as Verkal with the site to site transports. ::Trying not to laugh.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG] ::finishes at his post and enters the TL:: deck 2
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal's eyes drifted over those assembled, shooting Liel a playful little glare, before shaking his head::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Inwardly laughs, as a Vulcan might do, to appear as proffessional as possible::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Makes her way to the Lift. ::[TL] Deck 2 ::realizing she should be there.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][CO] Quickest way in and out. At least i don't rig them to pull people off their duty shifts...
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO] That's true...
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Clears her throat, an obvious sign that she is ready to begin :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Steps off the lift and enters the loung looking a touch more relaxed as she takes a seat an apologetic look to the Captain.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]+tele+[CO] lets get this show on the road Capt'n
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP][ALL] (will use this tag for pretty much the rest of the brief, unless otherwise stated)
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::waits patiently sitting opposite Verkal Trying not to itch still. But was adjusting to it if slowly.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Alright. Our mission here is simple. Pirating activity in the Bajoran sector is on the rise. Sounds easy enough but the main problem is, we believe it is also related to the hightening CAP activity. It could be that these pirates
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | are smuggling supplies for CAP from the Federation's own suppliers.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Typically, another ship would handle this, but since starfleet wants this solved fairly peacefully, we've been sent in as a psychological deterrant.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | :: Tapping a few more buttons she shows deep space nine ::: The infiltration teams mission is simple. Collect as much intelligence on the CAP connection to the pirating of illegal goods in the bajoran sector on DS9 by any means
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | nessicary
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he listened to all this, not thinking it too shocking ... pirates and other criminal syndicates could be useful in times of war, as unfortunate as it was. Even if peacefully was not something he was ... keen on::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Two teams will be sent in on the same vessel. Commander Etti, Ensigns Andora and Verkal will all be on Alpha Team.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Your primary ranges will be the docking rings and the pirate ships themselves.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] ::Listens quietly. Her head tilted a little bit as she took it all in.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She wrinkled her brow. She thought she'd be on their team as well, and had been planning that the whole time.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Ensign Corav, you will lead bravo team. Myself, Lea and Jameson will be on your team. The Captain thinks a few starfleet officers won't look suspicious.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Grins slightly and nods thoughtfully. A look to Verkal this was going to be interesting.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::arrives in the observation lounge late:: i am sorry i'm late sir
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Gestures for the CENG to take a seat :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::furrows his brow in curiosity, now knowing he'll have to leave the Avalon for a short while::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::takes a seat::
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | {ASEC} sits down {
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] The rest of the crew will remain on the Avalon and continue with the normal mission patrol. If all goes well, we'll take the scorpion and exfil no more than five hours after we are inserted.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Sits down finished. :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][SOP] So we are playing both sides of the Table? One set of good guys and one set of bad guys? ::Her head tilted curiously.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal was pleased he would be with Liel. The two had worked together for decades ... and knew how to do so, and do so well::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] Essentially, yes. The general persona of alpha team will be scoundrelish. The bravo team half civilian half starfleet will seperate and be more neutral. Check out what you can. Personell in starfleet uniforms should stick to
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] Hmm. ::She nodded, considering this. She wasn't sure people in uniforms would have very good luck with information gathering, but there wasn't much time to change that plan now.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | starfleet contacts such as Commander Waugh and Colonel Neryes.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::: mulls over the information in his mind, and reflects on the fact that'd he have time to get to know his immediate superior, Ensign Corav::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | Those of us in civlian attire will milk the locals and pirates.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Also extremely pleased. They knew how to play off. They knew eachothers tells and how to work together. Now she knew why though. She smiled her ghost smile.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Turns the the crew staying on board ::: Those of you not mentioned will help us be on the look out ::: Stands tapping a few more buttons ::: For the CAPS Mercury.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ALL] She is a Kelvin class starship and is running hot. A few sketchy reports have pinned her in the area. I know that it isn't our mission to find her, but never the less... let's be alert.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO] I see... ::She said slowly. Surprised in fact to be part of the away mission. Her attention was still on the SOP for a moment Then looked to the Captain listening to his part.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO]pALL] Any questions?
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] no sir
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] No, Sir. ::smiles a little bit.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::malicious pirate ... he could do that ... and do it with disturbing ease:: [CO] I believe I know what must be done
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | [SOP] ::: Shakes her head no :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [AMO][CO] No, Sir. ::Her head tilted a bit and she fingers the low rank insignia lightly. Her jaw tightening again.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ALL] Very well. Those of you who are going, follow Commander Etti and Ensign Corav. The rest of you remain for our breifing.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] No, sir.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][AWAY TEAM] Dismissed.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]no, sir
Ensign Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She stood and looked at John, waving him over to get his attention.::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::looks to each of the members on his team nodding to each::[CO] Negative ::gets up and heads out to the TL::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::stops before he heads out and heads over to Corav:: [OPS] Yes?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] :::Raises from his chair and waits for Ensign Corav's lead:::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Follows the commander, already ready to go in her civlian attire :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::Verkal stood ... happy he would be getting to use that lovely pirate vessel again, even if the Avalon had spoiled him. He would follow Etti as he had been told::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | @[TAC] I have to change and ready the Scorpion. ::She muttered following::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Looks the those remaining [CENG, ASEC] We'll be busy searching for any pirate trouble. I know it may be a bit boring for a first assignment but we'll need to keep sharp.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][CENG] You'll be flying the ship while Verkal is away.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [@AMO] ::Stands up moving to the lift herself silent.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS][XO] ::One more glance to Zander, then, before she left the conference room and stopped outside to speak with John. She handed him the last earring she'd brought.:: You'll want to wear this.
Commander John Etti: | [@XO][Tac][HELM] Get the scorpion ready. I have a few supplies in it for you two.
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS][XO] I also gave Liel a Bajoran name, Rolan Leyra. You should have one, too. I suggest... ::She paused.:: Elsen Van.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Decides to go down with Verkal and the others :::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::takes the earing:: [OPS] Of course i knew i was missing something. You by chance haven't rigged these have you?
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS][XO] Rigged them, commander?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS] ::heads down to the Scorpion with the others to see what he can do::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][CENG] Don't break her for me, if you please ::he said in a joking manner:: [XO] Very well ... ::he tapped his comm badge:: [Scorpion] Site to site transport to Scorpion bridge
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [@TAC][XO] Yes, sir. ::She nodding.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][Remaining Crew] Understand?
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [looks on paying close attention]
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | {ASEC] yes sir
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::once there, he sat, starting to run over the needed checks awaiting the rest of the Hideki's crew::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::She started following the rest of the crew down to the Scorpion as she talked to John.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][RC] Very well. ::: Stands ::: Dismissed.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Checks a few boxes she has stowed in the Scorpion's cargo bay :::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO][OPS] I will take that as a no. In any case you guys should find some extra supplies. in the shuttle. Communicators so both teams can stay in touch and a few other things. I will see you there i gotta get changed. ::with tha
Commander John Etti: | t he heads back to the TL:: [TL] Deck 3
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [@TAC] ::Joins Verkal on the Scorpion. Running the checks and start up proceedure. Looks to him with a small smile.::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::She nodded, edging into the TL as well.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::stands and entrs the TL:: Deck 1
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::Once John exited, she sighed.:: Shuttlebay two.
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] stands and leaves
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Pumps a Federation assault rifle and looks down its sights ::: Very nice. I'll keep some of these... just in case.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | [AOPS] ::Arrives at the Scorpion, entering the hatch and peering inside the first Cardassian vessel he'd ever seen::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Leans over the table looking down at it. He thinks for a moment then stands up again :::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::One nice thing about being part owner of the Scorpion was his quarters had his civilian clothing, as well as some old relics from the Order. All systems on what he now saw as their little Hideki seemed ready to roll::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [@AMO] ::Stands staring distantly through the doors.:: [NOIP] I guess I will be covering medical staff and the like. It would be a good place to start for me. ::She was just standing near the bay wall. Waiting.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::arrives on the bridge, takes the HELM
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] reports to her station
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::Entering the shuttlebay, she looked around for the rest of the mission crew.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][Scorpion] My old friend, it seems we are to go out again, take care of us, and we shall take care of you ::he told the ship in a manner that was oddly superstitious for him::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::once he got changes he shimmered into the Scorpion:: [CRew] Everyone onboard?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS][OPS] ::waves at Feala:: Crewman Jameson Reporting. What can i do?
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Starts wheeling more gear into the scorpion :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::She smiled and nodded.:: [AOPS] All we can do now is wait.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][XO] I am present, and accounted for ::he said, hands running over the Cardassian built control systems with even more grace and speed then that used on the controls of the Avalon::
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] looks down at her staion and begins to work
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS[OPS] Right-o, then. ::Takes en empty seat at the rear of the Scorpion's Bridge:: [XO] Jameson ready, sir.
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: arrives back onto the bridge and sits down in the center seat :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [@AMO] ::Boards the Scorpion.:: [@OPS] [XO] I am here.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | @[SOP] ::: Jumps into the scorpion looking around for a place to sit :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::She sighed. They had been planning this mission a particular way for a while. The changes didn't make her happy.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ASEC] Take the helm for a moment?
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::gets up from the helm::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ASEC] Nevermind
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon approaches the drop off point.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: | [CENG]::sits down again:: ....?
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][CENG] Take us out of warp, Mr Grimmson.
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [@TAC] ::Telsia would find plenty of space. The Scorion was Hideki class and held 30 crew.::
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] yes sir
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ASEC] Open a channel to the scorpion.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: |
[CENG]yes, sir, droping out of warp ::ship drops out of warp::
Crewman Recruit Michael Kearney: | [ASEC] channel open sir
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::the Hideki seemed ready to go, he responded to the channel on the Scorpion, as no one else seemed to want to work the Cardassian controls:: [Avalon] Scorpion here
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][SCORPION] Are you guys ready to roll?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS] ::thinking to himself... Ready as I'll ever be.. let's hit the road Jack::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::takes a seat at operations to find it rerouted...he will try to get it back afer we launch::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::She would have taken controls if anyone had made her aware of a need, but Liel had run the bridge by herself. They probably didn't need more than the three they had.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][Avalon] We're on a forty year old ship, rebuilt, torn apart, and rebuilt again, if we're ready, it will be now ... at least system wise ::he looked to the XO for conformation::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [@AMO] ::goes to explore the cardassian medical bay. Curious.::
Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ALL] Good luck and good hunting then ::: Looking at them he kisses two fingers and touches them to the bridge of his nose. A secret message? ::: Avalon out
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS] ::Follows Brigid to speak with her in private for a moment::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | [@TAC] ::Nodding in confirmation.:: [TNOIP] That we are.
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The shuttle bay opens showing the vastness of space :::
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::Feala turned to Jameson to speak with him, only to find him leaving. She frowned.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | [@ AMO] ::Realizes she was followed and blinked to Jameson.:: [@AOPS] Yes?
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM][XO] Whenever you are ready, I believe we are ::he smiled, trying to show a little confidence in the ship he took so much pride in::
Commander John Etti: | [@XO]::turns to Varlek:: [Helm] Punch it.
Ensign Corav Feala: | @[OPS] ::A sigh.:: [All in earshot] Alright, do we have names straight here, for those of us who need it?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS][AMO] I just wanted to let you know, we'll need to beam in directly to DS9's Ops station, and have our transport logs deleted.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | @[AOPS][AMO] As soon as we near the station, of course.
Ensign JG Verkal: | [HELM] ::he looked pleased, as he let out a small chuckle, showing them all just what Cardassian ships, and pilots were made of, as he exited the Avalon with strange ease, and grace, moving along side the Avalon, orienting towards
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | @[AMO][AOPS] That's good to hear... but even deleting logs leaves traces. Are we sure we aren't going to get caught? ::She blinked at him her gaze steady. He could tell she was angry about something but it wasn't the mission.::
Ensign JG Verkal: | DS9, and, so long as there were no objections forthcoming, hitting warp speed with that flash that was of course to be expected::
Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: As the Hideki moves on its own path the Avalon zips out going back to warp. In one hour, the crew would be placed in one of the most pressuring situations of their lives...
Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson: | ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter: | :: AA ::
Ensign Corav Feala: | ::AA::
Ensign JG Liel Andora: | ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea: | ::AA::
Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[END SIM]=- |