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USS Avalon NCC 06742-A: Episode II (part 3)

"Children of the Prophets"

Tired of waiting for the CAP to act, Captain Hunter decides to take action. He calls his senior staff together, and they decide to investigate the last known position of the CAP ship Mercury, the Cerulean Nebula. Scanners inside the nebula are sketchy at best, and before the crew realizes it, they're in between the Mercury and two Keldon-class ships. After making their way out of the nebula, the crew engages in a firefight and disables the two Keldon classes with some help from the USS Venture, then they take off after the Mercury and disable it as well. The Mercury launches the Dreadnoght missile toward Bajor, however, causing the Avalon to give chase. In an extremely close call, power to the missile's warp drive is disabled and Bajor is saved. The USS Avalon heads for Starbase 8, and along the way, they gather into the Warrior's Hall for a promotion ceremony that holds one more promotion than the crew bargained for.

Captain Alex Hunter:-=[BEGIN SIM]=-
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon is in synchronous orbit with the capitol of Bajor. All has been quiet for the last 54 hours and no signs of change are showing.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::this was maddening, utterly, and completely maddening. He prodded his station in a nearly idle manner. There was nothing to do ... all systems had been checked, and rechecked. The bays were ready ... all of it. He was
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Stands in the SEB looking out the window. Her shift had yet to start. She looked rested and relaxed. Something she hadn't been since being on the station.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Standing at her position on the bridge. She looked tired of sitting idle. Action was what this young Xenexian needed in her blood. She had been checking and rechecking her systems over and over and it appeared that not one
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:would be used in the near future :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Feala was in her quarters, getting ready for her shift after having just woken up.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG] ::Stands in front of his mirror in his quarters, clipping the chevron he just shined on the collar of his yellow department under-tunic::
Ensign JG Verkal:feeling high strung ... he'd not slept much at all, and not my choice. He was too tense ... short naps, and working away at the Scorpion between shifts. His eyes were closed to slits in frustration as he glared at the main viewer::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Seems relaxed next to everyone else. Though she ran checks and diagnostics every five minutes from when the last one ended. Patient only Verkal would know her impatience.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He'd been pacing aimlessly in his ready room for two hours. It was a waste of energy, he knew. And it was making him crazy. He looked out of his window and examined the November and the Defiant searching like mad creatures
Captain Alex Hunter:around the planet :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: The time for decision was at hand. Depressing a button on his desk his voice was sent echoing through the ship over the PA ::: All senior officers to the Captain's Ready Room.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Jumping slightly at the suddeness of the announcement, she was almost at the Captain's ready room instantly, perhaps their waiting was over. Her lavender eyes flickered down to the control pannel as she depressed the chime :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he took a series of short breaths, trying to force away a little built up tension, before checking the helm controls once more, making sure all was in order, then proceeding to the ready room::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Starts a little bit and moves to the ready room door the last set of checks done.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She mumbled to herself.:: Just in time. ::She grabbed the tunic/jacket of her Class C uniform and was putting it on when she left her room to make the trip to the TL.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Whipping around instantly he looks at the door and says in a clear voice ::: Enter
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::She turned and started toward the lift following summons seeing as Cheif Medical wasn't about today either. Into the lift.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::He then quickly ran a hand through his hair as if expecting it to be instantly styled, then he picked up and slung his duty jacket over his shoulder and bolted out his room::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Enters keeping the door open for everyone who was supposed to be there.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She enters stepping in and then moving to the side of the room without the couch :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::The lift commanded starts up from deck 16 toward the bridge and ready room::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: he sits in his chair and waits for everyone to arrive :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal slid in through the door, and simply proceeded inside, flopping down in a char with a heavy sigh. His hair, invariably, and inexplicably neat as always::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Please tell me we're moving out?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She took the nearest lift up three decks to the bridge, eventually coming in opposite Brigid with a slight smirk. She crossed over to the ready room and walked in.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] All in good time, all in good time ::: waves dismissively :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She sounds tired, tired of waiting and bored. This was really starting to wear her down :::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::He quickly halted in front of the lift doors and patiently waited for the TL to reach his deck::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Simply takes a seat. Her hands linked together.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Blinks as the TL pauses before getting where she was going. The doors opening to allow others to board.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG] ::He stepped in immediately as the doors open, a smile coming across his lips as he saw Bri. He put up a fake english accent and proceeded to addressing her:: [AMO] G'day m'lady
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] G'day, m'lord ::The doors closed and the lift finished it's journey upward. She smiling brightly.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Looks to Feala suddenly blushing as she looked back to Ajax. The lift stopped at the bridge doors opening.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She took a seat on the couch in the ready room, waiting quietly for whatever was going to happen to begin.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he rubbed the bridge of his nose, seeming to concentrate for a time, before sitting back up, looking a tad more alert::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][AMO] I hope the reason Captain Hunter ordered us to the RR is to inform us we're moving out...
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO][CENG] Agreed... I'm getting pricklier than a hedgehog. ::Stepping from the lift and entering the ready room glancing behind her.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][AMO] After you.
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::Exits the lift after her and enters the ready room, falling to attention position::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Nods to the two coming in. No one was late. Cept Etti. He must be on another mission.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: As if reading her mind ::: The Commander is in the CIC
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Blinks a bit looking about for a moment before going to attention. Still unsure of her footing on this ship.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Points to Murdock ::: [ALL OTHERS] Would some one get him to relax?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Is everyone here?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] ::Nods a little bit.:: Yes, sir.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Well, it's been over three days. And I'm tired of waiting. My proposal is simple and it is easy.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::blinks trying not to laugh in embarassment as she takes a seat.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::Blinks, then eases up and takes a vacant seat::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She laughed softly as she looked over to Murdock and Lea, then turned back to the captain.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] We are moving out? ::Her head tilted a little bit hopefully.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he perched his head on his fist, his elbow on the table. He sat, in silence, waiting for Alex to inform them of this proposal::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] We're a predator, not a damn peice of- ::: Looks to Liel. Seriously at first, then breaks into a soft smile, before nodding ::: Yes, yes we're moving out.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] ::: She sighs ::: As much as I'm tired of waiting... move out to where?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Represses a serge of excitement. Shifting a bit in her seat.:: Yes, Where?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Feala shifted in her seat. So this was it, she thought.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][CO] Are we going to kick booty?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] I don't know, Special Operations Advisor. Why don't you tell us?
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::looks to Murdock with a look that said "Finally". Then looked back to the Captain.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Leans back in his chair and looks at his younger sister, waiting for her response :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] ::: She doesn't falter. That's what he'd want her to do ::: The Cerulean Nebula was the last and most frequent where about of the Mercury. It's along the Federation Cardassian border.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Were they to be cutting into the Union's space on this mission? In a way it would be good to see some familiar territory, though the circumstances were less than ideal::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] ::: Looks to Verkal ::: That's where we're going. [ALL] This is the first time it's possible that we're going to be engaging in ship to ship combat with an equal opponent.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Becomes oddly tense. Her head tilted a little bit as she listened. Bri sat still trying not let her sudden tensing be seen.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Kelvins are powerful. But they still aren't us. They have type XII phaser arrays, five photon tubes and one torpedo turret. We should have the upper hand.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] If the CAP has allies within the Union ... this could cause problems ... ::he knew what some of those Union ships were capable of::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][CO] Equal opponent? I thought the Avalon was the most powerful vessel in...oh...
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Gives a grin that was surely a touch wicked. Then it fades as she leaned back taking note of what was being said information she would need.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] They probably have the missile on board. If it is launched... we must stop it at all costs. [HELM] I know that the union, or at least former members may be involved. [TAC] Be ready for that possibility.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] I will, Sir. ::She nodded a little bit tipping her head slightly mentally running through manuevers and shots. Even as she paid attention.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][CO] Couldn't we just destroy the carrier first? Then we wouldn't have to worry about chasing after that thing and you won't have to strain my engines.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CENG] ::: Shrugs ::: I guess we'll find out, huh? In any event, have engineering's core components- warp core, dilithium matrix, power conduits- protected by forcefields to contain and protect.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Monitor the readiness of all stations and perform continous sweeps of the area to ensure that we don't miss a thing.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM]+T+[TAC] I hope you recall some of the schematics of our vessels. The weaknesses might be useful, sadly. ::Verkal used his little connection to Liel to convey this little notion to her. Even though the idea of exploiting
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Ready your teams. We may have to board the Mercury. ::: Looks at them all ::: [ALL] Any questions?
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::blinks over to Ajax. A gentle smile for a moment then looks back to the Captain.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Just a comment...
Ensign JG Verkal:their knowledge of Cardassian technology against his people did not please him::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded when given her job.:: [CO] Nothing from me.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] What is it?
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][CO] Yes sir...I assume we're going to be operating under Red Alert conditions?
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] ::: Looks down at the deck and coughs ::: I hate to be the devil's advocate around here.... But we can't destroy the missile if it gets too close to Bajor.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CENG] Basically, yes.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::nods slightly understanding.Liel would need to pull up some memory she did not want to look at but information needed no less.::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG][CO] Understood.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] It may not hit the planet but if it blows up close enough... that warhead has more matter and anti matter than I've ever seen in a ship... If it goes close to anything, it'll take whatever it is with it. In the case of
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:Bajor, could harm the environment.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] We do not have a choice. You can play devils advocate all you like. The truth is we have to destroy it before it does. ::She stated.:: There is no other option.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] So, to Cardassian space we go, it seems ... ::he let out a soft sigh, shaking his head::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] ::: Sighs ::: I'm just trying to make everyone knows all of the complexities.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] How many tons were on that thing, Verkal? Twenty?
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::He turned his attention toward Liel, especially toward her Bajoran ridges, then quickly shifted his attention back to Captain Hunter::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] If it is anything like the original, it will also be armed with beam weapons, and torpedoes, as well as adaptive shielding ... it could be a real problem ::he lowered his head, knowing he was spilling state secrets::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][SOP] Having it destroy part of the atmosphere and damaging the environment is better than the planet blowing up. We can evacuate people form a dead planet, but not a planet-sized pile of debris. So...
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][SOP] I know Telsia. We are working on it. But every plan works till it is in action. ::She didn't have ridges anymore. She was betazoid. But more Avalonian... Avalon was more her home than any planet had ever been.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded to Liel.:: [SOP] It's good to remember that possibility, though.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Sits concidering the disaster this could be and pales. This was more important than finding her lost brother.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] We have all the considerations under us. We will have to be far away to destroy it.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Turns and sighs ::: And if it gets close enough, twenty tons would not only 'damage' bajor. We'd be looking at maybe a sixty-five percent loss of life. Instantly, that is. if we clipped it about 35 thousand kilometers
Captain Alex Hunter:out.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC]::Sits with her 'observation' look on her face. Her lips pursing slightly. Silver eyes gazing at everyone and no one. Plans and thoughts running top speed through her head.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] We can't let that happen. You all know what we have to do. We're here to protect the people. All other concerns are secondary.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] You guys understand... Anything else?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::No responce she was just that lost in thought at the moment.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: It's her turn to purse her lips as she nods :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] No, Sir. ::She murmured. A silent apology going out to her lost brother.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he started rubbing his chin, sucking on the inside of his lip for a moment:: [ALL] If all else fails, I have impulse on the Scorpion ... I could ... ensure the weapon's destruction ::this of course meant a suicide run::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] It won't come to that.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Take us to red alert.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][PA] ::: Presses down the button once more. ::: All hands, battle stations.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She scowled, her brow wrinkling deeply. She knew that, but also thought it would be better to save the ones they could than to just give up if it got too close. She just nodded.:: [CO] Aye.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Made a small noise over that. She was still alert enough to hear. She stood up.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She moves back out to the bridge, taking her station and starts to prepare boarding parties :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Stands up as well. Her fingers tapping distractedly on her arm.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] :::: He stands slowly and touches the model of the old Avalon on his desk before walking out to the bridge and taking the center seat :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he got up, making his way back to the helm controls, bringing all systems under his control online, and powering them up fully:: [CO] I am prepared
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Moves to her station and starts running scans of the areas they enter.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She stood and followed everyone out onto the bridge, sitting at her console and turning the chair in one smooth motion, then bringing the ship to red alert with a few taps.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] On stand by, Sir.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The bridge blacks out then is engulfed in red light a moment later. Tactical displays are brought up all over the bridge. Holographic accesses never before seen are made avalible to the crew to allow for maximum assimilation
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO][CENG] Here we go. ::She whispered as she made her way to the turbolift.::
Captain Alex Hunter:of datab
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Set course for the Cereulean nebula, maximum warp.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She then began sensor sweeps of the entire area and brought up a display on her console that showed department readiness and system status.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] Very well ::his hands and fingered moved across his station, as he plotted in the course, and sent the ship to high warp, bringing her to full speed::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] As soon as it's plotted, engage.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Leans on her consol a little bit.:: Wow always something new on this ship. ::Laughing a little bit her fingers setting controls.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The ship slips into warp. After a two hour journey they arrive at the edge of the nebula. Verkal is instructed to take the ship out of warp
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he pulled the ship out of warp, waiting for the next command::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Do we have anything on our scanners? ::: He steeples his fingers :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She paid close attention to the sensor sweeps now that they had dropped out of warp.:: [CO] Just a large area with no signal. Scanners can't penetrate more than a few hundred meters into the nebula.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Sits looking through the data for her own station gazing at the displays. Even a chemical analisys of the nebula.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] What are the properties of that nebula?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: After pausing for a moment ::: [SOP] Get your teams ready to board if we need them. Go down to SFHQ.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] ::: Nods slowly ::: Aye, sir.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Moves to the turbo lift and looks back ::: Deck Twenty Six A
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he looked to Liel ... this was their "home turf" as it were ... he hoped it would be enough::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Moves in between the operations console and the helm console :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She tried several different modifications to the scanners, attempting to see farther into the nebula. She was frowning, now, from the work. She hated that blind spot, it gave her a bad feeling.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Runs her fingers over the scans gathering the information.:: Phasers are going to be about 25% shorter rang, tactical scensor are shot, visuals will be in and out. ::She stated. Shaking her head a little bit.:: This could
Ensign JG Liel Andora:get nasty.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He puts a resting hand on the top of the backs of each of their chairs, looking straight ahead ::: [TAC] I hope you can aim in the dark (aka manually) then.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Mr Verkal... take us in. Full impuse.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] Consider it done ... ::and it was, the ship moved, responding to his hands, his eye pressed up, into the reticule::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Arrives on deck twenty six and gets a team of ten SF members together. She slips out of her clothes in the changing room, putting on her black body glove, then slips into her armor plating. It's fairly comfortable but does
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:limit movement some what :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] ::Gives a faint smile.:: My favorite way to aim. ::She brought up a visual.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon proceeds in quickly. It experiences some turbulance from the static of the nebula.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Slow us to half impulse. [OPS] ::: Pats the back of her chair ::: Alright, Corav. Start scanning...
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Ensign, do all you can to assist
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Resumes scans, wathing the displays closer than ever.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::the ship slowed, as Verkal watched for anything the proxy sensors might pick up::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] Yes, sir. ::She grinned and started assisting the scans trying to get as much as they could. Searching for ships and even minor disturbances caused by passage. Considers scanning for cloaked vessals through the same methods
Ensign JG Liel Andora:only slightly adjusted.::
Ensign JG Verkal:*he ordered the ship to slow*
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A bleep from the helm console.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned.:: [CO] I can increase the sensitivity if we want to sacrifice scan speed, captain.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] We may have to. Do it. [Helm] Slow us down to 1/4th impulse.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] We've got something ... ice it appears coming up ... ::he adjusted course around it, reducing speed again::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks at the staticy monitor ::: [ALL] Anything?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Keeps up the tactical scans. Getting nothing so far.:: [CO]Nothing.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She made the change in the scanners, then paused to watch any results. Finally she shook her head.:: [CO] Still nothing.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] Besides the ice ... no ::he still searched what readings he got for anything else::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Helm, tactical and operations consoles bleep
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] Ice to port, starboard, and dead ahead ...
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::A blink at her display.:: [CO] There is engine Ionization above us sir.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She let her attention go to the bleep.:: [CO] Reading a tacyhon flux to our port.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Pull us up and to port.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned and ran through the known possibilities in her head.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he did so, pulling to the angle requested::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Are they even here?
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Ops console bleeps
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Keeps watching her readings her fingers moving lightly over her consol constantly adjusting.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She jumped at the reading again.:: [CO] I just read a hull signature to our rear, but then it was gone.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Narrows his eyes :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Set our viewer to aft...
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] It almost appears as though something is ... stalking us
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Bringing up aft visual on main viewer. ::Tap tap tap. She looked up at the screen to see what was there.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] Sir, I read the same ::She moved her fingers about the colored if trying to follow it. Then blinking up set up to protect their rear if need be.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The screen is fuzzy for a few moments...
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Hold your course...
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The screen clears up for a moment and the Mercury can be seen clearly. A set of three quantum torpedos have already been launched and impact the rear of the Avalon.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he nodded, holding on the direction indicated ... it was almost painful sitting here like this, thinking there was a ship out there, hunting them::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The ship shakes violently with the impact.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She was visibly tense, then gasped as the ship shook and she saw the Mercury.:: [CO] Aft shields to 62%!
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Grabs onto the extended helm console as he braces himself against the rocking. ::: [HELM] Evasive action! [TAC] Return fire!, all dorsal arrays and aft torpedos!
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Tries to trace that hull reading.Gripping her console in one hand as she sets up the return fire but waiting on cue. She was aiming in the dark using her skills to see how far she could aim. Her fingers hit the trigger so to
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal lurched forward, starting evasive maneuvers, while trying to line Liel up for a few good phaser, and torpedo blasts::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:speak sending off a volley of their own Torpedos.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::shifts her weight slightly sending out the phaser blasts but knowing they were weakened.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The torpedos miss their targets and only two of the phaser blasts impact the Mercury's shields
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Get us out of the Neubu-!
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Two golden compressor blasts strike the Avalon. Both port and starboard sides.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he didn't need to be told twice. He sped up to a speed that was almost reckless. He was driving the ship in a manner akin to the ancient tradition pioneered by drunken terran soccer mothers late for their children's
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She grimaced and tried to find the source of the blasts while reading off the damage report.:: [CO] Port shields holding at 93%, starboard shields holding at 92.3%.
Ensign JG Verkal:practice::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She then scanned the Mercury again.:: [CO] Mercury's forward shields down to 79%.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She arrives back onto the bridge. acting as the engineering officer for the moment ::: Rerouting all backup power to shields
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Shakes her head a little bit as they miss. She adjusted the firing. Her fingers moved over the controls.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon exits from the Nebula like a bullet from a puff of smoke followed by the Mercury and two Keldon Class vessels.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Tactical comes on line, as do all afflicted sensors.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Glances up. Wanting to fire again. Everything at Maximum.She grinned a little bit.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Liel, you know the weaknesses ... ::he glanced to the Keldon's, hoping she could recall where to target::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks over his shoulder at her ::: [TAC] Well? Fire at will?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned. She wanted to know what had hit them from the sides and immersed herself in scanning for it, getting the results back as soon as they left the nebula.:: [CO] I've got full sensors back.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He speaks in a joking tone as if he'd expected her to go crazy the entire time :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][TAC] You know how this goes, I line them up, you bring them down! ::he snarled, trying to bring more firepower to bare against them, hoping to give her a nasty shot at some key systems::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] [HELM] Mark ::Maximum yeild torpedo and phasers went off at full spread. without hesitation soon as her shots were clear. Their aim... Engineering of each ship.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She allowed a morose smirk to cross her face at Verkal's comment, then continued to keep her eyes on damage and readiness readings, and the tactical displays.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Keep our weakest sheild arcs away from their fire.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Mercury fires six photons, three of which miss because of Verkal's skilled piloting. The other three impact along the venteral shields along with four phaser strikes.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon shakes and the shield indicator on Feala's screen turn a dark yellow at the bottom of the Avalon's digital image.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] Very well ::he wheeled about, trying to evade their fire with some flight patterns no one would expect from a Starfleet pilot:: Just die already ... ::he barked out to the viewer, speaking to the enemy ships::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:{TAC] ::Nods and sets up the next shots she would not go down. Quantum torpedos aimed for engineering sections and life support of the Mercury.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] We've taken a hit on ventral shields.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Full axis rotation to starboard. Don't let them take down our shields.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] :::The turbolift doors whoosh open and he strides onto the bridge and takes a seat at the engineering station:::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] They're down to 32%.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::in response, Verkal rolled the ship, bringing the damaged shields away from the enemy firing arcs as best he could, his fingers fly with speeds that seemed almost irrational::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Mercury bobs down infront of the Avalon as the two keldons fire plasma torpedos.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal tried to evade the plasma weapons as best he could::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Her fingers danced over the controls to the weapons. Firing off phasers The strikes to the same sections on the other two ships She was swearing now and then. Torpedos away at the Keldon vessals.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The plasma torepdos miss but the compressor shots graze the dorsal shields.
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG] ::He gripped onto his console, then notices the shields status::+T+[TAC] Do you want aux power to shields?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS} ::his hands fly over the Engineering controls, checking the status of the shields, noting that the dorsal side might need attention just then:::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC]+T+[CENG] Yes get it going...
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned. More.:: [CO] Dorsal shields to 84%.
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::Draws power from the residential decks, knowing nobody is still in there quarters because of the red alert status::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]+T+[CENG] I'm posted at the engineering station on the bridge, I'll be your liason when you need anything.
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]+T+[AOPS] Understood.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The phaser strikes hit the Mercury right on. One of the Keldons is hit full on by the quantum torpedo barrage and it's venteral shields are wasted.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked over to the tactical display, hoping the other ships were doing worse than they were.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The other's port shields are down low
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal wheeled about, trying to give Liel a full blast with the torpedoes, and phasers::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Her fingers danced over the controls. She was about to get Viscious. Her fingers dancing on the controls again as again she set everything to maximum for the shots. Torpedos would be launched to to hit the weakened Keldon
Ensign JG Liel Andora:and again on the Mercury. Again despite their best moves aiming for Engineering and Life support.Full spread going off. Another volley of cardassian swear words.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] The first Keldon's ventral shields are gone and they have micro-fractures to their hull... the other's port shields are at 2.3%, and the Mercury's aft shields are at 69%.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The weakened Keldon's hull buckles and starts to ripple with explosions.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She turned to Verkal, hoping that would indicate weak points to plot courses around.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: It explodes in a fury which strikes the Avalon and causes it to shake mildly :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO][TAC] Anyone willing to allow me to try that Dervish maneuver?
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The second keldon is struck on its forward shield arc and maintains minimal damage.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Mercury turns towards DS9 and Bajor and speeds off at Warp 2.
Captain Alex Hunter:Warp 9
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::grips the underside of the controls for support as the deck rumbles underneath him:::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Ops console bleeps then bleeps again
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] Guess not ... shall we peruse? ::his hands were at the ready::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::grabs onto his chair as he watches the other crew::[CO] Follow? ::asking more as an affirmative on what he already knew::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She tensed and looked to the console.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] We have no choice...
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Get me on the Mercury... do it... I want to bring her down...::She set up the canon looking to the captain for confirmation on it.:: She has that weapon on her it is the only reason for her to run so fast. ::At least to
Ensign JG Liel Andora:her reasoning.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Detecting another ship coming into the area.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Another...?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Hold off on the cannon. It's our last resort.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC]::Scans the new ship.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Runs a quick scan.:: [CO] It's the USS Venture, galaxy class. ::Hears the console bleep again.:: And they're hailing us.
Commander John Etti:[XO][HELM] Full pursuit Warp...::hears the other ship:: [OPS] Another?
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::that was enough ... he brought the ship to full speed as soon as possible, trying to give Liel a good line up on them::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The screen blips over to an attractive middle aged woman who still looks fairly youthful
Captain Alex Hunter:[CPTB][AVALON] This is Captain Allison Britt, of the Venture. Avalon, go after the Mercury, we can handle this Keldon.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CPTB] Allison... after this is over, I owe you a drink.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CPTB][CO] Katarian Ale, Captain.
Commander John Etti:[XO]::nods as he hears her::[HELM] Set pursuit course Max warp.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The screen cuts to an image of the venture moving in, phasers blairing and torpedos firing.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Focuses her scans on the Mercury on hearing and seeing that.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: He stands up and moves toward her station ::: Disable her aft shields. I want her warp nacelles blown off, okay?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Still has her weapons lined up. Anxious now. She grinned fixing in another volley full yeild again. Phasers and Torpedos. She loved exposions. They were ... beautiful.:: You got it, Sir.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Disable her. Not destroy, alright?
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon is fast at warp.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Nods.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he heard this, and tried to close the gap, doing his best to give Liel steady, clear shots. He had essentially perfect control over the ship ... at least in his opinion::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO][HELM][TAC] The Mercury's just ahead, off to our starboard.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Telsia's scan's pick up something...
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]+T+[CENG] Everything stable down there in engineering?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Aims to the Starboard for the Nacelles a ordered. Her breathing erratic. Full yeild both again.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he brought the Avalon up on their aft section ... their aft weapons and shields facing their foreword weapons::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][ALL] I'm reading some high ultriulium readings from that ship. It looks like they're getting ready to fire something. ::: looks up towards them ::: I'd say thirty seconds...
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Light 'em up, Liel. ::: Refers to all the weapons trained forward, save the cannon :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Rests his hand on her station, keeping his body facing it while he turns his head to the view screen :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Does so with utmost pleasure. The trigger hit soon as the order was given. Those full spread set ups... two in a row going off taking out everything. But avoiding destroying as ordered.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She bit her lip and looked up at the screen between glances at the wealth of sensor readouts.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Crosses her fingers looking at the torpedos in flight :::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The quantum torpedos slam into the mecury, making it slow down and drop out of warp.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he eyed the weapons fire, slowing the Avalon down, to keep her behind the Mercury::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Their aft shields are falling... the ship's dropping out of warp, they're going to impulse.... ::She continued to watch.:: Shields are completely down. Port nacelle completely severed.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::Just for a moment, he took his eyes off of the engineering console and averted them to the main viewer to see the Mercury drop out of warp::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::A last round of shots hopefully taking out the other nacelle and tactical. Her shots aimed with precision.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Phasers only this time.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The starboard nacelle is ripped from its frame as the Type XIII phasers do their work.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She wondered how close they were to Bajor with a cringe.:: [Bridge] Both nacelles gone now!
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] As ordered sir. ::She said.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] Pity we can't just target their core ::he glowered at the CAP vessel, pleased to see their engines shredded::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] Well, looks like they won't be jumping out at us any time soon?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Disable their impulse drives as well, please.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::A look over the nav charts gave her the information she wanted.:: [Bridge] Bajor is about seven minutes away at warp 9.95....
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Precise shots to take out the Impulse engines as well Her fingers dancing over the controls long enough to make sure Impulse and weapons were down she didn't want them launching that weapon.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Why don't we see if they're ready to surrender?
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] The original weapon was capable of warp speed ... we may wish to seal their shuttle bays ...
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Operations console bleeps.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] I like that idea... ::Looks toward the reading and immediately pales.:: They launched it.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] It's moving away at warp 9.7.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] WHAT?!
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: On the view screen the massive missile slips into warp.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] GO!
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::His eyes noted a power fluctuation on deck 9, compensating::: Possible power tap down on deck 9, sir. Sending repair teams to check it out.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::long string of Cardassian expletives, as he just sent the Avalon to maximum warp after the missile::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Sets it up.:: Cannon... ::She states setting it up again. She would fire she would call this a last resort. No doubt about it.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] I'm reading some definate power fluxes in the impulse drives. Can you correct em?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] Damage control to Deck 9, check out the EPS taps and conduits.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][NOIP] They launched it... may the prophets protect us. ::knowing of course that they would be that protection if it was to come.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Engines sputter and drop the ship to warp 8.6
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] What the hell?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Report?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Pales in anxiety. She wouldn't be able to release the shot unless they were close enough.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] I'm getting on it right now. :::he so noted the impulse power fluctuation and took power from other systems:::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][ALL] We're down to warp 8.6 ... ::he was thinking about the Scorpion right now ... wondering if it would come to that::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She whipped her head around to Jameson, who would have the report on any cause they had.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] Sir, I can get the ship back up to speed by rerouting power through a secondary conduit. I'm getting on that right now ::: his fingers flew over the controls making the changes as fast as possible:::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Liel, be ready to fire the cannon. As soon as we get into range. [OPS] Reroute all power to the forward shields.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::He saw the power being diverted on a diagram on his station, finally reaching where it needed to go:::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She brought up the power grid systems and quickly made the switch.:: [CO] Done.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Grits her teeth her hand hitting the edge of consol repeatedly.:: Ready sir... ::She spat the words. She was angry tense.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Go, Verkal
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he did not need to be told twice, and once again, he sent as much power as he could to the warp engines::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Go go go go go.. ::She chanted. Her fingers lining up targeting.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] Full warp at your discretion, sir.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Checks the rang to the weapon. Anxious.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Outstanding!
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] We have two minutes until it reaches the point when destroying it would harm Bajor. 6.5 until it breaches Bajor's atmoshpere.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] Thank you, sir. :::he monitored the power to the canon, making sure it was ready when needed:::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: They close on the missile more and more.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::She hits the firing mechanism. Then turns ice white. Her breathing audiable before dies in her chest.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] We're withing firing range of the cannon!
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he tried to bring the ship to a speed that would bring them there in time. His fingers zipped across the console::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] NO! ::She wailed running the scan. Her fingers moving ever faster as nothing happens.:: A conduits not in right. Those lazy... ::She trailed off.::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The cannon is jammed.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::He heard that warp core humming like an archaic Terran V-12 engine, subtly vibrating the deck under his feet::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Report?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] Sir! I detected there's a jam in the phaser canon, sending repair teams now.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] One of the power conduits isn't in correctly... ::She struck the edge of her console again. Then gripped it her hand turning white with the pressure.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][OPS] How close must I bring us to use quantum torpedoes? ::he asked, staring through the reticule::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She pulled up the status of five different specific systems on the ship, then looked at the display and felt as if she was being choked.:: [CO] It's moved beyond the critical point....
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Alex, let me go on board and stop it! It's the only way to save the planet without harm now! ::: her voice pleads :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Are you willing to die if you fail? I won't let it hit!
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he averts power from the conduit thats out of place, but realizing its a bit too late his brows furrowed:::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] I'm aware, let me go!
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Can you bring its sheilds down?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] ::Her voice sounded almost dead.:: 4.5 minutes to impacting the atmosphere.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he tried to close as best he could with the weapon, in an attempt to give them all a better shot. A few strands of hair out of place, disturbingly enough::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Grabs an engineering kit in preperation to go aboard. She was an expert with demolitions. :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Looks at her console. Then nods. She lined up the shots aiming for the generators for the shields and shot off a full volley maximum yeild .::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][TAC] Is there any way we could use a tractor beam to slow that thing down?
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The shields of the missile are crippled almost instantly by Liel's expert shots
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Site to site Telsia into the missile!
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] Not at this speed. It would be like trying to control a tornado.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Good luck, 'rmo'na.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Thanks, 'rmo'ne.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Smiles half heartidly, waiting to be transported.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] Initializing transport. :::his fingers danced over the controls and Telsia disappeared in a shimmer of bluish white energy:::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: She reappears in the center of the dreadnaught missile :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Be prepared to destroy it on my order.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Sets up a full spread nodding a little bit. Silently.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Two and a half minutes!
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::if Verkal was one to pray, he would be doing so now. Though instead his eyes were on the console, and reticule, trying to keep full control of the ship at very high warp::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She opens up the kit, realizng she has to cut the power to render it useless. She spends ten seconds looking around for the pannel, finds it and crawls under :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Whispers ::: Come on, Telsia...
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Removes the pannel and starts ripping out cords. She learned about this tech in SF training and now it was time to put it to the test.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Makes no noise. Not a movement as her fingers hover over the firing controls.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She stared at the screen as if she could see Telsia throught it.:: One minute, ten seconds. ::She counted each second in her head. Too fast.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Removes mechanisims right after left, going through the disassembly procedures quicky in her mind's eye. :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She comes to two wires which control the power relays :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Thirty.... ::29, 28, 27...::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::He was getting worried this was taking too long. He sucked his teeth in frustration, and anxiety::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::reaches up to his forehead and wipes it, feeling that sweat had broken out and his heart almost trying to jump out of his chest::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: His heart starts fluttering :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: One is brown one is gold. :::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] Brown or gold?! BROWN OR GOLD?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Fifteen. ::She closed her eyes.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: Holds up his hand, a sign to be ready :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Ten... ::She continuted to count aloud.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Liel fi-!
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][Bridge] Five, four.....
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Ice cold frozen in place. Looking up slowly to the Captain. Her finger lowering a little bit. Her signal ready.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] TO HELL WITH IT
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he was intensely thinking, unaware that he would be sending out any vibes to other people, his thought screamed "come on Tel, do it!!"::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Cuts them both and closes her eyes :::
Captain Alex Hunter:ire!
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Dreadnought drops out of warp.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Stop us, Verkal!
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] Done! ::he responded, bring them to an emergency stop::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Planetary status?!
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] I believe we can bring Telsia back when ready, sir.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Her fingers hesitated seeing the sudden change.:: Get Telsia out of there!
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Bajor's... fine.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Liel detects the missile has stopped
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::his index finger punched the button to initiate Telsia's transport, and she appeared on the bridge, sitting on the floor with her fingers crossed:::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Closes her eyes. Her brain still frozen and disconnected. A defensive mechanism.:: MIssile has stopped moving sir.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She scanned the Dreadnought.:: [CO] The missile has no power supply whatsoever. The planet's gravity has pulled it into a low orbit.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: she reappears her eyes closed tightly :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Sling a tractor on it and pull it into our bay
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Opens her eyes slightly ::: [CO] Am I... dead?
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] [SOP] Good job, Telsia... ::Doing as the captain ordered.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he looked to a chart to make sure that tractor beam would have enough power, making a minor adjustment:: [TAC] Tractor beam ready.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Gets down on his knees, hugging and patting her back ::: [SOP] No, 'rmo'na. You aren't dead.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he just sighed, lowering his head, and shaking it, his hair actually somewhat disheveled for him. He fell back in his chair::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::The beam locked onto the weapon she activated it pulling it in. Shuttered started through her.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Activate the PA, please?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He stands up and moves to his chair :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SHUTTLEBAY] Be ready to receive a missile we're tractoring in.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::The close call had definitely taken its toll on her. She leaned foward and squeezed her eyes shut on the tears collecting in them, then opened them and, through blurry vision, activated the PA.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Starts waiting for the wounded having felt the fire end by the nearly crushing sence of relief through the ship.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][PA] Everyone... Bajor is safe. ::: he sighs ::: Good work, everyone.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he prepped the shuttle bay, as was his duty::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Moves to Feala slowly, putting a hand on her shoulder ::: [OPS] We did it, 'mno'a
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he then just took a deep breath, fully aware of the peril that was almost served to Bajor, now thinking to himself "now that deserves a drink.."::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Guides the missile into the bay.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][OPS] ::: her pulse still pounding ::: Are you okay?
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][SOP] I will be. ::She looked up at Telsia.:: Thank you.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][AOPS] Status on the Cannon?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Cuts the PA himself and smiles :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] Hooah... ::: Grins :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][TAC] I've rerouted systems around the bad conduit, the canon is available for use.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] Hooah! ::: Laughs out loud, feeling the pressure relieved. Happy she had a part to play in saving the beautiful blue and green planet :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] Permission to go reset the conduit that failed, sir? ::She said slowly.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Send a team.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][TAC] My dear, it is ... good to see your aim has not diminished over the years ::he smiled at her softly, looking very, very tired::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Set course for Deep Space Nine, full impulse.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] As I was! Set course for starbase eight.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] I would prefer to do it myself, sir. ::Her voice very soft. Feeling the failure was her own fault.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Moves back to her station, sitting down :::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] setting course now ::he smirked, plotting a course at impulse speed::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She laughed nervously when Zander told himself to go as he was.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: He rests his hand on her in a brotherly fashion ::: You did everything you could, 'rmo'na. You helped save a planet today... go ahead
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Change that to maximum warp.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::mildly shaking, he looked back to his console, praying to God that it was really all over::: [NOIP] That was fun...
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][CO] Doing so now ... ::he altered his commands to the ship, from a sitting position at his station. He was worn out::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] ::Blinks up at him tears suddenly sliding down her face. Then nodded. She turned darting to the lift.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Standing behind her chair, he rests his hands on her shoulders, lovingly ::: Any you thought she didn't like you ::: Telsia that is. Hisvoice is joking :::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Smiled a bit and checked the damage reports for any injured.::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She laughed nervously again.:: [CO] I did not.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: They arrive, five hours later, at starbase eight. Verkal puts them at a halt five hundred kilometers from the base.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The senior crew are all off duty now.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal leans back in his chair, his head up against the rest, his eyes closed, as he steadied his breathing::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: They have been told to assemble in warrior's hall at 2100 in dress uniform.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Stands in Zander's room, already dressed for success in her grey shaded uniform ::: We seldom wear these around here.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::During that time reset and adjusted the conduit to the cannon. Then went to her quarters to change and dress in dress uniform.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Changes as well. And meets up with them.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he pulls his dress jacket down, situating the layers of fabric that made his uniform::: [NOIP] Theres a first for everything...
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Five hours had given her time to calm down, but she was still shaken, regardless. She was in her quarters, slowly getting into her dress uniform, but mostly staring out of her windows.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He has his white uniform undershirt with its red trim on. ::: [SOP] Could you help me out?
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he marched, still rather shaken and stirred, nerves jumpy, to the warrior's hall::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] ::: Puts on his jacket for him and zips his front all the way up ::: Good to go, Alex.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Go ahead down to the hall, I want to go pick up Feala.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Makes sure Verkal's dress uniform is warm enough for him. Wouldn't want him to get a case of the shivers during whatever is about to happen.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Kickin me to the curb, huh? I understand, Id want to do the same.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal returned to his quarters, throwing on his dress uniform, before setting the computer to wake him a few minutes before 2100 ... just a few moments with his eyes closed. He'd not slept since returning from DS9. He did
Ensign JG Verkal:manage to thank Liel for the insulation::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] ::: Waves behind him as he leaves, taking the lift to deck three and depressing the chime on her quarters :::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She finished dressing. She felt awkward, having already gotten used to the relaxed uniforms that were nothing like these dress jackets.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he stopped on the way to calm himself, making sure he could at least stand still while being at attention:::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] Come in.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Enters with a single Xenexian Orchid and a Bajoran Daphodil ::: Are you okay? ::: Says smiling lovingly at her :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::arrives outside warriors hall, waiting for someone else to enter before he did:::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She turned and smiled at the flowers, walking over to him and hugging him.:: [CO] Yeah, I'm better.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Stands outside in the hall for a few moments adjusting herself. Fidgeting wondering what was going on. Then walking passed Jameson into the hall. A small nervous nod to her friend.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Waits in the hall for Verkal impatiently. Fidgetting.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She does likewise and goes down to deck five :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Wraps one arm around her in an embrace ::: Are you ready? We don't want to be late.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::enters the hall after Bri, nodding at Bri, and Liel:::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] ::: Takes his arm ::: Hi. I really don't think a lady should be alone at a function like this.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Yeah. ::She released him, smiled and took the flowers, setting them on the nearest table with a last glance. Then she turned back to the door.:: I'm ready.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Let's go ::: places one hand at the small of her back, guiding her out. He gets into the lift and says deck five :::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] ::smiles:: It would only be my pleasure.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::he got up, not pleased with actually needing to move, and exited his quarters, looking about for Liel, hoping she was around for the trip to deck five::
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A few waiters from Master's bar are serving drinks. A light band plays in the back ground. Obviously a celebration party.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Drags Verkal to the lift and down to Deck five.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM][TAC] I'm trained to function without sleep ... that does not mean I must enjoy it ::he looped his arm around hers while they were inside the lift::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Steps off onto Deck five, walking through the glass double doors with the avalon's personal insignia etched in white on the glass. :::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG] ::He donned a clean dress uniform and headed for the TL::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::wanting to be a gentleman.. and realizing the potential now that this function could have on his social life, he turned to Telsia:: [SOP] Could I get you a drink?
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Keeps looking toward the doors fidgetting a little bit.::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Yes, please. A nice brandy would be spectacular.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She allowed herself to be lead to the doors. She opened one and walked in, holding it open behind her.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Smiles, letting feala go and moves to the podium behind which there is a scene from the Arthurian Legend Island of Avalon, and the four ships of the name before this one :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] If I could have everyone's attention...
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::with a sense of style, and a wide smile on hsi face, he walked over to the Wet bar that was set up, and ordered a Brandy, and a rum n coke::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Well... I got a little before shift but I don't enjoy it either. ::She entered the hall with him and came to attention.::
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Bites her lower lip her attention split between the doors and the Captain.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] ::: He laughs ::: Don't go to attention. Just gather round.
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::after bringing a Drink back for Telsia, his attention was averted to the captain, and he let Telsia take his arm once more while they sipped::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She chuckles slightly, having finally found her niche in the Avalon's society :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] Sorry, just jumpy.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Even without sleep, he knew this was a good day ... they had saved a world, and he was here with the woman he loved. Once inside, he snuck her a very quick peck, before taking her hand, and leading her to the little
Ensign JG Verkal:gathering::
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Feala found a place to stand in the hall without ordering or taking a drink, seeing Zander move to the podium.::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Walks with him holding his hand.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Today, we saved a planet. A planet of innocent lives. A place where people are born, live and die. We defeated a tenacious enemy and proved together that the power of family and team work can over come all.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] We owe our victory to all of you. But... I'd like to take this time to thank a few people in particular.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Ensign Corav Feala, please come forward.
Ensign Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She arched an eyebrow and moved toward the front of the crowd up to the podium.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP]:::he continued to smile, finally feeling at home, especially since there was a beautiful woman at his side::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] For extreme competence in the line of duty, and actions bringing honor to the Avalon and Starfleet, I herby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. With all the rights, privelages and responsibilities there
Captain Alex Hunter:unto pretaining.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Opens the black box and fixes the half moon pip onto her collar :::
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Grins slightly seeing that Corav got promoted.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Shakes her hand ::: Congragulations.
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::upon seeing Feala receiving her new rank, he clapped for her::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Yells out ::: [OPS] Hooah!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She grinned and nodded, taking Zander's hand and shaking it.:: [CO] Thank you, captain.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Nods at her, feeling a sense of personal pride :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She took a few steps back toward the crowd, blushing.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Now!
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM and TAC] Ensign JGs Liel Andora and Verkal, front and center!
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Hiccups a little bit moving front and center.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]:::he took another sip and went up on his tiptoes for just a sec, wathing the couple take their place::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal strode up, and stood where indicated, feeling a bit ... unusual dressed as he was::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AUDIENCE] If you all are wondering, why these two are up here together, it's because one would have followed the other anyways. They're attached at the hip, so the theory goes. ::: Smiles and looks at them with the love of a
Captain Alex Hunter:brother ::: And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ensign JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Blushes slightly. A shakey smile crossing her face.::
Ensign JG Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal laughed at this, and shook his head, grinning at all of this::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC and HELM] Verkal, Liel you two have demonstrated the most devotion to this vessel I have ever seen from a person under the rank of Lieutenant Commander. You two are always on duty it seems and are always there to counsel
Captain Alex Hunter:the 'old' captain on matters of life. For this I am greatful. For duty bringing honor on the Avalon and Starfleet, I promote you both to the rank of full Ensign. ::: Hands them the black boxes to put the ranks on eachother :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC and HELM] Congragulations.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Grins clapping for them :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She whistled, then applauded in that odd palm-to-back-of-hand Bajoran manner.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal nodded deeply enough that it was almost a bow to the captain:: Thank you ... I believe I speak for both of us when I say we'd have it no other way ::he smiled, descending again from near the podium::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he set his drink down on a nearby table, and joined in with the clapping and cat calls::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Smiles at the two, shaking his head ::: [AUDIENCE] See, attached at the hip.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Now, i'd like to bring up two people fairly new, who have distinguished themselves over these last two weeks (sims) and who have done their utmost for Starfleet... and this crew.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Smiles a bit taking the box, and looks up at Verkal.Then laughed.:: [CO] That is why we are getting married, Sir. ::she responded. ::Then went quiet.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS and AMO] Brigid Lea and Curtis Jameson, front and center.
Crewman Recruit Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Blinks and moves front and center as ordered.::
Crewman Recruit Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he looked at Brigid with a look of surprise, and makes his way to the front::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS and AMO] You two have filled so many important gaps here on the Avalon. Anytime I need you, you both are there with bells and whistles. It is for this reason and for your exceptional service that I advance the both of you
Captain Alex Hunter:to Crewman Apprentices.
Captain Alex Hunter:::: Hands them their grey boxes :;::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS and AMO] Congragulations.
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Claps for them once more :::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he nodded to the captain and took the box with an air of grace and gratitude::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Takes the box.:: [CO] Thank you, Sir.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Another grin, and more applause.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal started clapping again. Today was indeed a time to celebrate::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AMO] You earned it, ::: nodding approvingly :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] And finally.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Looks to the box moving back near the door.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Our next recipiant just saved a planet, not too gracefully, but hey, it worked right?
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Telsia Hunter, front and center.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he walked back with Bri, knowing who was next to recieve her accolades::
Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Hands her wineglass to a fellow SF member and climbs the shallow stairs up to the tier where the podium is, standing at attention :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Fiddles with the box distractedly for a few moments then looks back up.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] First off... how crazy is she?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] A Nut Captain! ::She answered grinning.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks back to telsia ::: [SOP] Voulnteering for a dangerous mission, then using pure emotion- ::: laughs at Liels statement and nods his head as if to say, you damn right she is :::- to solve a planet threatening problem.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She just smiled broadly. Telsia had done more than she would probably ever realize, she thought.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he laughed at the captain's remark quietly and proceeded to open his box::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Pauses for a moment ::: [SOP] And you said you wouldn't fit in here.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] HA!
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Leans on Verkal a little watching with a big smile.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] For your crazy, reckless and... stirringly heroic action... I promote you to the rank of Crewman.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal just shook his head a little, smirking, leaning back on Liel, and clapping::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] You are now in charge, fully of all Special Forces personel on the Avalon. Good, luck... and good job.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Backs off clapping for her :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Whistles loudly.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He gestures her to the crowd, a gesture that says they should do the same :::
Crewman Apprentice Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She blushes, taking her new rate in hand and nods the crowd, quite embarrased :::
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::Applauds loudly::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She whistled again and applauded more loudly than before.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] ::he took another sip of his drink, making a mental toast to Telsia and all::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Opens the box gazing at the new insignia inside it then nodded a little. She looked to Ajax. Smiling a little.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: She walks back down to the crowd, smiling internally then goes back over to Curtis :::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Well, if that's everyone. Then I suggest that we all have a nice evening of dancing, wine and song
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE]::Enters through the doors, attired in a standard Admiral's duty uniform, his shiny bars clipped to his collar and sleeves::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] ::he gave a warm smile to Telsia, and then gave her a friendly hug:: [SOP] Well done, you've saved the day.
Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Lower crewmen snap to attention without being told on his enterance
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] ATtention on deck!
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:::AA::
Crewman Telsia Hunter::: AA :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Goes AA seeing Admiral Erickson.::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] :: AA ::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::AA::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG][CO] ::follows Fleet Admiral Erickson into the place, in standard uniform as well::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he just sighed, and flat out kissed Liel, before pulling back, and speaking:: [TAC] You've brought me nothing but happiness, and good luck ::he went AA::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::AA::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::Steps into the Warrior's hall, donning an Admiralty uniform too, with the HEAVY brass bars::
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Thinks. Okay, we just saved a whole planet. They can't be coming to take my pips off this quickly :::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE][CO] You may begin your celebration in just a few moments, we have one more situation to handle...
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Eyes go round but otherwise doesn't move.::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::He picked up Zander's thought and grinned mischieviously::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::Then quickly looks neutral again::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE][VASG] Admiral...
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG] ::steps up to the podium, nodding to Captain Hunter:: [Crew] Yes, as Fleet Admrial Erickson said, we have one more situation to take care of here.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Would look at her but is AA ::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Makes hard work not to fidget and ruin her AA stance.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG][Crew] The Admiralty of the Starfleet Tactical Force has recently decided, due in large part to recent reports received from the Avalon, that we need to double our efforts in more than one part of the quadrant.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal managed to shift his eyes to the point where his peripheral vision could see the podium well enough::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Has that distant look that meant she was seeing all she could without moving. Thus the podium as well.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG][Crew] For this reason, we are gathering the resources to form a second fleet. This "Delta Fleet" will continue their efforts as normal. The USS Avalon is, effective immediately, transferred to Delta Fleet.
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG] ::looks over to Erickson and moves over to the side::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE]::Looks to the Commodore::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::Steps foward, then using his most commanding and vibrant voice possible::[CO] Captain Alexander Roy Hunter, FRONT AND CENTER.
Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: with an even, expressionless face he moves, in the most direct manner to the front and center of the Commodore :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her eyes followed Zander, the only part of her that was breaking the standard attention post.::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS][CO] You know I'm not into big speeches, so I'll make this short. For demonstrating exemplary leadership, and saving a planet...
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::still bolt upright, Verkal watched. The only thing that was unusual was the single strand of straight black hair that was out of place. He was still a bit riled from recent events::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS][CO] You are hereby awarded the rank of Fleet Captain and position as the Commanding Officer of the Delta Fleet.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::his gaze was directed forward, since he was already facing that direction before going to attention, he was so happy, for once::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Her jaw drops in happiness and her head turns :::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS][ALL] The Vice Admiral left out one small point. She mentioned the Avalon was to be reassigned to the Delta Fleet. What she neglected to tell you all, and may Q help her soul for this, was that the USS Avalon is now the
Commodore Alexander Swift:Flagship of Delta Fleet.
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG] ::smirks, making a mental note to put Swift through a few extra rounds of flag officer training over the next month::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE]::Presents him a box, containing the fifth gold pip to add on to his current set::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::well, this was indeed pleasing to know in a way ... at least he was the helmsman on a flag ship. At least he was "going places" as it were within the Federation ... and was happy with what he had seen::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][FACE] ::: Takes the box and simply says, in an even tone ::: Thank you, sir.
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE][CO] Don't thank me Captain, you have earned it yourself ::Applauds for the new Fleet Captain::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Claps loud for her big brother ::: Hooah, Alex!
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Sure he was at attention, but he thought, in so many words, to h*ll with it, and started clapping again::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Applauds smiling slightly.::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS] ::He applauded as well::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She blinked at Telsia and then joined in the applaused.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Turns around to his crew and nods smiling the 'ghost of a smile' Liel often did. Waving to them, and nodding in thanks :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Applauds laughing a bit but keeping straight.::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE][CO] Fleet Captain, the floor is yours.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::the jovial atmosphere overrode his AA stance and he joined in, grinning like a kid with cake::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He coughs slightly and nods ::: [Crew] Enjoy your evening.
Crewman Recruit Ajax Murdock:[CENG]::He stood there and calmly applauded, proud of his Captain and Ship::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Chuckles a little bit glancing to Ajax who was his usual quiet self. A small smile.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: He descends from the podium slowly and nods smiling to the crew as they congragulate him one by one. No one really notices that he slips out of the doors, into the corridor directly to the right and sits on a small couch
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Grins a bit. Delta Fleet Flagship... wait... Looks to the box. Promoted too!::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:which is recessed into the wall, considering the responsibility put onto his shoulders. :::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he smiled at Telsia once more, before raising his glass in the air and giving a loud, "hip hip hooray"::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG] ::smiles at Fleet Captain Hunter, then turns to Erickson:: [FACE] Well, shall we?
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::He extended his hand to his old friend::[CO] Watch out, at this rate, you'll become brass again tomorrow.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] ::: Raises her glass as well ::: Hip hip hooray!
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] So what now my dear? Ensign Andora ... ::he said in a teasing way::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE][VASG] We shall.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Alex, had, to swift's comment, nodded and simply replied, "No way, Jose'."
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked around for Zander in all of the cheering and confusion.::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:[FACE]::Exits the Warrior's Hall::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] A drink to celebrate. I do not think he would be upset this time. ::Laughing a bit.::
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:[VASG] ::exits as well::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::hears the band start playing, a jazzy, smooth, chic kind of tune, and he turned to Telsia:: [SOP] May I have this dance?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Some of the kanar on the scorpion? ::he asked, raising an eyebrow, and smirking::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Reaches up touching her collar then switches the insignias. Putting the old one in the box.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS] ::he bows and kisses her hand ever so lightly::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Sounds like a treat. ::Laughing a little bit.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] HOld on a moment though ::Takes out the new pip adding it to his collar.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Good ... shall we ask around, see who wants to come along, or just go it alone? ::he smiled softly::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned and looked around one more time, this time on her tiptoes, before she started walking around the place.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Yes, yes you may ::: Flattered :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Leans on the wall. Her hands behind her back as usual.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: looks at the box in the corridor as he sits down. :::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he takes Telsia's hand, and lightly rested the other on her back, and they began to dance along with the slow, snakelike rhythm of the music::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] :: Holds the hand of his that holds hers and wraps her arm around his waist :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Looks thoughtfull.:: Zander did not look too happy... I wonder if he is okay.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::After a walk around, she finally peeked outside of the hall into the corridor.::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Glances to Ajax thoughtfully then moves over to stand beside him.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks up, seeing feala's head pop out of the door way :::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::He exited into the corridor and saw the Captain sitting on the floor like a kid::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] This has been a fairly pleasant day. Aside from the buisness earlier :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Hey... ::She left the room and walked toward him.:: Did you want to be alone?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Actually I was waiting for yo- ::: sees swift approaching ::: [CAS] What's on your mind, commodore?
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] Yes, it surely has been. I thought at first that I had been rather clumsy and slow, but it seemed my adrenaline kicked in when I needed it most...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Takes Feala's hand in his :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She turned toward the Commodore and stiffened a little.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Yes, you did very well today. You should be proud of your performance.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] No, he didn't look too pleased ... we could go and speak with him, though I believe Feala has beaten us to it
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::He saw Zander and the other officer and decided what he wanted to say could wait [CO] It can wait.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAS] Are you sure?
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] Likewise.. Hmm.. We know you can do your job well.. Tell me about who Telsia is- off duty. ::he grinned and closed his eyes a moment, taking in the moment for all it was worth::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS][CO] Of course, [Both] You two have fun...I have some paperwork to take care of...brass, you know how it is.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Well, Telsia is telsia. I like my job. I play a few insturments, sing and love to read.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAS] Yea, I definately remember that.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded to Commodore Swift, but stayed quiet.::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::He couldn't help but laugh out loud::[OPS] Relax, Lieutenant. I'm not Erickson.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he thought of going into a dip, but he really didn't want his back going out on him:: [SOP] Really, now? I play a few things and sing as well..
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] I love to keep in shape. You can typically find me frequenting the hologym or other PT areas.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She smirked. More at the fact that he addressed her as "Lieutenant," really. But then she turned back to Zander and sat baside him.::
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS][OPS] Cheer up
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] Hologym? Heh.. I haven't seen much of the ship yet... Not even a third of her...
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] The hologym is huge it has replicated arenas for almost everything.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::blinks coming out of her thoughts. Looking around.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] It's the best place on the ship to me...
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] I'll have to check it out sometime... my boyish figure is getting the best of me ::Joking::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Well, in the end, I suppose physical fitness will either kill us or make us stronger
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::blinks looking around then nodded a little bit.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] I've gotta admit, I'm a bit partial to the latter.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Looks to Feala ::: Thanks for coming out here...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Yeah... you okay out here? People are missing you in there.
Commodore Alexander Swift:[CAS]::Disappears::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] So shall we go congratulate Alex on all of this? Or rather give him and Feala a bit of time together? ::he gave Liel's hand a small squeeze::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Just debating if this is something I want. Can I run an entire fleet?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Give them a little bit. Then we will all have drinks and relax. ::She smiled.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Zander, you saved an entire planet today. I think you can handle a fleet. This ship was MADE for this.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Everyone is so happy. I'm happy for once.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Yes, yes ... drinks, and relaxation. I could use both right now ::there was a tiny grin::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Looks back to Ajax.:: Big night tonight, hasn't it been? ::Blinks a bit smiling.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS]Well then give me my pledge gift. ::: he looks at her lovingly :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] You better sleep tonight. ::she poked him gently then kissed his cheek.:: I worry about you.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: hands her the box :::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] As am I. I don't know if you knew this, but, I felt like I really wasn't cut out for the Avalon, seemed I was an outsider, but.. I'm beginning to think otherwise now.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] I must agree, I could use a little bit of rest my dear ::he ran a hand through her hair::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] You have earned a rest. ::relaxing a bit.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Feala took the box, opened it, removed the solid gold pip, and carefully pinned it on to his right collar.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Reaches up touching his collar where she had put his new rank on him and smiled.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] I felt the exact same way. I felt Ensign Andora was singling me out, now I realize I was making foolish mistakes :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He places his right hand at the bottom of her chin, kissing her with a new rank and responsibility :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She kissed him back, and smiled.:: [CO] I know you'll be fine, Zander.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] So have you. We should spend more time on the holodeck soon ::he beamed at her, kissing her forehead:: Once it is repaired, we should rechristen our little Hideki
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] It seems to me that you've earned your keep, and, something else I've noticed.. Everyone has been pairing up, it's been like a lonely Valentine's day with lovers all around..
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Kisses her nose ridges lightly ::: We'll be fine... Besides... don't I have some parents to meet? ::: Stands :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] ::She smiled a bit and nodded.:: Yes we should
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] ::With a soft laugh, she stood as well.:: Yes, you do.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Ajax was lost in thought again. It amused her. Slowly leaning against the wall watching everyone and nodding. This was the way it was supposed to be.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] No need to rush, the whole crew hasn't arrived yet.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] No matter ... tonight I wish to just, I believe the saying is unwind ... and sleep ... oh how wonderful that will be
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Come on. They miss you in the hall.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] I suppose you're right. Tell me, what brought you here to the Avalon?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Agreed.. ::She nodded a little bit smiling.:: You need it.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Crewman Telsia Hunter::: AA ::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:::aa::
Ensign Liel Andora:::AA::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:::AA::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:::AA::
Ensign Verkal:::AA::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:::AA::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne, front and center.
Vice Admiral Sioned Gwynne:::peers at Erickson, moves in front of him to attention::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the hardest working brass member in the STF. Since the day she joined, she hasn't stopped working for this fleet. Taking on responsibilities from managing the website to serving as his...
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Commander in Chief's unofficial sccretary.
Ensign Verkal:::says to h*ll with the AA long enough to clap::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Sioned, I apologies because this was far overdue...
Crewman Telsia Hunter:::: Claps as well :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:::Saves it for the big ovation.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:::: Claps, smiling softly :::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Sioned Gwynne, I hereby promote you to the rank of Admiral, awarding and assigning you the privileges and responsibilities attached to the rank.
Admiral Sioned Gwynne:::nods:: Thank you, Fleet Admiral.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:::he beamed with pride, not in himself, but pride in only the greatest space fairing organization this side of Andromeda::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:::Now starts to applaud enthusiastically.::
Ensign Verkal:::raises his drink:: may I propose an OOC toast here?
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:::Hands her the box after it materializes in his hand::
Ensign Liel Andora:::Claps grinning hugely.::
Admiral Sioned Gwynne:::takes it, grins, but still AA::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:At ease, Admiral Gwynne.
Admiral Sioned Gwynne:::relaxes::
Fleet Admiral Chris Erickson:Apologies Captain Hunter and crew, please resume with your activities.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:Gladly
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[RESUME SIM]=-
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Taps her foot lightly still leaning on the wall her hands behind her back still.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Yes, I do ... we both do. ::a soft chuckle as he patted her shoulder:: I only wish I could interrogate that CAP slime first hand
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] ::: Seperates from him as the song stops ::: You dance very well.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] I know you do. ::She chuckles a little bit.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] Why thank you, I must admit, a dance takes two. And my, wasn't that a pleasant surprise just now?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] So, you coming?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Nods to her smiling ::: Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Smiles quietly is still near Ajax but not interrupting his thoughts though curious as anything.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] No matter ... tonight, once this is done, we shall split a bottle of kanar, and revel in our victory
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Wraps an arm around her waist and walks back into the busy hall :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She smiled and walked back into the room with Zander.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Then sleep for a good long time. ::She added laughing watching for Zander and Feala to come back in.::
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson: [AOPS]+T+[AMO] Good blessings are yours.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Well, thank you for the dance. ::: Grins and moves off to her brother :::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][OPS and CO] :::: Walks up grinning to them ::: How are you two?
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][SOP] LIkewise, good evening Telsia.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Nods a little bit still smiling. Blinking a little bit.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Indeed we shall ::he smiled a bit seeing Alex, and Feala return ... would be a pity to see them depart so soon::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked up to Zander:: [SOP] I think we're doing well.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::moves over to the bar, surveying the refreshments.. Afterall, great food was one of the ways to his heart::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Takes his hand and walks over to Feala, Telsia and Zander.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks down to Feala then to his sister ::: [SOP] We couldn't be doing any better ::: smiles happily, once more :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Since Liel seemed to want to tow him about, he'd not object, following along::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][OPS and CO] You two look like you've been together for years. It looks just so perfect.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She grinned.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Thank you little sister. I think, however, that all of us will be entitled to a week of R&R before the ship is officially stationed and ready for duty.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Stands there with Verkal just smiling.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] I could definately use some. I think we all could
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Moves into the hall hopefully without being noticed and hums softly to herself.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] ::: Leans over and pats Verkal on the back. ::: Good job, Ensign.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] He has some great flying manuevers does he not?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] R&R ... well that's one way to prevent a mass suicide ::he smirked:: Thank you ... Fleet Captain ::he sighed, cracking his neck:: things do change quickly around here
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:Oh, most certainly, some I'd never seen before. Reminds me of the way my mother used to drive when she was late to take me to practice on vulcan.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] A week, huh?
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he gets just a small snack at the table and decides to walk over to the captain, someone with whom he hadn't spoken with much::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Yes, a full week of shore leave.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::laughs at the statement.:: A week ... of doing nothing?! I am going to die. ::Teasingly.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] And please, just captain still. The fleet is only if I get in trouble.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO][TAC] You should see me after half a bottle of Romulan Ale ... ::he kissed Liel's temple yet again:: not nearly so terrifying as my torpedo fanatic here ...
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] Kudos, Cap'n. I'm so glad I was posted to a great ship with a great leader.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Well, you can tour the world that we just saved. [HELM] I can only imagine
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] I'm an alright leader. You guys are where the greatness comes from ::: Pats his back, in turn :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] That should be enough for a trip to Bajor. ::She winked.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Looks around suddenly seeming uncomfortable. A feeling sort of like a small pop going off at her neck and the base of her skull.:: [CO] I might do that.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] That's exactly where I was thinking of visiting.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] No, you just happen to be irrational enough to trust a drunken old Cardassian subversive to pilot your ship ::he laughed, just seeming happy at the moment::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Walks back inside and joins the group. Standing quietly.::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] [ALL] Congratulations everyone. ::She nodded a little bit.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][ALL] Well, if you'll all excuse me. I'm going to retire for the evening. I've had my fair share of excitement for one day.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AMO] ::: Nods smiling ::: Thank you, congragulations on your advancement as well
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Good night, 'rmo'na.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO and OPS] Good night, 'rmo'ne and 'mno'a.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO][CO] A little at a time. I wish I could've done more .. but I'm a medical doctor not a Tactical Officer.
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][CO] You have a good one now, ya hear?
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] :::: Nods to the others in turn and after saying her good byes and moves to her quearters to slee p :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][SOP] Night, Telsia. ::She smiled.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] So did you enjoy the use of the quadrant's finest weapons? ::nods a goodnight to Telsia::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Of course I did. ::She said but sounded morose.:: I thought that conduit was in though...
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS]::he thought curiously for a moment, never knowing what 'rmo'na meant, but he shrugged it off::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] My dear, I hardly think that was your fault ...
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO][AOPS] brother and sister..
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO][AOPS] 'rmo'na is sister
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:[AOPS][AMO] So.. he called me sister?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO][NOIP] Maybe it is Sibling.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] My job if not my fault. But it is fixed.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Looks to Ajax again curious as to what is keeping him so lost in thought.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Lifts his glass ::: To new beginnings... to the Delta Fleet... to the Avalon.... to family.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She picked a glass from one of the waiters' trays and raised it.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] To New beginnings, Delta Fleet, Avalon... To Familly. ::She lifted her glass too.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] No matter, still love you ::he kissed her, raising his fist:: And to saving a few billion innocents
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] Here here.. ::Smiling as she too took a glass from a tray.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon's crew had saved Bajor from certain destruction. The newest generation had come together, fused with the one soul from the eldest and became one. They now were all truly part of the Avalon's history...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Crewman Apprentice Curtis Jameson:::AA::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:::AA::
Ensign Liel Andora:::AA::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[END SIM]=-