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USS Avalon NCC 06742-A: Episode III

"In the Darkest Reaches"

The USS Avalon, along with the USS Venture, is ordered on a short patrol route, passing through an area known to local inhabitants as the "Dark Zone." When they pass into this "Dark Zone," the Avalon and Venture meet a very large, very powerful ship of Dominion-style design, commanded by a Jem'Hadar who proclaims himself and his ship to be the new god. A battle between the three ships occurs in which the Venture is severely damaged, and the Avalon uses its last resort Type XX phaser cannon to ward the Dominion vessel off. As it leaves the area, the Avalon runs a brief check over the Venture with not very promising results. The CO of the Venture, Captain Allison Britt, is mortally wounded. However, another ship comes into the area to take over the rescue effort and pass along orders for the Avalon to investigate an attack on a colony, Bursius IV, in the area. Another firefight destroys the ship, also of Dominion make, and an away team goes down to the planet to save the survivors from a Jem'Hadar invasion squad. Among the suriviors that were found is Robin Sena Hunter, unknown daughter of Captain Britt and Fleet Captain Hunter.

Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[BEGIN PRE-SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]::: Sitting back in his ready room, the Captain reads over report after miscellanious report. Each one more dull and dry than the rest. He's been reading for close to two hours before he puts the PADDs down on his desk.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM]::Liel was away, and what he still saw in a way as his little Hideki was going to be painted funny colors ... but despite these notions he was in an oddly good mood. He sat at his station, looking as though he'd actually
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::sitting in his office as he is getting the incoming reports from all the ships in delta fleet and organizing them::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Sitting at the science station reading into the proper care of a cat which she was planning on adopting from a little girl when they returned to starbase eight. :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Marches onto the bridge a PADD in hand looking around intently before going still. Her head tilted a little bit.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A whole flotilla of junior officers and lower enlisted are at work on the bridge, usual upkeep and a bit of chatter floating around the bridge. LCDR Fontane is the Officer of the Deck:::
Ensign Verkal:had enough rest the night before, fingers moving about with purpose on the controls, even if the movements were a tad slow and deliberate. No need to rush at the moment, he thought::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF][HELM] ::: Stands up moving to his chair, placing one hand on the head rest ::: How are we doing?
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Moves down to the operations console, looking over some ships... operations. Grinning to herself she looks over her shoulder to see a projection on the MSD and then nods, approving her own abilites to fill in for Feala :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal checked over something real fast ... all appeared to be well, and there seemed to be no anomalous readings, so he turned, and addressed the one who had questioned him:: By my readings, yes, the Avalon is on course
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF][HELM] That's good to hear. ::: She moves back over to the center seat and relaxes ::: It feels good to be the captain for a few hours.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:::Moves to the Tactical station looking over the controls and slowly settling the padd unit in the small holder at her side next to her medical tricorder.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][HELM] I haven't seen Liel in a while. Is she still working on the Hideki? [LCDRF] Sort of feels like being a god, huh?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO]*
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF][SOP] Yes, ::: she nods ::: you know it does? I feel totally in control
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he snickered, checking the reticule for a moment:: [SOP] She's off with Feala dealing with some merchant thing ... she was not to clear on it. I hope she returns soon however ... ::he didn't look all that pleased to be
Ensign Verkal:without her::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Silently makes an adjustment. Then nods slightly. Stepping back she moved to where Jameson normally sat.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][LCDRF] ::: Looks up from her pannel with a slight grin ::: We're fixin to enter the Dark Realm ::: she says with a sort of 'scaaary' saracstic voice :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF]+T+[XO] :: Depresses a button on the command chair ::: Fontane to Etti. We'll soon be entering the rift. Advise on action?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][NOIP] Why is it realms, and zones, and points don't have names like the Zone of Pleasantness, or the Point of no Complaints? It's always the Zone of doom, and the Point of no Return ... ::he went along with Telisa::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][HELM] ::: Chuckles ::: Cause realms and zones tend to be unpleasant. Like this sucker... refracts all light except for a few shades of blue.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][SOP] I suppose you have a valid point ... still I am shocked some Ferengi has not tried to rename it the Zone of Ensured Privacy, and then tried to open some form of real estate scam ::he snickered, checking over their course
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF]+T+[XO] Commander Etti? Are you there John?
Commander John Etti:[XO]+T+[LCDRF] I am on my way out.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] [NOIP] Perfect place to hide.... ::She shook her head feeling edgy as she checked readouts glancing up a bit. This wasn't her job but... She stood up again moving to tactical seeing as Telsia was at Ops.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][HELM] I think they might have. In any case, at least this place isn't too bad. We still have sensors.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF][SOP] But still, there is a lot of darkness in that place. Some of our sensors work off light rays and beams.
Commander John Etti:[XO]::places the padds on his desk as he sighs.:: Paper work. It never ends. ::he gets up from his desk and heads out to the bridge looking around:: [HELM] Distance to the rift?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF] ::: Moves over to the CNSLR chair and takes a seat :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Suddenly grins.:: [NOIP] Perfect place for a Klingon. Or another race that sees more into the blues.. ::Goes quiet when Etti gets there.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][SOP] So long as I don't lose my ability to control this ship, I won't complain. ::he cracked his neck, working out some of the tension resulting from bending over his station:: [XO] At present speed, seven minutes until we
Ensign Verkal:reach the outer fringes
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][XO] I can't really read anything past the edge, either. I guess we'll only be able to communicate with other ships inside of the rift. ::: turns around and smiles ::: The Venture should be waiting inside
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::nods:: [HElm] Continue course and speed. ::takes his seat in the command chair and sighs:: [NOIP] I hate being left in the dark.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Shifts her weight slightly watching things.:: [XO] Doesn't everyone?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[PAUSE PRE-SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[BEGIN SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon gets some tremors sent through her hull but is otherwise undamaged.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][XO] Sir, reading the USS Venture off our port bow. ::: Taps a few controls :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][NOIP] It does seem a bit bumpy ::he remarked in an off handed manner, waiting for any course correction orders that were needed::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: walks out onto the bridge in a class D uniform, having left his mountain of padds in his ready room ::: [XO] Status report?
Commander John Etti:[XO][CO] Captain, We are approaching the Venture.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC]::Steps from the Turbolift onto the bridge muttering under her breath. Holding the wall.:: [NOIP] I always get here in time for the fun!
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] ::: Looks over her shoulder ::: Ensign Andora, how was your trip? Did Corav come back with you?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Moves from Tactical allowing Liel her Station but staying on the bridge.::
Commander John Etti:[XO][CO] Everything is in order and we are through. ::gets up and moves to his chair off right::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] That's definately good to hear ::: Steps up to the command teir standing on it ::: [SOP] Let's see her.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Liel? ::he perked up a great deal, looking very pleased:: I am ... glad to have you back on board
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Venture, on screen aye. ::: Taps a few buttons and brings the mighty galaxy-class on the viewer :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Indeed, the vessel does appear. It is covered in a blueish black luster from the lack of white light. Only the running lights and room lights from the vessel are visible.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] I couldn't miss the fun. [SOP] No she's smoothing out the rest of the stuff and will be back aboard the MacArthur a bit later. ::She ran her fingers over the controls and nodded to Brigid.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Good to have you back ::: He sits down in his chair ::: [XO] Looks like she wants us to make the first move, huh?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Nods back watching everyone but stablized as she moved to AOPS chair.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Bring us in... put our port nacelle five meters from the Venture's starboard nacelle.
Commander John Etti:[XO][noip] This black is going to take some getting use to. ::grins:: [CO] Typical. [SOP] Hail the Venture
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][XO] Aye, sir. Hailing the Venture ::: Taps a few buttons and waits :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal shot Liel another smile, before turning his eyes to the screen, and observing this new ship, before nodding his head at the captain:: [CO] I can do that without a problem ::he laid in the course to bring them right
Ensign Verkal:off the side of the Venture, on the starboard side::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon moves into a position right next to the venture.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Telsia's console bleeps multiple times.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Smiles back then watches the screen. Her fingers running through Scans of where they were and what they could use here.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][NOIP] Well that got their attention. [CO and XO] Captain Britt on screen.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP]::: Taps a few more buttons before she appears :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The black image is filled with the face of a woman in her late forties shaking her head. She looks with a slight amused scolding towards them all, then rests her eyes on hunter.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAB][CO] Good to see you too. Now... will you back down off our starboard quarter?
Commander John Etti:[XO]::nods as he turns his attention to the screen::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAB] ::: Smirks softly ::: We have the right of power. You back down off our port quarter.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Tries to hide a serge of amusement bordering on laughing. Her fingers moving over the console lightly.::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::grins as Britt comes on the screen still curious about what is going on::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal had to snicker at this ... so it was a little joke, riding up on them. An amusing one at that, even if he for the most part hid his opinion of it::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAB][CO] ::: Tsks ::: Fine, ACTION: The Venture manuvers to port ::: you win. Stop playing, sir- thought I'd never live to call you that ::: a grin :::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: A smile crosses her face as she shakes her head :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAB] Thank you, Allison.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAB][CO] You're welcome. Are you ready to begin our patrol?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAB] I betcha we are.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAB][CO] We'll hang back about a hundred kilometers off to your port rear and provide rear support.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][CAB] Roger, Avalon out.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Cuts the channel :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::moves her fingers across running her sweeps again. Her head tilted over her work with glances up and about now and then.::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Watches intently her head tilted forward just the slightest bit. Fingers tightening behind her back a typical posture for her.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Please start us moving, full impulse.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP and TAC] Begin full scans, please.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he punched in the controls, setting up the correct course, and speed:: [CO] Done
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] Already doing so, sir. ::She grinned a bit.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] I'll handle it ::: Begins sweeping the area ::: looks over the scans ::: This place really has a certain beauty, you know?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][SOP] A certain terrifying beauty. Unless you live in it. ::continues her scans silently her fingers moving over the controls.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[CMR] :: Takes his seat at the Ops station and begins to tap console.:: [CO] Crewman Recruit reporting for duty sir.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Crewman Recruit...? ::: tapers off, waiting for his/her last name :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][NOIP] I believe I find this place almost relaxing ... soothing in a way. It seems to ... calm
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] ::: Blinks as she is shoved from the operations chair ::: Hey, you could at least ask nicely.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[CMR][CO] Mr.Neris sir.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC]::Represses a giggle blinking at the Crewman tipping her head.:: [HELM] This just gets more and more interesting.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[CMR][SOP] ::Whispers::, a little nervous.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][AOPS] Of all the... :: moves to her Special Operations station and curses under her breath as she continues her sweeps from there :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Just watch the scans for anything...
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] My dear, I must concur. If all goes well, maybe I can find someplace quiet to sip red leaf tea, and stare out into this odd phenomena
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: THe Avalon and Venture drift into an asteroid field. Things there are pretty stable.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Watches every one intently. Observing personal reactions. Her arms crossing a little bit.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal used the proxy sensors to keep them away from anything too terribly large, while holding the overall needed course::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] Red leaf tea... ::She mumbled still watching her scans and sweeps for anything out of the ordinary.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, my sensors are picking up a large hull signature registering from 60,000 KMs to our starboard.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC and or AOPS] Can you clarify?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Eyes round a little bit at the sheer size of that. She blinked up at. Working to make out what it is.:: Sir, I have never seen anything that size before. ::Shakes her head. Stregthening the scans a bit to get details. And
Ensign Liel Andora:look for a who indication.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][XO] Looks pretty big on my scopes.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] 1609 Meters in length beam is 1012 meters... Identification almost nill in here. ::She answered making a face.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] It's huge sir. Not sure what it is. Shall I send out a sensor probe? ::: Begins to prepare for the launch of the probe::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Lifts a brow slightly observing with a cool gaze.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] ::: Shakes his head ::: No. Keep your scans up. [TAC] Get a hold of the Venture and make sure she knows about it. [HELM] And you... take us in.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Sends a message to the Venture and waits for a responce in action or word. Her head lifting a little bit then looking back down.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he raised an eyebrow:: [CO] This ship seems to be in a hurry ... attempting to close now ::he entered a few commands, trying to come up on the rear of this ... behemoth::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Coordinates for Engineering seeing as they really don't have a dedicated ENG officer :::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Aye Sir. ::Cancels the probe and begins to run diffrent scans of the unidentifed object::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Leans against the front of the tactical console, turning back to the viewer ::: I can't wait to see what this is.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] It's over a mile long. I don't really want to deal with something that big if it's a 'bad guy.'
Commander John Etti:[XO][Tac] Take us to Yellow Alert. [CO] I have a bad feeling about this.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal dumped what power he could into the engines trying to get them in closer, as he stared into the blackness. This was making him uneasy::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] This thing is huge. ::She attempted to do deeper sweeps with the scensors and agreed with John. She activated the yellow alert.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A ringing klaxon signals three times and the white lights turn to a light yellow and begin blinking.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] Well, why don't we find out if we have anything to fear.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Time and distance to target?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Gets more alert and ready. Her head tilted a little bit.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Tries to get an idea of the ships weaponry and defenses as was her job.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] [CO] Sir, we are 30 seconds away from the object and current 2000 kilometers away from the object.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Rubs her nose and looks toward the viewer :::
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: A hulking shape slowly emerges on screen. First the dull glow of the engines, followed by the outline of the hull. It bristled with weapons. The most disturbing part was that it appeared to be of a make, and manufacture
Commander John Etti:[XO][NOIP] What the hell is that... ::he gets up and moves to the ops consol looking over at what the sensors are bringing up::
Ensign Verkal:that it simply should not have been. It read, and looked like a Dominion warship. A white blue glow, followed by an energy spike gave another surprise. A weapon that read much like a quantum torpedo had been launched ... but it was
Ensign Verkal:bigger. Much bigger ... and read with a polaron charge
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Sheilds!
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Bites off a round of curses. Her visual of the ship was enough to make her sure this thing was... a monster. Her fingers moved over the consol and she brought the weapons up and on stand by shaking her head slightly. The
Commander John Etti:[XO][TAC] Red ALert!
Ensign Liel Andora:shields going up in less than a heart beat.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: grips onto the tactical console ::: [TAC] Tactical analysis, Liel!.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: THe Avalon is rocked by the polaron torpedo as it vibrates.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::The read alert goes off.:: Sir.... ::She almost choked.:: You could read it faster than I could tell you. ::She gasped grabbing the edge of the consol to keep from ending up on the ground.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][NOIP] Son of a bit-! ::: is rocked around :::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, Foward shields down to 76 percent!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Tell me!
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::grabs onto the back of teh ops chair as the ships shakes:: [OPS] Damage?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Hail them! [HELM] Evasive action! [SOP] Inform the Venture!
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: Two polaron beams are fired, though at fairly long range for such weapons
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] [XO] Foward shields down to 76 percent!
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::the range was still fairly far out, so he did his best to evade the torpedo, but failed to do so:: [NOIP] It looks Dominion ... what ... ::he was a bit lost, as he tried to evade other incoming fire::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Aye sir. ::: hails the Venture from her station, her motions quick as lightining, but definately focused :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][CO] ::Croaks a little bit.:: Metagenics...Sir... ::She set up a firing array. She didn't have time to get words out.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Verkal moves to the side just in time. As he does the Venture comes rushing forward letting loose a pulse of quantum torpedos towards the vessel.
Commander John Etti:[XO]::moves back to his chair and tries to check out the incomeing tac readouts:: [CO] I geuss this answers our dominion question.
Commander John Etti:[XO][Tac] Prepare to return fire.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] Well, if they want it again. We beat them once before.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::the TL door opens, the crewman walks to his post and begins to work::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Moves back to his seat and curses ::: [CENG] Keep our sheilds up. Reroute all power forward.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Venture comes around, firing her type XII arrays at the battle cruiser and then letting loose with five quantums from her aft tubes.
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: The shields on the rear of the Dominion ship flare. Four polaron beams, and an improved quantum torpedo are fired off at the Venture. Clearly they had provoked the ire of the warship
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ie sir, rerouting power to foward :; does so::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] Poloron Siege Cannon Multiphasic regenerative shielding ::She grunted a bit. Shaking her head as the readings came up.:: NOT GOOD...
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] [CO] Sir, the enemys dorsal sheilds are at 97%.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC and HELM] Bring our forward torpedos to bear. Don't let them concentrate on the Venture.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal nodded at the captain, punching in the needed orders, trying to line Liel up for one of her normal, cut throat torpedo salvos::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] 14 polaron... beams weapons. ::She did so. Still listing off that monsters weapons and defences.:: Fire at Will sir?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Go for it.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] The Avalon is being hailed sir!
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Grips on and curses, trying to coordinate with the Ventures officers in an effective attack pattern :::
Commander John Etti:[XO][AOPS] On screen.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] 24 rapid fire disruptor ::Firing when she was lined up still listing off the stuff.:: 2 Metagenic breaching pod launchers.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] ::Opens the channel::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] Metagenic? ::: Quirks a brow :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Waits to see this dominion officer :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] 4 modified torpedo... [SOP] You heard me...
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: On screen stood a Jem'Hadar. He looked irate, a slight green tint to his skin. He was larger than the norm, for some ... odd reason. He snarled, and spoke to the Avalon
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] Anti matter .. [HELM] size 25's
Ensign Verkal:[Ker'de'jorn][Avalon] Flee with your lives ... you cannot possibly comprehend the power of the New God! You yet draw breath only by His good graces! Retreat while you are still considered unimportant
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][Ker'de'jorn] You do realize that the Founders have been defeated. Who is this new God you speak of?
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] ::Sighs and whispers.:: Christ.
Ensign Verkal:[Ker'de'jorn][Avalon] The founders are NOT Gods! Fool ... underevolved scum! The New God, unlike those false deities cannot be defeated by weak, insignificant powers like your Federation ::he barked, looking even more annoyed::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: moves to tactical station number 2 ::: [NOIP] Hmph.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][Ker'de'jorn] Well then... [AOPS] ::: Pulls his fingers across his throat, a signal to operations to cut the signal :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Scowls thunderously. Her gaze on the screen. Her blocks up and tight at the moment with her posture rather threatening.:: [SOP] Thank you... I will need second hands for the manuevers if it comes to it. ::Keeps her thoughts
Ensign Liel Andora:to herself though.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] ::: Nods, her lavender eyes flashing up ::: I'll do my best to help. What's a star sister for otherwise?
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] ::Closes the channel::[CO] The channel is closed sir.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC and SOP] Fire all weapons.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::stares at te weird thing on the screen wondering what it is::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Grins.:: This man is full of himself but he's not stupid. ::Begins firing.:: [HELM] We need to take out the Cannon... it's aligned to the spine ... keep us moving so he can not get a bead.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Venture whips on screen from below and opens fire with all forward phasers and weapons.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] I shall do what I can ... ::he sped up, trying to come up, along the ship, to avoid that cannon::
Commander John Etti:[XO][CO] Disable of Destroy?
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: Clearly the Jem'hadar did not like having "lesser" beings pester him while he was set with a divine task. Two more torpedoes, and two polaron beams were sent at the Avalon, and two beams to the Venture
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] [CO] Sir, their sheilds are holding at 98.8 percent. Our weapons arent doing much!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] ::: Turns his head quizzically. ::: Can we do either?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal tried to evade these as best he could, not like this much at all. So much for relaxation::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Takes in for the cannon before the "God" can fire it. Trying also to get through to the Meta's.:: [AOPS] Send the Tactical information to the Venture. [CO] He is right, Sir we are doing nearly nothing.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Moving her hands over the console she takes charge of the nacelle phasers, attempting to shoot down the incoming polaron torpedos :::
Commander John Etti:[XO][CO] That depends on some things. How far do we wish to go?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Venture is struck by the polaron beam on its engineering section. The blast penetrates its sheild and cuts deeply into the hull, exposing several decks.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Charge the type twenty.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::The Sheilding was bothering her.:: Sir... ::She did so her fingers moving over the controls praying the couplings would hold as the Generator had been set up some time ago.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] I'll keep firing while you handle the targeting of the cannon ::: Starts punching in commands and toggling between photon and quantum torpedos, always changing and shifting firing patterns :::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, the Venture's sheilds shave been penetrated and they're losing impulse rapidly
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::A silent nod as she adjusted the aim.:: [HELM] Get under that beast... ::Her voice hard.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] I don't think we can win this...
Commander John Etti:[XO][AOPS] Hail the Venture tell them to get out of here as fast as possible. [CO] Cannon?
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Breaches on decks 36 tthrough 39 on the Venture!
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][TAC] Let me see what I can do ... ::he tried to pull them up, under the ship::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Venture still fires back with its active phaser arrays. The Avalon is spewing energy from its arrays and its torpedo turrets keep firing as best they can.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][XO] Aye sir! ::Hails the venture!::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Captain Britt comes on screen.
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: The Jem'hadar could sense ... could feel what they wanted, a kill with the wounded Venture in mind. a full volley, three torpedoes, and all four rear polaron beams at the Galaxy class ... they wanted it crippled, or
Ensign Verkal:destroyed
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAB][ALL] This isn't going to well for us at all! :: The bridge is flickering and a few ceiling wires hang over head. Not too bad, however- ::: Static :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] And be ready to run like the Klingons. ::She muttered this was a battle they couldn't win. She knew it. Once in position she waited for the command to fire. The Cannon was not a fire at will weapon.:: [SOP] Get those Torps...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Venture takes the torpedos to their right nacelle, having it blown off clear from its hinges
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] I'm on- ::: She cringes as she sees them impact ::: ... too late.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] [CO] Sir, we've lost them!
Commander John Etti:[XO]::looks to hunter:: [CO] Alex, we have two choices. Run or use our last choice.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Polaron beams strike straight through the saucer in the front of the venture's bridge. The bridge is not itself 'damaged' but the saucer in front is missing large ellipses.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] We can't run... we have to hold.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Is it ready yet?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] [CO] ... Captain... Ready sir. ::Waiting at the Cannon controls for the cue to fire the cannon.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] bring us close to the Venture.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Starts running scans for any survivors of the Venture.::
Commander John Etti:[XO] [CO] Then all we have are teh Phasics and the Cannon.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Target their fire controls.
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: Another polaron blast went towards the saucer section of the Venture. They were targeting the bridge now. Luckily for the crew on board, they missed
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: Picks up his right hand and drops it ::: Fire the cannon!
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Takes aim at the weapons controls for the behemoth and fires. Growling fitfully in a way that was feral.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Bringing us closer now! ::he closed even more ... ::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::keeps scanning she could only get a few at a time if any but at least if she knew the numbers.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Energy leaps down the barrel of the phaser cannon as it lashes out striking the Warship's FC section.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: It goes straight through the shields... and impacts the ship.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO][XO] Sir, minimal damage to their hull. Their firing systems are down though.
Ensign Verkal:ACTION: The ship was starting to slow now, but not a great deal. The weapons fire stopped ... and the ship did something no Dominion ship should do ... it cloaked
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Shakes her head swearing.::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::hopes this works as he watches the weapon fire:: [AOPS] That is what we needed. ::noticed that sensors no longer read the ship:: [NOIP] What the.... [CO] Since when did Dominion Ships have cloaking?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ANY] Where did it go?
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir...they've cloaked. I've lost them on all sensors.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] ::: Curses ::: Since when did dominion ships tromp through the Alpha Quadrant.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Systems check?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Nav and conn seems fine ... ::he shook his head, just looking troubled at this whole notion. What were Jem'hadar doing out here::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Does the Venture have power? [AMO] How many survivors?
Commander John Etti:[XO]::presses a few commands as he brings up the reports from teh various stations::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] 548 Life signs.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Looking up slowly. Her gaze holding a question. Are we rescuing them? But she didn't say it out loud.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, the Venture no longer has power, only life support. Sensors showing forcefields are not in place over the breaches.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][BRIDGE PERSONEL] XO, Andora, Hunter and Grimmson. We're going over.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::She growled frustrated. Her fingers moving over the controls.:: We are vulnerable just sitting here. ::Checking sheilds.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] You have the bridge. Start evacuating as many people as you can over here, okay?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Very well, coordinating efforts now ... ::his fingers once again flew as he started trying to get the badly wounded to sick bay, and those not too badly harmed to where ever there was room::
Commander John Etti:[XO][CO}::nods:: Transporter room 2?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]+T+[TRANSROOM] Hunter to transporter room, site to site. Put us on the Venture's bridge.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] [HELM] ::Looks up at him. Smiling a little. She lived for all this.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Just a moment later, all of them, XO, Andora, Telsia, and Brigid all were beamed aboard the Venture's bridge.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The place is a wreck. A few seconds later, other med personel beam in. Sparks are everywhere. Smoke is billowing from every single console. There are even fires on the bridge.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Immediately starts finding out who could wait and who needed immediate attention. Her gaze slightly horrified at the sights.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he smiled at Liel before she beamed out, shaking his head. This had been messy ... too messy::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::shimmers as he reappears on the venture:: [CO] This works too. I'm heading down to Engineering to see if we can get main power back online.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Starts to help the helmsman. She starts checking his vitals and then gives him a rebreather. :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] Understood.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] Take Grimmson with you.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Goes to work trying to get the shields and weapons back up.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Crewmen are strewn across the bridge, injured.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::enters the turbolift and makes his way to the enjineering deck to help with repairs on the dameged systems.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Captain Brit is laying across the tactical console, blood coming from her mouth and stomach. A peice of shrapnel is embedded in her torso.
Commander John Etti:[@XO]::nods as he heads over to a jeffries tube and climbs down to ME::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal just realized he was in control of the ship ... a fun notion under better circumstances. Too many people on a ship that was too badly damaged to pay attention to quaint notions of authority::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Moves to each of them scanning them over.:: Med bay is going to be packed for a while. ::She shook her head moving from person to person. A stop at the Captain. Running a quick scan to see if anything could be done.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][CAB] Allison! ::: He moves over to her, laying her on the deck.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: She's still concious. She looks up at Hunter.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CAB][CO] ::: Weakly ::: Oh, I'm glad I could say bye to you, Hunter. You don't know how much ::: Coughs blood ::: I've always hated not being able to say good bye.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:@{AMO] ::Does what she can for Allison. Not even looking up at the captain. Trying to stabalize her.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][CAB] ::: Smirks softly ::: Hey, what are friends for?
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:@[AMO] ::Shakes her head with an apologetic look to Captain hunter and moves off to others giving them time what little was left.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CAB][CO] You gave me my best gift ever... ::: Grins weakly :::
Commander John Etti:[@XO]::enters ME just and heads to the warp core trying to jump start the ship::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][HELM] Sir, We have an incoming transmission from the USS Stephen Decatur they've just entered the rift.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][CAB] What's that ::: catches the head shake, but doesn't say anything about it ::: What was the gift.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Shakes her head moving debris from the Tactical station. Seeing how bad the damage to the controls was.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CAB][CO] My... miracle. ::: She smiles contently ::: I'll miss you, kiddo. You know some part of me still loves ya.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Looks at the scene, sadly and continues to work on the crewmen. She stabilizes them the best she can before moving on to the next :::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[@AMO] ::Follows the closest life signs scanning and checking Stabalizing and transporting them to sick bay.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::is in engineering when he sees the commander. he walks over in a haisty mannor:: do you require assistence sir?
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][HELM] Sir?
Commander John Etti:[@XO][CENG] Just get this place back online.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][AOPS] On screen then
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The face of an Andorian male pops on the screen.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][HELM] Aye sir. ::Taps the consle and opens a channel::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Shakes her head a little bit. Without power she couldn't tell how bad it was but it just didn't look good. She used the sleeve of her uniform to wipe the blood from the controls.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CAP][HELM] This is USS Decatur. Avalon, the planet of Bersius IV is under attack. You have been ordered to respond immediately. We'll evacuate the survivors of the Venture.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG][XO] yes sir. ::takes up a tool kit and begins micanical and computer repairs on the warp core. he stays in close procsimity to the commander incase anything happens::
Ensign Verkal:[Avalon][Stephen Decatur] This is Ensign Verkal of the Avalon, I will inform the Captain
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[@AMO] ::Follows life signs about but watches the numbers of living slowly drop. Shaking her head as she found herself near the Captains quarters.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][CAB] ::: Finds himself holding her hand as she strokes her fore head ::: It's going to be alll right.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][HELM] Shall I inform the Captin sir?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM]+T+[CO] Captain, we're being told to go defend the planet of Bersius IV as it is under attack.
Commander John Etti:[@XO]::taps in a rerouting code that has been known to work before only to find it not working. Then he slams his fist onto the consol:: [CONSOL] Work you peice of junk! Work!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO]+T+[HELM] What about the Venture?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CAB][CO] Gooo- ::: she moans as her last breaths slip ::: You must save... our... ::: She closes her eyes as she fades from the universe :::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][HELM]:: Taps his consol running random sensors...still looking for the signature of the enemy::
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[@AMO] ::Scans the captains quarters for life signs.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM]+T+[CO] Another vessel has arrived to evacuate them
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[@AMO] ::She sighed a bit softly.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::looks up at the commander. raises a sarcastic eyebrow and goes back to his work::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO]+T+[HELM] I gotcha. +T+[ALL AVALON CREW] We're beaming back to the ship. Site to site onto the bridge. A ship is coming to relieve us.
Commander John Etti:[@XO]+T+[CO] Aye. Ready.
Ensign Liel Andora:[@TAC] ::Moves about the bridge then nods a little bit. Reversing site to site was always fun.:: Ready
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[@AMO]+T+[CO] Ready sir. ::She murmured sounding slightly distressed.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon crew shimmers off the Venture and back onto the Avalon just as the Decatur arrives.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Plot a course for Bersus IV. Maximum warp.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Takes her station tilting her head a little bit.::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::shimmers onto the bridge and turns to hunter::[CO] Call in the rest of Delta?
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG]::finishes his work and makes via way to the bridge via turbolift. he then takes his possition at the engineering post::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Very well ... ::he entered the course, and engaged, taking the ship to full speed::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][XO] The rest of delta ::: He sits down in his chair ::: Are in the Gamma Quadrant already. It's us. I hope we can handle it.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] Well I guess I better get to the medical bay to see what I can do for the ones we rescued. ::Brigid moved to the lift to go down to Medical. Hearing that last bit before leaving.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::he continues making repairs from his post::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Avalon slips into warp. Within an hour they arrive in high orbit over the planet
Commander John Etti:[XO]::nods:: [CENG] Get down to Engineering. I want weapons and shields to be the major priotity on repairs. Notify when completed::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] [XO] yes sir...::makes his way to the engineering deck to carrie out his orders::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, Sensors are picking up a large ship...Dominion type...700 meters. ::Reads the sensors:: They're launching fighter pliots and others are returning to the ship.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Takes her readings then makes a report.:: [CO] The Carrier... ::Ironic look she didn't know what else to call it.:: Has a few weapons but mostly rely on it's fighters.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] Open up on them. Full torpedo spread.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][SOP] Fire all phasers.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][CO] Aye sir ::: Taps some controls and fires all forward sweeping phaser arrays.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Opens up the full torpedo spread grinning as she conveys the targets. The carrier and it's pesky fighters. Trying to be nice to start and take out weapons.::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::the only thing that gives him pleasure right now is the fact he just saw Selphi off the ship a few days ago so he doesn't have to worry about her being in on the injured list:: [tac] SHields on full.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO][TL] Deck 16 ::She gave the command and moved down and into Medical to start working on the survivors that she had.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] Sheilds up. ::And they were as soon as her shots were off. Her gaze that cold calculating look.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] Sir, the carriers sheilds are down to twevle percent.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][CO] The fighters are destroyed by the torpedos.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][SOP] Finish taking out their weapons. I do not want more death than neccissary... ::She turned her a
Ensign Liel Andora:ttention to her scans again.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The torpedos impact the side of the carrier. Explosions begin to ripple across its axis as it contorts then explodes.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] Looks like that is no longer necessary.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][NOIP] That was too easy.
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS][TAC] I agree.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][TAC] Well, the ship was over thirty years old...
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Increases her scans. Unconvinced.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG]-[XO] ::contacts the commander through a communicator:: ...sir, we will not have a problem with weapons or shields long as we don't run into that ship or another like it.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][SOP] No, it was not ... that construction was new ... I know Dominion ships ... that ship was not brought here from the Gamma Quadrant.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP][HELM] Then how did we defeat it so easily?
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Her mouth tightened slightly. She serched for other ships.:: [SOP] I do not know but I do not like this.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Well, I'm not going to question luck right now. [TAC] Shall we go aid the survivors?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][SOP] It looked like a heavy support craft of some kind. Clearly our foes deployed it in error, assuming no large warships would stop it. Looks to me as though we got in a ... lucky shot against a ship that was not supposed to
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] [NOIP] Why would such an undersized under powered and under shielded ship do this? ::She nodded though scanning for threat on the surface.::
Ensign Verkal:be deployed against us ::he started to close with the Avalon, giving them better sensor readings in the search for survivors::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Jem Hadar troops have over run the planet. One settelment remains unscathed by them, but it's only a matter of time. It's a fairly small town, 3000 souls.
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Moves about the bay healing wounds and stabalizing.::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] One small town left about 3,000... the rest.. Jem Hadar... ::She said tightly.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Looks at her tactical station ::: Over five thousand Hadars down there. No way our 60 man SF teams could win.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][ALL] Evacuation... we have to evacuate them all.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][AOPS] Listen ::: Leans over right behind him ::: Use every transporter on this ship. Start beaming them into the cargo bays. Hell, use the cargo transporters if you have to, okay?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he nodded, getting ready to launch shuttle craft if the need arose during such an evacuation::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ..... The Raven would be perfect now that we took out air support. It might give more time. ::She said slowly.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OTHERS] Verkal, Andora, Telsia let's get the Yatch and go down.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] That works too. ::She laughed a bit.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Site to site down onto the yatch?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: Shakes his head ::: Not in this situation ::: Smirks ::: Alright. Let's move ::: Jumps into the turbo lift :::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP] ::: Follows the Captain onto the lift :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::never mind, the lift was the order of the day, so he got up, and entered::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TL] Deck Thirteen.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Moves into the lift anyone close to her could feel tremors going through her.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] Aye Sir. ::Taps his console and begins to lock onto the planets people and prepares all transports to recive their passengers.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG]-[CO] ::entering the bridge and taking his post.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: They all arrive on deck 13 and board the yatch.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Verkal, you're driving.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:[SOP]::: She takes a seat in the rear operations console :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal nodded, sitting down, and doing a rather rushed preflight check:: [CO] Ready to undock at your mark
Crewman Apprentice Brigid Lea:[AMO] ::Moves from the Med bay everyone there either ready to walk or resting till she had time to do more. She realized they were pulling yet more survivors from a different location and moved to start checking health of each.::
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] [CO] ::contacting him via communicator:: all repairs in engineering are complete sir...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Let's go
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Land us in the middle of the town.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he opened up the docking clamps, and the second they were even remotely close to a safe distance from the Avalon, he took off, tearing away towards the city:: [CO] I can do that
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Moves to sit down at the Tactical controls grinning a bit as she finally got a good look at what this little boat carried.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Slight buffeting as they enter the atmosphere. Verkal sees the town. It's fairly technological.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he took the ship down as close to the dead center as possible, looking for a suitable place to land::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The town plaza will do. It is wide enough to accomodate the yatch.
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he settled on the plaza, looking about for any sign of Jem'hadar as he did so::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] ::Sits at his station on the empty bridge...tapping his console and reading the sensor reports.:: Ah ::He sighs..he's still on edge from the Jem'Hadar ship cloaking..::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: THe aft ramp of the yatch descends. Outside people are holding loved ones, people are wounded everywhere.
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC][NOIP] Looks like we should have brought Bri with us. ::She whispered. Looking the people over.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Leaves down the back of the ramp and is taken back ::: This is horrible.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Liel is particularly drawn to a little blonde girl pulling at a Bajoran man's arm.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP][CO] I'll help where I can.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Rushes off and begins to work, slower than Brigid. Not quite used to wounds of some of their extent :::
Ensign Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Walks to the girl and the Bajoran man looking them over intently. Her gaze searching for the girls eyes.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he'd seen more ... bloody doings then this, but surely enough all looked fairly bleak:: [ALL] Shall we start to load them up then?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Girl] ::: Looks up to Liel with tears in her big, doe like... violet eyes? ::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][HELM] Yes, get as many as you can.
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Her mouth drops open.:: [CO] Sir! ::Her voice was urgent but not more than enough to hear.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][TAC] ::: Looks over to her after helping an elderly man on ::: What is it?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal nodded, starting to usher people into the ship. He did have his weaponry in case someone needed to keep order::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] She has your eyes. ::She blinked a bit.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][TAC] She?
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Motions for the man and girl to follow her to the captain.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO] ::: Examines the little girl :: [TAC]She looks human... Humans do have violet eyes.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::on the bridge, monitering engineering, making adjustments there needed::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The man can't move and has been injured enough to the point that he is moribund.
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Starts givng assistance to pregenant women, getting as many as she can onto the yatch :::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Suddenly shivers slightly and helps the man looking to the little girl.:: [girl] what's your name little one?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Girl] ::: She looks mistrusting at liel and says nothing :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Man][CO] She said... you'd come... ::: looks at the girl ::: [Girl] Sweetie. This man... is your daddy. He'll take care of you from now on. Okay?
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Scans the man to see if there is any help for him.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Girl] ::: Can't be more than five ::: [Man] Uncle!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Man][CO] She is your daughter.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: He slumps over. Hunter looks more than a bit shocked. He turns the girl around and crouches in front of her.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][Girl] What is your name, sweetie?
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::Verkal's jaw almost dropped, but he still kept cramming people into the ship. He didn't know Alex had a kid ... but by the looks of it, neither did Alex::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Looks up at Captain Hunter and a slight shake of her head. He couldn't be saved.::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Hasn't heard any of it ::: Come on, keep coming on board.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[Girl][CO] My... my name is Hunter Sena Robin... ::: Her voice trembles, obviously she was taught her name in Bajoran :::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Moves on to others. Trying to aid who she could.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][TAC] Liel scan us... does our DNA... match?
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::pauses to do as asked.::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Bites her lower lip and nods very softly. Her instinct had been right.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO] ::: blinks, more than a bit astonished :::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he pushed another few people in, his head and eyes darting about. He was starting to get a little antsy, even if he was more than capable of holding things together. It just came with the notion that the Dominion, or some
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][Girl] I guess... I am your daddy.
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] A match... ::She whispered. Then smiled faintly.:: [CO] I guess this is the little miracle Captain Britt was speaking of.
Ensign Verkal:form of it had ... returned::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP][ALL] Jem'Hadar on the horizon! ::: screams from a guard tower :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO] ::: Nods at a loss for words until he hears his sister's shout :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO]+T+[AOPS] Naris, status on the transport? How many more?
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC][CO] Get her aboard, sir? ::She tilted her head a little bit.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][Girl] Please go with this nice lady ::: Gestures to Liel ::: She'll take you aboard our ship and we can talk soon. Okay?
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Nods holding a hand out to the girl.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[Girl] ::: Confused by all of the events nods and takes liel's hand :::
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC] ::Feels like she's been given the most important job in the world. Leads the girl onto the Yacht into the forward cabin.::
Crewman Recruit Anatole Neris:[AOPS] +T+[CO] We should be done with in 5 minutes. We're almost done.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson:[CENG] ::gets an idea and starts to run simulations on the scensers, like he was tryng to detect something::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO]+T+[AOPS] Speed it up! Use the shuttle transporters if you have to!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO][HELM and SOP] The yatch's full! Let's get out of here!
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC][CO] We can lay fire to give them more time. If you wish. ::She stated the girl was seated close to tactical where Liel was guarding her.::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he shook his head, running to the helm station, and prepping to take off, hoping he could make this ride a little less bumpy for all those on board. They were shaken up enough as it was::
Crewman Telsia Hunter:@[SOP] ::: Jumps down from the tower as she bolts into the yatch, making her way through the refugees into the forward cockpit. ::: [TAC] Who's the girl?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:@[CO] ::: Sits down and holds the little girl as he straps in ::: [TAC] Strafe them until we're done.
Ensign Liel Andora:@[TAC][SOP] Your Neice appearantly. ::Her tone determined. She was ready once they got high enough.:: [HELM] You heard the man.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Fontane comes up on the center viewer on the control consoles.
Crewman Recruit Jacob Grimmson: [CENG] ::his eyes widen as he figures out the answers to his questions. ::
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he took the ship into the air, trying to line Liel up, as was the norm for a passable attack run:: [TAC] Indeed
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF]+T+[LANGLEY] We'll be done in one minute, just give us oneee minute.
Ensign Liel Andora:[@TAC] ::Lays down lines of phaser fire. keeping the Jem Hadar as far as possible from the last of the people.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Liels assault goes well, blowing the Hadar off their feet and into vaporization. The last of the people are beamed from the planet.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[LCDRF]+T+[LANGLEY] We have them all!
Ensign Verkal:[HELM][CO] Back to the Avalon then?
Ensign Liel Andora:[@TAC] ::Looks back at the girl smiling slightly. Then looks back to Verkal. And away from all of them.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Yes please...
Ensign Verkal:[HELM] ::he nodded as was his usual response, heading back to the ship, and getting ready to dock. This had been an unpleasantly bloody day::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Girl] ::: Holding onto Zander's class D shirt like there is no tomorrow. She has tears running down her face as she keeps a white knuckle grip on the man she would call 'daddy' :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[PAUSE SIM]=-