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USS Avalon NCC 06742-A: Episode VII

"Happy Birthday and... Sign Here"

The Avalon is towed to a repair station, where they are confronted by a rather rude Bolian Admiral before surprising Liel with a birthday celebration during a bit of mid-repair shore leave. However, once all of the attendees beam down to the surface, the Admiral follows them with several security guards, demanding that they leave the planet. Fleet Captain Hunter, however, has other plans, and with a little bit of drunken rambling from the resident Cardassian added into the mix, the crew is left to their party. Moments later, an tremor precedes an odd vortex opening in the air, from which come four members of a mirror universe Avalon crew: Alexander and Telsia Hunter, Curtis Jameson, and Verkal. The mirror Hunters find the "real" Liel Andora and John Etti, clutching at them as their spouses, then as they realize the confusion and mix of people involved, everyone gets more and more hostile toward each other. This comes to its peak when the mirror Alexander Hunter punches the "real" Corav Feala due to the fact that in his time she is a ruthless war criminal, and her own Alexander Hunter defends her with a return punch. The normal Avalon crew and the mirror crew, now also joined by mirrors of Liel Andora and Brigid Lea, finally reach an agreement to talk to each other aboard the Avalon. Several hours pass, and during a quiet bridge shift, the Avalon is attacked by a battlecruiser of Bajoran design, under the command of one General Corav.

Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:=[BEGIN SIM]=
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: She stands, leaning on her station on the bridge, looking at alex over her shoulder. She rests her hand down on the console as she says in a matter-of-fact tone ::: [CO] That wasn't you! That was James Shavalu in Electric Boogaloo
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][18A] ::: His eyes narrow to slits and slide over to view of his sister. He points with an accusing index finger and simply says ::: The proof is in the pudding, my dear Telsia. The proof is in the pudding. ::: he leans back in his command chair and looks at Feala and then at Verkal ::: I don't like the idea of us being towed...
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: The Avalon is being tugged by several small support ships towards a large orbital structure. It's frame is almost spider-like, the legs wrapped down to encompass which ever vessel was being repaired. The crew stations, and supply facilities of the base are an irregular nodular structure situated on top of the object. The world below them is so green and lush with dense plantlife that it almost seems to glow
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Fidgets and pokes at buttons not really hitting them as she scans things over. The action was more distracted then anything.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She sat at her station, monitoring the ship's readiness for the repair lockdown while grinning to herself at hearing the conversation going on all over the bridge.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] :: He ran his hands over the "pool table" console as it was popularly referred to, monitoring the tow vessel's tractor beam modulations, just making sure things wouldn't go awry on his end::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Comes up on the bridge having just finished in sick bay.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She sat at an empty bridge post, filling in wherever she could, having done her training for the day. :: I never figured we'd be in tow.. This is weird. I feel like an old lady with a walker.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::he sit idle by, monitoring several problematic systems. His fear was that they would short before reching drydock however he would do his best to insure that it wouldnt happen::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][CO] Some stupid protocol thing ... we're able to make impulse speed. It is not as if warp drive is needed to bring us in to dock ... ::he almost muttered, feeling a bit pathetic that the ship he was supposed to fly was not
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:not doing so::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] :: Anatole leaned against the second tactial station,looking at nothing in general...his mind had been elsewhere while the ship was being towed in for repairs::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: The ops station starts to beep, as the station sends the Avalon a hail
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She shook her head.:: [HELM] Someone has to make those little tow ships feel important. [CO] The repair station is hailing us.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][OPS] Hah ... well I suppose if my life was flying a toy like one of those ... I might need some special attention ... ::he chuckled, shaking his head::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::he tapped a few keys on his console and watch closely for any changes in the power flow if the subsystems::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][AENG] Crewman Murphy, keep an eye on things down here for me. I'll be on the bridge at the engineering station if you need me.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::ne nods without looking away from his console::{CENG} Aye, sir
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Represses a laugh...::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::sits at an extra station running through the medical files.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][AENG] Carry on. ::After boarding the usual turbolift, he found himself entering the bridge, seeing everyone looking rather inhibited. He sees Bri over on one of the side stations and flashes her an award winning smile::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Well, let's put it on screen ::: he sighs, pulling his class D t-shirt down :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She smirked at Verkal's comment, then tapped the console, putting the hail onscreen.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: he didn't sound particularly happy that day. He sait rigid, his face stone and his body language clearly putting up a barrier. Something was agitating him but no one could guess what :::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::he continues to tap away at his console as the ship is towed. He feared the collaps of the subsystems, not knowing wether or not it would cause any problems for any of the needed systems before being tapped into the station:
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::smiles up at Curt for a moment her eyes a bit shaded. The last of her patients had either just left or just died. She rubbed her temples lightly.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: When Feala had placed the hail on screen, the viewer was filled with the image of a Bolian wearing an immaculate, rear admiral's dress uniform. He stood bolt upright and looked over the crew, his glance growing more, and disapproving by the moment. He spoke in a very flat, cold, formal tone:: [VA Filinv]+T+[Avalon] Avalon, please transmit docking clearance, repair authorization codes, and prepare to transmit repair requisition information, supply use authorization, and all possible quarantine information. ::the feeling was mutual ... the Vice Admiral could tell he would not like this crew much at all
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She felt like she hadn't done too much since she arrived, and she was looking forward to spending time with others. She was determined to not just survive here, but thrive.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: she sighs, placing her hands on either side of the SOP console and leans forward. She is also in her Deltas. She'd always loved the way it made her look. What could she say, she was still a teenager girl at heart :::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He felt Bri's fatigue, and his heart went out to her. He took a seat at his console and half heartedly monitored things, realizing there wasn't much he could do at the moment::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::He then looked down at his consol...reading over sensor readings. When the Admiral's face appeared on screen. He'd been happy about the leave he'd be on while the ship was in repairs...he needed a brake. A brake from all of this action::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Standing up, Alex moved to the center of the bridge and stood. His face giving a sort of resentful smirk. He'd tended not to care all that much for Bolian senior officers. In retrospect... he didn't care for many senior officers at all :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][VAF] Well, hello to you too, sir.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::sighs as he stares at the console readout, his eyes felt heavy from fatigue but he paid it little mind::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her fingers danced over the console, preparing each document one by one as the Admiral named them off.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][NOIP] ugh ... ::he muttered making sure the Bolian could not hear ... this one seemed most annoyingly officious::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He heard the Admiral in his drone-like voice, thinking if that man knew anything the Avalon had been through he'd be greeting them with a well deserved pat on the back. His brow furrowed and he punched a button on his console to bring up another schematic::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Bites off a retort or a negative comment. Her fingers moving idly almost.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][18A] ::She felt like she needed to do something to break the monotany, so she leaned over to Telsia and whispered:: Oh I always looked forward to being towed in and being greeted by a stiff Bolian Admiral, lemme tell ya! ::smirk::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Her jaw clentches at the near condecending tone of the VA. Her head tilted a little bit. Brigid purposefully went to thinking about her brother.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][VAF] Well, I guess that's all ::: he stood, shrugging his shoulders :::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][180A] ::: Shrugs and whispers in return ::: I just hope there is at least one hot guy on that station...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Finished with those documents and getting the vibe that the admiral was through with his list, she sent them all to the station. These types were even more annoyed by sickeningly sweet obliging than obvious disapproval, she'd had some professors like this one.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[VAF]+T+[Avalon] Very well, I am clearing your ship to dock. Power down all unnecessary systems immediately. ::he looked down at the information:: A warp nacelle? This is a large task, but I pride myself on the discipline and efficiency of my station, and subordinates. Your vessel will be repaired with all haste. ::he looked like he was searching for something and the looked up, seeming shocked as be blinked off the screen::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][18A] Hm.. so narrow minded.. ::she giggled, knowing her comment had an ambiguous meaning::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::His brow arched at that comment... he sounded like he prided himself on aspiring to be an android::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]+T+[VAF] Really... ::: it's obvious Zander is really angry today ::: ... is that so?... I told you that bitch was crazy ::: he then depresses a button on the operations console and looks to Feala ::: I'll be in my ready room. Let me know when we dock ::: with
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] -out another word he proceeds quickly to his ready room :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Blink. She frowned and wondered what was going on.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][NOIP] Are they all like that? ::he remarked, running his fingers through his hair:: what an annoyance ...
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: even she was surprised. As she watched her brother storm off the bridge she looked at everyone ::: [ALL] What the hell is wrong with him?
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He felt like giving a cat call to the captain, but something told him that wouldn't be the best course of action. He began to power down systems from the bridge:: [AENG] Crewman, monitor these shutdown sequences while I initialize. We're doing this by the book.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][18A] Wasn't me... but I mean to find out if I can.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::She powered down weapons reluctantly. Liel really did feel safer with them up. Her head tilted slightly.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Smiling at the Captian's remarks::[HELM] I hope not Verkal....::and his voice trailed off::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She rolled her eyes and sighed:: [NOIP] Iiiiiiiiits aaaaa, beautiful day in this neighborhood.... ::She said in a singsong voice::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][OPS] I'll be on the Special Forces deck...
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}+T+{CENG} Aye, monitoring now ::he taps the console and brings up a status indicator of the ships systems::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: a few humming, and locking sounds were heard as the Avalon was lead into the station, and it's "arms" came down to embrace the ship. The hull vibrated slightly, and then all was still
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][HELM] Well... let's dock then, shall we?
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: her voice seems to trail off at the end. Corav should get the feeling she knows something :::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::She blinked a little bit and sat back. Her head down a little bit.As if thinking.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][OPS] Well ... they seemed to want me to let them dock for us ... I could get used to this sort of service ... I've gotten sick of wiping myself ... ::he said a tad sarcastically, clearly annoyed about the condition of the ship, before he looked over to Liel:: [TAC] My dear ... once everything has settled down ... there is a matter I must discuss with you ::he smiled softly::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He started shutting down the systems that weren't required, and his brain seemed almost numb. He rarely spent any time for himself now, he was always in engineering or in his office studying PADDs::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::She fidgeted a bit.:: [HELM] Calm down. ::Then she paused blinking up at him.:: Would you mind telling me what that is?
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][18A] Do you see any point to us being on the bridge? I think maybe we should do something... I feel useless here.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She sighed, hating the fact that she had no idea what was going on, and considered briefly whether to talk over comm or by walking over there. She chose the comm.:: +T+[CO] We've just docked with the repair station.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: as she steps into the lift, she looks at Helina ::: [180A] Not really, let's go down to SFOPS
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::Watches the system status display as the systems begin shutting down::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::puts her elbows on the edge of the console almost falling asleep.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]+T+[OPS] Thank you, please start the shore leave rotations. We only need the bare minimum on board. The station should handle the repair staff.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] Well, you see there is a small settlement down on the surface. I've been gathering some things together ... and well I thought perhaps we might celebrate your birthday ... ::he half told her, half asked her if she would want to do such a thing::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] :: She followed suit and smiled, joining Telsia in the TL::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::sways slightly blinking in surprise.:: [HELM] Unnn yeah we can do that. ::Gripping the edge of her console surrepititiously.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::Nothing that the shutdowns were complete, he got up from his chair and sat down beside Bri:: How ya doin, sweetie?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She signalled shipwide comm on her console.:: [ALL] The Avalon has docked for repairs. All crew are authorized to begin preassigned shore leave rotations.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] It's nothing I want to force on you ... I just thought a little get together like that might help ease everyone's nerves ...
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][18A] So, what do we have planned? I'm looking forward to getting on top of things, here.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] No no I like the idea I just never realized it was my birthday. Or any day close to.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::leans back in his chair::{NOIP} Does sleep constitute shoreleave?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC]Well, as you wish ... ::he stood, looking around to those around them:: [ALL] Anyone up for a somewhat ill prepared celebration? I've got alcohol ... ::he said, chuckling::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Blinks at Curt.:: [CENG] I... I'm alright it's just... I nnnnnever saw so much.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][AENG] Mr. Murphy it seems shutdown is complete, there's not much we can do for the moment, I'm sure Engineering is held down pretty well. I suggest taking a much needed break::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][180A] Shore leave? Sweet! ::: she jumps in the air ::: Computer, reroute lift to deck three!
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] It was so little but.... ::She paused till she had his attention again.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][HELM] That'd be nice. Seeing as that I cant think of anything else to do ::he laughed jokingly::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::yawns::+T+{CENG} I heartily agree with you, Ill go get some things together and find a nice relaxin spot
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][HELM][TAC] I'll join you both after I take care of something, alright? ::By her odd little smile, they would probably be able to tell that she meant to go see what was going on.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] Honey I'm sorry, it will be better, I promise... ::He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: she gets off at deck three and claps helina on the back ::: Well, I'm going to go get into something more suitable for the planet
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::yawns again and steps into the TL::{COMP} Crew quarters
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][ATAC] Very well then ... so we have three ... lets see if we can't improve on that ... ::he looked to Feala, and nodded:: [OPS] Yes ... do see if you can help him out ...
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She blinked and felt brushed off:: Well uh... Computer, Deck 4.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] Just not used to it that's all. I know it wasn't alot but still... ::A slight sigh as she stretched.:: [HELM][TAC] I could do with a little celebration. [CENG] How about you?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded and stood from her console, crossing over to the ready room and hitting the door chime.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Grins slightly embarassed.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::The doors closed and she soon got off at the deck just above her. She strode to her quarters to go change into a flowing cream colored dress with spaghetti straps and cute little sandals, and a matching purse::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy:{AENG}::Steps out of the TL and walks down the corridor until reaching his quarters, he then steps inside and produces a hiking pack which he begins placing various things he might need::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Looks upand then sighs ::: Enter...
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::his eyes lit up:: Someone say celebration? Well hell, let's go!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She walked in, holding her hands behind her back. She found it odd that she could live with someone and still feel like she was invading in this room.:: [CO] Hey.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][ALL] ::Verkal looked around to all those still on the bridge, and sighed, coming to a stand:: Well ... once we get down to the surface, we can set up near the settlement and I can transport the ... supplies down to us from the Scorpion ... that ship does have it's uses
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: She comes back and takes a turbo lift down to the transporter room. She's in a stylish pair of pants, with flip flops, and a baby doll tee :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He looked up at her and smiled, softly ::: Hello, what's on your mind? ::: he looks back down to his PADDs and begins to type some more :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] It's funny... I was going to ask you the same thing.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][HELM] Will do. So, see you in a few guys ::He lifted his hand to wave as he walked toward the turbo lift:: Computer deck 5 please.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] What say we finish what we left off with this morning?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Devra] ::: sits, directly on Liel and Verkal's couch, staring at the deck :::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] ::She lifted her head and blinked blushing a little bit.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She met Telsia in the transporter room, noticing herself to be slightly overdressed, but not really caring about it too much:: Hmm, I see you're ready to party.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] What do you mean, Fea? ::: his eyes don't leave the PADD :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][NOIP] I need to change... ::She muttered. Looks up at Verkal.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal offered Liel his hand with a grin:: [TAC] How about you to back to our quarters and get what ever you want ... I shall transport down to the surface and get things ready
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] You seem a little... on edge today. ::She fidgeted.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::This time, he took her hand and pulled gently, leading the way to the turbolift.. It was his turn to.. do something nice for her now:: I have an idea, sweetie.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Nods a little walking to him planting a kiss on his cheek.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][180A] Well, I love going out and partying. I hope Verkal can hook me up with a man, forizzle?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] What's that?
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] Surprise, surprise...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He looks up at her fidgeting ::: You can relax... ::: he looks at her ::: I've just been stressed about the five people killed in the nacelle control center. ::: he stands and pops his back ::: I had to write five letters starting with the phrase, "Mr and Mrs XYZ, as your son/daughter's commanding officer it's my sad duty to inform you..."
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Smiles a little bit and moves to the TL.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][18A] ::She thought a moment:: Well, weren't you... sort of interested in someone here on the Avalon?
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC]:: He stepped into his quarters and began to undress. He stood in his undergarments as he went through his closet looking for something to wear, not sure if it was a casual affiar or not. "Better to dress up than down" his
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he patted Liel's shoulder, and tapped his badge:: [Scorp main comp] Scorpion, one to transport down to the surface, open space, near the settlement ...
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: Verkal evaporated in a yellow stream of energy
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][180A] Curtis Jameson was... okay. But he got with brigid. I haven't really talked to any other guy on the ship in a nonprofessional manner. ::: she grins :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Gets the to Quarters (Skips the TL stuff) and slips into the place looking around being tired.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She found herself shimmering in a blue transporter beam, and when she was on the planet in her entirety, she glanced over and saw Verkal and smiled, batting her eyelashes:: [HELM] Why hello there..
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::She nodded a little bit.:: Okay
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] mother had told him so many times. He grabbed a pair of black flat front pants and a red pullover shirt.:: Ah :: He looked at himself in the mirror satisfied ::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He held her in his arms, now in the tubolift:: I love you... Deck 4.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Oh. ::She nodded.:: Well... Verkal has arranged a bit of a birthday party for Liel at one of the settlements on the surface, if you want a break.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] ::laughs a little bit blushing.:: I love you too...
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: definately surprised that she had made it down to the planet. ::: Wow...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Go ahead, love. You have fun. Give Liel my regards.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: the world was hot, and humid though a breeze kept things from becoming suffocating. An open area, the ground covered in a soft moss like plant was situated about 25 meters from the nearest building. The settlement consisted of about 2,000 people, living in a number of small, squat, off-white buildings. Other than that, it was forest, deep, dark, and lush as far as the eye could see
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She sighed and nodded.:: [CO] Come down with us later if you want, huh?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] You seem sad ::: he looks up at her :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][180A] Hello there ... this place warm enough for you? ::he asked, looking around, thinking there would be enough room::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Blinks at Devra and smiles a little bit uncertainly. Then sat on the couch next to her.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: Looks at Verkal ::: [HELM] Takes us around, man. You know this place better than us ::: she looks to see if there is any action on this planet :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Sympathetic. ::She smiled a little.:: I'm going to go meet the others.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Spraying on a small bit of coloagne he brushed his hands through his hair and took one more look in the mirror.:: Stunning my man, stunning. :: He smiled and then left his quarters for the transporter room.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][HELM] ::She blinked and responded to Verkal accordingly:: It's very comfortable, I'm looking forward to having some.. fun.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::They arrived on deck 4, and he led Bri off the Turbolift, into his quarters.. He hugged her gently and kissed her lips softly:: I'm looking foward to the party.... Should we dress up or what?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][18A] Well unless you like jungle ... not much ... however ... I intend to fix that ::he smirked, hitting his badge again:: [Scorp main comp] Computer ... transport the contents listed under recreation to my location
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] I'll be happy just to get out of uniform for a bit. ::She sighed a little bit.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A] ::She frowned a bit and leaned up against a tree with her arms crossed::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: as she's about to leave he sighs, and takes her arm, kissing her nose ridges ::: let's go, okay?
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Gets up and changed into some thing more comfortable. Then peers back to Devra curious. But unsure what to say.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] Well then, are you gonna need help or can you do that yourself? ::smirk::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::He stepped onto a transport pad and was beamed to the planet. His body dissappered and a lavender haze and reappered on a hot planet.:: My luck! :: He looked to his clothes feeling overdressed.:: He walked over to Verkal and the otherts:: Hello,sorry if im late, I was never one to be on time.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] You sure? ::She stepped toward the ready room's door.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: A few containers holding food, drink ... a great deal of that and other such things one might expect for a party down. Most of the food was nonperishable snack material ... Verkal just could not cook
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Devra] ::: looks uncomfortable. She fidgets, and keeps her eyes trained down to the deck :::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Laughs softly.:: [CENG] I can handle it. See you back here in ten?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] I could stay here and sulk, do you want me to? I'd be more than happy.. ::: grins :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][Devra] You.... would you like to come down to the planet with me? ::She murmured softly. It had to start somewhere.::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] ::She noticed the man beaming down onto the planet and she sauntered over to him:: Why hello, you're not late, just relax. ::She smiled and offered her hand:: I'm Halina.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Of course I don't want you to do that. ::She smirked a little.:: The others will be happy that you're coming, too.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He allows himself to be carted off by his love. His face isn't angry, it definately isn't fully happy, but he has a half smile on his face :::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He blinked, wondering why she was being so prude:: Well, if you insist... I'm just going to replicate something and change..
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][ALL] Well, I wish I had something more impressive to offer, but alas this is what I was able to gather up. As the human saying goes ... dig in ... ::he remarked as he pulled a bottle, and a glass, getting himself some kanar. Of course there were other things to both eat and drink than Cardassian fare::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][180A] I dont belive we've met. I'm Anatole. ::he smiled at her and looked around:: Rather hot! I feel so over dressed. Just my luck.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Devra] ::: she looks up at Liel then nods slowly. She hasn't said much. She is in replicated clothes that Zander gave her from robin's collection :::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: looks around and starts to eat, chatting with other crewmembers who have beamed down to the surface :::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] ::She giggled a bit:: Aww, it's okay, I'm a bit overdressed too.. I'm just glad I dressed for warm weather..At any rate, it's nice to meet you. ::She batted her eyelashes a bit and looked over at the food:: Shall we eat?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She walked out of the ready room and into the turbolift, taking Zander with her.:: [TL] Deck four.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][180A] We shall, ::He smiled:: So, what's on the menu?
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][Devra] ::Holds out her hand patiently. Her expression tired but somewhat happy.:: Come on then. I'm hungry and everyone is waiting for us. ::She whispered.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He replicated a loose fitting short sleeve t shirt and some baggy, flowing pants made out of very light material, like rayon. He slipped on his sandals and fixed his hair a bit, and shaved:: Ahh, that's the way I like to look..
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] ::She took his arm as they walked over to the table:: Hmm, alot of.. stuff. I suppose we should just fix us a plate. Honestly, I'd like some of that Romulan Ale.. I think it would do just the trick.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Just changes into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Slipping on a pair of sandles. Dropping a shell necklace on and walking out to the corridor waiting.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Devra][TAC] ::: nodded slightly and took her hand. She smiled for the first time since she boarded the Avalon. Even then it was a... ghost of a smile :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] I love you. ::: he seems to say it out of no where :::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][HELM] Where's the birthday girl?
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Notes the ghost smile knowing the look well.:: [Devra] One day you will have to let the hurt and fear out. ::Leading her to the turbo lift.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He met her in the corridor, rushing up to her and hugging her tightly:: You're so beautiful sweetie, in anything you wear. Shall we go down to the planet?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] ::laughing slightly and hugging him back.:: Thank you and yes we shall.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She squeezed his hand and smiled.:: [CO] I love you. ::She stepped off of the turbolift and down the corridor, into their quarters.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][Devra] But there is no rush. ::picks her up hugging her slightly but ready to put her down at any protest.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he took another drink, shaking his head:: [18A] Something must be keeping her ... nothing to do but wait ... unless you want me to abduct her with the transporter ... ::he said, chuckling::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][180A] Romulan Ale..hmm, my third host loved that stuff, I've never tried it myself. ::He grabbed two glasses and a bottle:: One for myself, one for you. ::He waited for her to grab her glass:: Would you like me to help you with the food selections, one of my previous host's my have seen atleast some of this stuff.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Devra][TAC] ::: She whispers, almost inaudibly ::: I know... ::: she breathes slowly :::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] ::She took the glass gracefully and brushed the curly, fiery red hair out of her face:: Why, that would be very nice of you..
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He held her hand all the way to the transporter room, and then they found themselves on the planet, seeing most everyone else was already there, digging into the food::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::leads Devra to the TL and then to the Transporter room. Beaming down to the surface still holding the girl.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Alex starts to change into a casual/relaxed outfit. He comes out, ready to roll, his red cloth in his hair. He looks pretty relaxed. He waits for Feala, adjusting his shirt and slacks :::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] This is definately better... ::Laughing slightly.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][180A] So then... ::he scanned the goods and finally comes to a choice:: I dont remeber what those are called, but I do recall it's quite good. ::He smiled and then placed some on a plate for her and another for himself:: Where shall we sit?
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][HELM] I've done it before. I often do hijack people using the transporter.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he found a large, gnarled, and oddly enough climbed about six meters up into a large branch, and looked down on Telsia, grinning:: [18A] I've done that too ... but it's been a few years ::he took another sip of the glass he'd pulled along with him::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She changed quickly into some summer clothes that she'd brought from home, the shirt loose and stopping at the level of her belly button, with loose shorts that had a string tie. She looked at Zander and his choice of clothes.:: [CO] I think you might get pretty warm in that.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Her changing had included the red band. Part of her didn't want to set Devra down. Walking over to Verkal holding the girl still. One had rubbing the girls back.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: After looking at Feala, he reconsidered. He slid back into their room and switched into shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt that said my other car is a starship ::: [OPS] ::: puts on a pair of blue sunglasses ::: Is this better?
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] Hehe, it looks quite good, thank you.. ::She took the plate and began sampling the food::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She giggled.:: [CO] Much.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He embraced her again, surrounded by the festivities going on, and then broke the embrace and kissed her forehead:: I suppose when in Rome, we should do as the Romans?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] That sounds like a plan to me ::Laughing as she picked up a plate.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He giggled at Bri:: Food? Hell, I'm gonna go have a drink. ::He made a beeline for the Romulan Ale::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::beams down onto the planet slight discouraged that he had to miss the party::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He takes her hand, and a small bag and smirks ;:: Let's roll
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][XO] Hey John Party is just starting! ::Still holding devra. Standing by Verkal at the moment.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::He walked over to a comfortable looking spot on the ground and ploped down. He motioned Halina over and sipped his glass:: The Romulan Ale is quite good! ::He half shouts::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] Liel ... happy birth day ... and if I can get out of this tree I have a gift for you ... I do hope you like it ::he smiled at both Liel, and the person she'd taken along with her::
Crewman Recruit Halina:[180A][ATAC] ::She had already sipped on the ale a good bit and she slowly made her way over to Anatole's spot:: My, what a nice place. ::She sat down and ate a bit more:: So, you said something about having a host... I'm not sure what you meant..
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded and smiled.:: [CO] Sounds good to me. ::She set out from their quarters toward the transporter rooms.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: he holds her in place :: Hold on... ::: he taps his comm badge before tossing it on the desk and they both disappear in a blue beam of light. They then appear on the planet, in the mix of everyone else :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::She held Devra a little tighter slightly defensive. No Liel wouldn't let anything happen to the girl. Blinking at Devra then back to everyone. Appearantly few had known the girl was there.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] ::Smirk.:: That's one way to do it.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: she lifts her head to alex ::: Hey, welcome aboard.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::pauses looking to Liel and the girl tilting her head a little bit.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::He smiled a bit..:: Not a host, I was mistaken... my symbiont. I'm the host ::he giggled a bit: You would think i would remeber it. I'm a Trill. I was joined after my graduation from Starfleet. It's name is Neris. So I took it's name as my last. But unlike alot of host, I still choose to be called by my first name. It's a very high honor on my home planet.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] ::He had a drink in his hand, and offered one to Bri:: Here sweetie, hope you enjoy. Perhaps we should find a place to sit?
Commander John Etti:[XO][Tac] Glad to hear it. ::he looks around realizing that the one thing he needed was not beamed down with him.:: Liel, happy birthday. ANd i do have a gift for ya. As soon as i can get he transport engineer to beam it down.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal slid down the tree's trunk, and landed with a soft thud, his knees bending to absorb the impact, miraculously not spilling any of his drink. He walked to just about the middle of the group, and raised his voice:: [ALL] If the lot of you will excuse me ... I have something to say ::he paused, looking to Liel:: [TAC] You make me happy ... to wake up next to you, to destroy enemy warships with you ... to have a quiet meal with you ... all a pleasure if there ever was one to be had. I love you ::he smiled:: Happy birthday ... and thank you for ... well putting up with me
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: he looks around the planet and smacks his mouth once ::: [OPS] Wow... this planet... ::: nods ::: sucks.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: Walks over to Liel and gives her a hug ::: Hey, happy birthday. I told you I'd remember
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She grinned and walked to Liel as well, ruffling Devra's hair a little while Zander talked to her. She had to disagree about the planet... it wasn't that bad.::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] Thank you :
Commander John Etti:[XO]::listens as his eyes skim the crowd::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She smiled toward Verkal.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Begins to smile:: Yay Liel! ::He begins to clap his hands..not sure if it was appropriate, the Romulan Ale was defiantly getting to him::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::smiles at Liel happy for her::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: In the midst of the group three figures transported in. Two security officers, and the rather disliked Bolian. He glowered, but in a way that just oozed satisfaction
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: Raises an eyebrow and sighs, looking down enough so his bangs cover his eyes :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She turned toward the admiral and his security officers.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[VAF][ALL] I hate to interfere with your merriment ... however ... none of you have authorization to transport down to the planet ... ::it looked as though he was spending a lot of effort not grinning:: as such, I am afraid you shall all need to accompany me back to the station for full medical tests
Commander John Etti:[XO]::turns his head to face the officers wondering what they are here for in uniform::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][VAF] ::: He sighs and looks at the Bolian ::: Listen, little man, why don't you go up to your space station and let us celebrate in peace?
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Turned his head to the Bolian and his lackies::[NOIP] ::whispers:: Who put his undergarments in a bunch?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[VAF] ::he looked to Alex, his face annoyingly impassive:: I am afraid I am merely trying to deal with your disregard for local protocol. I would hate ::clearly this was the opposite of how he really felt:: to need to bring you up on disciplinary action
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: coughing, he clears his throat ::: [VAF] Maybe, I didn't make myself clear... ::: looks at him, straight into his eyes :: Go... away
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:ACTION: the Bolian raised his hands, the two guards starting to walk forward. Into all this a fairly tipsy Verkal stumbled
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::has a feeling something else is going on and he moved toward hunter::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: he moves in a flash, picking the Bolian up by his collar, the admiral pips dig into his hands as Hunter's biceps flex, lifting the short admiral off of the deck ::: Go... away.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][VAF] YOU! ::he took another drink, and let out a chuckle:: Yes, yes ... now I know what it is ... you look ... sound ... did you by any chance buy some time off an Orion slave girl from a Ferengi trader ... what ... few no ... not a few ... ten years ago? Oh yes ... I think so ... you were starfleet ... ::he took another drink:: I must have the data rod around someplace ... you should listen to him ::he nodded to Alex:: I don't think he wants to see you leave ...
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][CO] Hey, buddy, let him down ::: puts a hand on her brother's shoulder :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She gaped a bit and raised a hand to her forehead, brushing some of her hair back.:: [TAC] That's not good....
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[VAF] ::He looked like he'd just been slapped, head moving between Verkal, and Alex, before he put up his hand:: You ... may apply for authorization once you return to your ship ... I have duties to attend to back on the station ::he landed fairly roughly, shooting the whole group a withering glare, before hitting his badge::[Station] Three to beam up
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: drops him :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: he sighs as he smirks, softly ::: I hate admirals. ::: he looks at her then hugs her tightly :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he took another sip, shaking his head:: [CO] They're not as bad as Guls ... but close ... annoying ... so annoying
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The ground shudders, causing everything to get blurry. Everyone's drinks start to shake out of their cups.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] ::She blinked and hugged him back.:: Have fun?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: holds her tighter as he notices the shuddering ::: What the duce?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal almost fell down, but braced himself against a crate, mourning the loss of a few drops of kanar::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::looks down at his cup and looks around:: Okay. What the heck is going on here.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: starts feeling the tremors as well. She looks around at everyone to see if they have an explination as to why she's shaking like some sort of tree in the wind :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: As the skies grey, a blueish grey... portal? opens about 10 feet away from everyone in the group. It begins to blow wind and all sorts of chaos around.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][180A] What in the hell? ::He stands up and dust himself off:: Tremors, not tremors.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She bent her knees and widened her stance for stability.:: [CO] There are not supposed to be seismic activity in this area of the planet... What is THAT? ::She looked up at the blue thing.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The sounds of battle can be heard in the vortex. Suddenly four figures are thrown out of the vortex and they roll to a stop.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal reached into his clothing and yanked a phaser pistol out. It was more a reflex than anything::
Commander John Etti:[XO] What the...::reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tricorder and scans the portal::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Their uniforms look similar to the ones the crew wears. C-class. Their starfleet logos have been replaced with the Avalon patch and each figure has a bar code tattoo on his or her neck.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She craned her neck toward the figures to get a better look.::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::moves his tricorder over to the four people who are thrown out giving them a quick scan, then he notices the uniforms and logos.:: [CO] Uhh Alex???
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Vortex closes. The figures moan and groan in discomfort. Their uniforms are tattered and torn. The first gets up. It's Curtis, only he has a beard and longer hair. The second is Verkal, his hair is not slicked back, it is dishelved as everyone elses.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The third is Telsia. Her raven hair is cut to her upper neck and she has multiple tattoos running the length of her arms
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal had not had THAT much to drink ... this was just too strange. He looked down at his glass, and then to himself?:: [NOIP] Was the food tainted?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The fourth and final is Alex. His face is torn up, scratched, and otherwise not happy. He looks around and is about as surprised as everyone at the assembly. As they all stand, he looks at Liel, blinking a few times.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] Huh? ::He almost doesn't notice he's said it out loud. He was looking at mirror image's of his senior officers.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: he stands up, not bothering to dust himself off. He moves slowly to her, dropping his phaser rifle. His eyes are in disbelief. He approaches her, looking into her eyes deeply :::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::he looks to the four crew members and looks to their counterparts:: [All] Okay. Children i can handle. But some of us?!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][TAC] ::: After looking at her for a moment he hugs her deeply and kisses her just as deeply. He closes his eyes, as if he hasn't done it in years ::: Liel, I can't believe your alive, love!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She watched the new copies of themselves carefully, mostly keeping her eye on the other two Hunters.::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::moves to feala and whispered in her ear quietly::[OPS] Okay gotta ask. Which one do you like better?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][NOIP] ::: blinks three or four times ::: Ooooh my...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her jaw dropped, expecting someone to, er, rescue Liel from the other Alex.:: [XO] Uh... mine.... ::This had her stunned.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][Vortex CO] ::he closed on this strange Alex who had just kissed Liel, his eyes narrowing:: Let her go ... and if you need help doing so, I'm standing right here ... ::he barked clearly somewhat jealous, and most annoyed::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] What are you talking about? Verkal, it's Liel, she's alive... ::: He hugs her even tighter, nuzzling her very much in the way that his Alex does to Feala. :::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Alive? Liel dead? She was standing right there...or,maybe 'future' Liel was dead. Millions of thought's swirled through his head as looked upon some of the crew's doubles.::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::he stays somewhat of a distance from Alex and despite his better judgement does a mind probe::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][XO] Jonathan ::: she bounds into his arms and wraps her arms around his neck, she boosts herself up on his tip toes and presses her lips to his, practically in tears :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][Vortex CO] Yes, she's alive ... my WIFE is just fine, at least physically ... ::he stated::
Commander John Etti:[XO] ::an extremely confused look on his face as Telsia practically tackles him:: [18A] ::stutters:: H-h-hello
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] Your wife! You were there at our wedding! You were my best man! ::: he starts to yell, surprised that he didn't know :::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][XO] I missed you, baby ::: She starts playing with the back of his neck, as she was used to with her Etti :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] What... the... hell?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She shook her head finally, addressing the four who came through the vortex.:: Alright. What's the last thing you guys remember?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][CO] YOU were at OUR wedding! You even told us we SHOULD get married in the first place ::Verkal was tipsy, yelling back, and was terribly confused::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She narrowed her eyes at the other Verkal and the other Curtis especially, since they hadn't yet done anything to signify any bits of their personality.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] You were there when our children were born! You are their god father. Doran and Feala!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][HELM] You and Liel! Don't be absurd! You two would be sexually incompatable!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She shouted for attention:: HEY!!!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] WHAT, BAJORAN?!
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][Vortex CO] Feala Corav ... she is your companion. This is insane ... Liel is my wife, she and I share quarters, how could you ... ::he trailed off, looking to Feala::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::extremely confused although her playing with the back if his neck does make him shudder a bit::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: His face was red, it now sunk in... that there was another... him? :::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::when he hears Corav yell he turns to face her and remember what he was doing before hand::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She scowled at the alternate Alex.:: [Vortex CO] What's the last thing you remember before coming here?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[Vortex CO][OPS] Like hell I'm going to tell you! You're the enemy!
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Anatole stood there, eyes wide, mouth wide as well. Not beliving what he was seeing. Everything seemed to be reversed in some way...or backward. Like they were from another dimension--a parallel one.::
Commander John Etti:[XO][OPs] Corav, let me talk to him.
Commander John Etti:[XO]::decides to play along with this for a second and takes telsia's hands and removes them from his neck::[Vortex 18a] One second. ::he walks over to Vortex Alex.:: [Vortex CO] Alex, you remember me. One of your closest friends.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked at her own love, squeezing his hand and reassuring herself that she shouldn't be upset.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][XO] Of course, John. You're my brother in law... the father of my nephews.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][Vortex CO] I've had too ::Cardassian expletive:: to drink for all of this ... why are you raving about Feala being your enemy?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Squeezes her hand, assuring her that he still loves her. He pulls her close and watches Etti :::
Commander John Etti:[XO]::raises his hand to quite down Verkal:: [CO] Okay. What do you last remember before you saw Liel again.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][XO] We were on a jungle planet ::: he still is holding Liel ::: and we got seperated. We fell down through an aincent cave that our enemies, the Bajorans, set up. It was one of their shifting temples... Just as we were about to go through one of their death squads sent Hunter Seekers for us...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][XO] You know this, Jon! You were there when the Bajorans wiped out Cardassia and Quo'Nos!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She cursed under her breath. Her people would never do that unless it was self-defense, she thought.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][Vortex CO] Bajor, wipe out Cardassia? How is that even ... possible? ::he shook his head, putting his glass down. This was just too strange, even for him::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Enemies, either his first taste of Romulan Ale had him off his rocker or this guy said the Bajorans were our enemies::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[V18A][XO] Don't you remember, baby! The mission above Betazed, just before its population was wiped out? I jumped from the Avalon to the Bajoran Destroyer-class ship?
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He blinked and rubbed his eyes, wondering what the hell was going on here, seeing a scraggly version of himself, as well as odd looking doubles of the other crew::
Commander John Etti:[XO][Vortex CO] Okay, Alex this might be hard for you to grasp. But them again maybe not. I am not the same John as you remember. Neither is any of us here.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][OPS] Wait... ::: Lets go of Liel ::: I know you! You're... You're General Corav Feala!!!! ::: He looks at his other self ::: How could you be with this bitc-!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][VCO] That's enough!
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][VCENG] Uh, if you're me, then you're in pretty bad shape.. What are you doing here? What's the meaning of all this?
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he just wanted to throw Liel a birthday party ... and look what it had gotten him. No matter, he looked to his version of Alex, questioningly, but saying nothing::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VCENG][CENG] ::Glances over at Feala and notices she's dressed in civvie clothes like the rest of them:: I think I should be asking you the same thing buddy, what are you doing here carousing around with a Bajoran? Are you insane?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] :: Shrugs at Verkal ::: [HELM] I've never had Liel... so I don't know what's going on.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[V HELM][V CO] Those idiotic ridged nose bits of slime failed to track us from what I can tell ... and what this ... butcher is doing here without her guards is beyond me ::he snarled at Feala, holding what looked to be an altered Cardassian phaser rifle::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her facial expression turned dark and stony. General? Bitch? She could certainly become that if pushed too far, but for now she just glared.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][OPS] ::: he rears his hand back her and his fist explodes into her temple.::: You destroyed Xenex! :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][CO] I didn't think you did, for that matter, so ... what is this? ::he asked, shaking his head::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO] ::: as soon as he see's his love punched, he returns it instantly at his alternate self. He was stronger, not battle fatigued and well nourished. He punched the alternate him so hard he drew blood from his nose. A second one to his temple caused him to fall, much the same way Feala did :::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::Having had a bit too much ale, his judgement had been compromised:: Well to hell with this, you shouldn't be here! Go back where you came from! There's not supposed to be two of me! ::He ran towards the VCENG and shoved him onto the ground::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Fea! ::: he goes to her, attempting to help her up :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her vision burst with stars and she crumpled against her own Alex to the ground. She ground her teeth against the pain and picked herself up on her elbows, then all but screamed at everyone present.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][ALL] Stop this!!
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VCENG] ::He glares up at the alternate Jameson and forces himself up off the ground:: You don't know who you're messing with do you? I would have expected that you'd know yourself better than that... ::He pulled a knife out of one of his cargo pockets::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A and V18A] :: They say at the same time, the voices of reason ::: Hold up! Everyone calm down
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Everyone, vortex and original, stand still
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Holds her against his chest ::: Are you alright love? ::: Covers her bruise, tenderly... can't help but feeling responsible... as if he had hit her himself :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he just stood, ready to pull out a second phaser and start shooting::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He stood there wondering what the hell was going on, hoping the other him wouldnt cut him to shreds::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[V18A][All V's] It's obvious that these people aren't the people we think they are.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[V18A][VCO] Look at the way you're holding the Bajoran. Obviously things aren't the same...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She accepted her love's help to stand, slowly and a little dizzy. She would probably need medical attention, but for now she glared at everyone present.:: [V18A] No. We aren't.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC]::Corav's almost primal scream shook him at his core as he stood and listen to the vortex Avalon crew.::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VCENG] ::He stands there with his knife drawn, but he just looks at the VCO:: [VCO] What the hell are we doing here, sir?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][VCENG] I don't know... I have a feeling we're going to find out... ::: looks to Liel, longingly... was this not his Liel? Liel Hunter? The wife of his two children? ::: For better or worse...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Relax, Fea. You are wobbly... ::: Lets her rest against him. He lets her put all her weight against him, in an attempt to get her to relax :::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He slowly backstepped to Bri and took him in his arms:: [CMO] I don't know whats going on but, we'll find out... Just... stay out of the way.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][VCO] What Avalon... what ship are you speaking of?
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VENG] ::He gawked at the other Curt as he hugged Bri, not knowing who she was::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][CO] The USS Avalon NC-06742. We're a modification on an Intrepid-class's chassis.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal put his arm over Liel, looking a tad irked. He didn't want her harmed ... and for clear reasons could not trust this person ... after all he attacked Feala ... ::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She wavered a little and nodded as if to say she would be fine, but kept leaning on Zander as she listened to what her attacker was saying.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][OPS] You've ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands... I could kill you right here and it would be over... ::: as if contemplating it :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Looks dumbstruck clinging tightly to Devra who was probably having a hard time breathing. Leaning on Verkal.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::Her speech was slow, stony, and deliberate.:: [VCO] I have done no such thing. I left Bajor after the Cardassian occupation at age 17 and came out of Starfleet Academy a few months ago. You... are from some kind of alternate reality.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO] ::: makes a tch noise and turns to Liel ::: [TAC] ::: he pleads to her ::: Love... what about me? Do you remember me? Our children... ::: looks at Verkal ::: You and he are just friends... were just friends... remember, you confided your love for me? ::: looking back at Verkal ::: He did work for Bajor's Obsidian order.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][VCENG] Look.. We need to get some bearrings here.... I'm Curtis Libra Jameson, the Cheif Engineer on the Avalon A. I'm from Earth, although I'm Betazoid.. Tell me your background..
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he sighed, shaking his head, leaning back against Liel:: [NOIP] No time for cake, eh? ::he was going to bring such an object down, even if it ... was sweet:: [V CO] No ... I am sorry, but here ... here it is the reverse I am sure of that ... and since when did Bajor have the Order? We were Cardassian
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Good he wasnt the only one who thought they were from some sort of diffrent dimension...he looked around for his copy, his double. Have I died? Maybe I just didnt exist in that reality, but if it were parallel I would exist. Ah..this all made he head hurt and he began foucusing again not on himself but on everyone else.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][VCO] I've known Verkal for 20 years. I've loved him for 15 of that. You're thinking of another time and another place where I don't exist.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[V18A][ALL] Perhaps I should explain? The Bajoran people in our time... wiped out Cardassia. You're one of the few left in our universe.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Vortex opens again...
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VCENG] ::He tilted his head and still gawked:: I'm Rem Inkar... Why do we have different names? I'm from Betazed.. My parents are retired scientists.. I'm the Engineer on the Avalon...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::The idea that she was a General, and one as ruthless as many of the Cardassians she'd heard of, made her head hurt. Or perhaps that was the punch, she wasn't sure. She looked up at the vortex-thing, wondering who would come out this time.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A ruffled Liel and Brigid stumble through the portal as it closes again.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: It closes, just as quickly as before.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Gapes at the other version of her. Swaying a little bit.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Slowly sets Devra down pushing her gently behind her.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][VTAC] Liel! ::: he blinks softly as he rushes over to help her up :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked pointedly at the new Liel and Brigid, as if to say "yes, here I am, whether you like it or not." But they couldn't be from the same reality as the other four, they said Liel had died.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][NOIP] Things just keep getting better and better. ::as he looked toward the vortex version of Liel and Brigid, still no sign of his copy.::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he said nothing and just sat on the ground next to HIS Liel and let out a low groan::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[VCENG] ::He notes that his ex wife had just come through the portal, and he helped her to her feet:: [VCMO] Well, I was wondering what would happen to you.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[VTAC]::Swears colorfully and looks at Zander:: [VCO] There you are.. ::Rushing to stand up. somethings never change.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Brily and Liel did not appear to be from the same universe as the other four, but she did look battered.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] WHAT THE?! ::She moaned softly then scanned everyone for differences.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: However, Feala did notice their patches to be the same as the other four, confirming that they were from the same universe.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She frowned at the patches and stood under her own power. She moved slightly behind Zander in case either of the women wanted to attack her as well.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][VTAC] ::: wraps his arms around her, kissing her deeply. ::: I'm so confused... ::: looks to the normal Zander and Feala :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Don't worry, love. I won't let them hurt you anymore. He got in a lucky shot, that's all.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][VCENG] I don't know man, this is messed up. All I know is, you need to get back where you came from..
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][ALL] Pity order training did not cover things like this ... ::he muttered, standing again, having collected himself a bit::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][ALL] May I make a suggestion? Let's all beam up to the Avalon and discuss this in a civilized manner?
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[VTAC][VCO] I don't think we're in the same universe. ::She said slowly.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][VTAC] Agreed.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][18A] I'd like to see if anyone else comes along....
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][18A] Agreed.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] ::Sits down with him drawing Devra back into her arms.:: This is making me dizzy
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VCO][CO] We'll go with you...
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][OPS] See?
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][NOIP] Er, right. Back to the Avalon...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The mirror crew is placed under suprevision on deck twenty six. The time is 23:00 hours.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][OPS] You okay Feala? ::She sighed::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][18A] See what? ::She wondered if she missed something, turning back toward Neris with a little smirk at his comment.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: Sitting down on the couch in their quarters, he blinks as she pulls away as he trys to tend to her wound ::: Stop moving...
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He was overworked, half drunk, and frazzled. He sat in his office pressing his thumbs against his temples, trying to keep a massive headache at bay::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Sorry. ::She sighed and tried to keep still.::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Rubs Curt's temples lightly trying to relieve the tention some.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: She is standing on the bridge, sitting in the center seat, observing all of the younger crewmen, while the repairs are being conducted :::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::Verkal sat in a chair, playing around with a strange plant with bulbous protrusions all over it's stems. He spoke to Liel softly, now that they were in their quarters:: What to make of all this?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] I'm sorry he did that. ::: He finishes, but she still has a bruise on her temple the size of his fist. He leans up and kisses the side of it, gently :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] It's not your fault, love.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He laid his head down on the desk, Bri standing next to him:: Please give me something.. I've got a bit of a hangover I think.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC]::Still holding Devra. Seemingly almost afraid to let the girl go.:: [HELM] Confusing as hell. ::She admitted.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Feeling quite tired we went back into his quarters. He lay in his bed wide awake...the whole him not having a double thing was really getting to him.:: He's probably still on that jungle planet thing, dont worry! ::He told himself.but the back of his mind he didnt belive himself.::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Gets a very light muscle relaxer and gives him a large glass of cold water.:: [CENG] Here.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] Will you come lay down with me? I just need to relax...
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] I suppose that is a valid way to feel ::he looked to Devra, trying to make sure she was all right before letting out a sigh, and sipping a mug of red leaf tea::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He sips on the water, not really wanting anything to drink::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] I know ::: He brushed his hands off and looked at his pouch ::: Feala... ::: His raven head leaned to her chest, as if begging for forgiveness. He took a deep breath ::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Sighs a little bit and draws him into her arms.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::looks down at Devra then loosens her hold a little bit. She had yet to question how the girl got there.:: [HELM] Just another little mystery of the universe.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG][CMO] I take that as a yes. Computer, Site to site transport, two to beam from CENG office to my quarters. ::they found themselves near Curt's bed and He held her tight, just setting the water down on his nightstand::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] Well, so long as Alex does not try to kiss you anymore ... ::he snickered, his eyes closed as he started to unwind::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She brought a hand up and ran her fingers through his hair.:: [CO] Love, it wasn't your fault. You and him are two different people. ::She shook her head, then looked around to try to change the topic.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::turns bright red. Looking down at Devra.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] What's in that bag you brought down anyway?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Yes, I know. I had your parents send me something...
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::Still not being able to sleep he pulls on his uniform and steps out of his room to the TL. :: "Comptuer Bridge." ::He steps off the turbo lift::[18A] Hello, I dont belive we've met.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] Hmm?
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][ATAC] ::: She turns around, almost fully in the command chair ::: No, I don't believe we have.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][TAC] Are you all right? I still don't fully understand all the colors your people change ...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: He clasps another bracelet on her wrist. It's copperish and silver :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] A little embarassed over that. Was so... shocking. ::Laughs a litlte bit.:: Why is she still 5? What happen? Devra.... ::She sighed.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][18A] Anatole Neris ::Extends his hand:: I belive i've heard your name in passing Telsia right?
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][ATAC] ::: Takes it, not standing up and shakes it ::: The same, I'm the special forces commander on this tub
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] You know what it is, right?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] Relax... ::She murmured rubbing his temples still.:: You need to rest.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::sigh:: You're always telling me that...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She stared at the bracelet for a long moment, a bit shocked... then put her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.:: [CO] Of course I do.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][18A] Tub? Never quite heard of a Starfleet ship reffered to as one. But it's nice, I like the sound of it. ::Smiles a bad::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] Rest is always good. You don't sleep enough. ::She sighed and laid him in the bed.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] ::: His voice is soft ::: I can take that as a 'maybe?'
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG]:: He held out his arms, reaching for her so they could cuddle::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][ATAC] I've been on this ship, in one form or another since I was a little girl.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO][CENG] ::Cuddles him trying to get him to relax.:: Breathe slow and deep.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he snickered a little, eyes closed, leaned back in his seat:: [TAC] So was this parallel universe Alex a better kisser than me? ::he teased her in a fairly gentle manner::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG]::He obliged and snuggled up close to Bri, kissing her neck::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS][CO] No... more like a yes. ::She nuzzled into his neck, her breathing showing how stunned, although happy, she was.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC][HELM] What afraid you may pale in comparisson? ::She teased back. Leaning against him.:: I don't remember much of what happen during our battle with the ... ::Trails off.:: how did Devra get here? Why is she only 5?
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A]+T+[CO, HELM, CENG] Captain, Verkal, Jameson, please report to the bridge
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A]+T+[The Three] Our Bolian friend is here again...
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He felt like punching the speaker that called him:: Ugh! Well Bri, unless you order me to my quarters, it looks like I'm not going to rest.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he stood, walked over to Liel, and gave her a long, deep kiss, before pulling away and hitting his badge:: [Scorp main comp] Computer, one to transport to the Avalon bridge ::and with that, and a yellow stream he materialized on the bridge::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] [18A] This guy...the Bolian is rather annoying. Are they all like this?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Sits up repressing a groan.:: I'm tempted to. ::She smirks.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]+T+[18A] Only my jolly way. ::: he pushes himself up. Popping his back on the way up :::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][ATAC] I try not to stereo-type...
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Sighs after returning the kiss and he disappears...:: [NOIP] Some birthday.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: Red Alert Klaxons start to blare just as Hunter makes it towards the bridge.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG]+[18A] ::he almost shouted:: Fine! I'll be there in a minute!
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC][18A] Did I miss something? :: As he moves to his station::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM][NOIP] This is starting to give me a very unpleasant headache ... ::he just sort of spat out in his annoyance over the whole thing with this little blue pest::
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::A few minutes later he arrived on the bridge, rather pissed off:: Now what?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][18A] Report. ::: he walks onto the bridge and moves to the command chair :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She laid back on the couch and frowned... or tried at least.:: [NOIP] That noise isn't good to people who have taken minor concussions.... ::She stood and decided to make her way to the bridge, finding herself unable to keep away from any urgent situation that may be happening.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A] ::: she taps the operations console and looks at him ::: [CO] It looks like a Bajoran cruiser... But it's freakin huge.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Starts hearing the Klaxons go off and jumps from the bed running to the turbo lift.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:{TAC]+T+[CO] Do you need me up there? ::She sounded confused and tired.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She pulled on her class D uniform and made her way out of the door to the TL.:: [TL] Bridge.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he took his seat at the helm station, not really sure what to do while docked if they came under attack::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO]+T+[TAC] :: he says, his voice having a bit of friendly sarcasm ::: The Tactical officer on the bridge in a tactical situation helps.
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][CO] I've programmed us out for emergency launch, on your command.
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:[CENG] ::He goes to his console and starts punching buttons, wondering what the heck he was doing there::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][18A] Are all the dock crews clear?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She walked onto the bridge and looked up at the viewscreen, seeing the huge Bajoran ship.:: [NOIP] Don't tell me....
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:[TAC] ::Swears briefly. She hadn't meant it to sound that way. She reluctantly released Devra and ordered site to site appearing on the bridge. Looking embarrassed.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter:[18A][CO] All clear... ::: noticing feala, she moves back to the SOP station :::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:[CMO] ::Enters the bridge leaning forward a little bit to observe intently.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: The Operations console blinks.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She nodded a thanks to Telsia and moved into her seat, fingers moving all over the console as she tried to get a tactical scan on the ship.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris:[ATAC] ::He sat at the second tactical station, reading the latest scans off the sensors trying to get an estimate as to how powerful this ship was::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She looked at the blinking indicator.:: [CO] Incoming hail.
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:[HELM] ::he waited to see what the Ops station was reading ... a tad worried about the propulsion energy levels ... he was not sure how much he could get out of the damaged Avalon::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[CO][OPS] Well, bring it up.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:[OPS] ::She had an odd feeling, from the events earlier that day, what they were about to see. She put it on the main viewer.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:ACTION: A exact armored image of Feala appears on the screen.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:[VFEA][AVALON] This is General Corav Feala of the Imperial Bajoran Destroyer Li'Tan. Surrender, Captain, or you will be destroyed...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Ensign JG Curtis Jameson:::AA::
Ensign Telsia Hunter::: AA ::
Lieutenant JG Verkal Andora:::AA::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala:::AA::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora:::AA::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: ::AA::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea:::AA::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter:-=[END SIM]=-