Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[BEGIN SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The dome has several branches of the crack and it is spreading slowly. There are several elevators and lifts that lead to what appears to be four seperate force field generators.
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][ALL GATHERED] Well, I think our course of action is obvious. We have to restart the force field generators before the dome cracks.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][18C] ::Blinks looking at the cracks in the dome and nods softly.:: [CO] Do we know which one or ones are down?
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][18C] Easier said than done, that's a long way to go and the transporters have been knocked out. ::: she sighs and then begins to accept the inevitable. They'll have to run for it :::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC][18C] Well where are the generators?
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][TAC] It'd be my guess that it's all four. We have to get them up before the dome breaks or else we're- for lack of a better word- screwed.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC] "Should be be armed before setting off?"
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::looks around slowly counting the amount of people present.:: [18C] Teams?
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][TAC] ::: Shrugs ::: She's the boss ::: points at telsia :::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC][SEC] If you feel the need. The armory is down the hall and to the left.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::looks to Telsia. Besically waiting for orders with a slightly bland look.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][TAC] Teams sound good. There are six of us, and four generators. I'll get to one on my own. Trace can too. Brigid should also tackle one and Neris and Qwc can tackle the final one. You should probably stay due to your condition. ::: grin :::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"Permission to get arms, sir?"
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][ALL] ::: picks up an engineering kit from a table and checks it over ::: I'll tackle the Northern most field generator.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Her lips thin slightly and she nodded a little bit.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC ] [ SEC ] ::Nods:: Granted, but hurry!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The dome rattles a bit more. People outside can be seen running for cover amidst the falling dust and minor debris.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC]:: Walking down the hall briskly, he tried entering the armory to retreive weapons. ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Looks at Liel then Telsia. Her gaze lifting to Trace slowly.:: [18A] I'll take the west...
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [ CSEC ] [ 18A ] It's best we move start moving now... what is the coordinance of our generator?
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][ALL] Alright... ::: breaths taking another from a crewman walking by ::: I'll handle the southern generator. [CSEC] Take tricorders, they'll read them on the display.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Drops into a chair her face blank.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [ CSEC ] [18A] Will do. ::Looks towards the hall and calls out:: [SEC] Qwc! Hurry up down there!
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::pulls out her tricorder and heads off. Pauses looking back at Telsia. Then walked on again.::
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][18A] ::: nods ::: I'm off. ::: Calion bolts out the door towards the north dodging debris. He literally leaves dust tracks in the ground as he sprints as fast as he can :::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: After retreiving two compression rifles, he would return to the group, offering one of the rifles to Anatole. ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Moves to the west as she said she would.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][TAC] ::: puts an arm on her shoulder ::: I just don't want your child to be injured... ::: smiles softly then runs as fast as she can to the southern generator :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Shakes her head a little bit. Feeling cut out. not just left out but cut out. As if she had no reason to be anywhere. She just should have stayed on ship if this was going to happen.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] Thanks ::Grabs a rifle and retrvies atricorder from his pocket:: Come on. ::Walks out of the building and into the chaotic city. :: We'll be going to the eastern generator.. come on ::He set off towards the east::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Picks up speed running to the generator.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: He walks at his Chief Officer's side, as they set off towards the generator. ::
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C] ::: he makes it to the generator. He starts working and taps his com badge. ::: +T+ [ALL] This is calion I'm at the southern generator on the floor level. Starting repairs. ::: his hands work hurridly over controls as he pulls off panels and sets to work :::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Gets up and walked out to the "street" looking around.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Outside Liel can see pandomonium on an unparalleled scale. People run around every where like chickens with their heads cut off.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Runs into the generator room.:: +[ALL] At the eastern generator. ::Starts working on repairing it.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Shakes her head walking to various people trying to slow them down. Organize them instead of letting them bolt madly about that way.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [ CSEC ] ::They arive at the generator and he opens the engineering kit:: [SEC] Remedial engineering put to the test.... ::his voice trails off::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A] ::: After taking the lift up the pylon she reaches the southern generator. she kneels down and begins her repairs ::: +T+ [ALL] This is Hunter, I'm at the southern pylon. Beginning repairs.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"Seriously, im in the security buisness, like I know anything about engineering." :: Glancing from the generator to the kit. ::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The silence breaks as the northern pylon lights up and begins to spin rapidly. Energy shoots up one fourth of the dome's surface.
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] Well...I guess I can fix it ::and begins to work:::
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C]+T+[ALL] ::: heaves a sigh as he reports ::: This is Calion. The Northern section has been raised.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Hovers over the generator plucking at things then finding the problem treated it like she would anything else scanning for a signature energy and finding where it was not going and fixing it.:: [TNIOP] Cake walk.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"And the shit hits the fan...I hope you can fix that thing and ain't just acting."
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Eastern and southern pylons light up and 3/4ths of the dome is protected by a forcefield
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::She sighed watching the Dome come up.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: He stood there with his Concussion Rifle's stock pressed firmly against his shoulder, as he watched his Chief's back incase someone decided they didn't want the thing fixed..::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: A crewman starts reporting a disturbance to Liel
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C]+T+[CSEC] What's your status, Neris?
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Takes the report and taps to Telsia and the others.:: +[ALL] We got company. Jem'Hadar in the upper rafters. ::She was already moving that way. Stopping at the armory to get a compression rifle and two phasers.::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::blinks a bit and squints. Running down the pilon to the lift and going down. Scanning all the way.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] + [18C] All finished over here....::Hears the infomation on the Jem' Hadar:: [SEC] Keep your guard up Qwc!
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A]+T+[TAC] Crap. Are you kidding? ::: Knowing full well she's not joking, Telsia contacts the others ::: [ALL] You heard her!
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"Roger that, sir. Maybe we should get outta here if you're done."
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Armed and ready she goes a hunting. Sliding silently upward scanning for specific signs of their company.::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Drops by the armory grabbing phasers for herself and any of the crew she runs into that are unarmed.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: As the dome shatters a fourth section goes up and contains the spill
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC ] [ SEC ] Lets... set your rifle to kill, stun is out of the question when you're dealing with the Jem'Hadar.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"My rifle never goes on stun, heh. Sir!"
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Goes up in the direction of the shatter finding the source and she wouldn't doubt that she would find their "friends".::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Blinks a bit and looks around headin that way but staying on the ground aiming more to help the injured.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A] ::: Starts hunting on her own. She comes upon two and shoots at them over her shoulder. She takes cover behind a block structure and dodges fire :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Liel comes upon a group of six Jem Hadar as Neris and Qwc come around the adjacent corner. The Jem Hardar open fire at both sides of them.
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC][SEC] ::Rasies his finger to his lips:: Shh...look! ::Points to three Jem'Hadar walking slowly,apprently securing there position:: Take them out....!
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Takes her own readings estimating planning. She fires back taking carefull aim. Trying to dodge at the same time.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Quickly aligning his rifle to the left most goon, he aimed for the high torso area before squeexing off a well aimed shot. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Aims heart and head. Whispering to herself risking the hits by suddenly jumping into the open. Short hot blasts from a phaser set to kill Aimed for death of foe.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Jem'Hadar parry with shields and fire back at the team wildly. They don't need to take aim because they seem to have pulse weapons which spray over an entire area. A few civilians are hit in the back ground and blood sprays against a building.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Starts forward and up Hearing screams though faint.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC][SEC] Take cover! ::Looking at the spraying fire taking out random civies.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: He quickly aimed for the shins and kneecaps, figuring his Chief would do the same as he fired off a volley of shots at exposed limbs. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | {TAC] ::CHanges her tactics aiming for the weapons and sheild generators. Glaring. The hits hurt but she was only scraped. It burned.::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Tends some of the more seriously wounded but keeps working her way up coming up behind Liel.::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][TAC] ::: Taps liels shoulder as she comes up from behind her. Taking position behind a crate she lays down supressive fire while the others knock the Hadars down :::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] [SEC] Aim for there weapons and sheild generators... ::He looked up and readied his weapon and took a shots at the Jem'Hadar's rifles.::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Gives a slight nod of acknowledgement taking out a compression rifle and taking aim. Growling a little bit.:: [18A] They have personal sheilds... and pulse weapons.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::compresses the trigger with her usual deadly aim.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Still shooting at shins and kneecaps. ::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: One of the Jem Hadars buckle from the blasts to the knee caps and another is struck square in the chest from Liel's shot. Telsia and Neris's shots are blocked by the remaining two soldiers
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Shooting at limbs, he simply sighed, as he dropped down to a knee, then rolling to the right, to avoid concentrated fire on his position. Laying down behind a dead civvie's body and begins shooting once more from his meat shield's cover, aiming for kneecaps still. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Takes aim again firing off a head shot at one of them. Her arm was bleeding from wrist to shoulder where she had been grazed by the pulse in her retreat before.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: One of the last two Hadars jump over to Qwc's position and smacks Neris into a wall. The other is hit by Liel square in the head.
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] ::The kinetic force of the Jem'Hadar's body knocks him into the wall and Neris is quickly knocked out::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Laughing as Neris got bitchslapped, he calmly rolled forwards, firing point blank into one of those Hadars' groins with the rifle. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Can't help a giggle over that last shot. Her head lowering a little.::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Sets to work on Liel's arm looking the others over as she did. Her gaze patient and kind as always. Her green eyes looking around for the others.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Last Hadar crumples down as the scene drops to a dull roar. The streets are empty excluding the bodies of dead and wounded. Stray papers scatter throughout the area.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC]+[18C] Trace.. what's your position? ::Groaning as Brigid worked.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"Sir?! You ok?!"
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C] ::: kneels down and covers one ear as he speaks softly ::: +T+ [TAC] I'm in the tubes that run beneath the city. You guys should go back to the ship, okay?
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C]+T+[TAC] I'll be back to your position in a moment
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Squints:: +T+ [18C] What's going on? ::he was whispering so she dropped her voice a little bit.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC]:: Picking Anatole's heavy self up, he carried him to the CMO and dropped him. ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Finishes with Liel and turns to Anatole scanning him over.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The entire team gets beamed into sickbay.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::grunts softly. Her brow furrowing looking at each face noting the present and if anyone was abscent.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Is beamed right as he was about to grab an arm shield. Cursing silently, he begins whistling. ::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Captain is waiting for them, drenched when they show up. Water drips from his matted hair.
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Lays down on a bio bed curling up a little.:: [CO] What happen?
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][CO] ::: She smirks, tossing her raven hair over to the side ::: Hey there, Alex.
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][CO] ::: Coughs as he enters the fresh Avalon air. ::: Captain.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Sees the Captain and snaps to attention, back rigid as he stands there, as the other people didn't stand at attention. ::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | [CSEC] ::Anatole is still knocked out---and is laying on a biobed, lifesigns reading steady::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [ Er, my chars name is Spartan Qwc. o_o;;; ]
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][TAC] ::: Looks at the new guy and smirks back to Liel ::: He's new?
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::heals Anatole up some checking for other injuries satisfied it was mostly bruising.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][TAC] I had a little swim. I'll tell you about it later. What do you have to report
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][18A] I'm going to the bridge.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC]:: As he was ignored and saw that there was no discipline on the ship, he dropped from attention and went to clean his concussion rifle on a Medbay bed. ::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][18C] Okay, Trace. I'll go with ::: She starts off for the turbolift and smiles softly. ::: What were you really chasing down there?
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Snatches the rifle shaking her head.::[ASEC] Not in here you don't!
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC] :: Muttering something very nasty, but only he could hear it, he would snatch back that weapon, taking Anatole's as he headed to the armory, to see what goodies they had there. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC] [CO] Six Jem-Hadar set up the protective dome to shatter. We managed to stop the water getting in but fixing the shield generators.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO][ASEC] Crewman! ::She called firmly after the man.::
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][18A] I don't know, ma'am. I was so confused... I thought I saw something that I didn't
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][ASEC] Yes? :: Spinning around in his tracks, as he faced her, his face covered with a blank expression. ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO][SEC] STand at attention and tell me what you just did wrong in my med bay
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][TAC] Well, this does appear to be a problem.
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::pulling rank in a very interesting manner. Her face stern.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CMO]"I snatched the weapon from you, ma'am." :: Standing at attention rigidly, triyng to figure what the hell was going on around here. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] Her med bay you don't treat her bad in her domain. Not even you do that to Brily. ::she murmured testing her arm.::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO][SEC] Yes you did. What else did you do?
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | [18C][18A] ::: As they arrive on the bridge he moves to the SOPs station and does a quick check ::: Nothing much is going on, huh?
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CMO]"I tried cleaning my weapon so that I didn't have to leave my Chief's side, ma'am."
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | [18A][18C] It's a relaxing time, what can I say?
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO][SEC] You also showed a complete lack of respect. You are in a med bay. You disrespected me and my bay. ::She blinked slightly at him.:: You get to clean bed pans till you know what to say and how to say it. You will play
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][TAC] He'll learn. ::: Looks to Liel ::: What do you suppose could have precipitated this action?
Ensign Brigid Lea: | orderly till you understand that REspect is a given on this ship. Even if formal attention is not a requirement. Is that understood?!
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] She probably shouldn't have reacted so quickly but he seems to think there is no discipline here.
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CSEC]"Yes, ma'am." :: Hands still folded across the small of his back. ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | [CMO] [SEC] Get to work. Starting with your beloved commanders bedding. ::She motioned a little bit.::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | [SEC][CMO]"Aye, ma'am." :: Changing the bedding even though he'd been there a total of five freaking minutes. ::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Chief Petty Officer Trace Calion: | :: AA ::
Ensign Telsia Hunter: | :: AA ::
Ensign Brigid Lea: | ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Spartan Qwc: | :: AA. ::
Lieutenant JG Liel Andora: | ::AA::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: | ::aa::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[END SIM]=- |