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USS Avalon NCC 06742-A: Episode XIV

"Centurion Station"

Summary Pending

Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: -=[BEGIN SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: The Avalon is lit by the purple, lavender and indigo lights of the Gamma Quadrants far flung nebulas. Just ahead is the Fortuna-class starbase dubbed Centurion Station.
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][18A] I still think that the Assault rifle is better. In close range combat, it can't be beaten. ::: He moves over to the Auxilary wall mounted SOPs station and takes a seat :::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Instead of being on the bridge this day she had herself wedged in a panel callibrating and adjusting things. If someone were to check her "hours" she had taken little time off for herself since leaving DS9. Sometimes she
Lieutenant Liel Andora: even slept in the cargo bay or where ever she had been working.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::sitting in his chair on the bridge watching the comings and goings of the crew:: [EDS] ETA to Centurion Station.
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: [CSEC] ::Ensign Neris stood at the secuirty section and everything seemed to look normal. He glanced down at a text transmission:: Everything seems to be normal sir...patrols yielded no offenders -CMA La-Grecca. Nice to see everythi
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][18C] Hardly, I think that the enhanced compression rifle is the best there is, period. You don't have to have skill to use the assault rifle. The Compression rifle... with that... it's a matter of finesse!
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: ing is rolling will ::He thought to himself::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [HELM][XO] ::: Sneezing and adjusting his glasses, Douglas Swift turns to the XO, his nasal voice sqeaking ::: Sir, the Avalon is approachin Century-on Station. We're close enuf to start doackin procedures.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::Stands on the bridge looking at the view screen in deep thought. She had been observing both the captain and chief tactical officer for the last few hours and wasn't pleased by what she saw. Her fingers tapped lightly and
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: her gaze lifted to watch Alex for a long time.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: Sure enough, the station was on screen thanks to the handy operations officer, Ensign Kayla Hodge.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] We're being hailed sir, it's Commander Franbois. ::: she said over her shoulder :::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She shook her head at the chatter and tried to keep focused on the display in front of her, at one of the bridge stations at the rear of the room. She'd been trying to contact the station and ships for more details on any
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::blinks at the sneezing Helm operator tilting her head. She lifted her padd bringing up his file. Checking his race and if he had any allergies.::
Commander Andrea Belford: more special considerations that would have to make for this mission.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::nods:: [OPS] On screen.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] Aye, sir. ::: With a few taps, the young operations officer brought the image of a human looking blonde woman on screen. Her features were pronounced and exotic but she had tattoo's on the right and left side of her face.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: Lines which tapered off to points in the middle of her cheek :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CDRRF]+T+[XO] Welcome to the Gamma Quadrant!!! ::: she pulls a party popper and throws confetti as she jumps up and down with a jovial laugh :::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Curses rather vividly then checks the wiring she was working with. Her head coming out of the panel as she nursed her hand for a moment. Then stood up turning the tools over to a crewman as she made her way to the door.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C] ::: looks at the screen as if to say, "is this chick for real?" :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::blinks a little bit at Trace then after a smile to him went back to reading the file she had brought up.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV] ::: Unfortunately, she agreed with calion. She'd been sitting in the Counsellor's seat the entire time, watching the ship's shinanigans and unfortunately, this was one of the odder moments :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]+T+[CDRRF] Thank you commander. ::trys not to let this phase him seeing as he has read her records:: I trust the Avalon has docking clearences, along with the rest of Delta fleet.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::Bellford moved her head barely enough to glance over the right shoulder of the Class D uniform she was wearing, a brow raised disdainfully.::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Makes her way to the turbo lift and steps on.:: [Comp] Bridge.
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::going through his standerd security rounds before heading to the security office and bringing up all info on Dominion weaponry and llve's enhanced weapons::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CDRRF]+T+[XO] Of course ::: she says with a nod. Pinning her hands behind her back, the Twenty-six year old commander comes so close to the camera that it looks like her eyes take up most of the Avalon's view screen ::: Where's
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: your captain, there, Etti?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::The lift started upward and she stood there. Her eyes seemed bruised and red at the same time. Slowly she reached up rubbing them for a moment then dropped her hand as the lift door opened and she stepped onto the bridge.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][18C] ::: Whispers to Trace ::: Holy crap... the 18X has decided to calm down and wear a D-Class uniform! ::: she smirks, thinking of her own D-class which she had on right now :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]+T+[CDRRF] Resting at the moment.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: Her appearance and a slight gesture relieved the crewman.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: Bellford's and Neris's consoles bleep.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::lifts her head slightly watching Liel enter the bridge and shakes her head slightly. Switching files on the PADD she made several notes.::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::Not that she was especially calm, of course... she simply didn't care enough about most of these people to look special for them. She moved a hand over the console to check the beep.::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: [CSEC] [XO]In coming hail ,sir ::He looks down at his console::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CSEC] Where from?
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CDRRF] One moment Ranpha. [OPS] Mute this.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] Aye sir. ::: She presses a button and the com is mute. During the mean while, the exetric Franbois is talking up a storm although no one can hear her :::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][NOIP] ::: She smirks and nods ::: Definately one crazy woman. Must be how she copes with being in the Gamma Quadrant ::: she went back into her old CNSLR mode :::
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: [CSEC][XO] No,sir. My mistake. No hail. My simulations have just finished and for the fifth time my simulations show that hitting the airlocks on the Dominion vessel is the only chance we have against that new hull material.
Ensign JG Anatole Neris: [CSEC] ::He sheepishly looked down...embarrased at his mistake.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C] ::: Trace allowed himself a peek at Brigid before returning to his own simulations. Kitracel Green was a much more... potent form of the drug and didn't need to be produced throug an elaborate
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::grins to himself, just how he likes her, quiet. and then sighs when he realizes he needs to unmute Franbois.:: [OPS] Resume.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] Has anyone figured out just what that hull material is yet? ::She asked in a monotoned voice.::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She frowned and filed away the information now displayed for a time when it would need to be considered by everyone involved with this new race.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: method like Kitracel White :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: The audio resumes...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CDRRF]+T+[XO] ... and then my kitty got blow out of the air lock. And I had my crew searching the station for days. Poor mittens. ::: She tears up :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::meets Trace's peek at her smiling a little bit. Her fingers moving slightly in that brief instant in a move only he understood. Her thumb sliding along her middle finger and she blushed a little.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]+T+[CDRRF] Is there something we can do for you Commander that can't wait till we are onboard?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CDRFF]+T+[XO] ::: blink... blink... blink... dumb gaze... blink.... blink blink blink blink... blink... blink... dumb gaze... blink.... blink blink blink blink... blink... blink... dumb gaze... blink.... blink blink blink :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CDRRF]+T+[XO] ::: she then snaps back ::: Umm. Yes. Please dock on pylon nine. ::: with a nod and goofy ass smile the transmission is cut ::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::Under her breath.:: [NOIP] Stop the presses. Someone managed to make her stop talking.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A] ::: She smirks and then looks at the others ::: [ALL] Maaan, that bitch is the grass. What the hell do they do out here?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Stares dumbfounded at the screen for a moment then motions to the crewman to take her place again as she had not completely dismissed him. Liel hit the chime on the ready room door with a tired motion.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::snaps his fingers hoping to get the last word in there.:: [HELM] Set course for Pylon Nine and begin docking procedures. [ADV] This is going to be interesting.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][Door] Enter! ::: looking over his desktop computer :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] Dun know, but it's a bit annoyin' ::She whispered shaking her head.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][XO] It sure seems it will be, doesn't it ::: gives a loving and reassuring smile :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] Sir... there is a problem...
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Enters the ready room and stands silently as the door closes.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::looks back to Bellford::[18X] It takes time to perfect that. [OPS] Whats the problem?
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][NOIP] Gods, there is ::: he snorts ::: There is no damn pylon nine. They only have eight pylons and four landing pads...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] ::: he looks up with a genuine smile ::: Liel, how are you? ::: his question is answered when he actually takes a good look ::: You look like hell.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::Snickers a little bit.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] Bingo.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][NOIP] It's like Bellford's emotional opposite. ::: a with a smirk and under her breath :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::sighs and shakes his head:: [NOIP] I'm going to regret this order. [OPS] Rehail Franbois.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][CO] I can not help it. ::She whispered and moved to sit on the couch.:: You do not look very good yourself.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS][XO] Sir... I could just dock us at eight. That's the only open pylon anyways...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] ::: He smiles leaning back ::: Speak for yourself, I only lost three hours of sleep last night. And I still am chipper. ::: He looked at her ::: What's wrong, kiddo?
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][XO] You know, she is a very sweet person, but a bit of a ditz. But I doubt Starfleet would have sent her out here without reason.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][OPS] Go for it.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Liel had that cold blank look on her face that was her shield against getting too close.:: [CO] I think you are faking it .. or at least a small portion of it. ::How could she be the only one this miserable? She put her head
Lieutenant Liel Andora: in her hands.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][ADV] Of course there is a reason. To get her klutzy butt away from the rest of the fleet.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] I was fairly bad off, but ::: he looks at her ::: I'm fine now. I'm doing this to safe guard my little girl and fiancee'. So as much as being far away from them bothers me, I am not going to let it get me down.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][ADV] Sweet...possibly deep down....very very very deep down. [18C] Somtimes Command does have a somewhat decent reason to put someone where they are...i hope this is one of these times.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She gave an empty part of the console in front of her a good smack with the open palm of her right hand... no one seemed to have anything more they could tell her, and it frustrated her to the point of having greatly
Commander Andrea Belford: restrained herself just then.::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][CO] I feel like I have been torn to shreads... My mother instinct is shreading me apart inside. I know I did right but.. ::Her voice dropped to silence. She stood up again slowly.:: I have to get back to work. We will not beat
Lieutenant Liel Andora: Ilve if we fall behind.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: The Avalon docks and the bridge crew is set loose on the station. Unlike DS9, there are markers indicating where to go. Operations, The White Rabbit, Landing Pads 1-4...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: It is extremly advanced and makes DS9 look like a clostrophbic's worst nightmare. Holographic images line the walls making the environment seem more open.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]+T+[CO] Captain, were here.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][ADV] What would you say to a drink?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO]+T+[XO] Very well, take Strife and Bellford and talk to Franbois. See what she knows. I'll be coordinating with the rest of the fleet. The rest of the crew can go bar hopping.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][XO] I'd say it isn't happening.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::hears alex::[ADV] So much for that.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Moves to the door in a manner that seemed oddly sluggish for her. She reached up pinching the bridge of her nose but stopped before she got close to the sensor that opened the door.::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She heard her name over Etti's commbadge and turned toward them... great, she thought. She got to be the third wheel of the world's cutest couple.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][18X][ADV] Well let's get this over with. ::he gets up and moves to the TL and stands in front of the door off to the side:: [Both] Ladies first.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO]+T+[XO] Belay that. Talk to Franbois, we'll move out as soon as we get the information...
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]+T+[Crew] Barhopping leaves canncelled. Prepare to leave as soon as Cdr Strife, Cdr Bellford and myself return. ::wonders if he can pulls some drinks while they are here and claim they were still in conference.::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She took a few strides into the TL, then turned and faced front.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: About an hour later. Etti has been breifed entirely on the situation and the Commander's cat, mittens. The entire senior staff is in the Conference room and seated.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::Blinks a little bit and nods slightly in thought. She suddenly had a question for Strife or Etti that had reguards to Liel in an odd way. Bellford was definately abrasive. But kept her attention where it belongs.::
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::downloads the information he has been reading into a padd so he can use the stations computers..then hears Johns comm:: [noip] so much for that.
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B][COMPUTER] Computer download all the information the station has on llve and the latest dominion weapons. ::he watches as the screen filles up
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A] ::: Leans back in her seat, awaiting the information to be presented :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::sitting in his chair in the conference lounge not happy with the briefing::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Sits there her head down slightly. Her eyes open but blank.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV] ::: Waits to begin, standing by the display panel :::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::Watched Strife. It'd be mostly her show, after all.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C] ::: looking at a PADD on the desk, ready to assimilate the data :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO] ::: looks at the Commander ::: Well, Selphie. It's your show. ::: Makes a gesture with his hand :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::turns his attention to Strife waiting::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][ALL] The situation is much worse than we thought... ::: She begins ::: They have a planetary system. ::: brings in a three world system orbiting a red giant. the outer planets have perfect circular orbits
Instructor Selphie Strife: while the second planet has an ellptical orbit :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ALL] So they have a planetary base? Big deal. We can bombard it...
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CO] If only it was that easy. ;:waits for selphie to continue::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][ALL] No, Hunter, ::: she taps the zoom ::: They have a planet. The intel the Defiant has gathered indicates the entire thing is one big starship producing facility. The hard part is it's in the middle of a nebula.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][ALL] That's all we have... ::: she sits back down :::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] what gases are the nebula made out of?
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][ALL] Sooo... are we going there with or without the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th Fleet?
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::sits listening and observing.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][TAC] The analysis of the gas indicates hydrogen and sparse patches of stable metrion particles. Nothing too hairy.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAc] ::nods a little bit.:: [ADV] And the planets are surrounded by these gasses?
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][ALL] Okay... we're one ship. How can we take on a planet?!
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][18A] Indirectly.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][ALL] ::: Strife leans in ::: Not entirely. For about nintey percent of its orbit it is covered by them, but every while on its extreme side, it breaks and enters clear space for a few hours.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A] ::: She has nothing constructive to contribute so she pays attention and thinks :::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::her eyes flashing as a muscle jumps in her cheek.:: [NOIP] What would happen if....? Hmmmm
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] Would happen if...?
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][TAC] If we made the nebula into one big old-style hydrogren bomb?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][18X] Exactly. ::Her gaze moving to Zander for a moment.::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Looks up at Selphie seeing what she thought on it. As she was the advisor.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO] ::contemplates this idea as he measures the pros and cons and waits for alex's and Selphie's reponse::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV] ::: Thinks ::: It would damage them, but how do we get in close enough. And don't forget. The entire planet is a network for their ship building. It's almost entirely mechanical... would that be enough hydrogen?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ADV] We will run it through and see if we can work it but I am not beyond trying any other ideas.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][ADV] We would have to compact the hydrogen somehow. It would take a lot of time and energy. They'd probably see it coming.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][All] They are creating ships in there...we know this. We also know llve has ships with bio-armor...What if we were able to damage the planet enought to get a team inside.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][ALL] I'd like to try a secondary idea. Just as an idea...
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::sits thinking about the fusion generator.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ADV] ::: he smirks ::: What is it?
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][TAC] Andora.. do you think we should wipe the planet out like I do?
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][ADV] It's almost a given that we'll have to
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ALL] Mr. Etti has a point. It will have the advatage of getting information we desperately need. [ADV] We need both plans but yes the planet should be... wiped.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She nodded in silent assent. That planet was beyond any other purpose but a giant factory.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][TAC] Actually, Liel does too. I think that we could do it if the Avalon dealt with the hydrogen. The distraction would let us get a team in. ::: Knowing the game, she looks at Telsia ::: who's your best sneaking operation person?
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][ADV] ::: She looks around the table and then sighs ::: We're all damn good at it... it's just if I had to pick one, Trace tends to achieve mission objectives quicker than Etti or myself.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::As big an emotional and physical wreck as she was, Liel would grin slightly finally having something to contribute since before they left Earth.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ADV] Selphie, I get the hydrogen part but... what about the one person operation? ::: he is literally boggling his mind trying to get it :::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][CO] Alex, antimatter. ::: looks at Liel ::: [TAC and 18X] Do you think that antimatter near the planets core could be a catalyst to destroy the planet?
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::shrugs, he was more of the type with long extensive plans, but would cut off his hand if it would get him inside that base::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::nods as he watches the others::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][ADV] Antimatter near any matter destroys things. Buried deeply enough, yes, that would blow up at least a big chunk of a planet.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC}[ADV] The Hydrogen explosion would rip off some of the atmosphere.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][TAC] What do you think?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ADV] Risky... but I do not see another choice.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ADV] They would not be expecting something so large scale that is for certain. Not from the bugs they think we are.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ALL] A planet that size would require four canisters to completely level the planet. We only have three Special Forces soldiers that are capable of doing it.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][NOIP] Smart bugs but bugs none the less. ::Scrubbing her fingers through her hair.:: we have been fighting their way. Time to try something else. ::Blinks up at Zander tilting her head.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CO] Actually, it looks like five to blow it to hell, sir. My demolitions opinion.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][18C] The situation is only worse... we have 3 people that can do it.
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B][CO] We will do it.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [xo] What about a diversion...
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::With a hint of a smirk.:: [CO] Don't forget that we have a fourth experienced special Ops officer who might have gone soft from years on the bridge.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] It's still a lot of space to covere...
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A] ::: She thinks for a moment. She nibbles on her finger, knowing she's going to regret it ::: [CO] Belford can do it. [18X] Right, Commander?
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][CO] And a fifth. I was in Special Operations and was cross trained in demolitions, remember?
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][18A] I'll do it or die trying.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::knows that there are actually 5 special ops people, but refuses to bring it then tips his head when he hears her speak up after all::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::Another smirk. She was confident in her abilities... some might say overly so, given her tone of voice on the "die trying" indicating that she didn't find that likely.::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] [18C] Is there a possibility someone could tap the system and find a way to get their hull compositon as well as experiment data? ::She murmured to Trace almost afraid to voice the thought out load. They already had three
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: objectives. This last one would be desperate and may not be able to be done.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::he looks to Zander waiting for his reaction with the plan, he gave a nod to assure himself that this will work::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][18C] If you could, it could give us a great tactical advantage...
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CO] ::: He looks down and smirks ::: I'm the fastest. I'll do it or... ::: looks at bellford quickly and then looked back at the others ::: 'die trying.'
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO] ::: smirks ::: [ALL] Any other suggestions to append to our plans?
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CO] Has the Alexander Hunter been repaired since the transwarp trip?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] ::: nods solemnly ::: It's ready to go.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::winces at the reminder but nods to herself they came home from that and everyone had learned something.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CO] Then the last thing we need is a pilot for the shuttle...
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][XO] And sir, we took the Hitomi.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Lets out a slow breath. Verkal would have been the perfect pilot but he was off doing something big secret.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ALL] That is a question... ::: thinks ::: Prynn...
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::realizes that he is starting to lose it after 2 months. and nods:: [ALL] Unless there are objections, i will pilot it.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] Prynn Tenmei of the Defiant would make an excellent pilot.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] If you're really up to doing it, you can too.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::brings up the record or Prynn and looks it over:: [CO] He has a better chance at this.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] ::: Chuckles ::: Yea, she does. ::: Looks at the others ::: Then it's settled. We'll move out as soon as each section has their plan ready. Commander Bellford and Lieutenant Andora get the timings down of our hydrogen
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: assault. Lieutenant Hunter, prep your troops and get the Instructor a sneaking suit.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ALL] Anything else?
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C] ::: Shakes his head 'no' :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::shakes his head, at the moment he has no other comments to add to this::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ALL] I just want to say something
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV] ::: Purses her lips to cover a smile and says ::: No.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She let her eyes fall to Andora for a moment, curious about her reaction and her comment.::
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B][CO] Negative.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] What's up?
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::To tired to stand up now that she was sitting down she looked at all in turn.:: [ALL] This is going to be very difficult and the timing has to be perfect. We need to know what planet they are on and what defenses we will
Lieutenant Liel Andora: have to get through. The Hydrogen explosion will tear away the atmosphere of all the planted and knock out systems damage buildings. The ops team needs to be and I know they will be... ready for anything as do we and any other ship
Lieutenant Liel Andora: that we take with us.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][ALL] This will also bring Ilve right to us. So we will have to have a plan of attack when he gets here. That is why Trace you need to get as much information as you can. All of you get any information you can between the
Lieutenant Liel Andora: explosions.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][NOIP] Knowledge is power.
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][TAC] ::: He nods at her ::: Don't worry, ma'am. I won't let anyone down.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Nods a little bit and smiles idication that she knew they would. Thn nods again in agreement with Bellford.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO] ::: nods solemnly and stands, projecting an image of power and confidence ::: [ALL] We have people counting on us in the Alpha Quadrant and STF Command doesn't think of Ilve as a high enough priority. The Avalon was built to
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: stand alone in adverse and dire situations. Dozens of people died on the first one to defend the Federation. Let's make sure that we don't let them down now, either.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][ALL] Dismissed.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She stood with another look to Andora.::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Stays in her seat for a few moments longer. Her head lowering slightly then she looked up at Selphie.:: [ADV] I forgot how much alike we think sometimes. ::Feels Bellfords gaze and looks back to her.:: [18X] Something on
Lieutenant Liel Andora: your mind Andrea Bellford?
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A] ::: Nods, feeling a renewed sense of purpose from everyone's dedication ::: [18's and everyone else] Let's rock and roll, baby. :: starts down to Deck 26 to get the equiptment ready :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::Stands up looking to Trace.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][ALL] I'll be in main engineering, rigging the anti-matter charges. ::: looks at brigid, giving her a wink as he starts out :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::Follows Trace out. No one was in sick bay that needed her and her files were all caught up. She wanted just a few moments with him.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::gets up and waits for them all to leave, he moves next to selphie and lets her in on what he is thinking, he reaches for her hand and holds it tightly showing confidense that she will listen to him at least he hopes::
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She narrowed her eyes at the woman and took a slightly hard edge to her voice.:: [TAC] Why yes, Lieutenant Liel Andora. We need to get started on our planning we've been ordered to do together.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][NOIP] I'm going with Telsia to get everything ready... ::: she pauses and then feels her hand being held. She sees John and smiles at him softly :: [XO] I have a feeling I already know what you're going to say.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][XO] ::: Whispers in his ear and then gives him a deep kiss, placing her hands on the sides of his face :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::he smiles softly:: [ADV] Then i won't say it.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][18X] ::Nods slightly.:: So we do. ::Unfolds from the chair standing up.:: Meet me in Holodeck 2 we have a few simulations to run to see how big an explosion and the timing involved.
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CMO] ::: Takes her hand as he says ::: Deck 16. ::: He then turns to her ::: What is on your mind, brigid?
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO]::wraps his arms around her and holds her tight returning the kiss, when they break it:: [ADV] I will be waiting here for you.
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X][TAC] I already have an area of the Special Ops deck set up for tactical simulations, for when we got the data I knew we'd get at this meeting. We'll go there instead. ::With that, she exited the room and headed for
Commander Andrea Belford: the nearest turbolift.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO] ::: He remained sitting, feeling sort of useless right now. They all had things under wraps. He simply smiled and felt his age. Sad at thirty-one. :::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO][18C] ::Holds his hand firmly in hers.:: You're going to do great. ::She said confidently and laid her head on his shoulder for a moment.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CMO] ::: kissing the top of her head, he nodded ::: I know we will. I'm just worried about the extra time I'm going to have in there. I have a bad feeling.
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::follows Telsia and leaves his brother and soon to be sister-in-law to themselves::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::smirks slightly as the fiesty hard edged Andrea Bellford did that. A slight shake of her head for a moment. Looks up at Zander.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV] ::: sees Telsia and Secutis leave ::: [XO] I really need to go. ::: She kisses his cheek and then runs after the other two 18s. :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][TAC] ::: He looked at her and smiled ::: Go get 'em, kiddo.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][ADV] Good luck.::Watches her run off and then moves to the bridge and takes his place to the right of Zander, he can sense his worry:: [CO] THey will come back, alive.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC][CO] Alex... I got word of a new instrument that the ESU's on the Incursion are using. It might be handy. But we will discuss it later as we can not possibly get them now. ::She moved to the TL to join Andrea for the
Lieutenant Liel Andora: simulations.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] ::: Looks at etti ::: she thinks your me ::: a grin ::: The stress is getting to her. And I know they will. It's just I feel my age.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO] ::looks up at Trace.:: [18C] I am worried but I know you and I know you will find a way to get back..::
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][ADV] ::: She looks at strife as she lays out sneaking suits and transporter buffer harnesses :::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CMO] It's a nagging feeling... you know?
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::She was already down at deck 26's briefing room, adding the Defiant's intelligence data to the program she'd set up. A nice little 3D model of it popped up, courtesy of a holoemitter that she'd made use of.::
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][18A] ::: Feels her eyes on her and then looks over to Telsia ::: What is it, kid? ::: A soft smile :::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CO] I want to request leave for them when they get back, but until Ilve is killed, i know it won't be possible.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::turns cherry red and looks at her hands realizing what she had just done. Shakes her head. She needed sleep but it would have to wait till after the simulations.:: {Comp] Deck 26
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [CO][XO] What can I say. The Admirals have their eyes on CAP. The Avalon is practically autonomous and they know we're going to do what we want anyways. It's just we're so good they will let us get away with most anything.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][ADV] Sorry, Selphie. It's just... when I was a kid, I remember you doing this on the old Avalon.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::The turbo lift took her down and then opened giving her over to the corridor she made her way to Andrea. Stepping in.::
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][OPS] Notify Captain Vaughn that we will be needing Ensign Tenmei.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][18A] I know. And you used to help me. You sure were a brave kid. Piloting a starship into combat at age fifteen.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: [OPS]+T+[XO] Aye, sir.... Sir, she's enroute now.
Fleet Commander John Etti: [XO][CO] I have a feeling Command knows more about this situation than what they are telling us. And you know how i hate beening kept in the dark with things.
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: [18A][ADV] I always wanted to be like you. I was so crushed when I failed the Academy enterance exams. I wanted to be in special forces, just like you and Alex.
Instructor Selphie Strife: [ADV][18A] You were always smart, Telsia. You just worried too much and studied to little... come to think of it I guess you were dumb in a sense. But, you are very intelligent, from my experiences with you
Commander Andrea Belford: [18X] ::An adjustment here, a slight fix to one of the planet's orbit paths there... and the model of the system and nebula was perfect. Now to wait.::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO][18C] If something happens Trace... just keep on your toes. I'll be here to fix you if you come back broken. ::She whispered touching his face.::
Senior Chief Trace Calion: [18C][CMO] ::: He winks, his charcoal hair bobbing as he did ::: But you can't fix some things.
Lieutenant Liel Andora: [TAC] ::Steps into the same room as Andrea. Looking at the model and nods.:: [18X] Good work. Let us see what we have. First the explosion. Let us start with a control run. A simple explosion of the hydrogen in the nebula.
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::heads into turbolift::[TL] Deck 26
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: ACTION: The Avalon disconnects from Centurion station and goes to warp. Hours later, everyone is finalizing preparations and will meet in the conference lounge in the CIC for a detailed breifing.
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: [CMO][18C] ::Hugging him tightly as he said that. Then nods slightly a painful acknowledgement that yes there were things she couldn't heal.::
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: [18B]::having prepped himself for the upcoming mission he double checks all his gear making sure everything is in order before heading up for the breifing::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: -=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Senior Chief Trace Calion: :: AA ::
Commander Andrea Belford: ::AA::
Instructor Selphie Strife: :: AA ::
Lieutenant Liel Andora: ::AA::
Lieutenant JG Telsia Hunter: :: AA ::
Lieutenant JG Brigid Lea: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Secutis Etti: ::AA::
Fleet Commander John Etti: ::AA::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: -=[END SIM]=-