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USS Avalon NCC 06742-B: Episode I

"Old Friends Gone"

In the briefing aboard the USS Avalon-B, Fleet Captain Swift reveals to the crew that the CAP has taken control of the Avalon-A and has been able to access the ship's database and highly advanced systems. The crew's mission is to take back the Avalon-A or, if they are unable, destroy it. The Avalon departs from spacedock and sets a course for Tahron III, as Starfleet's best intelligence places the Avalon-A there in its last known position. A minor skirmish breaks out among two crew members in the Cantina, and while resolving it, the Avalon suffers mysterious damage. The damage is soon revealed to have been caused by the Avalon-A, which has appeared on short range sensors. A hail from the Avalon-A reveals that it is now in the hands of Fenix Talverus, former SO of the ship he has now taken command of.

Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=BEGIN SIM=-
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::sits in the briefing lounge, looking at the rest of the senior staff::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::reports toESU Lt Willy::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Sitting in the briefing lounge nodding a greeting to all the other officers::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU 4] ::Begins to make his way to Deck 52::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::straightens his uniform as he sits in the breiefing lounge. He looks to Swift waiting for the brieifing, his thoughts only half focused on the room::
Private John Wallace:[CENG] :: Is sitting in the briefing lounge with the other department heads.::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked over to Ferguson :: Lieutenant, please check over the armory and ensure everything is secured and in place.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:<CO>::Looks at everyone::<ALL>Alright, let's begin...
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::Enters the Briefing Lounge quickly and takes a seat as he adjusts his uniform jacket::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:Everything I am about to tell is to be kept in this room, is that clear?
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks down one hallway, goes up another lift, goes down another hallway::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He nodded to Ferguson:: It should only take 2 minutes, and then please head to Deck 52 and join me and the Staff Sergeant.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO][CO] Yes sir. ::can be serious when needed!::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU} aye aye sir ::Goes to the armoury making sure everyuthing is acoounted for and secured::
Private John Wallace:[CENG] [CO] Yes, Sir.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [CO] Aye, sir.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ALL] Alright...
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::nods to the capt::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned about, and headed down the hallway, entering the turbolift:: [ESU1] [Comp] Deck 52.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU 4] ::Finally gets on Deck 52, and heads into the security room::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He exited the turbolift and stepped out onto Deck 52, heading down the hallway to meet up with the Staff Sergeant inside the Security Room::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Sits in a chair at one of the desks in the security room, and leans back::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::seeing everything is secured and accounted for he takes the TL to deck 52 and rendevous with ESU Willy::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ALL] Approximately 2 weeks ago, the USS Avalon A was captured by the CAP...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The 3rd Lieutenant entered the Security room and stood in front of the Staff Sergeant:: [ESU1] [ESU4] How is everything in here, Staff Sergeant?
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3] Yes sir
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU 4] ::Notices the Third Lieutenant and stands up::[ESU1] Nothing much to report sir, all secure.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU4] Outstanding, now let's just wait for the other two to come into the room, and we'll proceed from there.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:(ESU2}{ESU} everything is accounted for and secured sir ::scratches his head::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]Enters room
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] Thank you, Lieutenant.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ALL] Starfleet Admiralty didn't think this was that big of a deal until they found out the CAP was able to bypass all command protocols and access its database
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] [ESU1] Hopefully this will be an easy voyage.. Maybe go hit the lounge eh sir?
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU3] ::He nodded to the third Lieutenant to step into the office, and smiled a bit, never having been in a room with so many lieutenants::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:(ESU2}{ESU} aye sir
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::frowns and furrows her brow, wondering how they managed that::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ALL] However...they haven't accessed everything just yet...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU4] I just want to make sure everything is settled in, such as monitors and security grids.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He walked over to the command console and went over some readings::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [Rest of ESU] Feel free to do your leisure for now. We are still waiting for orders.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Nods slightly:: [ESU1] As is expected sir.. I'm gonna go fiddle around in the Armory.
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::Nods gently, watching with those crystal blue eyes::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU4] Roger that, Staff Sergeant.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ALL] Our mission is to either retake the Avalon, or...destroy it
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir ::takes a seat and begins thinking::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned to the other two 3rd Lieutenant's in the office:: Is there anything that you two would like to report?
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks out of the security room and towards the Armory, then stops before he goes in::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Pulls out a small flask from in incospicuous location on his uniform::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [All] Alright...
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Enters the Armory, and sets the flask down on a table::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::his eyes look to Swift, anger is in his eyes thinking of what is probally happening to the Avalon, he knows this will not be easy.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Presses a button that activates the computer screen, showing several planets and one bright red one::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}<<starts thinking of when he was a young boy how he wanted so much to see the univers>> ::smiles to himself::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He walked over to another console, and began reading over the schematics of a crate of rifles that had just been stocked earlier::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::watches the screen, drawn (obviously) to the red dot::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] This is where intelligence reports the Avalon, Tahron III near the extent of Federation space.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] Lieutenant Ferguson, see if you can punch up the summary of the weapons manifest and make sure everything is accounted for, and then relay the details back to the Staff Sergeant please.
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] Yes sir... ::He nodded as he looked at the screen, leaning on his elbow on the table as he stared at the map::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Removes on of the Federation Assault Rifles from the rack::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye aye sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU3] You may assist Lieutenant Ferguson if you wish, Lieutenant Suvok.
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]I shall sir
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Starfleet is pretty certain that the CAP isn't using much more than outdated Federation ships that this ship could handle fairly easily...but the problem is that they have the first Avalon. And we don't know how many races that hate the Federation are helping them.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He carefully looked over more of the information, as he stood there thinking to himself as well::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Sets the rifle down next to his flask on the table and grabs his flask::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::takes the weapons data log and beginning to check all the seral numbers of all the weapons:: +T+{ESU4} everything is accounted for and in excellent condition SSgt. Rostof
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Opens the flask and takes a quick swig, then closing it, he tucks it back away in his uniform::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Like the captain said, our mission is to recapture it, or destroy...however in this civil war, the Federation can use all the ships we can get our hands on.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Chuckles to himself then yells out:: Roger that sir! errr!
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He punched up the monitors that linked to the camera inside of the armory and glanced over everything::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::wonders if his yell was heard, then shrugs::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Starfleet isn't sure how many planets the CAP has managed to convince to join them, but we're pretty sure their headquarters is near the Federation-Romulan-Klingon triborder.
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::He nodded as he looked at the XO curiously, his eyes occasionally glancing to the Captain's half sister before snapping back to his job::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Staff Sergeant, how are those new rifles?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] But then again, they've been reported all the way across Federation we really don't know.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU1] Not bad sir, still need to be broke in a little I suppose.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] ::He looked over at Lieutenant Ferguson:: If there is anything else you need to get done. please go ahead and take this time. ::He looked at Lieutenant Suvok as well:: Same for you, Lieutenant.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} everything is oh say everytghing is accounted for and in perfect order sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Acknowledged, Staff Sergeant.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] You're all going to need to be on full alert, especially the ESU personnel.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned around and looked towards Ferguson:: Thank you, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::decides that this CAP business is much, much worse than the Federation has been letting on publically... thinks they probably have supporters interspersed throughout the quadrant::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] Yes all equipment seems to be in working order.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir thankyou sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU3] Thank you for the follow up, Lieutenant.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Are there any questions to this point?
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::takes up his post and awaits further orders::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] Snatches up the rifle off the table and begins to turn it over in his hands, glancing over all of its features::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] No questions? Very well.
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] [XO] No questions sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] :He grinned a bit, looking at the Lieutenant:: Relax Lieutenant, I am still waiting orders myself. But I am just keeping myself busy by going over some things on this station.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir sorry sir just alittle anxious
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Grabs a Hazard vest and puts it on::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] We all are, Lieutenant. I am sure we all are.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Alright. All of you, if there is anymore information that you need, it'll be sent to you.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU] ::Snacthes a Tactical Ballistic Helmet and throws it on his head, tightening the straps::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant smiled at himself, as he watched the Staff Sergeant loading up on gear, wishes he could join him at that moment, but needed to look over a few more things::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU3] Lieutenant, why don't you head down to the Armory and assist the Staff Sergeant.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Adjusts the sling on the federation assault rifle, and slings it strong side, barrel up::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [ALL] Report to your stations and await orders. Dismissed.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He took a seat and sat at the command console, getting a few readouts here and there::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3] :: begind adjusting all his equipment::
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] [XO] Yes sir... ::He smiled as he stood up slowly and looked to see if they were dismissed before he stepped out onto the bridge and to his post::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Checks to make sure his weapon is on safe::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::making sure his uniform is creased and perfect checking his boots to make sure they shine makes sure he looks good in general because you never know whe you will ecounter a damsel in distress::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU1] Sir, no heavy weapons were approved?
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::stands and exits onto the bridge, pausing and wondering which department she'd need to assist today::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked at the other Lieutenant and laughed a bit:: [ESU2] You look like you're ready to go to a wedding.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::sits there for a few moments deep in his thoughts as everyone leaves.::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Not yet, Staff Sergeant. When I get the word from the Brass, I will be sure to let you know.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} huh ::looks around:: oh sorry sir ::smiles :: yeah I mean syes sir
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Notices Commander Etti still sitting at the table, obviously thinking about something. [OPS] What's up, John?
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3] :: Begins to set his rifle to the proper settings::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU1] I hope we don't get into a tight situation..
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] ..... no more coffee for you, Lieutenant.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2]{ESU1} ::laughing:: aye sir I think you are right
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] We will be ready for anything with what we have, Staff Sergeant. I have complete faith in our team.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS][XO] I'm not going to let her be used by them.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He nodded, smiling at Lieutenant Ferguson, as he stood up and walked to a panel on the wall of the office::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] Of course not
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO] ::Exits onto the bridge::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU1] I'm going out to patrol the ship...
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: Itches his trigger finger::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Nods to John and exits behind the captain onto the bridge::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Acknowledged, Staff Sergeant. And I am sure Lieutenant Suvok would love to join you.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::notices the empty Helm console, remembering at the same time that the Helmsman put in a notice of leave and that she'd need to replace him for the day::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks out of the lift and over to a lift, taking it down to Deck 20::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] And if you would like to join them as well, you are free to, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] ::strides quickly over to the console and sits down before anyone can accuse her of idling::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] I'm sure the Cantina needs to be patrolled.. ::Walks out of the lift on to Deck 20 and heads into the Cantina::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::deciding on what must be done to save her he gets up and follows them both out taking his place behind the ops station. Moving his hands over the consol he realizes how different this really is::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Chuckles after sensing her thought::[MO] Idler...
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO] Captain on the bridge! ::stands and assumes attention::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The 3rd Lieutenant stood there, facing away from the door, tired due to a lack of sleep the evening before, anxious for today::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir ::takes his leave of the chief and goes to meet up with Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Unslings his rifle and sits at the bar::
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::He goes to attention quickly too::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO]+tele+[CO] Hey, I've been being nice and sweet and productive, haven't I?
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [All ESU] Try taking separate decks on the ship. More ground can be covered that way. If there are any concerns, please let me know.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO] ::Rolls his eyes:: [ALL] At ease please...
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU1} Roger that sir. Deck 20 is secure.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He sat down and looked over to the wall where his desk was at.... looking at the picture of his parents back home and how far he had made it to come here, straight from the Academy::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO] ::Heads to the center chair, then takes a seat::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Roger that, Staff Sergeant.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}+T+{ESU1} aye sir
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+T+[ALL] Are we ready to go?
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] Bartender, give me your special fire. ::Chuckles to himself and leans back::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[MO->HELM] ::grins and sits back down, itching to pull this baby out of the starbase::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::starts patrolling decks 25 to 28::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [CO] Affirmative on the ESU side, Sir. Ready and able..
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Grabs an an odd-looking drink, stares at it, and shrugs::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM][CO] Helm is ready, Captain.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS] ::he taps a few commands into the system as he brings up ship systems and runs level 2 scans on everything:: [CO] Operations is in order and ready. ::he prepares to patch a comm through to the tower to request clearence::
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::He went back to his console, his eyes trailing to the MO still occasionally.:: [CO] Tactical systems fully functional Captain
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Chugs the drink and feels a burn in his throat, but shrugs it off::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned and walked towards another console and watched the locations and movements of his team::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] Not bad, not bad..
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+T+[ALL] Very well...[OPS] Mr. Etti, please get us clearance
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::keeps grinning a bit, continuously picking up thoughts in her direction::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} :: making sure his assigned decks are both secure and free from threat::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He put one hand on his Type-II that was holstered to his Hazard Suit, never leaving his quarters or office without his preferred weapon of choice and looked out the viewport::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] Another..
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS] ::his the final key as he transmits the pre recorded message to control. Within a few seconds he receives a message back:: [CO] Cleared.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Grabs the drink before it even hits the table and drinks it down::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::smiles and greets all personal he passes::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Nods::[HELM] Deckscrubber Swift, take us out
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked over the monitors and wondered how Lieutenant Suvok was doing, since he had not heard from him in a while:: [ESU3] Lieutenant Suvok, report please.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM]+tele+[CO] Very funny.
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] Everything is fine sir.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM][CO] Engaging docking thrusters, Captain. ::taps the console::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU3] Copy, Lieutenant.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+TELE+[HELM] Why thank you...
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza:[TAC] ::Telepaths... he hated them. She could clearly see that he was checking her out in his mind, somewhat attracted::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] Yes quite calm sir.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked down towards the lower left monitor at Rostof's readouts:: + [ESU4] Careful on the drinks, Staff Sergeant. Save some for the rest of the crew... ::He grinned to himself::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM]+tele+[CO] Just you wait until I get you into the springball courts. You'll wish YOU were the deckscrubber! ::smirks to herself::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][HELM] Set a course for Tahron III, maximum warp...
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2) ::stops and starts talking to some pretty nurses assistant::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Finally takes his seat in the chair to the right of the Captain::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4]+[ESU1] Roger that sir, only need 4 more before I'm at peek readiness.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM][CO] Aye Captain, setting course... ::pulls up star charts, focuses on Tahron and has the ship point toward the third planet:: ...and ready to engage on your mark.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant stood from his chair and walked out of the Security Office, as he walked the length of the corridor pulling out his data PADD::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Whatever gets you ready, Staff Sergeant, whatever gets you ready.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Looks around, then grins sheepishly like any captain would on a maiden voyage::[HELM] Engage!
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] Bartender set out 4 of them, I gotta drink these things quick
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked down into his PADD, scrolling over some entries and notes::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::pushes the button:: [CO] Engaged.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS] ::once he got the scans underway he pulled up as much information on the Avalon he could. He has been some time since he got a hold of a unrestricted access computer and he planned on using it::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::grabs one in both hands, and gulps them down, one after the other::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: Tripps not expecting the sudden burst of warp. ::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Takes up a position behind the Tactical station with the absence of the assigned officer::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU Team] Report in, team. How are things on your patrolled decks?
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION=- The ship enters warp, ETA to Tahron III is 3 hrs. and 30 minutes
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4]+[ESU Team] Staff Sergeant Rostof reporting in, all secure on deck 20.
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] Everything is fine sir but i have stubbed my toe.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::nods: and tells the nurse that he will se her later when they are off duty ::smiles to himself and begins whistling as he patrols::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Grabs the other two, and chugs them in the same fashion::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4/ESU2] Copy.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::looks over to her left at Commander Etti, feeling him being very intent on something, but knows any farther would be invading and turns her attention back to her console::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} everything is fine sir
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM][CO] We're going to arrive in three hours, thirty minutes sir.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] I think that last one had a little more proof then the others..
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Stands up out of the stool, grabs his rifle, slinging it strong-side barrel up::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He put down his PADD and walked over to the turbolift, entering it:: [Comp] Bridge.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][HELM] Thank you Lieutenant
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4]+[ESU1] Heading back to secruity, sir..
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He stepped out of the turbolift and entered the bridge pocketing his PADD along the way, but stopped once out:: [CO] 3rd Lieutenant Willy, reporting Sir.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS][XO] Well now, any ideas as to how we're going to destroy that monster?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [CO] I'd rather not destroy it, sir.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::steps out of the cantina and onto the lift:: [comp] Deck 52
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU4] Copy, Staff Sergeant.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::turns around to face Swift:: [CO] I think i might know a way. It depends on how far passed my lockout codes they got.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][XO][OPS] I wouldn't either, but if we can't retake command of her...we have to kill her
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Looks over to Willy as he enters the Bridge:: [ESU1] Welcome to the Bridge, Lieutenant.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [XO] Thank you, Sir. What can I do for you, Sir?
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][ESU1]Lieutenant, please helm the Tactical Console
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [CO] Roger that, Sir.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks out of the lift and into the security room::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU2] Lieutenant, you have lead of ESU.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU Team] I will be on the bridge at Tactical, Lieutenant Ferguson will assume lead for now.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Sits back in a chair and exhales deeply::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] I copy you sir.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He walked over to the tactical console and began looking over the readouts::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] What exactly did Zander put on the A?
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::looks at what his consol just blipped up and turns back to Swift:: [CO] Captain, Requesting permission to leave the bridge.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}+{ESU3}{ESU4} just checking to see how everything is going
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] Granted...[XO] Take over
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4]+[ESU2] guarding the security hut
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He continued to monitor the ship's readouts, ensuring that everything was functioning correclty and properly::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU2] I have nothing unusual to report sir.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][TAC] Please have shields and weapons on stand by
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]:: he gets up from his stations and heads over to the Turbolift:: [TL] Deck 13
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] [CO] Roger that, Sir. ::And with the CO's orders, placed shields and weapons on standby, powering them up::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION=- A fight breaks out between two crewmen in the Lounge
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He began to punch in some sequence commands, looking over the status of the shield integrity::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Glances at the security monitors and notices a disturbance in the security lounge::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}+{ESU3}{ESU4} aye same here, nothing much to report, in case you are all curious ::laughs::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Stands up slowly, wand walks out to the lift::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FightingCrewman1][FightingCrewman2] Take it back! ::shoves::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] + [ESU team] I'm going to check out a disturbance in the lounge
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU4] Ill be joining you.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Takes the lift down to level 20::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He tried reading over everything as much as he could, not too familiar with the ship's weaponry and shielding, but will learn as much as possible for the moment::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]+Tele+[CO] The A was Zander's personal ship. Everything the fleet had acess to she had. Top notch security system, and state of the art weapons and computer system::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC2][FC1] You want to try that again? ::rolls up sleeves::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Unslings his rifle and puts it at the alert position::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}+{ESU4} aye I will be there as soon as I can ::not taking any chances::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks out of the lift into the liunge, noticing the two fighters:: Now cut that out.
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:  [Crewman1][Crewman2] P'Tagh! How dare you insult me!
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: Arives in lounge and sees two men fighting::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] You want to get shot crewmen?
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::he walks out of the Lift and heads down to the operations center, once inside he continues his search of the information::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC2][FC1] Come on, if you're going to curse at me, have the guts to do it in my language! ::shoves::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ;;arrives last takes a step back and begins to watch as the other two security officers take control of the situation::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+TELE+[OPS] Erickson wasn't telling us something...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] [CO] Trilayer autoregenerative shielding online and ready, phaser banks and torpedo bays ready and on stand-by as well, Sir.
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][crewman 1][crewman2] you two calm down or i will be forced to send you to your quaters.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Approaches from behind FC2::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::As the weapons were now at full recharge, and on standby, he checked for any fluctuations in the power grid::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC2] ::ignores ESU3, giving FC1 the I-dare-you glare::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Does a vertical buttstroke to the back of the head with his Assault Rifle::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4} Good night
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3] ::grabs the crewman from behind::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]+Tele+[CO] No he wasn't. And that is what i don't like about this. The only people who could have acces the systems through the lockout i placed on it before leaving would be either me, Zander or Selphi And Selph is gone..
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: The ship is suddenly jolted violently=-
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC2] ::clunk. ow. will feel that in the morning, or whenever he wakes up.::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4} ::Glances at FC1:: Hands up buddy.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He brought the sensors online and tried to see what the problem was::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Grips onto his chair::[TNOIP] WHAT THE?!
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::smiles to himself and I should calm down on the coffeee laughs::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Grabs his chair as the ship jolts::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[TAC] ::He began scanning readouts to see if anything was wrong::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Feels the jolt, but manages to stay on his feet::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [HELM] Report!
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::gasps with the sudden shock and fumbles for a readout to tell her what's going on::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][crewman] unless you want to end up like him i suggest you calm down.
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]:: is jolted in the room, thrown across, he grabs onto a consol to get himself back up::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::flying against the wall falling down hard::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Points the barrel at the first crewman's face:: Hands up now.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::searches the map display for other ships:: [CO] Scanning.
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC1] ::eyes widen, raises hands::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: A ship appears out of nowhere on SRS, the vessel is of Starfleet registry=-
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] On your stomach, and cross your legs, left over right.
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]::Throws crewman down on the ground and poibts riffle at him::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ;;gets back to his feet and is curious what caused the ship to shift so suddenly::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] I want you to stick your arms out and away from you, as far as you can.
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[tac]::sits at tac station::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: Rostof and Suvok are thrown onto the floor by the jolt=-
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] What the? [CO] Sir, reading Starfleet vessel on short range sensors.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned about and walked over to the turbolift:: [Comp] Deck 52.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He grabbed onto a handle in the turbolift, feeling another jolt::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Grumbles to himself and stands up:: We need to get them to the brig.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::approaches his security team:: {ESU3}{ESU4} whats going on here
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[tact][co] reporting sir
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] [HELM] What kind of vessel?
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION=- The registry reads:
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:NCC
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:0
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:7
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:6
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: gets knocked on the floor by the jolt::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:4
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC1] ::tries to follow directions, but thinks he broke something with the way he's forced to wince every time he moves::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:...the last 2 parts are blanked out
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant exited the turbolift, and began walking towards the Security Office:: + [ESU Team] I will be assuming lead, back from Tactical duty. Lieutenant Ferguson, report.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] You two can grab the live one, I'll carry the sleeper.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He entered the Security Office and sat at the command console, going over some monitors::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::acess the sensors and sees the ship,:: Not good. :: scans the registry:: NO!
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] What is it?
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM][CO] Scanning... it looks like... Oh dear. I can't read the whole thing, but the parts that are visible suggest the Avalon-A. Registry number 0674... something.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} sir there was just a fight that broke out in the lounge sir it been taking care of sir
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: brushes himself off after getting back up and begins to lift the sleeping crewman;;
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Pulls the seconds crewman up into a firemen's carry, and begins to hustle to lift::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: We are hailed by the vessel=-
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]+[CO]+ They couldn't have acess that fast.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] Looks like they did...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU2] Roger that, Lieutenant. Secure the situation ASAP, and have the rest of the team prep. in case of Red Alert.
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[tac][co] Sir they are hailing us
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::cancels his search and sets up a site to site from the Ops center to the bridge:: [XO] I got it. ::takes his station::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::smiles to everyone in the lounge please continue what you were all doing and have a good day I am sorry about what happened good day to you all::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] [Comp] Level 52 ::Continues to hold the crewman in a firemen's carry::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He walked over to the small locker inside the Security Office and placed on his TBH and slung an Enhanced Compression Rifle over his right shoulder::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] where shall we take these crewmen sir.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::snaps her head to the OPS console when she hears the hailing bleep, looks with worried eyes at Etti::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Carries the second crewman out of the lift onto Level 52 and towards the brig::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He straighted out his suit, and buckled his helmet as he walked over to the monitors once again::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[TAC]::opens channel
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC1] ::cries out when his whatever-is-broken is jolted around::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}+ESU3}{ESU4} ::bring them to the brig and Asap ::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][TAC] On screen...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU3] Secure them in the brig for now, Lieutenant.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU2] Thank you, Lieutenant.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Tosses the FC2 into the brig, leaving him sprawled on the ground::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3][ESU1] Yes sir.
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[TAC]::opens channel and puts it on screen::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: A man attired in a Starfleet Standard uniform appears on the main viewscreen
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU2] If any one of them need medical attention, please make sure it is given.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU] ::Rolles FC2 on his stomach, and sticks a knee into his back, checking for weapons::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]:: Tosses crewman in the brig::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM] ::looks extremely surprised at the figure on the viewscreen::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He punched up the live camera that linked to the Brig and watched the two crewmen being settled into their cells::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir ::making sure everyone in the lounge is alright first' then sees about the crewman who were in the fight::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Glances at the viewscreen, motionless::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[FC1] ::is tossed, crying out again and waving around weakly::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::Looks up at the main screen trying to maintain a good poker face::
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptainTalverus][ALL] My my...Alexander, Nicholas, and Jonathon...isn't this a big happy reunion
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Being sure he took any and all weapons off of FC2, he stand up, leaves the brig cell, and shuts and secures the door behind him::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS] ::his fingers fly across the pannel running sensors scan after scan to disprove his theory, his eyes moved to the viewscreen and he freezes::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He called for a medic to be sent to the Brig to tend to the injured that he saw on the monitors::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4]+[Medical] I got a crewmember who took a little bumb to the head up here in the brig, can I get medical personnel to check on his condition?
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[TAC]::looks up from my station::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::As he adjusted the ECR over his right shoulder, he looked over to another console on his right, watching to see if everything was all right on all decks::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Walks into the security room::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=ACTION: The person on the viewscreen is former Commander Fenix Talverus, SO of the Avalon A
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=PAUSE SIM=-
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::AA::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::AA::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::starts patrolling the decks again making his rounds and greeting everyone he encounters::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:::paused::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::AA::
Lieutenant JG Anita Swift:[HELM/MO] ::AA::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[TAC]::AA::
Ensign JG Suvok:[ESU3]::AA::
Lt. Commander Jonathan Etti:[OPS]::AA::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU4] ::Goes to attention, rifle held up and against his leg::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=END SIM=-