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USS Avalon NCC 06742-B: Episode I, part 2

"Old Friends Gone"

Fenix Talverus tries without success to get Fleet Captain Swift to stand down, and a few more volleys of fire are given from the Avalon-A. Commander Etti senses a familiar presence, which is soon revealed when retired Admiral Alexander Hunter hails the Avalon-B in secret and sets up pattern enhancers to allow a team to beam over. Captain Swift, Commander Etti, Ensign Johnson, and the ESU beam over, but are noticed by a security team nearby.

Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:-=BEGIN SIM=-
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::in the security office looking over plans::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::stares at Fenix, the utmost hatred in his mind and heart::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant stood by the security console as he fixed the last belt to his Hazard Suit, holstering his Type-II and shouldering his ECR::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3]::Leans back in his chair on deck 52, security branch::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::States blankly at the viewscreen::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Sitting at the helm of the estranged avalon A :::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked to the other two around him:: Suit up, and prepare for the worst, gentlemen.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Has long unkept hair, and a fairly scruffy beard ::::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Glances at ESU1:: The worst is child's play sir. Nothing we can't handle.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::looks over at the chief good idea starts making sure he is all geared up ::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked over at the Staff Sergeant:: These rifles have been fully recharged, correct?
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Chuckles to himself:: Sir, those rifles have never been fired.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He adjusted the HOLO-sight on the Enhanced Compression Rifle as he looked into it, and clicked it back into place::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He smiled over at the Sergeant:: Perhaps, they will be soon.
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptainTalverus]+H+[AvalonB] Yes, it is good to see you all as well ::Cackles::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He turned about and walked over to another security console, looking over some information::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Gets to his feet, putting his rifle at strong-side sling arms::
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::walks onto the bridge, taking her spot on teh bridge where the counselor usually sits;:
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] Sir, I recommend we have someone in Engineering.. Thats where I would go if I was attacking a ship.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] :::He walked over to a locker and attached a portable med-kit onto his tactical belt:: I don't know about you two, but I don't plan on bleeding to death anywhere on this ship.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+H+[CaptTalverus]
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack:[TAC]::walks on to the bridge and take tac console::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:[CMO[ ::walks onto the bridge and sits in one of the empty seats::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} and at the transporter rooms sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU3] ::He nodded at the Sergeant:: Move out, Sergeant.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Grunts to himself and walks to the turbolift::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] I need you for free-patrol, Lieutenant.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::gets a strange feeling as his mind searches those of the Avalon's bridge::+Tele+[CO] Captain, i have a strange feeling about that ship....
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:(ESU2(ESU1) aye aye sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] Go ahead and start from bottom up, Lieutenant. Contact if anything is found.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Keeps the A facing the be by apperance ::::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3][Comp] Deck 40, Engineering.
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson: [CaptTalverus]+H+[CO] Yes, I did Captain Swift. And you should too before the Federation grows any more corrupt...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant walked to the main security console and switched on various monitors and readers, watching over the two members of his team by looking at the their life-readouts::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU1}{ESU2} aye sir ::going down to the lowest of decks::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He adjusted in his seat as he looked over at the sensor grids::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Pulls out his small flask, opens it, and takes a swig of the burning liquid::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Closing the flask, he stuffs it in one of his pockets::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Steps out of the turbolift when it finally stops on deck 40, and walks out into engineering::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::getting to deck5# and starts patrolling as usual , greeting everyone he passes::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:[CMO] ::gets up and enters the turbolift:: SickBay
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::he attempts to work on the systems. trying to bleed into the A, he is also trying to control himself from bursting out::
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptTalverus]+H+[CO] Now...stand down
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Walks around deck 40, glancing at all the little this and thats, glaring at the people he passes by::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::starts whistling an old familiar tune as he makes sure everything is secured::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He continued to look over the monitors, keeping track of his team as well::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Notices and forces etti out of their systems :::: [Talverus] They're attempting to break into our system, Captain.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+H+[CaptTalverus] You know I can't do that, Fenix. Riker6070: [CMO] ::exits the TL and walks down a corridor and enters sickbay::
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptTalverus]+H+[CO] Dammit! Why can't you all see what the Federation has become?! It is no longer a is become a dictatorship!
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Unslings his Federation Assault Rifle, rubbing its barrel like on would a puppy::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::seeing everything is secure he takes the TL to the next deck and starts patrolling::
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptTalverus]+H+[CO] I warn you, Alex...if you do not stand down, I will be forced to take action
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::attempts to study what is going on by using her telepathic abilities::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESUs] Activate your TEDs please (Tactical Eye Display).
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Stands relenquishing command of the helm to someone else. Uses the turbo lift to go to deck twelve :::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+H+[CaptTalverus] I am taking back that ship, Fenix. Try to stop me
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He flipped his piece over his own right eye, reaching over at a console and turning on the live-monitors::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Grunts to himself as he goes about activating his TED::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::hits the mute button on the comm for a moment. and turns to face Swift:: [CO] Sir, someone else is on that ship...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He glanced over at the Sergeant's monitor, as he saw him in Engineering::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: sets up one pattern enhancer :::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Mutters to himself:: I wonder how many of these engineers could be spies.
Fleet Admiral Christopher Erickson:[CaptTalverus]+H+[CO] Very leave me no choice...[CvrtOPS] END TRANSMISSION!
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] :::: Sets up another pattern enhancers :::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] Who is it?
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} everything is secure by the cargo bays sir
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU2] Copy, Lieutenant.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Finishes the third enhancer and steps back :::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS][CO] I can't be sure, It has been a while since i talked with him, but i think it might be Zander... I don't know how or why... but i think he is there.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==ACTION== The ship is jolted once again, shields are holding
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He gripped onto the console from the jolt, looking over the monitors::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Walks around, holding his rifle at order arms, stumbling around as the ship jolts::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Cocks a brow::[OPS] He would never join them!
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::still is trying to study everything going on using her telepathic abilities::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] I swear, this space stuff will be the end of me.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO] ::Falls out of his chair::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS]+ST+[USSAvalon PA] Glad to see you've still got faith in me swift.
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::wonders if she can help out anywhere::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::gets flung against the ships wall and falls gets up ok though::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS][CO] I know, but i know Zander. ::hears teh PA and twirls in his chair::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==ACTION== The CNS does sense a friendly face aboard the Avalon-A
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] Come on take the shields down so I can get some action! ::grumbles to himself::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO] ::Stands up:: +ST+[CvrtOps] Zander!
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::smiles as she senses a friendly face aboard the avalon a::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Contrinues to walk around the engineering room, glances around for signs of damage, sabotage, and abnormalities::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+ST+[CvrtOps] Is that...really you?
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS]+ST+[All on Avalon] Have... se... up.... enhancers on ... twelve... only... ake... 3 person...l.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::turning on his tactical eye display::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked over at the Lieutenant's monitor and saw that he was still walking through the decks::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::As he does this, he also looks at the crewmembers he walks by, studying their faces for signs of deceit::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::his fingers fly across the consol:: [CO] His signal is breaking up, attemepting to clear it up....
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::shaking his head that was some jolt continues walking the deck::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU3] No need to be paranoid, Sergeant. ::He stated so as he saw the Sergeant look at the faces of some passing crewmembers through his TED::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3]+[ESU1] Its not paranoia sir, its proper security tactics.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS]+H+[Avalon] ::: The screen blinks on just as he hits the monitor/camera so it makes the whole screen look like it shakes :::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESU3] Copy, Sergeant.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS]+H+[Avalon] I've set up pattern enhancers on deck tweleve. Send in a team if you so desire. I'll be proceeding to the lower levels to see about that weapon.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3]+[ESU1] If they were to board, they have the same uniforms wouldn't they sir?
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} sir our deck 52 is secure and clear of threat sir
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+T+[ESU1] Lieutenant, I need a boarding party prepared...[Bridge] We're getting our ship back...
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [CO] Roger that, Sir.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS][CO] Request permission to join that party.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [ESUs] Team, report to the transporter room.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS][CO] I know that ship better than anyone on this ship.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2};:takes TL to next deck 51 and starts patrolling::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant slung his rifle over his shoulder as he rushed out the SO doors, and towards the Turbolift::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU]+[ESU1] Aye Sir:: Jumps with glee::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Runs to the turbolift::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [TL Comp] Deck 12, Transporter Rooms.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:(ESu2}+{ESU1} aye aye sir briskly walks to the TL and takes it too the transporter room::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3][Comp] Deck 12, Transporters.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He exited the TL and walked towards the Transporter Rooms, as he locked in the light to his rifle::
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] [co]::looks at the co:: Captain there's a friendly face on the ship
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Pulls out his flask again, this time taking a big pull out of it::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::The Lieutenant entered the Transporter Room and waited for the rest of the boarding party::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Close the flask up, stuffing it into a pocket::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][TNOIP] So its confirmed...
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::stands at a modified attention as he enters the transporters awaiting instructions::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESU2] Stand by, Lieutenant. ::He nodded at him""
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Steps out of the turbolift into the Transporter room, rifle slung strong -side::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+T+[ESU1] I'm coming with you
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Stands, arms akimbo waiting for the blundering minsterals to arrive :::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::waits for teh permission, hoping that it will come:: [CO] Captain!
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] + [CO] Copy that, Sir.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3][ESU1] ::Nods to ESU1:: Liquored up and ready for action sir.
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:[CMO][OPS] Please report to sickbay at your earliest convenence Mr Etti
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] You have the bridged
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] [ESUs] We got the Cap' coming with us. Protect and serve, you get me?
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} aye sir lets rock and roll
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::does her best to find out more about the friendly face that she had sensed:: ~where are you?~
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:[CMO]::runs diagnostics on all the biobeds to make sure theyre working right::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked at each of them in the eyes:: Let's do it.
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Grunts to himself:: I hope he doesn't slow us down.
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He stood by as well, waiting for the CO to join them::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]+T+[CMO] Meet us in Transporter Room 3
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Waves to the counsellor on the screen ::: [CNS] I'm right here ^^
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::thinking to himself getting himself pumped and ready::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:[CMO[+[CO] aye sir on my way
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[OPS]::wants to say something, his mouth is open::[CO]........ ::watches as he leaves and gets up and moves toward the command chair, letting a crewman take his place::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He gripped his ECR and turned on the energy readout, as it bleeped to life and displayed the energy level::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS]+H+[CNS] Ooooooooo and a cute one. Ohaiyo!
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Pulls out his flask, offering it to his ESU Team mates::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][OPS] Cancel that...[CNS] You have the bridge, Jessica
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:{CMO}{AMO} take over down here and make sure ops has his physical
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He shook his head lightly:: No thank you, Sergeant.
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU3} thanks takes a quick swig and spits it out
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Closes the channel :::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::chuckels to himself:: It'll help ya focus sir.
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==ACTION== The away team is beamed onto the Avalon-A
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS][AT] Late as usual?
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He flipped up his rifle as he motioned for his team to spread out::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He looked into his TED and looked at the readouts coming directly from his active tricorder::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Has a sleek, unknown phaser rifle slung over his right shounder with it's barrel pointing down :::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3]::Unslung his rifle, sticking it in his shoulder at the alert position::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}::taking up a wing position as he readies his type 3 phaser rifle::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He motioned for the Sergeant to take point, as he kneeled down and waited for the CO to give orders::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Nods slightly, and heads up to the front, going to a kneeling position::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] [Away Team] ::: pulls the sergeant's barrel down ::: Put that down, before you hurt someone. You're in a maintence junction
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Looks to the right and the left, his rifle moving with his eyes::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He glanced at Zander and looked back to Ferguson, motioning for him to take the 6 of the group::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::eyes darting back and forth much like the way only a trained soldier does::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[@OPS]::looks to Zander, curious as to what happened that he ended up here. Not entirely trusting::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Grumbles to himself::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] [Away Team] You have them on speed, swift. Anyhow
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] [CO] What you're looking for is on deck 25
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:@[CO][CvrtOps] do I know I can trust you?
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::she quickly gets up::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He motioned for his ESU team to maintain silence, using hand signals::
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::she takes over the helm::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[@OPS]::scans Zander's mind searching for any infalities::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2}{ESU1} ::motions back with a thumbs up::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[ESU1] ::He pointed at the CO, motioning to the other ESUs to wait for the CO's commands::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] [CO] Oh God. ::: Pulls out a padd and hands it to him :::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:@{CMO} ::takes her tircorder out and scans the area::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] [CO] I could have done this alone but you guys messed it up
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::Stands up slowly and silently::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Opens the tube and begins crawling down :::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[@OPS][CO] He is the genuine article. At least as far as i can tell.
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: rattles a bit from weapons fire on the way down as he makes his way lower and lower :::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::Glances around and shrugs::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] We can take the ship over from Engineering
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{ESU2} ::looking back and forth searching the immediate area as he awaits instructions::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He maintained position himself, waiting for the CO to give orders::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO]::Stops::[CvrtOps] Zander...there is something you don't know about your ship
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::glances back at ESU1, waving at him to get his attention::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He looked over at the Sergeant::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Looks up ::: [CO] I know everything about my ship
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::Taps his rifle softly, and points around the room, then shrugs::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Climbs back up :::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He nodded, and motioned for the ESUs to follow suite with the CO as he moved forward::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==ACTION== There's a team of security adjacent to us
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{@ESU2}::maintains his position as a bead of sweat forms on his forehead::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He moved along the CO's side, indexing his rifle::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:[@OPS]::moves to an open consol and accesses it checking the systems, seeing where everything is::
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:[cns] ::still sitting at the helm position, still trying to keep tabs on everything by her telepathic abilities::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He looked at his TED and motioned to the others to halt, signaling Tango's adjacent to their location, continuing to read the TED::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::Follows along slowly and steahily with the rest of the away team, rifle in the alert position, scanning around with his eyes::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:[CvrtOPS] ::: Shrugs as they proceed down the cooridors. Not to bright, but he doesn't expect too much from marines :::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][CvrtOps] After you retired, this ship outfitted with a weapon...
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{@ESU2} ::halts and starts looking around cautious;y::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:@{CMO} ::looks around takeing her phaser out of its holster and looks around:: {CO} I have a feeling were not alone in here boss
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He put his back against the corridor wall, looking side to side, trying to get more readouts from his TED::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:[CO][CvrtOps] A weapon capable of destroying an entire planet...
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::begins to thumb the safety on his rifle::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He motioned for the Sergeant to peek around the corner, as he motioned for the Lieutenant to check their rear::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He raised his own rifle as he looked forward and at the Sergeant::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{@ESU2} ::starts mumbling getting himself worked up and ready::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==ACTION== We are spotted
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[ESU3] ::Leans against the corner::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:[@ESU3] ::drops to the prone position::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:{@ESU2} ::takes the rear position with his weapon raised looking around::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:[@ESU1] ::He kneeled and began taking aim at the enemy security officers:: Lower your weapons!
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:@{CMO} ::ducks phaser fire and cusses in klingon::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==PAUSE SIM==
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti:::AA::
3rd Lieutenant Brian Willy:::AA::
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter:::: AA :::
Staff Sergeant Jack Rostof:::Snaps to attention::
3rd Lieutenant Brendan Ferguson:::{ESU2}::AA::
Ensign JG Jessica Cordova:::aa::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp:[XO] ::AA::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson:::AA::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift:==END SIM==