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USS Avalon NCC 06742-B: Episode I, part 3

"Old Friends Gone"

Fleet Captain Swift has been injured and sent back to Sickbay aboard the Avalon-B. The ESU has made its way to Main Engineering from the Transporter Room via the Avalon-A's Jeffries Tubes, and they have been engaged in a bit of a fire fight there. Meanwhile, the Avalon-B, left in the hands of Lieutenant Cordova, is staying ready for the Avalon-A to pull anything. Ensign Johnson has performed a needed emergency surgery on Captain Swift.

Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: =BEGIN SIM=
Admiral (ret.) Alex Hunter: [CvtOPS][OPS] So, let's roll to the bridge, shall we?
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza: [HELM] ::Is sitting at the Helm console of the Avalon B, tapping a few buttons occasionally::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major crouched behind a bulkhead within the corridor as he held his Enhanced Compression Rifle in his hands scanning the area::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC]::begins a weapons system test on the ship making sure that we are ready:;
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Bringing up the rear of the group, he stays aware and alert.::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [SO/OPS] ::crouched behind a bulkhead firing his type 2 while looking around for an easy escape:: +Tele+[ALL ESU] Pull back to the room we transported into. Pull Back.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] + [SO/OPS] Confirmed, pulling back.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] + [ESUs] Pull back to the Transporter Room, fall back.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] ::she looks around standing on the bridge:: all stations report
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major backtracked along with his team towards the TR, as he scanned the area for any opposing security members::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1] Yes sir.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He signaled over to the Private to take point as they all began falling back::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Now heading the group making their way to the TR.::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS]::continues firing as the others in the team pull back. He makes sure his is the last in the room.::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC]::finishes the weapons test::[CNS] all weapons ready Ma'am
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]:: Walks slowly to the transporter room keeping his eyes pealled::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major waited in the TR to the side of the door as he peered side to side with his rifle raised::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS] ::once the team was inside:: [Computer] COmputer seal this door Authorization Etti Gamma 4-5-6
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major stood to the side of the Lieutenant Commander, as he lowered his rifle and looked at the other two within his squad::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson: [CMO] ::finishes surgury on the captain and changes outta her scrubs back into her regular uniform and exits sickbay and walks down the hall to the turbo lift:: Bridge
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] You two all right? ::He looked at them both to see if they were injured or not::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] I'm fine, Sir.
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1] Im fine sir.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS][ESU1] Find another way out of this room. If memory serves me correctly there should be an opening to a jeffries tube in the back. ::walks over to an open consol and acess teh ship datsbase::
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza: [HELM] ::Prepares the ship for manuevers just in case and double checks the engines before looking backwards at the CNS with a reassuring smile::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [SO/OPS] Roger that, Sir.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] ::she still uses her telepathic abilities trying to sense stuff around her still::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major trotted to the rear of the Transporter Room as he began looking for a doorway to a JT::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] I could use some assistance, Marines.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS]+[CNS]+ Etti to the Avalon B. Jess, has Felix tried to contact the ship at all?
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza: [HELM] [CNS] I have the ship ready to move in case something comes up.....
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1]Yes sir. :: Begins searchinf for a JT opening.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major located the opening to the JT and looked at the console before opening it; looking over to the Lt. Cmdr.:: [SO/OPS] Sir, we have a doorway.
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Wanders over to the major.::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson: [CMO] ::exits the turbolift and walks onto the bridge::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns]+[so/ops] not as far as i know sir!
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1] Sir shall we go in the tube?
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major overslung his ECR and pulled out his Type-II with his right hand, preparing to enter the tube with the Lt. Cmdr's orders::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESU2] Not yet, Lieutenant.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS]::nods as he downloads the ship skematics onto a padd and hands ti to Rico:: [ESU1] Major, I need you to go here, Main Engineering. Set your weapons to stun only. Secure it and if possible transfer the control to thisroom
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1] Acknowledged sir.
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson: [CMO] ::sits down next to the cns in an empty seat::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [SO/OPS] Roger that, Sir.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns][helm] keep us in transporter range of that ship so if we need to get the away team out of there we can
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Hears him, sets his phser to max stun.::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major took the PADD in his left hand as he began scanning over the data::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC][CNS] shall i do a long range scan of the system Ma'am?
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Sets his phaser to stun setting.::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESU3] Private, I'll need you to take point in the JT. ::Saying this, he downloaded the information into his own tricorder as he pulled the TED over his right eye, activating it::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He set his Type-II to stun, as he pressed the command into the console, opening the JT::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns][tac] yes that would be best
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He looked over at the image of a grid displayed in his TED, and waited for the Private to enter before him as he scanned the tube right after opening the hatch::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC][CNS] aye
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESU3] Move out, Private.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESU2] Take the rear, Lieutenant.
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] Aye, Sir. :: Hops in the JT, going in, looking around, seeing it all clear.::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC]::begin to long range scan for any ships in the system::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2][ESU1]Yes sir.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] We are heading towards Main Engineering, team.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns][tac] we need to be on our toes here in case they pull something
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major entered the JT right after the Private, crawling towards their intended destination::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Crawls in after the Major::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Moving foreward, keping a sharp eye out.::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns][helm] report
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major continued reading from his TED as he noticed that they should be reaching Main Engineering within 10 meters::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: [@SO/OPS] ::attempting to get through to the core control of the ship::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [Tac]::begin to get the reading from the scans and start to look them over::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]:: Keeps crawling making sure to keep up::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] It's not that far ahead of us.
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Continuing to crawl, he sees a hatch.:: [ESU1] Sir, I think this is it.
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza: [HELM] [CNS] The ship is ready to move if we have to ma'am
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson: [CMO][CNS] when u have time i need to see u in my office
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] Once we open the hatch, move out side to side, maintain position and scan the area for opposition.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He nodded:: [ESU3] Open the hatch, Private. The moment you do, crawl out and we'll follow.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] [helm] i won't have this ship destroyed on my watch
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major held out his Type-II in his right hand pointing out towards the hatch doors, preparing to exit the JT::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] [cmo] ::she looks worried at the cmo wondering what is wrong::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He pulled up a display from the tricorder and began reading the scans to see who, if anyone at all, was behind the hatch doors::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] Hold position, let me check who's out there.
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Nods and opens it, crawling out, and quickly coming to his feet doing 360 dgree turn looking for trouble.::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: He dives, firing at the engineer.::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major jumped out and rolled on the ground towards the side bracing his side, as he raised his right hand and took aim at the nearest target::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Draws his phaser out and fires at the enginneer::
Crewman Recruit Christian Dioza: [HELM] [CNS] No ma'am.... I evaded four cloaked Romulan Warbirds without a scratch and got them to shoot each other in holodeck training at the academy
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He took aim with his Type-II towards the Engineer's torso, and depressed the trigger::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Crawls out of the JT and seeks cover::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESUs] Secure the area.
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Begins scanning for more opposition::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major crawled across the small area of the room and seeked cover behind a console, as he peered out from the side and looked at his tricorder to check for any other targets::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [Tac][Cns] i am showing no actived in the system but i will do cont. scan and give you reg. reports
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Stands to his feet, seeing and engineer dive at him, he takes his type III and rams it into his stomach, droping him, seeing the engineer bleeding from the mouth.:: [SELF] Oops...
Carrie-Ann Hollern: [Eng1]::Pulls out a phraser and ducks behind a console, firing at the ESUs::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] [ESU3] Incapacitate the targets, Private. Do not neutralize.
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Takes some cover behind a console.:: [ESU1] Sorry, Sir.
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major ducked back for cover behind the console, seeing that the Engineer was firing in their direction now::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::fires at ENG1::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::He peered out towards the right side of the console again, as he raised his right hand out and took aim at the torso of the Engineer::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Dives across the room, sliding, taking out another engineer.::
Major Johnny Rico: @[ESU1] ::The Major depressed the trigger, hoping that his aim would suffice from only peering out for a short period of time, then ducking behind cover again::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] [tac]::she looks at jonathon:: your in charge until i get back
Carrie-Ann Hollern: [Eng2] ::Ducks behind another console and puts the phraser to stun, firing at the ESU who popped their head up at the wrong moment::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [Tac][Cns]::nods:: yes Ma'am
Carrie-Ann Hollern: [Eng1]::Pops his head up and gets stunned... poor bloke::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::Shoots and ENG2 and it stuns him.::
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvore: [SEC1] ::upons hearing the intruder alert he grabs a phaser rifle and heads down to ME to see what is going on::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] ::she looks at the cmo, heading to the turbolift::
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Stands up, and swiftly fires at an engineer, and ducks, almost hit.::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: =PAUSE SIM=
Private John Wallace: @[ESU3] ::AA::
Ensign JG Kelly Johnson: ::AA::
3rd Lieutenant Suvok [ESU2]::AA::
Major Johnny Rico: ::AA::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns] ::aa::
Ensign JG Jonathon Glack: [TAC]::AA::
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: Sorry everyone, i was extremely unprepared for tongihts sim. Everyone did a great job.
Lt. Commander Johnathan Etti: =END SIM=