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USS Incursion NCC 93041: Episode II (part 2)

The away team on the planet take out the guards and enters the compound. The door quickly slams shut behind them, and the crew is eventually led--via doors that open and close conveniently--into a control room, where they begin to hear voices. A member of the ESU throws a phase genade in teh control room before they enter, thus knocking out much of the equipment qith the exception of a few consoles and a screen with the laughing face of Hypha Facia, which is later blown up. Commander Etti stays behind to try to break into the compound's computer systems while the rest of the crew check the rooms bordering the control room. Several members are stabbed with a sharp object, after which they find people in the rooms that were killed by the same kind of wound being given to them. A mysterious voice tells the away team leader, Lt. Swift, that she should not proceed, even though it seems that there is no way out but forward.

Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =BEGIN SIM=
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Whoa.. Hey, lower those weapons before I have to kill you both.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Nods to the two guards::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Raises rifle up.::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Raises his type III to the guards.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The two guards open fire with their pulse rifles but can't seem to hit anything.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] ::raises his shotgun::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::blinks seeing the troops at the door and our troops raising arms::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Raise his Federation Assault Rifle level, and opens fire on the guards::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Returns fire knocking one gaurd on his back::
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5]:: opens fire on the guards::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Charges forward at the guards, continuing to fire::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::dodges as best as she can, raises her hand phaser, and fires at the pair::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AOM] ::Dives for cover behind some brush and pulls out the type I phaser returning fire::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Fires at one of the guards then side-steps a few shots.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= One guard is hit almost as soon as Rostof fires and the other quickly escapes through a door that quickly closes behind him, dropping his weapon.
Lt. Commander John Etti: [@Tac] ::raises his hand phaser and fires as he moves for cover::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] What are these guys? Farmers?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::stops firing, finding Sergeant Rostof in her line, and stands up when the guards go down::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::she still sits at helm awaiting anymore orders, her fingers ready to tap the helm if neccessary, as looks a bit edgy::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Runs up to the dropped weapon, and kicks it out towards the other ESU Marines::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]Good shooting Rostof.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::holds fire standing and looking around::
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] what now Sir?
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Picks up the rifle::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::approaches the open door in the cliff:: [ESU1] Your team did well. Take point as we go in?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Stands, waiting for orders.::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][XO]Yeah.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Glances down at the downed guard:: We should check the body.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Wonders if anyone sees that the other guard dropped his weapon...
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ALL]Lets move on but be careful.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] ::covers the door and looks around::
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[tac]::holds his phaser at ready and pulls out his tricorder with the other hand::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Stands, letting the others go before him, deciding to cover the rear.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Kneels down next to the corpses, hitting away it's weapon with the back of his hand::
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] ::begins to enter the door and check to see if it is clear::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The same keycard slot that was on the main entrance is also on the only door leading out of the hallway.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Rostof get up front with me. Pryde and wallace get in the back.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] We should probably check the body sir.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] Aye, Sir.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2] Proceed rostof.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] affarmitaive :: takes up a postion in the rear::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO][ESU2] ::moves up to the dead guard at the doors:: Do we need to beam it up to the ships morgue?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Begins to rummage through the corpses' belongings::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::watches Rostof as he checks the body::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][AMO] We can't with this shield up.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO][ESU2] Understood
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: 2[ESU2] ::Slowly turns the body over, checking under it to make sure there are no suprises::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A small blue light next to the keycard slot begins to blink making no noise.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]Rostof after you finish use that keycard you have to open the door.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::opens medical tricorder and takes a few scans of the corpse::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2]::Grabs the Keycard:: I found another blinking thing.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU2] Finding anything, Sarge?
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[tac]::lifting his tricorder slightly he moves over to inspect the keycard slot::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Tosses the Keycard to Suvok::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Someone conduct a scan to see if anything is behind that door before we go in.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The entrance door slams shut with a metal clank
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: ::Stays at a kneeling position, aiming at the door::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::breathes in and out, clearing her thoughts:: [TAC] I don't suppose you can map this place our with your tricorder.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Catches keycard::
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] :: aims his weapon at the sudden closing of the door::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::jumps at the door slamming::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Goes up to the door behind the group.:: [ESU1] We're sealed in..
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::whirls around when the door slams, curses::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Marines, be ready to kill anything that comes from behind that door.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] Aye, Sir.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] [ESU2] with pleasure Sir
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU's]Try to get that entrance door open.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ALL] Let's minimize the casualties as best as we can. Set phasers to heavy stun.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU5] ::keeps his gun trained on the door::
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[XO] ::looks over to Anita:: [XO] To a point yes. It can get this door open but without the card it will take a while.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] Sir, i can get it open with one of these photon grenades, but we are in too small an area, we might all get injured or killed.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::nods then remembers that the phaser is already on stun::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::nods and turns to Suvok:: [ESU1] Where's that card we need?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] Recommend we wait until after the other door is open.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The other door slides open slowly revealing a very dark hallway with only two doors. One to the left as soon as you enter the hallway, and the other at the very end.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]We should proceed to the next room then and throw the grenade from there.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::still sits at helm ready to do something in case a ship or something comes out of nowhere as she is edgy and nervous::
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU4] [ESU2}sir the door opened
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] But sir, perhaps we can find a door release inside the complex..
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::sees the door open and furrows her brow:: [TAC] Too convenient, no?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] Save a grenade that could come in use later.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]Yeah we should keep going then.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Stands, staying low, creeps toward the open door::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Lieutenant Cordova gets a transmission from the surface saying that enemy atmosphereic fighters are coming toward the capital city and they need help.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] Hmmm Interesting... ::looks at his tricorder and scans the area:: [Xo] Yes...I am not detecting or Feeling anything off. I not sensing anyone near us.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][all] Well lets go Rostof up here with me wallace and pryde got the back everyone else in the middle.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU4] :: keeps his position in the rear, while keeping his gun trained and senses sharp::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Keeping his weapon in his shoulder, at the tactical carry, he proceeds inside the dark hallway, scanning infront of him::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ALL] Alright, team. Our priority is that shield generator. Look for any big energy signatures, prioritize, and we'll check them out.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Following the group, keeping an eye out behind them.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] [ESU] Marines, keep your weapons straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire. We don't want any shooting accidents in these close quarters.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Continues waking keeping his eyes peeled.::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::follows the point team into the hallway::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] [co] ::her voice sounding strong and worried:: sir we are picking up a transmission from the surface saying
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] Aye, Sir.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= As soon as the entire away team is in the dark hallway, the other door closes with a slam.
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU4] [ESU2} affarmative
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] They are drawing us in.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [SELF] There goes that one...
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Looks like someone wants us to stay in here....
Private Adian Pryde: @[ESU4] I feel like I am in some type of experimental maze or something
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: enemy atmospheric fighters are coming towards the capital city.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Slings his federation assault rifle at strong-side sling arms, and pulls out one of the two grenades::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::frowns:: [NOIP] This isn't right at all.
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: and that they need help!
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]How long before the fighters reach the city?
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] Follows the team keeping an eye on the tricorder and turns around as the door closes:: [Self] Definatly don't like the feel of this
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Arms it, setting it to the min. of 1:: Good bargaining tool.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][TAC] Can we get a fix on which door leads to the generator?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: [CO] [CNS/HELM] Contact the Dockmaster and bring us around into orbit of the planet. We're going to have to help them somehow...
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO]::Stays between the marines and the XO::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Goes up to the right door in the hallway::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU1] Fighters?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The door to the left flys open making a very loud hissing an airlock.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @{ESU2] Gas gas gas! Stop breathing for a second
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::turns to the open door, pausing to think::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::eyes widen and opens tricorder to scan the air::
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::scans the room and looks to the door, moving closer::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] I say we don't take that way....
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::hears Wallace:: [ESU3] I agree.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Without breathing he says:: Don't breath, there could be gas.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Alright we will take another way.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A beeping noise coming from the other door is heard
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Stops breathing for a moment.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Gets to the ground in the prone:: [AMO] No reading?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::frowns, taking a chance on the gas thing:: [ESU1] Have your team see what they can do about getting that other door open.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The beeping noise gets louder and louder
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] We'd be dead by now.. Umm.. Any hear that?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Everyone get back, I'll check it out.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::moves over to the beeping...:: [XO] Do you get the feeling we are being led somewhere by someone?
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][XO]Alright Ma'am will get on it.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Slowly crawls forward, looking in the doorway for the source of the sound::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::she quickly contacts the dockmaster her voice sounding serious and edgy as she requests permission to exit the starbase::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU2] Aye. I don't like it, but I don't like anything about this.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Faint echoes are heard, the team barly able to make out "Lockdown the complex...they're coming"
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO]{ESU2} Nothing on any spectra no contaminants that I have ever known
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::listens closely, hearing the voices::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Chuckles to himself:: All clear.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Anyone hear that?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Places his armed grenade in a pocket, and unsling his Federation Assault Rifle:: They know we are here..
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2]::Gets to his feet:
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Get ready everyone.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The beeping suddenly stops and the door at the end of the hallway flys open
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU1] Yes. Now the question is whether to follow them or to keep away from them. Recommendation?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Turning around, to be sure nothing is sneaking up on the team.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Darts inside the open door to the right, peeking his head out toward the hallway he was in::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Lights fly on in the room behind the door at the end of the hallway revealing a control center.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] We should enter in waves, its definitely a trap.. Or I could toss in one of my grenades set to 15.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2] We should scan the room.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::sees the inside of the room, holding up her phaser just in case:: That was too easy. [TAC] Is there anyone in there?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Leans against the open right doorframe::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] Sir, there is definitely someone in there. And they could pick us off one at a time going through that door.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The faint echoes are heard again, this time three distinct voices. "They're coming closer." "Let them come." "Be ready."
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::gets a confirmation from the dockmaster::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] Throw in a grenade, followed by a squad rush, we got it easy.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO]::grips the small type I phaser tightly::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]That grenade idea sounds good about right now.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::scans the room::[XO] Yes it was...extremely to easy. I am not detecting anyone at the moment....although something is telling they are baiting us....
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The lights flicker off inside the control room
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Only one light can be made out, obviously that of a computer, and it is at the other end of the room.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Sling his rifle, grabs the already armed photon grenade::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ALL] Everybody down. I don't like this. ::crouches in the hall, feeling like someone's about to come through at them::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] [co] ::her voice still sounding edgy as she is ready to tap the controls over the console:: sir we got confirmation!
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Sets the grenade to 15:: everyone get back.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU3]Wallace make sure nothing sneaks up on us.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::falls to the floor crouching against the side of the wall::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Tosses the grenade as hard as he can through the door into the control room::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: [CO] [CNS/HELM] Take us out of here. One quarter impulse and bring us into orbit of the planet.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] Sir! There could be info on them computers.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Falls flat::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Steps back.::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Takes several steps backwards::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The grenade explodes, taking with it most of the control consoles in the room, but leaving that one lighted computer still working.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU3]Well that data is probably gone now.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Jumps to his feet, charging into the room, rifle in his shoulder::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::curses, having hoped that the granade wouldn't have done so much damage:: [ESU1] Alright, let's go.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Runs in room::Stay frosty everyone.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::sees Rostof charge in, thinking "too late."
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The face of Hypha Facia appears on the screen of it, he himself is laughing and repeating the words "let them come."
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] [co] aye sir! ::she quickly does as she is told her fingers flying over the helm console pressing some buttons taking them out one quarter impulse::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::As he gets into the room he jumps to the right, scanning for targets::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO} ::blinks and moves closer towards the marines::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2} ::Goes to a kneeling position::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Stays alert looking for threats::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][Himself] One more grenade...
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::enters behind the ESU members on point, looking at the screen and cursing again:: [ALL] Find the controls for the shield generator if you can! We need to get out of here ASAP.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The sound of a transporter can be heard
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Gets to his feet and slowly approaches the computer:: Whose our nerd?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= And one single light comes on and reveals yet another door.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Keeps glancing back to be sure of no sneak attacks.::
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::moves into the room moving closer to the voices almost obbsessed by it...seeing the computer he moves over to it quickly:: [XO] Leiutenant Requestiong permission to stay here and see what i can get from this consol?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The door they came in slams shut and another transporter is heard.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Stands next to the one operating computer::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] Trapped even futher.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][TAC] Granted. [ESU1] Lieutenant, can you spare a member of your team to stay in the control room?
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][XO] Yes i believe i can.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::holsters his phaser and sets down his tricorder and begins to try to acess the database::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU3]Wallace would you mind staying behind?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU1] Not at all, Sir.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Ok who here knows how to use that computer?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU3] Make sure you secure the area. There is bound to be little tricks here. And stay alert. Don't let the Commander get shot in the back.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] Aye, Sir.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU3] ::Grins:: Last thing we need to do is carry a wounded squiddy home.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Someone can be heard whistling
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Who is that whistling?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] I'll keep 'im safe, Sir.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Drops flat::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::sighs, knowing their only choice is the next door but not wanting to accept it::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= It grows louder and louder, almost as if they are in the same room
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Crawls near a wrecked console, using it as cover::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The whistling stops and a pulse weapon is fired, sparking flames from a computer console
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac] ::picks up his tricorder and attempts to hack into the system the hard way seeing as he keeps on getting denied access::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Wheres that fire coming from?
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Get down!::Ducks::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::turns away from the sparks, crouching again::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Ducks down and flips on an attached flashlight to try to reveil some of the room.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A figure is seen standing in the dark at the other side of the room, just standing there.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Sticks his rifle out, and his head, trying to see around the room.::
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] Ack!! ::ducks some where behind the XO::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::her fingers seem to dance over the helm controls bringing the ship into orbit, she still seems abit edgy about something::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Hey you over there, put your hands up and state your name.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Who are you!?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Points his rifle at the figure.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The figure doesn't move but something sharp jabs Lieutenant Swift in the left arm
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= And a transporter is heard again...and the figure is gone.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::cries out, whirling toward the jab and raising her phaser::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @ [ESU2] [ESU1] Sir, we need to move.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] [ESU1] We are sitting ducks here.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Runs over to the Lt.::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]I agree think they are toying with us.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The door they all came in opens slowly, but it doesn't reveal the hallway they came through
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] [ESU3] Private! You stay with Etti
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU3] I'm fine.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [ESU2] Aye, Sir.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= This time the room is so dark the walls and floor cannot even be seen, but it isn't a hallway, just a single room
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Walks up beside the door.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Gets to his feet:: Maybe the Command room revolves?
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]We need some light in there.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A burst of air is heard and Lieutenant Suvok is hit with something sharp in his left arm
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Flips his light on again, searching the command room.::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]AH my arm!
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][TAC][ESU3] You two stay here and keep trying to get into the system. Everyone else, I don't think we can afford to stay here.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Runs forward and grabs Suvok, dragging him towards the newly opened door::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Steps away from the door.::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Just sees a few trashed counsels.::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: [CO] [CNS/HELM] Lieutenant, reroute Tactical controls to you and scan for the enemy fighters.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][ESU1] I'm going in there. If I don't come out, don't go in.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Glass is heard breaking in the very dark room, obviously something large like a window or table.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]Be careful.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac]::nods:: [XO] Aye.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Walks in very slowly, staying very low, his rifle in his shoulder, looking around, taking as much in as he can::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ALL] Come on. Proceed carefully.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Listens for the slightest noise, staying as silent as possible::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Clenches bleeding left arm..::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] ::awaits her orders once the ship is in orbit::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::notices:: [ESU1] Have Crewman McKinney tend to your arm if you need it.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::spots the ESU1 bleeding arm and moves towards the Marine::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A voice is heard "What are you doing there?!"
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Slowly goes towards a wall, kneeling next to it, looking out towards the room::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][AMO]Yeah i could use some medical attention.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Stays silent, not moving::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= As Lt. Swift walks, she runs into a chair in the darkness
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] [ESU1] Do you have any allergies to medicines?
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [TAC] This counsel is about the only thing in this room worth out attention.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Makes his way slowly along the wall, staying low and quiet::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::gasps, a bit startled, turning her full attention back to the room she's walking into::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= As she does a voice is heard saying "Watch where you're going!"
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][AMO]Not that i know of.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac][ESU3] Yes it is.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2]+c+[ESU1] A bunch of children.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::stops and raises her phaser:: [ESU2] We need a light source.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2][XO] Shhh.. It may be sound sensitive.
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO] ::opens Med. Tricorder and scans the injury... nods and hypos you for the pain followed by some Hyperena to slow the bleeding::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]+[ESU2]Children?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A single light shines on when she said that. Revealing a desk with a few PADDs on it and a chair, turned away from the team
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] You ask for light and it gave you it?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Who speaks? Who is there?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU2] Indeed. ::decides to test:: [NOIP] Computer lights to full.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Commander Etti seems to have broken into the control system for the complex, but the complexity is nothing like he's ever seen
Crewman Recruit Amy McKinney: @[AMO][ESU1] ::opens her kit and scans the dermal regenerator over your injury it heals quickly:: Dont move it too much it might rip again but you will be fine untill we get you back on the ship... Okay?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A voice is heard with Lt. Swift asks "Do Not Proceed"
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Voice, where do you come from? Why shouldn't she proceed? Who are you?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::looks around, trying to find the voice's source:: [Voice] Elaborate.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][AMO]Thank you crewman.
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac]Holy..... ::he begins to download the data to his Tricorder and during the download try to decomplexiate the information::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The chair turned away from the team turns around slowly showing a man. A dead man, with a small puncture hole in his neck
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Picks up Rifle and heads toward the rest of the group.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: [ESU2] ::walks up slowly to the corpse, pulling it gently off the chair and away from it::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= "...Do...Not...Proceed..."
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] [TAC] Wha'd you find?
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac][ESU3] I wish i could say.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Drags the corpse back towards the wall::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Another light comes on, showing an armchair with yet another dead man with the same kind of wound
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Looks the corpse over, trying to determine the species and how much decay has occured::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]I wonder what happened to these two...
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Voice, did you do this?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Another burst of air is heard and Sergeant Rostof is jabbed with something sharp right below his neck, almost at the spot where the dead men are wounded.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::looks at the puncture wounds, remembering the sharp jab she and Suvok received:: [ALL] Everyone, get out of here. Now. Something we can't see is trying to kill us.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Runs over to rostof and begins dragging him back::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Falls forward:: son of a... Medic! ((Just had to leave huh?))
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Lights in the room come to full power showing an office, with blood splattered everywhere and seven more people, men and woman, with wounds to their neck
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] [co] aye, captain. ::starts rerouting tactical controls to the helm very quickly::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Feels gently behind his neck where the pain was::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]What is doing this!?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::turns:: [ALL] Go! Go! Go! Back to the control room!
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2] Are you okay Rostof?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2]:: Sits against a wall in the room, and removes his last grenade::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Arms it and sets it to the max of 20::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: [CO] [CNS/HELM] Lock on to anything flying toward the city and destroy it with our phasers.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Rostof lets get out of here can you walk?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Come on you stupid s o bs.. Wanna play with me? I'll blow this entire place up.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU1][ESU2] Come ON! That's an order!
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The lights flicker off and the second door inside the control room slides open, revealing another room, a well lit control center also
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Begins dragging Rostof back towards the control room::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= One man is inside the second control room, alive and well.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] You got nothing! You hear me! I'll kill you all!
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Hears a door open and raises his rifle.:: [SELF] What the?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= His back is turned toward the team and he stands at a computer
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2]Put up that grenade.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] You in there, arms up!
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac]::taps his comm::+[XO] Lieutenant, have you guys found anything?>
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]::Enters the controll room while dragging rostof.::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Goes closer to the door.::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::rubs the back of his neck, feeling around:: What was that?
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::follows Suvok and Rostof into the first control room, seing the open door to the second control room::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The man slides his arms upward
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Turns around.:: [ESU1] What the hell happened to him?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] There anything on my neck? It friggin burns.
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][ESU3] Dead bodies and some attempts to make us the same way. Keep your attention on that man.
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU3]I really have no idea.
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Enters the room.:: Who are you?
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= The man turns around and speaks with the voice that is being heard continuously, "Do Not Proceed"
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Clenches the grenade in his hand::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] +c+ [ESU3] Charge him and kill him. Fast.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= A puncture wound then appears on the man's neck and he falls onto the floor
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] :: Backs out slowly.::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::strides up to the man:: [Man] Identify your-- ::curses as he falls::
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] XO] Ma'am, get out of the room.
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Pulls out his chrome colored flask, as opposed to his regular silver one::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: [cns/helm] [co] yes sir! ::she quickly does as she is told ready for action, with the adrenline rush inside her she quickly punches the keys on the helm very quickly ready to lock on targets sighted::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO] ::turns back to the team, backing out of the second room::
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: @[ESU1]Damnit what is doing this??
Lieutenant Anita Swift: @[XO][TAC] We need a way out of here, Commander. Can you help us?
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Opens it up, and takes a drink, he feels tears almost coming out of his eyes, but nothing is noticeable::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= Commander Etti is shocked by his tricorder
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Closes his flask, putting it away::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =Action= At the same moment, Sergeant Rostof is hit with something sharp again, this time in his right shoulder
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: @[ESU2] Oww Daggone it! For the love of God! Cut it out!
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: =PAUSE SIM=
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] Leave the man alone!
Private First Class John Wallace: @[ESU3] ::AA::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: [XO] ::pauses::
Lt. Commander John Etti: @[Tac][XO] I wish i could, I've broken the codes but i got this...::points to the screen and takes a look at the Tricorder:: What the.!
2nd Lieutenant Suvok: ::AA::
Master Sergeant Jack Rostof: ::Goes to attention::
Lt. Commander John Etti: ::AA::
Lieutenant Anita Swift: ::AA::
Lieutenant Jessica Cordova: ::aa::
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: You'll all probably thinking I've gone crazy...but...I'll be finishing this sim up next week and I'm sure you'll all be quite surprised at the ending.
Fleet Commander Nick Sharp: I hope at least.