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USS Incursion NCC 93041: Episode III

"A New Beginning"

The crew assembles in the observation lounge to be briefed on their new mission. Fleet Captain Sharp informs everyone that the Incursion has been dispatched to Sector 1253 to protect and escort the merchant vessel Hollander from borg forces in the sector. Soon after dismissal, the Incursion arrives at the sector. Once the Incursion drops out of warp, the weapons, shields, as well as sensors begin to fluctuate, due to emissions from the nearby nebulas. The barely operating sensors then pick up a derelict Borg cube, and plans are made to investigate it.

Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Begin Simulation=
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1][ESU's] I need all esu personel to set their font color to green.
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::he sat in one of the chairs in the OB lounge, a cup of coffee in front of him, he was reading a PADD and occasionaly taking a sip from the mug as he waited for the meeting to start::
Lt. Commander Jack: [CNS] ::Sitting in the Obs Lounge, next to the Captains chair across from the XO::
Private Talon: :: Complying::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::sits in the observation lounge, legs crossed with one swinging idly::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Enters the Observation Lounge carrying a PADD in his right hand::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Adjusts his pips while siting in his seat.::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] ::sits in the observation lounge across from jack::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Sits down in his chair and looks over his crew quickly::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::looks up to Sharp::
Lt. Commander Jack: [CNS][CO] Hello, Captain.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Starts at Cordova and begins to pass the PADD around the table::
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2}::sits down near the ESU1, his blue antennae moving around a bit, he was a bit nervous at first, but his visage did not show it so, he was simply happy to have found a ship again::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Alright, here's the deal. Starfleet's found firm proof that the Borg are attacking Merchant ships not that far from here.
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] ::quickly looks up at the captain, takes the padd looking it over while listening then passes it to the person next to her::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Starbase 413 sent a scout ship out a few days ago, but it couldn't do anything against a Borg attack. It did find some scattered debris though.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Debris probably that was once a ship, carrying some needed supplies into this sector.
Lt. Commander Jack: [CNS] ::Nods, looking at the Captain::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] The sector that the attacks are being conducted in is a dangerous area of space. Bunch of nebuals; all kinds. We'll probably be losing power a few times, maybe even shields and weapons so be alert.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [CENG] Chief, I'll need you up to your best.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::takes the padd from Jessica, skimming it and finding nothing she didn't already know with the new clearance she'd been granted... passes it down the table::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] [CO] Engineering is ready sir.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Forgot to mention, we're going in alone. We're the closest ship, and no other Alpha Fleet ship is close enough to get here in time for what Starfleet wants us to do.
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::he takes the PADD and skims it quickly noting only a few things before passing it down to the next person::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] We're going to investigate and if we have to, protect any merchant ships in that sector coming here. The merchant ship Hollander is going to be coming through, and we're not to let it get in sensor range of a Borg ship.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] This ship has been tested in battle, of that I have no question. I don't question ya'll. I know you're the best in the Fleet.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Starfleet feels that the Hollander is important enough to send the Flagship of Alpha Fleet to protect, we better do it right.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Finish reading the orders on the PADD and report to stations quickly.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Stands up from his chair::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Everybody] Dismissed.
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Finishes reading the PADD and begins walking to the nearest turbolift.::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::he stood and headed for the nearest TL::[TL] Engineering. ::he feels the TL jerk as it begins the decent to the engineering deck his thoughts are on how to keep power and sheilds online::
Private Talon: [ESU3] ::following ESU1::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Slips on a Petty Officer 2nd Class' rank peice and exits the OB Lounge for the Bridge::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Steps in the TL waiting for Talon.::
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2] ::takes the pad, gives it a quick skim noting a couple of things, then stand and straightens his uniform, then walks out and follows ESU1 to the turbolift::
Lt. Commander Jack: [CNS] ::Sits in the chair he was in barely noticing that everyone had left, he had dazed off during Sharps talking::
Private Talon: :: Almost runs over Suvok when she stopped::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Leaves the Observation Lounge and makes his way quickly onto the Bridge of the Incursion and over to the Captain's Chair, but he didn't sit down in it. He stood in front of it.::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::stands and brushes herself off, then crosses to the bridge and stands at a science station that had been turned into an intel station:: [NOIP] This should be fun.
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] ::quickly gets up, walks out the door quickly stepping onto the bridge::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1][TL] ESU equipment room please.
Private Talon: ::Assuming Tactical Postion::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Tugs his jacket down, because he ALWAYS has to maintain a tidy appearance::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::stepping off the TL moments later he barks orders off at random AENGs[AENG2] Lock down the warp assembly keep power in the system but I dont want it to move at all. [AENG6] Prepare for departure, get the warp cores liked and ready to go. ::with that he moved into his office and sat down at his desk to continue reading reports on engineering systems through out the ship::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Quickly assumes the HELM position and starts his engines::
Private Talon: [Tac] :: Assuming Position ::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Steps off the TL and heads toward the equipment room.::
Lt. Commander Jack: [CNS] ::Suddenly realizes that everyone else has gone:: [NOIP] Crap..! ::Rushes out onto the bridge, sitting in the chair beside the captain, opposite the XO::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [XO] Have all stations report in please.
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2] ::follows the ESU1::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo][all] all department heads, report in!
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::readies the station and sighs, missing the ability to telepathically pick on the captain:: [XO] Spooks ready. ::smirks::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] +T+[XO] Engineering is green ma'am.
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Begins putting on all the esu gear and pulls a type III out of his locker.::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] [XO] Helm is fully operational, ma'am.
Private Talon: [TAC] Ready sir
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]+[XO] My team and I are in our station Ma'am.
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2] ::he goes to his locker and readies himself by putting his personal phaser strapped to his side and a starfleet regular phaser holstered onto his other side::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Grabs a few grenades and straps them on his belt.::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo][co] all stations are ready and waiting captain.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [XO] Thank you.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Sits down into his chair::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::turns to the rest of the bridge, having nothing corssing her console at the moment::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [HELM] Contact the Starbase and pull us into space.
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2]::he then took his personal phaser from his side, set some things with its power converter and set the energy output to kill, if he needed it, it would be for the borg...he reholstered it and then took his starfleet issue
General Robert Staf: [HELM] [CO] Aye, sir.
Private Mucks Ingellrector: phaser from his other side and set the energy output to maximum stun just in case::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Uses the Helm Station to send a message to the Starbase Dockmaster requesting permission to undock and leave the docking ring.::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::After obtaining clearance from the Starbase and waiting for the doors to slide open, he uses thrusters to bring the ship toward the vast emptyness of space::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Using full thrusters, the Incursion is flown out into space fairly quickly and he turns toward the Captain:: [CO] We're clear of the Starbase, sir.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [HELM] Good. [XO] Commander, bring the ship to yellow alert and have Tactical and Engineering placed on standby.
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Takes a seat on a couch not looking foward to an encounter with the Borg.::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] ::stands up quickly:: [tac] yellow alert!
Private Talon: [TAC] [XO] Tactical acknowledges standby all systems show ready
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2] ::when is is ready, he goes and leans against the wall, he had dealt with the borg before, that is why he developed his phaser, he would just fold his arms and close his eyes, his andorian countenance showing nothing but confidence::
Private Talon: [TAC] :: Punching buttons activating Yellow alert Status::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::hearing the yellow alert he walked into main engineering.[AENG 7] Sever the link bwtween the cores and prepare for MVAM.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [HELM] Lay in a course for Sector 1253 at warp five.
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo][co] ship at yellow alert captain!
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Punches some buttons on his panel, hoping they're the right ones:: [CO] Course laid in, Captain.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [XO] Thank you. [HELM] Engage.
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Presses the big bright red button::
Private Talon: [TAC] :: wiping sweat from forehead::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::keeps her eyes fixed on the main viewscreen::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Very quickly the Incursion drops from warp in Sector 1253. The Barrier. Sensors begin to flicker and when they're on, they show massive debris piles and energy surges...nebulas.
General Robert Staf: [HELM] [CO] We've arrived, Captain.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Tac] Can you get me a wide scan of the area, Private?
Private Talon: [TAC] :: Punching buttons making screen change to wide area visual::
Private Talon: [TAC} [CO} Aye Sir
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] ::looks at the view screen wanting and waiting to do something::
Private Talon: [TAC] ::Scanning area::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Talon's sensors are flickering and he notices a small reading that matches that of a Borg Cube but with sensors like they are, no reading is final.
Private Talon: [TAC] {CO] :: calm:: Sir, I am getting a reading... Possibly one similar to a Borg Cube
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Possibly? You're not sure?
Private Talon: [TAC] {CO] Scanners do not seem to be operating due the nebula interference , sir
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Hearing this he turns to Jess:: [XO] See if you can get Engineering to boost Sensor power.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [HELM] Meanwhile, move us closer to that reading. I want to see what it is for sure.
Private Talon: [TAC] :: reconfiguring scanner to allow for more precise reading::
General Robert Staf: [HELM] [CO] Aye, sir.
General Robert Staf: [HELM] ::Pressing buttons, the ship pulls forward through space toward the unknown reading, stopping at a safe distance of 500 kilometers.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Through the constant flickering of the viewscreen, a Borg Cube is able to be seen.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [Tac] Red alert.
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] +t+[ceng]can you boost the scanning power?
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::turns to compare readings to others in the database:: [TAC][CO][XO] I'd definitely give that a 99% certainty.
Private Talon: [TAC] :: hitting buttons activating RED ALERT:: Aye Aye Sir
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [CINT] Can you get me any special information, Commander?
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Hearing the red alert sound he quickly jumps up ready for anything.::
Private Talon: [TAC} [CO] Shields?
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Commander Swift's console reads that the Borg Cube is completely direlict
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Nods his head to the Tactical officer::
Private Talon: [TAC] [CO] :: Activating Shields:: Shields at 100% , sir
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] +T+[XO] We are trying but its not helping...this is the best we have ma'am
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::frowns:: [CO][XO] Something's wrong here.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Shields also flicker from 100% to 30% to 73% etc, etc
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [CINT] What's not right?
Private Talon: [TAC] [CO] Sir, we are experiencing shield power fluctuations
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::turns again:: [CO] It has all the readings of a Borg cube configuration, but it's drifting, like it's powerless. Looks like the Barrier hit it hard. This thing isn't going anywhere.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Tell the Chief to drain power from something we won't be using for a while.
Private Talon: [TAC] [CO] Aye, sir
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [CINT] Cross reference your readings with Tactical... make sure.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [XO] If this place can disable a Borg Cube, then we may be in trouble...
Private Talon: [TAC] [Chief] reduce power to non essential and redirect to shield to maintain integrity
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT][TAC] Can you confirm my readings?
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo][co] i agree sir ::she looks very worried::
Private Talon: [[TAC] [CINT] confirmed.. no power emmissions at all... Appears dead
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::his fingers were like lightning over the consoles trying to keep power up::+T+[TAC] You have all I can spare!
Private Talon: [TAC] [CO] Power redirected, sir, some stabilization in the shields, currently holding
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT][CO] Confirmed. Looks like a derilict. ::gives him a warning look, though, as if to remind him that this could just be a Borg trap::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [XO] Prepare... prepare the ESU. Have them go to Transporter Room Two.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Makes a motion for Anita to go too: [CINT] Commander.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::nods and walks to the TL, pausing to wait for Jessica::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo][co] aye sir ::she quickly leaves with anita::
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2] ::he opens his eyes and goes to his locker, taking a phaser rifle and strapping it to his back, and some grenades strapping them to his belt, having a feeling that they were about to have to go::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT][TL] Deck 12.
Private Talon: [TAC] :: Monitoring the boards for any changes::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo]+t+[esu1][esu2] report to transporter room 2 for away team duty. come armed.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Ensign Rollings notices a small power fluxuation in phaser array.
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]+T+[XO] We will be there shortly ma'am.
1st Lieutenant Suvok: [ESU1]::Picks up his phaser rifle and begins walking towards the nearest TL.::
Private Mucks Ingellrector: [ESU2]::looks to him, his countenance the same as it had been earlier, calm and collected, he followed the ESU1, all his weapons holstered and strapped::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Pause Simulation=
Lt. Commander Jack: ::AA::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: ::AA::
1st Lieutenant Suvok: ::AA::
Ensign JG John Rollings: [CENG] ::AA::
Private Talon: [TAC] ::AA::
Lt. Commander Jessica Cordova: ::aa::
Private Mucks Ingellrector: ::AA::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: Excellent. The pace was slow, which was good for our new members. Hopefully we'll speed things up a bit next week. You all preformed great.