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USS Incursion NCC 93041: (Free sim)

Summary pending.

Commander Jessica Cordova: with that just begin the sim
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: <ATAC> ::Christian Dioza was roaming the halls of the Incursion with his hands behind his back. He had the day off but he didn't know what to do so he was heading toward the Bridge::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] ::sits at a back table in the lounge with her caramel macchiato with 10 espresso shots in it, holding her padd in her right hand::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO]::He sat behind his desk in sickbay, his fingers tapping at the computer access terminal on the desk. He was perusing the medical files of the crew, and noted that they needed to be updated.::
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian Dioza] ::He sighed as he passed the lounge and he decided to stop there. He walked into the lounge and got himself and regular old coffee, black. As he held his mug, he looked around the lounge for a place to sit::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::Having already checked in with Security she found that she would need to speak to a couple of people starting with the ranking officer on duty. To that end having dropped off her things and cleaned up she would make her way to the Lounge being directed by the computer as to where it was.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] ::she loooks up from her padd, seeing christian smiles at him brightly, signaling with her left hand to come over::
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian Dioza] ::He smiled brightly as he saw Jess across the lounge and he walked to her quickly, sitting at the table with her.:: [Jess] Nice to find a pretty face here again. How are you?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [Kal Radick]::A glance at the chrono on the wall, and he shut the terminal off. Moving to his feet, he stretched. He rounded his desk, and stepped out into the corridor. His blue eyes gazed up and down the hall, before he turned left and headed for the nearest turbolift. As it's doors opened, he nodded to the two crewman that stepped out, and he stepped in.:: Comp] Lounge.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess][christian] good thank you. how about you? nervous about the upcoming mission at all?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::Having reached the lounge she took a deep breath outside the doors then entered. Her back arrow straight but a kind of relaxed grace as the russian woman moved across the floor. Then stopped blinking for a moment. Standing about for feet infront of the door enough room for others to pass her. silently she debated but her face showed none of this.::
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian] [Jess] Oh yes... a little. How can you not be nervous with a mission involving Borg? ::He sighed softly and sipped his coffee, green eyes looking at Jess.:: I am not nervous for myself but for a few people I care for....
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] ::she takes a few gulps of her coffee, not being able to sit still for once:: hopefully none of us will turned into borg.
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian] [Jess] Jess... ::He sighed softly as he lowered his drink, green eyes looking at her with a serious expression now.:: There's something.. I have been thinking about asking you and I think I should do it before this....
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [[Note the perfect opportunity to interrupt Anya heheheh]]
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] [christian] what is it you've been meaning to ask? ::she continues to look at him::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::Still standing inside the door. Her gaze on Jess and the male with her. Deciding against imediately speaking she moved to the bar allowing them what was obviously a filled moment. Sitting down she put the small case she had been carrying onto the counter opening it and began to assemble the parts inside in rapid fire movements.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [Kal Radick]::He emerged from the lift carriage, and moved down the hall. Stepping into the Lounge, he glanced around. Tucking a stray strand of blond hair, as he moved to a replicator.:: Comp] Vulcan Tea with a mint leaf.
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian] [Jess] Well.... ::He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he looked down at the blackness of his coffee.:: I don't know much about you, but I would like a chance to get to know you... I guess I'm asking you if you'd like to have dinner with me. Something more private.... maybe on the holodeck.......
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] ::she looks at radick signaling him to come over with her left hand in case he wanted to sit with her and christian::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::paused to tuck a strand of short black hair behind her ear as she continued to work glancing around to them now and then as she put the item together.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [Kal Radick]::As the cup and saucer appeared, he collected it, and moved over to the table he was motioned to. He glanced at Jess and Christian, a slender brow arched.:: [Jess] Yes, ma'am?
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] [radick] your welcome to join us if you want.
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian] ::He heard the voice behind him and quickly snapped around, green eyes darting until he noticed it was another crewman. He sighed gently and sunk into his seat::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [jess] [christian] ::she looks towards christian, her mind on jonathan glack::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::blinks a bit tilting her head as she added the power pack to the item then switched it on setting it down. The small robot took a few steps then stopped as if taking readings. Anya smiled almost childlike before her face turned serious again.::
Crewman Apprentice Christian Dioza: [Christian] [Jess] If you don't want to, that's fine too. I mean I was only asking... ::He was trying to talk himself out of it nervously now::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [Kal Radick]::He noted the reaction of the Crewman.:: Jess] Thank you...::He pulled a chair back, and he lowered into it. The saucer and cup were set on the table top, and he glanced to the Commander.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [Anya] ::gives a soft voice command to the small robot. It leaps to the floor and Anya stands up to walk with it to the table. Where the others were sitting.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: PAUSE SIM
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [Kal Radick]::He took a drink, from his Vulcan Tea, and set it down, again.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: ::AA::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: ::AA::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =end sim=
Commander Jessica Cordova: everyone will begin sim in the briefing room. Begin Sim.
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::is in his chair looking at the other officers wondering what is known about their upcoming mission::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: walks into the briefing room and has a seat ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Has a hard time sitting in a chair. Prefers to stand. But none of her discomfort shows as she looks from face to face.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]::He was sitting, in his chair in the briefing room, his gaze settled on the Commander, as he waited for the briefing.::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Crewmen Recruit Torrick walks into the breifing room and takes a seat.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she sits in her chair looking over the padd:: our orders from starfleet are to find out what is going on down there on the planet's surface. we need to know if the emissions coming from the planet are hazardous if they are we a fast way to contain it before it harms anyone.
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::nods:;[CO] What is already known about the planet?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Nods slightly in responce listening observing. Her hands flat on the table the small robot that seemed to accompany her everywhere was quiet at the moment as it was shut off and tucked into a holder on her belt.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] it's a class m planet
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof][CO] Is that all we know? ::her voice steady. Her gaze intent.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: that and there's a whole lot of people down there.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]::He raised a brow, as she spoke. His eyes moved across the screen of a PADD, as he listened.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof][CO] Do we have a rough estimate of where the energy readings are coming from and how close they are to civilized areas? ::Tipping her head slightly up as she asked her questions.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]XO] Which planet are we investigating?
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [rostof] alpha barney 7
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: makes note - class M Alpha Barney 7 ::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]::He noted that, on the PADD, before glancing over to Commander Cordova.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] we have plant life very close to the area and also water. approximately 10minutes from the location.
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::takes a look down at the information he was given.:: [PR] It is a pre warp civilization. THe emissions will be studying are about 10 minutes away from any town or encampment. I should remind everyone contact is prohibited at all costs.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO] XO/CO] Have the use of Cloaking Suits been considered?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::tips her head a little bit. Then nods softly. It would be interesting to see if they could avoid contact. Her steady gaze turning thoughtful.::
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO][CMO] Negative. The use of cloaking suits have been denied by the Admirals.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] i think given the fact that we don't have cloaking suits that we should dress like one of them.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Even harder. Her chin lifted again just the slightest bit.:: [CO and XO] how big is the civilization near the energy?
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO][PR] ABout the size of....New York on earth.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]::His left brow raised, as the XO informed him of such. How quaint. He believed the Admirals denied stuff, just so they had something to do.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] failure is not an option.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] oi, sir
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]CO] Indeed, it isn't.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] we have 18th century clothing that i had the replicators make we are to change and beam down.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] io, Sir
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::looks to Jess:: [CO]Ready to depart?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: looks around the room ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Blinks a little bit taking that small robot from her belt Then looks to them nodding slightly that she understood.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everyone] get changed and meet in the transporter room.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]:: gets up and walks out to get changed, unfamiliar with the ship she finds her way::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Wanders around after Bola::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Stands slowly. Her blue eyes patient as she made her way to the door. The small robot was switched on and set down to walk with her to the turbo lift.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Again allows the computer to direct her to her quarters from here. Once there she changes her clothing then looks at the bot.:: You get to stay here this time. ::The robot nodded as if it understood then took a guard stance and Anya left the room for the Transporter room again.::
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::waits for the others before he leaves to get changes::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she leaves the briefing room, quickly heads back to her quarters to change::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] Let's TL to deck 12 Co has our suits there
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::direct transports to his quarters and then does the same for the transporter room::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: stands in front of TL with Torrick:: Deck 12
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::enters the Transporter room. dressed as she should be. Her little robot absent.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::gets dressed in her quarters, then meets everyone in the transporter room::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: enters transporter room, finds her suit, picks it up, finds a closet and gets changed::
Vice Admiral Evets Kelemvor: [XO]::looks at the others::[ALL] Ready when you are. ::gets up to the p transport padd::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: comes out of closet changed and looks around for everyone else:: Torrick?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCO] still here.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Joins the XO on the transporter pad taking one for herself. A slight nod from her given. The only things that seemed off were a pair of pliers and a roll of copper wire on a bit of wood but she tucked those away with
Private First Class Anya Rostof: an innocent look.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: stands on transport padd:: Ready Sir
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: looks around for Torrick while standing on padd::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] steps up on to the pad.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she gets up on the transporter padd, feeling funny in 18th century clothes::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] Here we go
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action they are beamed down onto the planet surface outside the city=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]:: takes out tricorder and begins scanning::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she looks around the surroundings on the planet::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] Keeps one hand rested on his phaser.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, my readings are detecting sulphuric plasma emmissions 20 kilo's from our location
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] Which direction?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] it appears to be to our west
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci] any indications of radiation?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Hold on sir
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::blinks at the one so ready. Reaches over removing his hand from his phaser gently and shakes her head. If they were seen he would cause an attack simply by doing that. The Marine woman smiled slightly then looked to Where everything was indicated. Perhaps she should have spoken instead of moving but Anya was the quiet type.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, in this field there are small traces of radioactive materials
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][NOIP] Wow, this is a dangerous situation
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Blinks a bit tilting her head.:: [CSCI] how high is the radiation?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: starts walking westward still scanning::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFC Rostof] ::Keeps pace. Her hands no where near her weapons for the moment. Her head tilted as she observed the area about them making sure there was no one about.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][PFC] stay close by
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CSCI] ::Quirks a brow looking amused at the statement. Then tilts her head a little bit. Glances at the tricorder readings for a moment.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action scan shows the radiation at 40, emissions surround the planet 100 latitude above us=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::TAkes out her own tricorder. Slightly more sensitive after some of Anya's playing with it and begins to take corrisponding readings. but not relying completely on it. Her eyes scanning repeatedly using her training.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action a snap of twigs is heard from behind them=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Turns slightly slipping the tricorder away as she does. Hiding it neatly.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [csci] ::she hears the twig snap, looks at bola:: you start climbing. i'll stay here in case of trouble.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] ::hears the snap and turns quickly to look behind her[CO] io sir, but can I have Torrick?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] [CO] Twigs snapping means trouble already. ::She stated calmly then tilted her head a little bit. Her gaze scanning the area.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci] yes.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSI][ASEC] Ready?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] moves to escort the science officer.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: begins ascending ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Stays with the commander but slightly further back trying to keep where she could hear the other two as well as assist either group if need be. Her gaze intent. Though straining a little against the light. sunlight had always bothered her some.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action an 18th century gun can be heard firing in the distance=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] don't leave me Torrick
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] "Suggest we stay down and wait for the all clear."
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]+[CO] You guys ok down there?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CO] You better go up too, sir. They're going to need you and this is part of my training. ::Smiling slightly as she looked to Jess.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: reading data ::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =10 more guns can be heard firing, one bullet barely misses jess cordova and rostof=
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::pulls Bola to the ground.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] Thanks :: drops tricorder ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: {PFCR][CO] Go now... ::She gives her a protective shove up the embankment covering her. Anya's gaze moving around for her first target.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] I can't reach it Torrick!
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Drags himself to the tricorder, cutting his left forearm on a sharp peaice of rock.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [pfcr] get going! up there
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] [ASEC] You're hurt Torrick
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::surprisingly she pulls out two revolvers that are about the same time period and grins slightly. Moving a little bit to take careful aim.:: [CO] You go now I'll cover. It's my job let me do it, woman. ::Her voice carrying tight command. Let her do her job.:: [CO] You're in charge that means you have to get those two out of here and complete the mission now do it
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [pfcr] it's my job to stay behind.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]+[CO] You guys ok?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Fires off three deafening rounds. Motioning to get their butts up and take care of the mission.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [pfcr] go now! an officer never leaves another behind!
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] Are you ok? I've got to get up higher
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR]{CO] ::Grins a little bit.:: This is childs play. ::Glances up.:: And you're not but I can't cover our rear if you don't move, Sir.
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] "Fine, let's get up there."
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::starts climbing up the embankment quickly, hoping that rostof will follow::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Moves back slowly pausing now and then to return fire. Taking her aims carefully the weapons had been altered for precise shots instead of their usual clumbsy firing.::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Follows Bola, staying low. Almost loses his phaser when he stumbles on a rock.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action one guy screams as rostof shoots one of the guys in the head=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: climbing and reaches the top of the rocks :: +[CO] Sir, there is a disc hovering overhead, it appears to be the cause of the emmissions
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: scanning disc ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Steps back again taking some covering as she fires again Training said anywhere that would kill. But these people didn't have a clue. She tried not to kill too many. A few woundings should send them back..::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Looks back to check on the CO's progress.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] You can go get her, I'm fine here
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she has a little trouble getting up the rocks, but makes it fine on her own::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] "She's tough, seems to be doing fine."
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Is just a little behind her bringing up the rear still climbing but sadly forced to do the shooting. How she wished people didn't fire without reason. She fired off again after pausing in the open knowing she was risking a shot.::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Watches her back as she ascends.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::after a few moments she joins the two on top, looks over at the hovering disk:: what is that?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] :: glares at the disc :: Not quite sure sir, but it is the source of the radiation
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: reads data on tricorder ::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] "Are we in danger?"
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] No Torrick. But we must find a way to contain this
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action rostof shoots a few of the attackers in the leg::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::watches Rostof. Keeps his phaser only halfed raised, letting her do the shooting.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Nods praying these guys loose interest. Counts how many targets she has left.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action a few attackers from come the east on top the embankment about 4 guys=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, radiation readings here are only at 50 percent. I can counter act it's programs which will shut it down and cause it to fall to the ground. We will need to be down there to retrieve the disc, sir
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::swings around shouting.:: [Everyone} Down!
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][Attackers] "Please lower your weapons!"
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: drops down::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action one attacker fires a shot at jess cordova just grazing her arm=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Automatically fires off four successive shots. Reacting now that one of them was injured. All aims deadly.::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::fires at the attackers.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][NOIP] Who are these idiots?
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::immediately drops to the ground trying to keep the attackers at bay:: i don't know
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Reloads the empty gun with one hand aiming with deadly accuracy at anyone she missed. She wasn't her brother but she was a damn good shot and knew it.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, when this things hits the ground we don't want the attacker to get it
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::peeks over the east edge of the embankment, keeping his phaser ready.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Both guns loaded now she waited.::[NOIP] Would not be surprised if they were CAP.
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action 30mins later the attackers are driven off=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: sets tricorder to reconfigure program in disc:: [CO] Sir, I am ready to reprogram the disc
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][NOIP] "Let's hope there buddies hear about beams of light and think they're nuts."
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci] do it ::she smiles despoite the grze she got from the bullet, focusing at the task at hand as she gets up::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Takes a quick scan of the area and turns to Jess looking her arm over.. Mouth tightening a little bit. She moved to the Commander. It took bare seconds for her to make a field turniquet and stop the bleeding.:: [co] Don't want you to suffer blood loss, sir.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [pfcr] blood loss is the least of our worries.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: uses tricorder to reprogram the hovering disc :: [CO] Sir? Might I suggest we catch this thing, it will descend upon my invasion
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CO] Maybe. ::Takes out her tricorder and scans for life forms.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: waits for Captain's decision before entering last of code::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Keeps his weapon half raised while Bola finishes her job.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci] whatever you feel is best.
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action there's animal life mostly detected now aroudn them=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Paces just a little then puts the corder away as there was nothing in reading distance alive other than animals. Her head tilted a little bit.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][PFCR] Once I enter these codes, the disc will fall approximately 2 meters from where you are. Can you catch it for me?
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Nods and moves into position.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][PFCR] Very well, I might add that it will be quite warm and suggest protective gear for your hands.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Grins slightly pulling on a pair of leather gloves. The woman seemed to come prepared for everything.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Captain?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: looks to Jess for readiness and final command ::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci] yeah go ahead.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: enters final code into tricorder :: [CO] Annnnnnd that should doooo it [PFCR] Now!
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action a deeer runs by at the same moment the disk drops=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Moves slightly catching the disk in one arm her hand lifting to fire a shot at the deer with the other hitting it at point blank.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][NOIP] What the.....
Commander Jessica Cordova: =the 12pointer falls down on the ground dead=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Good crew you're working with Captain.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::shivers and grins slightly.:: [NOIP] Venison dinner for the crew tonight.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: scanning for any remaining elements in the atmosphere ::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [everybody] looks like dinner will be served also.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::She picked up the gun she did drop to catch the disk slides both of them away holding the object.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action the remaining emissions are gone=
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::makes her way back up offering the disk to the Science officer.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::makes her way back up offering the disk to the Science officer.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][all] let's go back to the ship and take the deer with us.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, all should be fine here. This atmosphere should clear up in about 5 hours according to my readings. The planet should return to normal
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Throws the deer over one shoulder:;
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Moves back to the deer.:: [CO] I get to keep the skin and bones. ::Informed with a grin.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: puts tricorder away and starts her desension down the rocks::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][PFCR] Good catch, my good friend!
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::follows the rest of them from behind climbing down::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::looks surprised then smiles again and nods.:: [CSCI] Thank you. Ready to go when everyone else is.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ALL] I'm ready and hungry too!
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] Guess I'm cooking then ::Laughs a bit.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCi][ASEC] How's the arm?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CSCI] "The blodd wine my family sent will heal it right up." ::grins::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co]+t+[chief of ops] beam us up!
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: appears on transport padd::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action they are all beamed aboard onto the incursion=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]:: appears on transport padd::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Appears dinner in hand. Grinning a bit still.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: looks about for everyone else ::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::Steps off the padd, switching the animal to his other shoulder.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][asec] ::walks over to him:: go have it checked out. it might get infected!
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CO] you should have yours checked too. ::Blinking slightly.:: That's just a flesh wound but that's also just a field dressing.
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CO] "And what of tonight's dinner?" ::motions to the deer on his shoulder::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][asec] cook it somehow
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, you are injured. We'll wait your return for dinner
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][ASEC] Well... that's easy... but you make sure she gets her arm fixed. ::Pointing to Jess.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: nods ::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][all] i can take it! let's have food now!
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ALL] She's one of the stronges women I know!
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [all] can't let this deer go to waste over me come on!
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][CO] "All in good time ma'am. We both need tending to."
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ALL] Welp! I must get out of these clothes
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] [all} I got the deer and I'll cook it while you get your arm tended. ::She informed them all.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [all] lets go get changed and then eat and that's an order!
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: heads back to closet where her uniform is::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] ::sets down the deer and waits to follow the CO to the sickbay::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] Dinner will still take a while... ::Site to sites to the kitchen with the deer and sets to work Doesn't change yet till the meat is cut and cooking.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::after much hesitation of going to sickbay over such a thing of a bullet grazing her, decides to go sickbay due to the crew's orders::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Glances about wondering if someone would come in and help not that she minded doing this herself. A slight laugh and a shake of her head. She would send a few pounds to her brother.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: comes out of the closet dressed, looks around:: Everyone is gone, hmm :: wanders about the ship still unfamiliar with it and ask crewman along the way to direct her to guest quarters::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =action about 1hr passses and everyone is at dinner=
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: looks about the table :: [ALL] This is quite satisfying
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [all] we should at least save some for captain sharp.
Commander Jessica Cordova: he'll be hungry later
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::managed to get changed before the major cooking began. Whipped up the venison in nice amounts, potatos, Rice and greens as well as salads.:: [ALL] I hope you enjoy... It's Terran Fare but.. ::She shrugged a little bit. Then
Private First Class Anya Rostof: grinned.:: [CO] There is plenty. That was a good size buck... having the skins tanned right now...
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC] "Looks good. Better then replicated food."
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [all] definately we should dig in!
Crewman Bola Gei: :: continues eating until she can eat no more :: [PFCR] You have placed before us a wonderful spread. Thank you.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][ASEC] It's good to have real food now and then.. ::Nods a little bit.:: Going to send a couple pounds to my brother. He ought to find that worth his barbarian side.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::laughs hearing the comment made by rostof::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Eats as well humming in delight. Then looking sheepish for a moment.:: [ALL] Still haven't lost the touch. Just don't tell anyone I can cook and shoot.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: grins widely ::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] ::she digs into the food on her plate:: it just shows how better you are than your brother.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CO] He has his good points. ::Her voice mild. A slight tilt of her head. That little robot was again sitting with her.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, we have thoroughly enjoyed your command and hospitality. Unfortunately it is time the Crewman Torrick and I return to the Premonition :: nods with a slight bow::
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][pfcr] yes he does.
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co][csci][asec] your welcome to come back anytime.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::nods to the two leaving and smiles a little bit.:: [SCI][ASEC] Nice meeting you too and I hope to see you again. For another hunt.
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][PFCR] "I can't wait."
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] after finnishing her meal, grabs a plate for captain sharp, hoping he likes this dinner::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI]{PFCR] :: nods :: It has been my pleasure to work with you
Commander Jessica Cordova: [co] [all] i should take this to captain sharp. ::she looks at the food on the plate:: he'll be hungry.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Smiles a little and starts cleaning up.:: [CSCI][ASEC] My name is Anya.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][ASEC] Go ahead, I know you want a to go plate :: grins ::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR] ::Smiles and nods to Jess.::
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][PFCR] I am crewman Bola Gei
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [ASEC][PFCR] "Torrick."
Private First Class Anya Rostof: [PFCR][CSCI] Nice to meet you. And ::When she said her last name properly it was clear she was Russian.:: Anya Rostof.. ::With a slight roll and a heavy sound.:: Friends just call me Ann
Commander Jessica Cordova: =pause sim=
Crewman Bola Gei: :;AA::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: ::AA::
Commander Jessica Cordova: =end sim=