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USS Incursion NCC 93041: Episode III (part 2)

"A New Beginning"

Summary pending.

Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Begin Sim=
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::looks over everyone in the transporter room, taking a head count of sorts::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [CINT] Commander, is the Away Team ready to be beamed over?
Marine Captain Suvok: [ESU1]::Stands nerveously waiting to be beamed aboard the cube while he checks that his equipment is set right.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: [ESU6] :: In transporter room 3, checking her phaser rifle and making sure her combat knife is secure::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT][NOIP] Tell you in a second... [ESU1] Captain Suvok, is your team ready?
Marine Captain Suvok: [ESU1][CINT] Yes ma'am they are ready.
Private Nick Palano: (ESU7)::checking Phaser rifle and all equipment before beam out
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::nods to Commander Cordova:: [XO] Permission to inform the Captain we're ready to go?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO] ::He busied himself, in sickbay. Finally making it to the Incursion, he hadn't had a chance to check his medical bay out. Making a note, that his predecessor kept it fully stocked. However, it wasn't to Kal's liking,
Commander Jessica Cordova: [xo] [cint] ::she looks at anita, getting edgy wanting to get going:: let's go already.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT]+T+[CO] Ready, sir.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: which is the cause of his current situation. He was re-organizing.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [XO][CINT] Maintain a constant comm line while you're over there. Energize when you're ready, Commanders.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT]+T+[CO] Aye sir. ::nods to the transporter operator, a signal to energize::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The entire Away Team is beamed over to the Borg Cube, somewhere near the center.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =NOTE= Away Team, add @ in front of your tags.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: closes her eyes out of habit as she shimmers out and imediatley flicks them open to take in her surrondings on the cube::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Private, maintain a lock on them for emergency beam out. I'm heading down to Sickbay.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::removes a phaser from the pocket on her left hip and a tricorder from the pocket on her right hip, immediately glancing over the readings::
Private Talon: @[ESU4] ::assuming defensive posture weapon ready
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] Aye, sir.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Takes a breath of stale air and coughs.::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::looks around as he solidifies
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Leaves his position on the Bridge and enters the Turbolift:: [TL] Sickbay.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Checks everyone as they shimer aboard the cube. Sharp blue eyes scanning around. Blinks at everyone not even phased. Hard to be after being put through what her lovely brother did.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: keeps her rifle up and ready and begins assessing the situation::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::As he looks around he thinks to himself the borg don't have very hospitable living conditions.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] ::looks around keeping her eyes open for anything that could be hostile::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][XO] Looks like we're still not detecting lifesigns....
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::gets into ready position with rifle::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Several bodies are scattered around the area of beam in. Some Borg... and some human.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::tnoip::what happend here?
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::observes the bodies:: [NOIP] Which is a bad thing, with a scene like this.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::kneels down next to one of the bodies, looking for any recognizable uniform::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: takes in the bodies and bends down to check a humans pulse, keeping her head up and scanning for any motion::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Leaves the Turbolift and makes his way on into the Incursion's Sickbay.::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]:: Walks over to a body and notices phaser burn marks.::
Private Talon: A[ESU4]:: maintaining watchful eye as theboss looks::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Yep there was defently a fight here but i wonder what the situation was.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Gives a small sound checking the nearest bodies. Gathering some things and leaving others. GAthering small bits of equipment as they check each of the near bodies.:: [NOIP] Not without a fight for certain.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The humans are all wearing different types of clothing. Some wear Starfleet uniforms complete with rank, while others wear civilian clothes.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7) ::looks around checking borg and humans::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO] ::Finally, his task was completed. Taking a moment, to sigh, he moved towards his office. His next mission, was to update the crew's medical logs. A smirk, played at his features, as he imagined the many complaints and excuses he would recieve. Especially from the senior staff.::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::mind goes to work, immediately running through the possibilities::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: tries to figure out what could have happened here and moves on to observe another corpse::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The Away Team is surprised as a power conduit explodes above their heads due to damage caused by a firefight.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1] Hey this body right here looks like he has civilian cloths on...
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Ducks, protecting his head::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Enters further into Sickbay trying to find the doctor.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: whips up her rifle and blinks as she goes momentarily blind::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::moves quickly to cover the back of her head::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Drops down on the ground.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[SEU2] ::TAkes a closer look. Glances up at the others obviously having an opinion but not voicing it. STands abruptly hands on weapon as she scans the immediate vacinity.::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)Drops down
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] ::she looks at the bodies, touches one just see if she can tell how long they have been dead for::
Private Talon: @[ESU4}:: posture regained, surveying area for further threat::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: [CMO]::He glanced at a bulkhead, sensing the cube beyond the ship's hull. In the middle of lowering into his chair, he heard the doors open. Reversing course, he returned to standing and headed out into the main area.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: sighs with relief at the conduit and rightens herself again::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]:: Stands back up realizing it was only a busted power conduit above him.::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][NOIP] Why would civilians be engaged in a firefight with the Borg... ON a Borg cube?
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Commander Swift's tricorder picks up one VERY faint lifesign about thirty feet ahead of their position.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7):: takes out data unit from closest borg:: this should give us a clue ::hand it to Capt. Suvok
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: sweeps the corridor again and thinks there is more elsewhere::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::blinks at the sudden bleeping from the unit:: [XO] Commander....
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Takes the data unit from Palano and begins analizing it.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @{ESU2] ::After completing her gathering starts fitting things together as she looked around intently.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The lifesign, although weak, is human.
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] [cint] yes? ::quickly stands up::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]::looking in direction of XO
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: hears the bleeping and turns to see if she can catch the news::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][XO] One faint human lifesign, about ten meters that way. ::motions to the team's general forward area::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU7] This data unit was damaged in the fire fight im afraid.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Finally finds the doctor and makes his way over to him:: [CMO] Doctor... I assume you're aware of the current mission situation?
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: looks in the direction of the pointed finger but waits to move from her position until ordered to do so::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)(ESU1) there has to be one working here somewhere sir
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::moves down the corridor at a careful pace shaking her head now and again. Staying near but checking wires and junctions then setting up a relay to get recordings from the cubes information system. Just doing what she was
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] [cint] lead the way. i'll follow you.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: good at::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU7] Probably but we should move towards that life sign first.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][XO] Aye. ::starts forward, stepping carefully over the corpses::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)(ESU1) yes sir
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: pulls up her rifle again and makes to follow them::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][XO][CINT] You two get in the middle of the esu for protection.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: assuming flanking position to Captain
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO]::He turned to the Captain, and nodded slightly.:: CO] If you are referring to the cube we're parked next to, then, yes sir I am.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= As the team moves forward one Borg falls out from a alcove, he is dead but he was... propped up.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)picks up rifle and begins to walk down corridor:
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: whips her gun around again to fire but notices he just... falls::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Hesitates:: [CMO] Prepare Sickbay for... wounded...
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Heh that borg must have died while he was napping.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][ESU1] This lifesign isn't weak enough to--agh! ::exhales forcefully on seeing the Borg not moving anymore:: --to do any damage.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: anxiously watching
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::approaches the lifesign's position after about twenty careful steps:: [XO] Here.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)thats what I call a final resting place ::grins::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: turns her attention back down the hall and continues down sweeping the area ahead::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Twitches slightly but shows nothing. Continues what she is doing.:: @ESU1][CINT] Downloading last recordings of the Borg cube system.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO] ::He nodded, slowly.:: CO] Aye. Is there anything else, sir?
Private Talon: @[ESU4] [ESU1]maybe someone positioned him to scare something away:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The lifesign is human, a Starfleet lieutenant commander by his clothing. Weak, coughing, and torn to shreads by the Borg but still alive.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU4] Maybe but i just think he was killed while um... recharging..
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] ::carefully follows anita, watching out for anything hostile::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Let's his eyes drop to the floor:: [CMO] No, Doctor... that uh... that's all.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::moves over to check human casulty::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::observes carefully:: [ESU1] Does anyone on your team have medical training?
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: heads to the other side of the human to gaurd the side::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: taking degensive position while surveying area for threat.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO] ::He raised a brow, and nodded.:: CO] Please, excuse me then....
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [CMO] Of course....
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][CINT] No we will need to beam over a doctor ma'am.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Watches the information load into the recording divice she had made nearly on the spur of the moment.::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::checks pulse: still alove but very week sir
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Takes a quick look around the now empty Sickbay hoping it stays that way...::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::nods:: [XO] I suggest someone beams back to sickbay with him... just in case.
Private Ellanie Kaut: :: keeps her ears tuned to behind her but her eyes continue to sweep further down the unexplored hallway::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO]::With that, he took a step towards a console, and began tapping at it. The EMH shimmered into existence, infront of the CMO. It spilled it's usual diatribe; something he would have to talk to the Chief Engineer about.::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]::getting that feeling again...::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [HalfDeadLtCdr] ::Coughs loudly and looks up weakly at the team::
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] [cint] alright.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Hey look hes awake.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: wonders if anyone else broght a mekit on this trip and if hers would be of any help::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::looks toward Commander Cordova, allowing her space to kneel down to question the man::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO] EMH] Prepare for wounded, as well as the possibility of Borg Drones. ::The EMH nodded, and they both went to work. The bio-beds came to life, as the EMH brought their instruments online.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Nods a little bit transfering the data over to the Incursion. Then resets her instruments for a lifesigns readings from the ship itself telling whatever there is to tell. Anya Rostof didn't expect much.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: bends down and pulls the small emergency kit out of her boot and turns back to the Lt.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [HalfDeadLtCdr] [Anyone] Gettysburg... ::coughs:: ...the crew was nearly... ::coughs again:: ...all killed.... ::makes one last sharp noise and then...::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO] ::Donning the teal overcoat, he slipped a hypo-spray and a medical Tri-Corder into it's pockets. He also prepared to bring in extra Medical Programs from the Holo-deck, if help was needed.::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: looking at [ESU6] thinking... always prepared:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The Incursion sensors detect a small vessel coming up behind the Cube.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: pauses to think that someone else might be more qualified, but then hears the Lt. and begins loading the hypo:: [xo] Permission to try and stabalize him?
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Hmmm gettysburg... wasn't that a battle that took place on earth over 500 years ago?
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::frowns:: +T+[TAC] Mr. Esper, is there anything in our databanks that reference, possibly, any ships by the name of Gettysburg disappearing?
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] ::Looks down at his console as it beeps at him:: +T+ [CO] Sir, I'm picking up an unidentified ship approching the Borg Cube and us.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: [ESU1] Yes Sir it was, the American Civil War as I recall
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)(esu1)yes sir it was the american civil war I belive
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::speeds up her connections. Her face turning grim hearing the shattered retoric of the man.:: [NOIP] Fought to the death. Honor be yours. ::But she kept working.::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::figures from the way the man moved that there's no longer any hope for him::
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] [esu6] yes. ::she looks at anita worried::
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] ::After reporting to the Captain, he answers his Department Head's call. And after a little searching from the Federation memory banks....:: +T+ [CINT] Yes, Ma'am. The USS Gettysburg disappeared in this sector a few months ago with all hands. Starfleet hasn't heard from her since.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: contenplating possible ramifications of nomenclature:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Quickly arrives on the Bridge after getting Mr. Esper's report of another ship.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: injects the hypo to put him in stasis:: That will hold him for a while But we need to get him to SB if he is to live and tell us anything
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2][Computer] Begin download. Sensor information. Current lifesigns. ::The borg cube responded with the only information it was currently able to give.::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT]+T+[TAC] I'm pretty certain we just found her.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Makes his way to to his Captain's Chair:: [TAC] Get Engineering to give us as much power to shields and weapons as possible.
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] Sir, Commander Swift is reporting on something about the USS Gettysburg, a ship that disappeared here a few months ago.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The other ship stops a few kilometers off the Borg Cube's... side?
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::smiles:: either that or he took a wrong turn from the battle field
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The Away Team hears the sound of a transporter in the area, and more than a small recon team.
Private Talon: @[ESU4] :: snickers at [ESU7] comment::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][XO] I suggest this man be beamed to sickbay so that we can see if he can be revived, then we spread out and--huh?
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Anyone hear that it sounds like transporter beams?
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: hears the sound and stuff her medkit away and pulls her rifle back up facing down the hall::
Private Talon: @[ESU4[: raising weapon at the sound of transporter beams...
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Sits reading her information watching the others with surrepitious glances. Hearing the noise unattaches the unit and grabs her weapon getting ready.::
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] Sir, I'm detecting multiple lifesigns beaming over to the Borg Cube... not from the Incursion.
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [XO] Commander? What's going on over there?
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::gets up and turns toward sound::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: tenses up and waits for whoever or whatever it is to find their location::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Moving to take a point position in front of away team:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Federation phaser rifles begin going off at the Away Team.
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] [cint] aye.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1] Everyone take cover!!
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::dives for cover::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: ducks into the closest alcove and waits for the order to fire::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Becoming prrone very quickly checking targets.:
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Dives behind an object for cover.::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::roles for cover::
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] ::quickly dives for cover also::
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::shouts:: [Others] Stop! We're Starfleet, not Borg!
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::gets ready to fire back::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= A young man wearing a Starfleet uniform charges at the Away Team stupidly firing his weapon like crazy.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]Fires back in the direction that the phaser fire was coming from.::
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] Sir! I'm detecting weapons fire over there!
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Drops low taking aim setting the phaser just on stun to start with. Shoots to stun the man.::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Shoots a man running toward the away team.::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::fires at faser fire::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] ::Hears the report from Tactical:: [XO] Commander Cordova? [CINT] Commander Swift? What's going on?
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: :: Trips idiot in starfleet uniform running towards away team
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: sets phaser to stun and holds a lock on him still waiting for the go ahead::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::hits one of the attackers, he drops unconcious::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The guy falls to the ground after being shot by Captain Suvok, dead.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Fires at another one knocking him out with his stun setting.:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Federation phaser rifles are still being fired at the Away Team, obviously now byFederation officers.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT]+T+[CO] We're under attack from what looks like another Starfleet team. Do we have company?
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Shaking head at stupidity
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: holds her position but wonders if she should go ahead and fire and if the go ahead isnt neccessary::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::continues to fire at attackers::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [CINT] Tactical is detecting another ship, but we can't get a lock on them to verify what kind.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @{ESU2} ::blinks at the dead man and continues laying fire in a very precise and practiced manner.::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][CINT]These look like star fleet guys should we keep our phasers on stun?
Private Talon: @[ESU4] [ESU1] Sir, may we engage
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [TAC] Can you get them out of there?
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][ESU1] Heavy stun, Mr. Suvok!
Private Talon: @[ESU4] :: adjusting phaser setting to heavy stun:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The other ship extends their shields around the Cube
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU's] You heard the Ltcrd phasers on full stun!
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: looks back to the Lt. and wonders if he is still alive, then hearing the order from Swift adjust to heavy stun and opens fire::
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] No, sir. The other ship has extended their shields around the Borg Cube. There's... nothing I can do.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::fires and hits another attacker::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Taking aim, checking targets and pressing the button:
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::is already there laying down fire. A slight growl coming from the Marine.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [Away Team] The other ship is preventing your beam out... take out that team, regardless of who they are.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Shoots another attacker kncoking him out.::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: on the outside chance that he is still alive, pulls the Lt. into her alcove and then takes up shooting again::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: Dropping one
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::takes out a grenade and throws it toward a group of attackers.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= The enemy fire thins out, now revealing only two left.
Private Talon: @[ESU4] :: looking for a place to advance to out flank attackers:
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT][AT] You heard the man. ::adjusts her own phaser and opens fire toward the source of the weapons fire::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: continues firing at the two locations of returned fire::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Drops low moving forward carefully. Fires again.::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::Picks off one of the last two attackers.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Hail the other ship. Tell them who we are. And tell them they are interferring with a Federation investigation!
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::returns fire, but almost gets hit::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: moving toward the last attacker waiting for a target to present itself:
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::turns her head away from searing sparks where fire landed on a bulkhead near her::
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU4] Try to sneak up on him.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: figures that the others have the last one and bends down to check on the Lt., him being our only source of information::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= A small peice of shrapnel from the wall where a phaser burst hit flies off and lands in Private Rostof's shoulder.
Private Talon: @[ESU4] :: [ESU1] Aye, sir
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO] ::He could feel sensations of frustration, from the bridge, and fought the urge to contact the bridge and ask what was going on. He was slightly confused, because he couldn't sense anything from the Borg.:: EMH] Casualties will be coming in.
Private Talon: @[ESU4] c rawling next to wall toward attacker position
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1]::While ducking runs over to Rostof.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Grimaces at the pain firing off another round at the remaining one. Blood running from her shoulder. Not even chancing seeing how bad she was hit.::
Private Talon: @[ESU4] leaving phaser rifle opts for hand phaser in close quarters
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][ESU2] Do you need any medical attention?
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::sees (ESU4) moving towards attacker and lays down cover fire
Private Talon: @[ESU4] :: rounds corner looking up at attacker and presses the button
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: props the lt. up in the corner unsure if he is alive or not and turns to finish the fight::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] ::Now sinks to her knees getting from the line of fire. Such was a Marine's focus. Nods slightly.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Finally the last attacker goes down.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT] ::curses and moves, keeping low, toward Rostof:: [ESU1] I think we just found a volunteer to go to sickbay with Commander Gettysburg over there.
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] [ESU1] sharpnel hit, sir.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: sees that there isnt any returned fire and surveys the AT::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Action= Probably reading the failure of their attack team, the other ship takes away their shield cover of the Borg Cube.
Marine Captain Suvok: @[ESU1][CINC] Rostof needs medical attention when does the captain think those shields will be down?
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO} Sir, the other ship is no longer extending their shields.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: turns to check on the Lt.::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @{ESU2] ::Sits flexing her fingers as her arm starts to go numb.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Great. +T+ [CINT] [XO] The shield is down. I'm beaming you out of there.
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: @[CINT]+T+[CO] Aye sir. ::stands up straight, preparing herself for beamout::
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)::moves toward Rostof:: how are you doing?
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] Beam them directly to Sickbay for a quick checkup.
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: glances over her shoulder at Rostof and then turns back to hold up the Lt. for beam out::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU2] [ESU7] I've had worse. ::blinking slightly.::
Commander Jessica Cordova: @[xo] ::quickly stands up now the attackers are gone, not pleased at all how this mission went so far::
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] ::Types on his console and quickly lowers the Incursion's shields to transport the entire Away Team and Commander Gettysburg directly to Sickbay::
Private Ellanie Kaut: @[ESU6] :: feels herself and the Lt. shimmering out and back into sb where she drags/carries him over to one of the biobeds::
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: feels that shimmering
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] ::Raises shields after transport:: [CO] They're aboard, Captain.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: checks on team members who were hurt:
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] +T+ [CMO] Doctor, anyone who isn't injured, send them directly to their station.
Private Ellanie Kaut: [ESU6] :: grunts as she raises him onto the biobed and then stands back for orders::
Private First Class Anya Rostof: @[ESU] ::Felxing her arm still the blood loss making her dizzy. Mumbles.::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: [CO] [TAC] And Private, bring the Incursion to Red Alert.
Marine Captain Suvok: [ESU1] That didnt go too well...
Lt. Commander Anita Swift: [CINT] ::frowns and shuts her tricorder:: [NOIP] I need to analyze this. It was taking readings the entire time.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO]::He turned, as the sound of transporters caught his ears. Straightening up, he motioned to the EMH.:: EMH] If they aren't wounded, have them....+T+CO] Aye, sir....EMH] Return to their station.
Private Talon: @[ESU4]:: No, Sir it did not:
Private First Class Anya Rostof: {ESU2][ESU1] I've seen worse sir. Only one casualty. And I downloaded a good deal of information from the Cube's databanks.
Private Ethan Esper: [TAC] [CO] Aye, sir. ::Brings the Incursion's alert status up to Red Alert.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: CMO]::He turned, to Rostof, and led her to one of the surgical bio-beds.:: ESU2] Lie down, private.
Private Nick Palano: @(ESU7)(ESU1) you guys throw great parties on this ship :: getting some of the dirt off his face::
Fleet Captain Nick Sharp: =Pause Sim=