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USS Premonition NCC 121501-B: Episode I

The crew of the USS Premonition are taken into an empty holosuite room with Q as their host. They are told that they will be given several challenges from the past to complete, and soon the scenery around them changes to that of ancient Egypt. They are tasked with entering a great pyramid that stands before them, in the face of a monster golem, with no aid from modern weapons. One crew member is left with an info PADD and translator, another with a deck of counter-traps. After much debate among the crew, a flute card is laid from the deck of counter-traps, and the crew enters the pyramid.

Captain Nanashi: =BEGIN SIM=
Captain Nanashi: ACTION: as each of you enter the holosuite my progam will begin
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>::Makes his way through the ship, eventually reaching the holosuite, and enters::
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: ::enters holosuite mutters outloud in Klingon- ma'a gut k'cha ::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Wanders a little bit, then finds the holosuite and enters::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [TAC] ::stands at the tacical station::
Captain Nanashi: Q> CENG> ahhh good people are starting to show
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: ::goes to OPS station::
Captain Nanashi: Q> well lest get rid of those stations for right now that Captain told me we won't be needing them
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [OPS]::studies console and makes notes on PADD::
Captain Nanashi: Q> Infact Iam choosing 5 of the toughest chalenges from the past for you all to face
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>Q> What types of challanges?
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: he will not tell us :-(
Captain Nanashi: NOTE: there are no stations on this program you are all in a Computer Generated room Q is your Host
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [TAC] ::dose not stand at tacical station::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>NOIP> Well, I'm sure we'll find out soon...
Captain Nanashi: Q> TAC> good observation computer begin Nanashi's Obstacle course
Captain Nanashi: level 1
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [Tac] ::smiles::
Captain Nanashi: ::COURSE changes into Ancient Egypt first Millenium::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [Tac] ::looks for his rifle::
Captain Nanashi: Q> no Rifles ::Snaps fingers and all modern weapons vanish::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>Whoa. ::Looks around at their sandy surroundings::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [TAc] oh well then what is the propose of us beening here?
Captain Nanashi: Q> ::points the way to the large Pyramid infront:: this is your first assignment this pyramid is heavily guarded with the toughest fighters in the universe defeat them the traps and puzzles to prceed
Captain Nanashi: Q> no weapons are issued except for your minds
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [Tac] ::looks at his fellow officers::
Captain Nanashi: Q> the only suggestion I have is be ready for anything and work as a unit
Captain Nanashi: Q> ::vanishes::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [Tac] ::looks for the Capt::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [TAC] is he here?
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [OPS} [tnoip] Q sa k'cha maktu quorg na'a' marek
Lieutenant Ken Stark: Ceng>ALL> Well, we had best get to work. I don't know if we're being timed or not, but we should come up with a plan first.
Captain Nanashi: CO hologram> ::no but I am at the end of the level I will be monitoring you all good luck::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [Tac]ok frist we need weapons
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] primitive weapons for the times were clubs and spears I believe
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][ALL]We cant get weapons
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>Tac>We need someone to scout out the situation and see what we're up against.
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]Well just have to outsmart these brutes, without our phasers they will bash us to death
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][CENG] I'll scout ahead
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Starts walking towards the entrance of the pyramid::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] no we can't get modern weapons but they did not say we can not make them look for anything that can be used as a weapon no matter how old looking [CSEC] no do not stay a group
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>All Remaining> All right, let's get to work. There must be something here that we can use to our advantage.
Captain Nanashi: ACTION= TAC is equiped with a INFO PAD and Translator CENG has a deck of counter Traps for use later::
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] there is no way I can fit in that opening i have too much height and mass
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [TAc ][CSEC] that is an order
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>All Remaining>Perhaps these aren't mindless brutes, maybe they can be reasoned with.
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Returns minutes later::[ALL] There are two real big dudes guarding the entrance
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] do not thin k so but we will vote on it will all in faver
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] well i shall see if they want to "play'
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] well ?
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: Vote
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] ::walks to entrance of pyramid:;
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC] I say we lure them away and knock them out or something
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>CSec>How heavily armed are they?
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac]sounds good to me
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][CENG] They had spears and secondary clubs, good armament for the time.
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][TAC] SHould I create a distraction while you guys come from behind and knock them senseless?
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>CSec> Perhaps we can run among the dunes, so they throw their spears and run out?
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops][ to all] gentlemen there are 6 of us and you want to debate ltes attack en mass and with surprise and superior numbers we shouls prevail
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] lets vote Iwant us all o agree
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][CENG] I dont think they would wildly throw their spears
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][CENG] But we can try
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC] I vote I distract and anyone else grab something to knock them out
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] have you boys no intestinal fortitude lets approach as a group and attack as a group if you want I shall lead
Captain Nanashi: ACTION= the guard is a Giant stone statue
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac]I vote wetry Zikk's plan
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][OPS] Whoa now, that may not be the smartest thing, its a huge statue it could crush us!
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng> Ops> I suppose a group is best, yes.
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: we try*
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: <EternalGuardian>::Comes out of his thousand year hibernation as he detects the intruders::<ALL> P'Tagh! You will not pass!
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]Its talking!
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng> ALL> Um, maybe we should't fight it, maybe we should run around it!
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][EternalGuardian] Please kind Guardian! I beg you to let us pass!
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] good plan run
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] why ?
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][OPS] No way! My pants will fall down! And its stone, a noose wont help us!
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: Jack , Nick try throw noose over top of statue Damon you me and Ken attack base
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][EternalGuardian] Please Guardian! I beg you to let us pass! We need to get to our captain!!
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: {ops} he speaks Klingon!
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Slashes at the CSEC with his bat'leth::[ALL] You will pay with your lives for intruding the sacred tomb! Prepare...for BATTLE!
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Jumps back::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][NOIP] That little...!
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac]crap ::takes his belt and try to get the thing's legs::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC] ::Picks up a piece of wood and throws it at the stone:: Take that!
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] ::begins a dialogue with golem in Klingon:: ma'a' t'chu a sec nor hak' beku a'a' PAGH
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Laughs uncontroably at the pity little humans::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Runs between the guardians legs into the "saftey" of the pyramid::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Ignores OPS, bent on killing everyone in the area::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>NIOP>I Know some Klingon...
Lieutenant Ken Stark: Ceng>Guard> naDov vo' ylghoS!
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Closes his legs quickly::[CSEC] YOU WILL NOT PASS!
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac]ok this is bad ::runs away::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Jumps to the side:: Hes fast!
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops] to all what is weakest part of body for all beings??
Captain Nanashi: CO>+T+CENG> try checking through the Deck I left you
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>Guard> blieghbe'chugh vaj blHegh!
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac] the head
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: ::comes back ::
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: Nick, Ken use noose trip him I going for the EYES
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Slashes furiously at the group of humanoids, laughing like a maniac::
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC][CENG] Look through the deck the Cappin left with you!
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>::Looks through the counter traps in his deck.:: Hmm, a flute card. That may be useful.
Crewman Recruit Anaron Zikk: [Ops]::uses primitive slingshot to hit golem in eye with a rock::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac][CSEC] use the flute trap to deck one of the graups
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>::Runs from the giant, then lays the flute card on the ground::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::Charges furiously at the CENG::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>::Made sure it was active, than ran for the pyramid once more::
Captain Nanashi: ::Actuion the music of A flute begins to play as soon as CENG laid down the Card::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [Guard]::As he is about to hit CENG, he drops to the ground a few inches from him,becoming a stiff motionless statue once again::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>NOIP> With a little luck, he'll go for the card.
Lieuteanant Jack: [CSEC]::Runs in the pyramid::
Captain Nanashi: AND......................PAUSE SIM
Lieutenant Ken Stark: CEng>::Runs into the pyramid once the giant had been subdued.::
Lieuteanant Jack: ::AA::
Lieutenant Ken Stark: ::AA::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: [tac][CSEC]good job
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: ::AA::
Fleet Captain Alexander Swift: [MonsterThing] ::Paused::
Captain Nanashi: hmmmmmmmmm
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: sir::AA::
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: ?
Captain Nanashi: ::looks at his notes::
Captain Nanashi: it was a good start you folks are ahead of the others
Lieutenant Damon Tersly: others?
Captain Nanashi: next week we will finish