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USS Premonition NCC 121501-B: Episode IV

While examining the wreckage of a satellite, the crew of the Premonition discovers that Borg technnology has been involved. Additional scans are ordered so as not to jump to conclusions, and those scans reveal Federation-style tactics rather than Borg assimalation. It seems apparent that there may be a new race to contend with.

Captain Nanashi: =BEGIN SIM=
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [AMO] :::returns to sickbay from the lounge. he moves to his computer and looks to see if his research test was still running, which it was. He sits down to review some of the data that developed while he was away:::
Crewman Bola Gei: :: stands at the science station still analyzing the data received::
Captain Nanashi: CO> CSCI> how is it coming Bola
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, my readings continue to suggest Borg activity
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CSci>Borg?! Care to investigate those readings further?
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][XO] Sir, the reading are clear
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> I agree TAC> have you found anything in your data from the Stations that were hit?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][CO] Just some scrambled sensor logs and system reports.
Joe Shmaura: OPS> CO> that does match all other readings except the attacker looks to be Federation in nature
Captain Nanashi: CO> OPS> and you figured that how?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][CO] The data from the impacts does strongly suggest federation technology.
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [AMO] ::::he looks at certain information displayed on his screen. Something was not quite right. He isolated the data and examined it more closely, his eyes widened and he taps his communicator::: Sickbay to the Captain.
Joe Shmaura: OPS> while the mechanics were used were Borg it was done manually instead of by assimulation whish is how they usually attain data
Captain Nanashi: CO> +T+ AMO> go ahead
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>Ops>Then it obviously was not the collective.
Joe Shmaura: OPS> XO> no it looks to be outside of all usual races though we really need to find the ship
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [AMO] + [CO] Captain, I have completed my examination of the
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: sensor readings regarding the life signs on the ship sir. At first
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: impression the signals appeared to be borg drone. However, that is
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: not true. They are infact humanoid. There is not sign of a collective
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: conscience.
Captain Nanashi: CO> +T+ AMO> can you determine if it matches any known races
Captain Nanashi: INS= no race should be confirmed at this time
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [AMO] + [CO] Not with the current data Captain. If you could get us close and get a better sensor recording I might. But, I will keep trying just in case.
Captain Nanashi: CO> +T+ AMO> verywell thank you Doctor
Crewman Bola Gei: ::continues analysis of the readings received from the ship and debris from the satellite::
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [AMO] :::he taps his communicator to end his conversation with the Captain and returns to his sensor reports:::
Captain Nanashi: CO> CSCI & TAC> i want you to take everything you 2 have gathered and put it together look inparticular for a flight pattern or something unsual we can track
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSI][CO] aye sir
Captain Nanashi: CO> OPS> locate systems that surround this area see if we have any data regarding them
Joe Shmaura: OPS> CO> aye sir
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> it sounds like w may have a new race on are hands
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CO>It certainly does. And at this point in time, things are looking to well...
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> then lets see what we are dealing with
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][XO] Sir, upon further analysis of the data has you requested, I can tell you that the hull of the ship was of Titanium
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][TAC] any weapons on that ship?
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][CO] The weapons seem to be a tad more complicated... standard phasers modified slightly, giving them a much stronger damage output.
Crewman Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, I can not pick up flight patterns from here, sir
Crewman Recruit Dillon Knight: [[ SIM PAUSED due to Absence of the Captain ]]
Crewman Bola Gei: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: ::AA::
Captain Nanashi: Crew to Attention