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USS Premonition NCC 121501-B: Episode V

After detonating a field of motion sensitive, mines the Premonition continues on their mission. Entering a portal on a pursuit course, the ship and crew travel a vast distance in mere moments. Running scans show a system completely new to the Federation, and the Premonition's crew is thankful for a chance to replenish much needed supplies.

Captain Nanashi: =Beging SIM=
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] :::moves some items into place to receive casualties should it become necessary::::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::monitoring system from bridge::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: standing at science station waiting for data to enter into the new file for ZOA::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::Is in Sickbay with the doctor::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS}::Is in Sickbay with the doctor::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] [CNS] What are you doing here? Thought you would be on the bridge advising the Captain.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Course and Setting, sir.
Captain Nanashi: INS= our dear Chief Enginner is correct we did clear a good precent of the mines however afew are still around and one was smart enough to connect to our hull
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng::in engineering::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CMO} yes Doctor, I know that I was coming in here to get my reference pad.
Captain Nanashi: CO> HELM> set course straight for the portal
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Aye, sir.
Captain Nanashi: oh BTW Tactical should pick up a slight mechanical sound from our Hull that is the mine
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:looks down at consule and raises an eyebrow:
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CMO}::picks up pad:: thank you doctor, I will just be on my way to the bridge
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] [CNS] Good luck.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM] ::Punches in cooridinates and takes a deep breath:: Here we go
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][CO] "Sir I picked up a metallic sound on our port side."
Captain Nanashi: CO> Helm> Hold off on that a sec
Captain Nanashi: CO> TAC> on screen
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} enters turbo lift on deck for ::Deck one main bridge::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Yes, sir
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::hearing tac report searches for anamolies on our hull::
Captain Nanashi: INS. Science should read that it is one of the mines and it is sensitive to movement of any sort
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC] ::Transfers image to main veiw screen.::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]:;scanning::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CO}::turbo lift doors open:: ::walks in sits down left of the Captain::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] ::::moves about sickbay checking and placing emergency equipment::::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI] [CO] Sir, the metallic sound is one of the mines that and is very sensitive to any movement, Sir
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::walks over to science station::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: :he moves over to the station at the warp core and runs an check on it:
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][CENG] Good to see ya Kragg
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][CSCI]scan for resonate properties
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][CO] "Sir, could we send an electrical surge over our hull?"
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: :moves over an climbs the ladder to the top half and gets to the station:
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][CENG] I am scanning now
Captain Nanashi: CO> TAC> ok that is a possibility but but could set it off as well
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::reads screen::[CO]sir it appears if we hit the minbe witha resonate pulse it will dislodge it without harm to the hull
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CEng>Proceed.
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:looks down at {ceng}there could be fail-safe trigger..
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::programs pulse and fires::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CEng>Is it having the effect you predicted?
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:monitors from his station:
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CO} Sir this could be a trap! there could be more mines out there
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::scaning mine::[XO]the mine is drifting off i recommend tactical beams it 2 kilometers from us
Captain Nanashi: CO> CENG> aim it towards the remaining mines in the area
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>Tac>Will transporting it possibly set it off in midtransport?
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] ::::having sickbay as ready as he could possibly make it. He picks up a medical padd and begins to look over the data being presented on it.:::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]{tac}i have sent you the coordinates of the highest consetrations of mines please beam ours into there sector
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:looks at ceng:there is an possiblty to transport it
Captain Nanashi: HINT= that Resonation Pulse can buffer it with out harm to any general area
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM] hope this works
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:goes to {ceng}:there is an way to fix an pulse to disarm all mines
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[AENG]please report on stractural integrity
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng} we should reinforce the area around where the mine was
Crewman Recruit Alexander Asher: Ops>:Starts sensor sweeps of the area:
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}the area won't
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[AENG]understood. reroute power to re enforcing structural integrity
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}hold if anything to large hits...that could be just radation
Captain Nanashi: INS= We are clear of the section it is safe to proceed however OPS picks up that our potal is closing
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Sir, the potal.
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:walks to the station and tranfers any extra power to that area:
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CO} sir if that portal closing we will be stranded here
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:puts an comm to ceng:sir.....i think we should reinforce forward sheilds to be sure
Captain Nanashi: CO> HELM> engage last set coordinates and proceed warp 3
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[ANEG] report on integrity field
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}holding...
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Aye, sir. Engaging last set coordinates, warp 3.
Captain Nanashi: CO> HELM> Execute
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}{ceng} sir i think the best is to reinforce forward sheilds...
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[AENG]ok add power to shields and then run a level one diagnotic
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM] ::Touches the control console and the ship moves toward the portal at warp 3
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}{ceng}done sir
Captain Nanashi: We are now heading in to the Portal sit back enjoy the fancy Technicolor light show
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}{ceng} we are all ready here
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]::watching console::
Captain Nanashi: CO> Crew> All hands Brace yourselves wach for any errors
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::monitors structural integrity field::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] :::hearing the Captain's words he turns and watches sickbay and he maintains an hold on the bio bed he is standing hext to:::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]::glances at main screen and back to console::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM] ::holds tight and monitors the ships progress through the portal::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::grabs terminal tightly::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} ::looks at concel watches the portal fluctuate::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:gets to main engineering consule and raises an small force-feild around the warp core.he braces againist the terminal:
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: CNS} hold on tightly
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM] ::glances down at his console then back up:: [CO] Almost there, sir.
Captain Nanashi: Not as bumpy as we thought seeing as we have reached the end of the Portal general scans show limited planetary life but several planets are undamaged
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}sir i am getting something for the portal
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> have all stations report in
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>ALL>All stations, report.
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}sir i think this should go to your station on the bridge
Crewman Recruit Alexander Asher: Ops>XO> All good here.
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]::scanning area:: [XO] Sir, my reading indicate limited planetary life
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][XO] Systems nominal, sir.
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO]sir minor damage to our deflector
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}i am sending the information to you now sir.
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][XO] "All normal here sir."
Captain Nanashi: CO> HELM> can you determine the distance we traveled
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] [CO] Sickbay reports ready and undamaged.
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]=[AENG]report to deflector control and make repairs
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {Co} I'm not reading any usually reports from the rest of the crew sir
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{co}engineering reports ready...yes sir
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] ::Hits a few buttons and reads his terminal:: 21.3 light years sir
Captain Nanashi: EST: we have passed about 23 galaxies to reach this destination needless to say we have no know data on this area
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng};climbs up and works on the station:
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS}{CO} perhaps we could scan that planet down there sir
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::points to a m class planet capable of supporting life::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]::scanning:: [XO] Sir, along with that we have several planet here ::raises eyebrow::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng} is minor but i will have to make an small change..:gets what he brought with him and he gets to work:
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] We're a good while from home.
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CSci>Record as much data on the area as you can.
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[AENG]excellent carry on
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}i think there was something in that portal sir...
Captain Nanashi: oh and ENG should report that we are low on engergy particularly Hydro energy
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][XO] aye
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: scanning perimeter::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO]we have drained 60% of our hydro energy
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CSci>Anything new about this space than sensors don't recognize?
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CEng>Explainations?
Captain Nanashi: CO> CSCI> what is the make of that planet
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}sir deflector is at 175% sir
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, it appears as an M class planet::scanning::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::reads data from aeng::[XO] the portal apparently leached power from where the mine was attached
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}i made an change in the modulation
Captain Nanashi: the planet is verymuch like earth it does have an apparent water supply and a small concentration of life apparently hidden
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]={AENG]submit a report and carry on
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {SCI} ::walks over to the science station:: ::looks at the readings::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>Ceng>Can you make repairs from what we have? ::He sighed, and looked around at their new surroundings. Wasn't every day he got to look at new galaxies, but he disliked the idea of being so terribly far from anything he knew.::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: :nods and goes to warp core station and runs an scan ....he find something that made him interested:
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}+{ceng}sir there is something draining on our warp core...
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][CO] Sir, I am picking up life signs on the planet ::scanning:: Also a safe and breathable atmosphere
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO] repairs underway but we need to replenish our supply of hydro energy
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> I think we should gather an away team and investigate I am wondering more about this area myself
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO]we can scoop it from the atmosphere of the m class planet
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {CSCI} life signs? any human life signs ::looks at the consol::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI][CNS] Well that remains to be seen
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CEng>Proceed, but stay cautious.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Shall I fall into orbit with the planet, sir?
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CO>Shall I lead the away team?
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO] sir we must decend to 15 meter from the atmosphere to gather supplies
Captain Nanashi: CO> HELM> aye proceed
Captain Nanashi: CO> XO> yes go ahead I would suggest taking Science, OPS, and Engineering with you
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: [TAC][XO] "I'm reading no large technical presence. However the away team should remain cautious."
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: {CNS} {XO} sir I would like to be on the away team
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>CO>Understood.
Captain Nanashi: proceed carefully I am under the impression they may be cautious of new comers
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]::scanning:: [NOIP] Do not drink the water
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][CO] Yes,sir. ::Pilots the ship forward at 1/2 impulse power and falls into orbit around the planet::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: XO>Science, Operations, and Enginnering, follow me. ::He made his way to the turbolift as the others followed::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI] :: follows XO to turbolift::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [CMO] :::sits in his office looking through his computer:::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG][XO]yes sir
Captain Nanashi: WArning this is the last option to post and the Counselor will be accompanying
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]+[AENG]report to the bridge and take over engineering terminal
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: {aeng}:he knows they are in another place most likely very few has...but he has been getting stressed :yes sir
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [CSCI]:: appears down on the planet surface, begins scans of the area::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: :he leaves engineering and heads for the bridge:
Captain Nanashi: =PAUSE SIM =
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::exits bridge enters TL
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [HELM][NOIP] Somthing doesn't feel right. ::takes a deep breath and observes his station::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::AA::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: :::AA:::
Crewman Recruit Torrick Na'Daq: ::AA::
Ensign JG Kragg: [CENG]::AA::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Teql Tirazz: :he steps into the bridge and goes to the engineering station.he feels the tense and nerves of others on the bridge:
Captain Nanashi: well done all of you I commend you all for showing up