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USS Premonition NCC 121501-B: Episode VI

While awaiting for the ship to be repaired, the majority of the crew takes the chance to get some long overdue rest and relaxation. The "skeleton crew" left on the Premonition receives a welcomed surprise when the ship's executive officer, Commander Jack pops back from LOA status and says hello.

Lt. Commander Ken Stark: =/\=Begin sim=/\=
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::smiles:: looking around I'm ready for some relaxatation.
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] ::is in his quarters, relaxing since we are in for repairs at SB 79::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: Stark>::On the bridge, overseeing a majority of the repairs.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg] ::walk over to Antigone:: good to be off the sip for a bit huh?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Yawns a bit, considering what he should do.::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie} ::sits in her new quarters::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::not at all pleased with being stuck at a starbase. He sits at his desk in sickbay going over some tests results:::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: ((brb))
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::pacing the medical bay sheepishly glancing about. Waiting for the Doctor to finsih what he was doing. Her head down some.::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::looks amused:: it certaintly is
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::inside his quarters performing a bo kata::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]{Antigone]would you like to go to the holodeck?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He was currently standing in the Starbase's Medical Facilities. He was holding down the fort, until a replacement could be sent out. He was poking around the storage unit, checking stock.::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::Scowls some. Frustrated that Antigone Moore had flat out ordered her to do this. Not like she wasn't anyway.::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::still working at his computer unaware that anyone is waiting for him in sickbay:::
Lt. Commander Ken Stark: Stark>This was the last place I wanted to be the minute we get a chance to breathe... ::He sighed, then looked around. The repairs the Premonition was receiving were small, but she had been dinged up quite a bit over the past several months::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: that would be lovely kragg
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::still sitting in her quarters...unpacking her things::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora} :;frustrated with the wait she went and poked her head into the office door.:: Scuse me?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Frowns, not knowing many people on the vessel, actually only a few.::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::puts her arm through his::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::looks up::: Yes?
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::executes his demonstration with the utmost fluidity and strength::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He checked a few items, on his PADD, before closed the unit, and heading back towards the CMO's office. Tapping a few commands into the computer terminal, he uploaded the list, and forwarded it to the Starbase's
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Antigone]::hooks her arm in mime::shall we go?
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::looks over at sushek and sees him frown:: Sushek? would you care to join us?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Commander. Hopefully, the SBCO would order the items on the list.::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Glances up, he waves.:: [Antigone] Hmm? Where are you going?
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: to the holodeck
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] Well Antigone Moore ordered me to get my physical done so can we.. get it out of the way? ::Obviously frustrated by the "Request" of the councelor.::
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] ::decides to get some exercise, he leaves his quarters::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: care to join us? ::looks at sushek::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::turns to Kragg:: we can't leave him
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Antigone}] as you wish ::smiles::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Antigone] Oh...I don't want to intrude...
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::frowns at both the recruit's tone and the fact that the Counselor had not informed him of the situation::: Come in recruit. What is going on?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::finally satisfied with status of her quarters::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::walks out and to the TL::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::smiles:: no problem, we were just going to find a holosuite and something to eat.
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Antigone] Well, then, sure.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::Accidently knocks over a his lamp and a loud crash can be heard down the corridor::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] ::sits at her station on the bridge, being a bit bored, wants a bannana split::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::hears the crash:: ::looks concerned:: Kragg we better go check that out.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::Sees his frown and feels a little guilty her face flushing a little bit as she entered the office.:: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be short with you.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::thinking aboard TL:: Lounge
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::motions to a chair::: What is going on?
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: turns around and sees Jack :: Hello Jack
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::comes running up the corridore:: ::halts mytar's quarters::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar][TNOIP] Good job klutzoid
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::ding::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: turns attension back to science station::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] Umm.. who is it?
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] I reacted in a way she didn't like to some of her questioning... the result was she insisted I see you. ::Sighing a little bit.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He lowered himself into the
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Blinks a bit and follows behind quickly.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]+{mytar]&[Bola} are your two busy?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie} Stop TL::doors open, she desides to explore the ship::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: It's Antigone amd Shusek are you ok?
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] Do you have any complaints?
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] yeah, come on in.
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]+[Kragg] I am, yes
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::Enters with Sushek:: ::looks back:: ~thinks, wonder where Kragg went~
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He lowered himself into the chair behind the desk of the Starbase's CMO, and kicked his feet up. Tilting his chair, back, he looked to the ceiling.:: Computer, music. 20th Century Jazz.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar]+[Kragg] same here chief
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] No I just think she thinks I was drugged or possessed or something. ::A slight shrugg.:: you might want to anyway so you have an updated file.
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Steps in after her.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]+[Bola] ok but i was wondering if you would like to join me and some of the crew at a holodeck?
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::sees the broken lamp on the floor:: what happend?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::walks down corridor, familiarizing herself with the ship::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] You may go. Since the counselor has not sent me a report on why she thinks you need to have a physical, I have no need to see you.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::grabs the back of his head in pain:: Man, that hurt.
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::looks around seeing Antigone has moved follows her and Sushek::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Mytar] I think I might be able to help clean it up in a few.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::blinks at the ... dismissal... then nods a little bit giving a respectful motion.:: Well I guess I'll see you around.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::hops to his feet:: [Sushek] Thanks for the help
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]+[Kragg] I will try
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]+[Bola}please do
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Antigone] I was practicing and kinda screw up, but I'm ok.
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: checking science station ::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] See you around. Be sure to see me if you have any problems. Otherwise your physical is set for tomorrow.
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg];;looks around::[Mytar}what happened in here?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Nods and walks over to the pieces and tries to gather up his telekinesis to more the pieces closer together, enough so it wouldn't take long to clean up.::
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] ::he goes to a holodeck and programs in a large field with tress on either side and room to run::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (Antigone) (Mytar) I'm glad you are fine, would you like to come to the holodeck with us?
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] ::looks around feeling her stomach growl, but was told to stay on the bridge::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::nods a little bit with a slight smile her fingers brushing her side as she stepped out. She walked about for a few minutes before going out to the station for a stroll. Biting her lower lip softly.::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Kragg] Didn't execute a techniques correctly
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Sushek] Hey thanks.
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Mytar]perhaps you should pratice with a partner then
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: looks over at Kat, nods ::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Antigone] The holodeck? Sure, I need a break?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::As the pieces get close together, he nods.:: [Mytar] Okay.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Kragg] Perhaps.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He moved to his feet, and manually had the computer stop the music. He slowly made his way towards the door that lead to the corridor outside of sickbay, stopping several feet away.:: Computer, activate the EMH.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: EMH]::Shimmer, shimmer.:: How can I be of Service, Doctor Radick?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::gets aboard TL again, just stands there thinking of what to do::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Stands up.::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (antigone) (mytar)+ (sushek)+(Kragg) well what are we waiting for lets go!
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]{our group] shall we go then?
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::places his bo staff back in the corner:: Yeah let's go
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [jora] ::Blinks side stepping in a shuffle. Her head down a little bit as she avoided people on the station. Her fingers still playing on her side as if out of habit.::
Lt. Commander Jack: Action: The Premonition gets hailed by a shuttle.
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Antigone] Can my cousin come?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He blinked, a few times, at the sight of the EMH. Wow, they have changed, over the years.:: EMH] I am stepping out. If there is anything you need my assistance with, don't hesitate to call me.
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] ::he steps into the holodeck:: [ Comp ] computer, set a time limit of 6 minutes and let me know when it's up.. on my mark
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]:: looks to Ms.Sloan::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (antigone) (Sushek) no problem
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] ::quickly answers the hail since she's the only one on the bridge::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}Lounge
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] +T+ [Elphie] Busy?
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: walk over to Kat :: I am still here with you
Ensign JG Kragg: [Our Group]::heads for the turbo lift::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::As the EMH nodded, he turned, and stepped from the Medical Facility, and stepped out into the corridor. He, casually, made his way towards the Station's Lounge, for some Vulcan Tea.::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::turns to his computer and compares his medical tests with those in the mainframe medical database:::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::Stands at a window looking out at the stars.::
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack] Kat! Great to see you after so long, im going to beam directly to the bridge.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}+T+ [Sushek] Not really...just walking around the have plans?
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola][Kat] What or who do you have?
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Group]any suggestion for a holo program?
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] [ Comp ] now ::using his sivaoan speed, he starts off at a steady run at 50mph::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::She blinked turning toward the lounge then shaking her head a little bit and looking back out the window. Jora was known for insighting a bad first impression.::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] +T+ [Elphie] I'm heading to the holodeck with a few, would you like to come?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::As he made his way towards the lounge, he came upon Jora. Taking notice, that she was standing at a viewport, he altered his course, to head towards her.::
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack] ::Taps some buttons on his console and shimmers to the bridge:: [Kat] Kat! I'm soo happy to be back! ::Hugs her and smiles::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat][jack] alright make it fast.
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola] :: hearing no response from Kat goes back to the science station::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie} +T+ [Sushek] Not going to be a problem is it?
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (antigone) (kragg) pulls out her bat-leth, how about a exercise program?
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat][jack] i missed you so much! ::hugs jack tightly missing him very much::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::blinks and turns slightly. Her blue eyes holding a strange patience and a haunting clearity. Her fingers pausing in the subconcious rubbing of her side. She smiled slowly.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Antigone]::grins::works for me
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] +T+ [Elphie] Not at all.
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::Coming to a stop, he bowed slightly.:: Jora] So nice to see you again, Jora.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Kragg] Fine by me
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie} +T+ [Sushek] right there.::smiles at her cousins kindness::
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Should we get to the starbase? It was a long trip and I'm hungry.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}<comp> Holodeck
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Sushek]how about you? are you up for a workout?
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] Yes it's very nice to see you again. I didn't think I would see you so soon. ::She was obviously pleased by it.::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat][jack] i'm starving my stomach is growling make it quick!
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] +T+ [Elphie] See you there! [Kragg] What type?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He smiled, and shrugged slightly.:: Jora] I have a knack for showing up, when I'm not expected.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] [Radick] it is a pleasant surprise though. How are you? ::She dropped her hands slowly.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Sushek}armed combat hand weapons only
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] No problem. ::Steps over to a console and sets the transport for directly into the Starbase lounge, then activates::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie} ::leaves TL, goes around corner, sees the group:: [Sushek] Thanks for the invite....[group]hello everyone
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::pulls out her bat'leth:: I'm ready
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Kragg] If I can use telekinesis, sure. [Elphie] Hey.
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::pulls out my Bat-leth::me too
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::His hands were clasped behind his back, as he shifted to glance out the viewport.:: Jora] I'm doing well. You?
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::smirks:: [Elphie] Hey there.
Crewman Recruit Artemis Greywolf-to-Ennien: [ Art ] ::6 minutes pass and the comuter chimes in:: [ Comp ] 6 minutes have expired. ::he skids to a halt, barely out of breath, then checks his distance meter that's on his wrist. It shows 5 miles. he chuckles to himself:: nice jogging distance
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::looks at mytar:: do you need me to replicate you a bat'leth?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::sees bat'leth:: Hmmm...I see what kind of program we're running::smiles at Mytar:: [Mytar] Hey there
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::leans back in his chair and lets his head rest against the wall. He rubs the corner of his eyes with his finger and thumb. He was not at all happy with the current progress of things. He sighs and closes his eyes for a few moments:::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Antigone] That'd be great.
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] ::is beamed over into a chair in the lounge on the starbase, looks around wanting a bananna split badly::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] I'm alright. ::She smiled watching his profile for a moment then looking back out the view port.::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] Jora] Beautiful, aren't they?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Closes his eyes and concentrates his energy, blinking and openning his eyes.::
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack] ::Waves over a server:: [Waiter] I'll have a steak, well. ::Looks to Kat:: Bannana split at usual?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}[Antigone]Bat'leth?
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: with extra toppings!
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::goes over to computer:: Computer Bat'leth, for ....::looks at his half-betazoid form:: Klingon teenager ::snickers::
Ensign JG Kragg: [group}::enter TL:: [Kragg][Comp}holodeck
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] Yes... very beautiful. I'm glad they are far away though. ::She whispered. Her head tilted slightly. Her right hand crossing her stomach to rub her left side again.::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}[Antigone]Could you get me one too...while you're at it
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack] Then she'll have the bannana split with extra toppings.
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (Cns) (elphie):looks at Elphie:: no problem, computer make that two.
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Gets in the turbolift, closing his eyes again, getting his energy ready::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::smirks slyly:: [Antigone] Klingon teenager?
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] So, how have things been while I was on Betazed?
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Group]with you permission i will select a program
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}[Kragg]Fine with me...
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (antigone) (kragg) no problem.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Kragg] Good on mate
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He glanced to her, out of the corner of his eye.:: Jora] I find that not many people look at them, anymore. Only past them.
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] it's good to see you again! ::she is excited to see jack again:: things are good i guess. you really should be asking the captain not me.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::seems frightened and awed by the stars at the same time. Something kept surging up then getting burried again. Jora jerked her eyes from the view blushing a little bit.::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]{comp]Kragg Alpha 1 level 4... enable
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack]::Chuckles::[Kat] I dont want to know how Nanashi is, I want to know how things have been for you.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] No they don't look at the flaming beauty of them anymore. Only at the darkness beyond and around them. ::She agreed then looked back to him.::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Opens his eyes and glances around, blinking:: [self] Dizzy..
Ensign JG Kragg: ::holodeck doors open the group sees a simulated training arena on kronos ::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::enters::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (antigone) ::goes through the doors:: ::looks around:: scanning here fighting arena.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::wonders if she can handle Level 4:: Will soon find out...::follows others::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::trots in with weapon in hand::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: [Dr Knight] :::the computer chirped. Dillon jumps half out of his chair a result of having fallen asleep. He wipes a hand across his face and studies the results on the computer. A frown returns as he again was not pleased with the results. He picks up his medical padd and begins to make more notations:::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] things have been going well, even better now that your back. how was your trip?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::wonders where her cousin went::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He turned to face her, smiling slightly. Doing his best, to ignore the waves of emotion coming from her, towards him.:: Jora] You are different than the others I have met, since my...return.
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack]::Sighs:: I barely got anywhere with my training, but I learned a few new skills. How has mom been?
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]squares off Bat-leth at the ready::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] Computer, human standard dagger, 14 inche long blade. ::takes it as it appears, nodding to Elphie.::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::takes position at his right:: ::gives Kragg a nod:: ready?
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::holds bat'leth carefully minding its edges::[Sushek]Everything alright?
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] It doesn't do to be the same. ::She whispered.:: I like to be social but I always seem to make a bad impression on people. Except for you. And Bola but my reactions to you confuse me.
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] ::she whispers quietly:: mom's with another man.
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::looks at Sushek::[Sushek]is that what you want to use?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [Kragg] Back up.
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Another? Do I know him...?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::nods at Elphie::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::holds weapon at middle guard, staring down at it:: ~I hate this thing~
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He arched a slender brow.:: Jora] Your reactions to me, confuse you?
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::runs through a warm up cycle::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}[Mytar] Glad Im not the only one::grins at him::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] ::she still continues to whisper softly:: nope.
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::starts twirling the blade making it part of her arm::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::and extension of her:: ::she is one with the blade::
Ensign JG Kragg: ::the Bat-leth glitters as i put it through its paces::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora][Radick] I feel comfortable.... I don't feel like you're judging me. You just want to be a friend. I'm relaxed. ::She sighed a little bit. An edge of isolated loneliness in her voice then she looked back at the stars watching the bright burning orbs with that same fear and awe.::
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Where is mom? Can I meet this guy?
Ensign JG Kragg: ::sudden stops in a high guard position::
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]::continues running diagnostics at the science station::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar][Elphie] You and both. ::smirks at her::
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg][Group] ready...?
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::nods a bit, holding his dagger at his side weakly::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::nods:: yes sir
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (Sushek) do not worry I will protect you.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::thinks that she might be better suited with a different weapon...nods anyway:: Yes, sir
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::smiles a bit:: [Antigone] Thank you.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::takes a deep breath in and exhales:: As ready as I'm gonna be
Ensign JG Kragg: [Kragg]::roars then sweeps in low at Sushek and reverses mid swing to Antigone::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] ::she speaks a little louder:: mom is busy.
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Busy?
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::hold up Bath-leth blocks the blow, twists to the side and forces both blades into the ground::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::Blinks a bit and jumps backwards, concentrating his telekinesis to create a "wall" around him::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] busy discovering a new planet.
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::snickes at Kragg:: being so close to each other right now.
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::takes the opportunity to swing her weapon towards Mytar::
Ensign JG Kragg: ::sweep the leg at Antigone and rips my bat-leth free::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He raised a hand, and pointed to the Borg implant over his eye.:: Jora] I know the feeling. Ever since my return, I've been judged. Behind the back comments, and the like. People don't realize that I hear them. But I do.
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] A new planet? I didnt know she was into adventuring.
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::smiles, being protected in his shield::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [self] Easy.
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] it's under wraps right now.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::expecting the unexpected, parrys her attack::
Ensign JG Kragg: ::dives into a roll and body blocks Sushek::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::falls to the ground briefly, springs back up grabs bat\leth, and growls at Kragg::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::blinks and uses it to push Kragg away from him::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ^_^
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Kat? Why wont you tell em anything about mom...?
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::looks to the implant and reaches up slowly brushing her fingers just below it impulsively. Then turns red and drops her hand looking out the window.:: [Radick] I'm in no position to judge anyone.
Ensign JG Kragg: ::feels sushek's push and sends him a hard reverse chop with the bat-leth::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::grins:: [Mytar]So you were expecting that? And this?::turns blade and sweeps it upward::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: ==== 5 Minutes till End Sim ====
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::moves in to circle Kragg::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::watches the two fights, he then lowers his field and holds his dagger up, looking for someone::
Ensign JG Kragg: :;senses movment and drops into a low guard::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] because she doesn't want me to say anything and plus she came close to disowning me.
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]:: reviews ZOA file::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] ::archs his back and watches the blade just miss his face:: [Elphie] You're quick
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: (kragg) throws some klingon insults at him:: lunges forward fakes a low hit, but comes up to his head
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] ::arches a brow:: What do you mean? What happened while I was gone?
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick] ::He smiled, and blushed slightly. His attention diverted to the starfield, again.::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] [self] Hm... ::he chucks the blade discreetly at Mytar, considering knocking it down telekinetically if he doesn't notice it::
Ensign JG Kragg: ::feels Antigone's blade scrap his skinand then drops his weapon and locks her in a bear hug::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::raises an eyebrow:: [Mytar] You had to be in my house...this is nothing compared to my sisters.::relents for a moment::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::Stands there in companionable silence. Her stance just enjoying the moment as they watched the nearest star. Again with that same frightened awe of the flaming ball of gas. The mermories surged again causing a little more
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::she bites him::
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: fear but she didn't give into it this time.:: [Radick] Forgive me for such a forward motion.
Ensign JG Kragg: ::roars but not from pain a pulls her head back and gently bites her neck::
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] sorry if i sound a bit secretive about mom, but mom is annoying.
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Elphie] really? ::doesn't notice the blade coming until the last minute and attempts to evade it::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: ==== 1 minute remaining. post your remaining comments now ====
Ensign JG Bola Gei: [Bola]:: closes ZAO file::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: Radick]::He blinked, and glanced at her.:: Jora] Do not worry.
Lt. Commander Jack: [Jack][Kat] Kat, please tell me what happened while I was gone.
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::takes the butt of her bathleth and forces it into his genatiala area::
Crewman Recruit Mytar: [Mytar] [Sushek] Interesting attack, pal.
Crewman Recruit Jora Cross: [Jora] ::blinks and glances back trying to decide if it had even bothered him.:: [RAdick] Okay I won't then.
Crewman Katsumi Sloan: [kat] [jack] no worries i wrote you a report and you will have it.
Ensign JG Kragg: ::spins her to ward off the attackk;;
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: == ATTENTION ON DECK ==
Crewman Recruit Mytar: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Sushek: [Sushek] ::AA::
Ensign JG Kal Radick: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Antigone Moore: ::AA::
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: {Elphie}::nods:: [Mytar]Ruthless...that is my sisters
Crewman Recruit Elphaba Zaden: ::AA::
Ensign JG Dillon Knight: == END SIM ==