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Current Campaigns:
Contact ABC and Disney executives to show support
Protest planned for April 15 at ABC/Disney!
Variety ad
Hollywood Reporter Ad
Book and Letter Mail-in to Susan Lyne
Email Derby
Email Derby, Round 2
Ratings postcard mail-in
Valentine's Day Mailing Campaign
Links to Save Our Show Sites
SOS press coverage

Campaign Updates

4-7-02: L.A. area fans are planning to protest the show's cancellation at ABC/Disney Headquarters on Monday, April 15. Visit for details, and click here for a contact list of media outlets to contact. Even if you can't attend, you can contact them to ask for their help publicizing the protest rally!

4-1-02: Shully has issued a press release, FAN REACTION TO ABC'S CANCELLATION OF "ONCE AND AGAIN", to critics detailing reaction to ABC's cancellation announcement.

3-30-02: ABC has cancelled the show, but the SOS campaigns are still in effect. Please click here for contact information for ABC and Disney executives, and visit ways to help save the show. There is still a small chance that we can change ABC's mind. Every email, letter and phone call makes a difference. Please do what you can!

3-8-02: Once and Again SOS Email Derby Teams, click here for Round 2 instructions!

3-4-02: Once and Again Fans Take Out an Ad in Variety!

2-24-02: Let ABC know you're watching Once and Again! Visit for details on a postcard mailing campaign.

2-24-02: Challenge Michael Eisner to stand by his word and take the high road by supporting quality family programming. Visit for details on a postcard mailing campaign.

2-4-2002: Once and Again SOS Email Derby teams, click here


Click here to view the ad and read the press release.

1-15-2002 UPDATE: ABC has announced that Once and Again will be off the schedule until Monday, March 4th, when it will move to 10pm ET. Thank you to everyone who sent emails, faxes, letters, and made telephone calls. But the campaign is not over! Please continue to let ABC, their affiliates, television critics, and advertisers know of your support. Keep in mind that letters have the most impact, especially with the network. Right now, the book campaign is currently underway, but stay tuned for more mailing ideas!

Contact ABC Executives to show your support!


ABC - LA: 818 - 460-7271 (try this one first)
ABC - NY: 212 - 456-6366 (call this one too)

DISNEY - 818 - 560-1000 (real live person)

REGULAR MAIL is still the most effective way to contact ABC.

Use the following address for all letters to:

Susan Lyne - President of Programming, ABC Entertainment,

Lloyd Braun - Chairman of ABC Entertainment,

Michael Eisner - Chairman and CEO, Walt Disney Company

Robert Iger, President, Disney (they own ABC)

Vonda Binko, Audience Relations, ABC

ABC, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA 91521

ABC Audience Relations: and

Susan Lyne, President of ABC

FAX NUMBERS: Michael Eisner's Fax : 818-846-7319
Disney's Fax: 818 - 460-6781
Susan Lyne's - LA fax: 818-460-5281
Susan Lyne's - NY fax: 212-456-7770
Lloyd Braun's - LA fax: 818-460-5259
Please send your emails and faxes, and spread the word ANY way you can! Tell people at work, tell friends, mention it on message boards, send emails, tell people in chat rooms-- let's keep making noise!!

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Links for Save Once and Again sites:

Save Once and Again!
Check in here for information on all the Save O&A campaigns, including the online petition, contributing to an ad for the show in The Hollywood Reporter, and

Once and Again Fans
Visit here for a great list of network and media contacts and information on Save Our Show efforts.
Vote here to save Once and Again. You can vote once per day. There is an option at the site for writing to the networks, and if you fill in the form provided, they will mail a letter to ABC for you.

Save Once and Again Petition
Sign your name! Sign your loved ones' names! Sign the dog's name! Just go there and sign!

Once and Again -- I Watch! Visit this site for details on the postcard mailing campaigns.

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