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Title Rating Summary Spoilers Status
Always A Bridesmaid R Silly smut. Pretty damn sappy, actually. Kinda Season Five. Chip. finished
Hands PG Drabble none finished
I Ran R This is completely ridiculous, I have no excuse. Or explanation. None finished
Lightening R A meeting after a long absence none finished
Perhaps R Sometimes things just can’t quite be requited. come after Suppose Set around the end of season 4/beginning of season 5 finished
Smoke PG Xander ponders Spike Set after Spiral and The Weight of the World Finished
Back With Me NC-17 Spike’s past comes back to haunt and help Season Five  unfinished
Brown Paper Packages R Plotty smut season five unfinished
Brown Paper Packages-Interlude NC-17 In between days – angst-o-rama, death, not a happy piece season five finished
Elegantly Wasted NC-17 Xander’s lost; Spike finds him Season Five of Buffy and Season Two of Angel unfinished
Give and Take NC-17 Just a few of Spike's random thoughts season five unfinished
Requiem in D Minor  NC-17 When you dance on the blade’s edge you need someone else to help you fall Major Spoilers for The Gift finished
Snippets R Songfics season five unfinished
Suppose R Suppositions and considerations as someone watches end of s 4/beginning of s 5 finished
Waiting Here NC-17 none Note: Dark Fic none finished
Oi! R Xander and Spike go to the zoo none finished