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Thorton, Colorado Seminar

On July 20 and July 21, 2002 I conducted a seminar for American Isshinryu Karate Schools, Inc. at the invitation of Sensei John Holwager, Go-Dan and Sensei Mary Holwager, San-Dan. I enjoyed the Colorado hospitality, the Isshinryu spirit and the dedication to Isshinryu that was displayed by students, Sensei and guest.
American Isshinryu Karate Schools, Inc.

The Holwagers and their students were a pleasure to be around. I was taken by Sensei Holwager's desire to spread Isshinryu and to make sure his students practiced good Isshinryu. There was no politics and his students were quick to grasp technique.

The Holwager's were great host and Mary, A great Sensei in her own right, kept us all in line :-)

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