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Okinawa Training

Master Angi Uezu, Ku-Dan

Master Uezu was a great host and a fountain of information and knowledge. It was good to finally get the real history of Isshinryu. He also managed to conduct a few "Special Training" sessions for us. .

Master Uezu lead us through warm ups, basics, kata and bunkai. Hanshi Uezu has a lot of stamina and proved it daily.

Eiso Shimabuku, Ju-Dan, Shorinryu

Master Shimabuku was pleased to meet us and immediately took us up to his dojo. It was hot but well used. We enjoyed the stories he told of O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku. Mr. Shimabuku statedthat he would let us know when he was back in the USA so that we could come see him.

Shinso Shimabuku, Son of O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku

FSIK HOME PAGE O-Sensei Shimabuku/Hanshi Little/ Hanshi Cooling Shihan Nick Adler Hanchi Duessel/Grand Master Ed McGrath) Master Armstrong) Hall of Fame 2001 AIKA Grand Championship
NJ 2001/Hachi-Dan Promotion New Mexico 2001 Shelton, Washington Seminar Thorton Colorado 2002 2002 AIKA Tournament

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