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Hall Of Fame 2001

Above: Master Sherman Harrell - Congratulations for your induction into the Isshinryu Hall of Fame!

Above Left: J.C. Burris, Ju-Dan and chairman of the IIKA...Above Right Phil Little, Ju-Dan President of the USIKA.

Clyde Stanley, 7th Dan, president of the Tatsuo Kan Society.. a truly nice person.

Above Left: Sensei Clinton Ward, Toby Cooling, Ju-Dan Chairman of the Order of Isshinryu...Above Center: Shihan Danny Glover, Hachi-Dan... Above Right:Lars Anderson


FSIK HOME PAGE O-Sensei Shimabuku/Hanshi Little/Hanshi Cooling Master Nick Adler/Grand Master Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Hanchi Duessel/GrandMaster Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Master Steve Armstrong Photos Hanshi Angi Uezu AIKA Grand Championship Photos
NJ 2001/Hachi-Dan Promotion New Mexico 2001 Shelton, Washington Seminar Photos Thorton Colorado 2002