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Hanshi Steve Armstrong, Retsil, Washington Visit

This page is still under constructionl

This is some of the view from around the compound. The waterway is Pugent Sound and the compound below is the Retsil Veterans Retirement Home.

Below Left is building 9 where Master Armstrong resides and the building below right is the dining hall and auditorium

Hanshi Armstrong still has a great love for Isshinryu and O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku. I enjoyed his company and his stories.

I was really impressed when I saw the AIKA Honor Society Award hanging on his wall.

FSIK HOME PAGE O-Sensei Shimabuku/Hanshi Little/Hanshi Cooling Master Nick Adler/Grand Master Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Hanchi Duessel/GrandMaster Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Hall of Fame 2001 Photos Photos AIKA Grand Championship Photos
NJ 2001/Hachi-Dan Promotion New Mexico 2001 Shelton, Washington Seminar Photos Thorton Colorado 2002 Hanshi Angi Uezu