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Seminar Photos

Master Nick Adler, Ku-Dan

Shihan Adler is another Isshinryu great with tons of knowledge of Isshinryu. He conducted himself in a professional manner even though snow and fog forced him to suffer delays and plane changes that would have driven us mad. His drills and self defense were excellent. We admired Shihan Adlers dedication to Isshinryu and his ability to rise above petty hinderences. We will never forget his stories.

Hanshi Ed McGrath, Ju-Dan
Mr. McGrath demonstrated practical techniques that were easy to grasp and master. Hanshi McGrath has mastered Isshinryu and is a shining example of loyalty to one's sensei. We should all hope to one day have the insight, understanding and skills that Master McGrath posesses. We really enjoyed the insight he gave us into Grandmaster Don Nagle and his teachings.

Kenpo Knife Fighting Seminar

FSIK HOME PAGE O-Sensei Shimabuku/Hanshi Little/ Hanshi Cooling Hanchi Duessel/Grand Master Ed McGrath) Master Armstrong) Hall of Fame 2001 AIKA Grand Championship
NJ 2001/Hachi-Dan Promotion New Mexico 2001 Shelton, Washington Seminar Thorton Colorado 2002 AIKA Grand Championship 2002 Hanshi Angi Uezu