Politically Incorrect Dallas Morning News...Liberal Rag Exposed! The Dallas Morning News has recently proven beyond any doubt that it is just another anti-conservative, anti-George W. Bush, liberal rag. How? Over the past several months and even past few years, the comics of all places have slowly been replaced with liberal politically correct comics instead of the usual generic comics with no political bias whatsoever. Any comic which shows a tendency to be conservative in nature has been systematically censored or removed from the comics pages altogether over the past few years. This trend initially began several years ago when the News purchased the rights to many of the comic strips (many of which were my favorites) which were carried in the rival and now defunct Dallas Times Herald. Not long thereafter, the News began dropping many of these comics which were deemed "too conservative" for their liberal tastes. Upon asking about the dropping of certain comics, I was told that a poll was taken to determine which were the favorites of the readers and the ones which were dropped did not fare well in the polling (a likely story and a very generic one in my opinion). At first, I accepted this until, B.C., a very popular comic ran a strip which apparently made an unpopular remark against then President Bill Clinton. That particular strip was censored by the News and the strip was dropped for a period of two weeks. Even prior to this faux paux by the News, Beetle Bailey, a very popular strip for many years among the military readers, ran a strip where General Halftrack made a comment that he wished the draft could be made retroactive and send Bill Clinton to Vietnam. I found the comment extremely funny, however, the strip was dropped from the paper shortly thereafter. In recent weeks, the News has shown its two-faced liberalism by running a variety of strips which constantly criticize President George W. Bush and the possible upcoming war with Iraq, yet the News does not censor or drop these strips. A recent example includes a strip of "Get Fuzzy" where one of the characters paints a sign which reads "Don't Bomb Iraq". Another example is the comic strip, "Rudy Park", which is constantly attacking Bush administration and policies on energy, the economy and the potential war with Iraq. The most recent case involves a new "politically correct" strip entitled La Cucaracha which immediately came out and criticized George W. Bush in its very first strip! In a one-frame strip, two men are sitting at a bar...one says "I like that Bush hombre. He's a guy's guy!" Immediately followed by the second character's response: "He's just not for the little guy, the poor guy, the black guy, the brown guy, the woman guy..." (you get the message). If I wanted to read political garbage like this, I would turn to the political cartoons. These strips are not funny...they are political hate speech by the cartoonist (and I use the term loosely!) and have no place in the regular comic strip section. I used to enjoy the comics when they were a non-biased, non-political portion of the newspaper that I could read simply to get away from the mudslinging and liberal hate speech. This just goes to prove that even the comics are no longer safe from the liberal media, political hate and political correctness. But since that is the way it seems to be, I challenge the Dallas Morning News to offer a conservative comic strip in their listings. Even if it is only one...I say bring back Beetle Bailey. Until then, I am putting out the call...to any reader of this article who has a talent for drawing a comic strip. If you would like to draw a conservative based comic strip for "ONLY IN AMERICA!" please CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION. CARE TO COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE? Click on the e-mail link below: Any comments on this article will be published in an upcoming update (names and e-mail addressess will be omitted for privacy reasons unless requested otherwise).