The truth really IS out there!

Update No. 46Now Serving 205 Subscribers!April 5, 2003
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    Welcome to the Hoax Detective Online Newsletter!

    This site generally only lists the most common hoaxes and rumors. If you receive suspicious story in your e-mail, but can't find it here, please check the resource sites found on the respective pages listed in the left column.

    If you would like to receive e-mail updates informing of new and updated information to this web site, please click on the SUBSCRIBE link at the left for more information.

    What's New This Week?
    Newly listed stories, hoaxes and rumors

    Stolen UPS Uniforms Being Sold on eBay?
    Are stolen UPS uniforms being sold on eBay to terrorists in order to get into various facilities?

    Target Stores - Unpatriotic?
    Message urging people not to buy at Target stores because the company turned down a request for funds for a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

    Privacy Issue: Florida Driver's Records
    Florida motorists can block the DMV from disclosing their motor vehicle and driver license records.
       •  Urban Legends Reference Pages

    National Homeland Security Knowledgebase

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    since November 17, 2000

    The Hoax Detective & Public Defender online newsletter is your central source for verification of e-mail rumors and warnings and for exposing illegal scams.

    Mr. B is not a lawyer nor does he play one on TV. Mr. B only provides information used to verify e-mail rumors and warnings as truth or fiction. In doing so, many reliable online resources are used to make such determinations.

    The layout and exclusive content of this online newsletter is protected by copyright. Users are free to use any contents of this site for the purposes of enlightening others on the agreement that the author is credited. Outside resources quoted or linked through this site are copyright by their respective authors and have been properly credited. Users reproducing any content from outside sources should contact the respective site owner or author for permission before doing so.