Last Updated March 14, 2003

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    Money always seems to bring out the best as well as the worst in human nature. Sadly, there are those who target people with promises of wealth or some other form of reward or product, when they are actually looking to separate someone from their life savings and run...never to be heard from again.

    This happens far too often and the scammers get away more often than get caught. This area will endeavor to reveal some of the more popular scams...some of which are considered "legitimate" businesses, but evidence has been made available to put the legitimacy in doubt.

    Fox News Exclusive!
    Ralph Nader Scams College Students!

    Hidden charges on on students' bills used to fund phony Public Interest Research Groups including Nader's presidential campaign! Full Story

    International Star Registry
    Name-A-Star Scam. Radio ads around Christmas, Valentines and Mother's Day offer you the opportunity to name a star for a loved one. But can you really??? You might want to check out these facts before sending your check!

    809 Phone Scam

    9-0-# Phone Scam - Partially True

    Credit Card ATM Scam
    Are thieves sabatoging ATM machines to steal your credit card?

    A Family of Eagles
    Gold Coin Pyramid Scam

    Lost Pet Scams

    Nigerian Money Scam
    One of the more common e-mail scams currently circulating

    Scam & Fraud Resource Information:

    IRS/U.S. Treasury
    Tax Scams & Fraud Alerts
