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First Generation:
Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Third Generation:

Fourth Generation:

Fifth Generation:

Isaac Harris Family Descendants

Background of Prior Harris Ancestry research

This website provides information about the descendants of Isaac Harris, who was born in Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., VA in 1729 (some records list 1730). We hope the information here may be useful to extended family members on all descendancy lines in further genealogical research on the Isaac Harris family line.
Researchers working on other Harris Family lines

Genealogists in various Harris Family lines have not been idle all these years. With the facility of the internet, we have come in contact with several extended Harris family members who have diligently sought to clarify the facts regarding the Harris family in America. Two excellent Harris genealogy research papers are posted on the Isaac Harris Family Page .
Key Assistance from George A. Harris

When he responded to an internet query about the family of Benjamin Harris, George A. Harris, resolved many issues for some of Benjamin's descendants, who did not have any information about other members of the extended family. George's line leads to Benjamin's brother, Zachariah, and he provided detailed information on several of the Isaac Harris family lines. We decided an Isaac Harris website may also help others who are looking for their connections to this pioneering family.

George attributes much of the information he provided to his cousin, Charles N. Ferguson, who, in turn, points to Garda Hodgson as his source. Links to George's info are listed on the Isaac Harris Family Page.
How to find your ancestral line on this site:

How to use this index page: Look over at the left edge of the page to find a set of hotlinks to each of the first five generations. These links take you to the place in the Generations Index where the individuals in that generation are listed. A simple left mouse click on the name of the person you want to know about will take you to his or her page.

This site does not attempt to provide individual family pages more than five generations below Isaac Harris. For that information we would have to put up separate websites to start at that point and continue on down. If you have the information to share, but don't know how to do it, contact the webmaster of this site, and he will help you set it up.
Using the Navigation Bars:

Almost every page in the website includes a handy navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page. You can click on the navigation bar hotlinks to reach the starting page of various sub-categories within the website. It's a good idea to try these out right in the beginning, so you will be familiar with where they will take you. They can be a handy shortcut for you to get to the pages you are looking for. As one example, clicking on the "Bio/Hist" link will take you to the main Biography and History page. This page will feature links to key articles written by various persons relating to the biography and/or history of key ancestors on several of the descendancy lines.
This space reserved for a link or explanation appropriate to this Harris Ancestry Page.
Still under construction
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Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, e:mail address ( OR try, if you don't get a quick response.

This page last updated, March 6, 2003

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
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