Poetry by Hollie Davidson - page 2
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Poetry Page 2

My Dad

I don't think I have ever told you how much you mean to me.
I spent so many years angry but I've set the anger free.
Yesterday is gone and no matter how I tried.
I can never have what I needed so it was time to say goodbye.
Just knowing what you have overcome and how you turned it all around.
Just knowing where you came from and knowing where you're bound.
Just knowing you're there and knowing it's finally ok.
Just knowing I just did not know what really happened yesterday.
Just know I am sorry that I made it so difficult for you
to let yesterday go and start anew.
You really are a great man but those buttons you love to hit.
But it's so you and something if I lost I'd truly miss.
It may not matter to you but these words I truly mean.
Yesterday is gone, I've wiped the past slate clean.

I Remember When

The best years of my life I spent them with you.
Drinking Dr. Pepper and kissing inner tubes.
We lived in the lake except for Saturday nights.
VonErichs covered our walls oh we were such a sight.
Two little girls whose dreams touched the skies.
We were going to be wrestlers or Valets for our guys.
The only time we fought was about who was right
you said Kevin was the best but for Kerry I would fight.
Crying over their wounds and screaming at the ones
who hurt our men who knew it was all in fun?
So innocent and free not a care in the world.
Yeah I remember when we were little girls.


Whisperunwinds come follow me,
chase away the boogie man set the child free.
Whisperunwinds I hear you cry in the night,
all out of tears all out of fight.
Whisperunwinds sing the old songs
you're an adult now the past is gone.
Whisperunwinds you're not to blame.
it wasn't your fault, let go of the pain.
Whisperuwinds teach me to care.
Show me how to love when love wasn't there.
Whisperunwinds I need to set her free.
Whisperunwids that child is pain was me

The Child Within

I looked into the mirror
and much to my surprise the face looking back was the face of a child.
Her brown eyes haunt me.
I see her tears in dreams,
her arms reach for safety
Yet I run from her screams.
Go Away! Go Away!
I cannot fix what's wrong.
Hide in your closet hum that dreary song.
How can I protect you what's the final cost?
The past is over. Your innocense was lost.
You were just a little girl
whose world was torn apart.
I've cried your tears,
I've felt your pain.
It's like a dagger in my heart.
It's over! It's over!
Get out of my dreams.
Oh dear God help me,
that little girl is me.

Some Say

Some say love is like a rose that
blooms threw thick and thin.
Some say love is a feeling that
comes from deep within.
Some say love is the moon on
a dark mysterious night.
Some say love is forever but run at
the beginning of a fight.
Some say love is joy some say love is pain.
Some say love is precious
some say love is like a new rain.
I say love is not a rose or the happiness of being warm.
I say love is nothing until you've been
stuck by the thorns.

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