Poetry by Hollie Davidson - page 6
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Poetry Page 6

10 Years

I don't think he really knew what his surprise meant to me.
Walking in and seeing the sight was so much like a dream.
I did not think he had it in him.
Old feelings flooded my heart.
Ten years together it's time for a new start.
Streamers fell from my ceiling
balloons all over the place.
My heart filled with love
happiness showed on my face.
Something I always wanted
he made a dream come true
Happy 10th anniversary and
a room filled with balloons.


You're like a rock that shields me.
I know you're always there.
You always have my back.
Someone I know that truly cares.
Never asking for anything in return always on my side.
Trying to make me forget the past and in myself take pride.
I really think you are special and there's total admiration in my eyes.
You really are a leader and at times an angel in disguise.
Thank you for the help, for opening some doors.
Thank you for being there to hear me gripe and being there when I need more.
Thank you for being different you are like no other.
But most of all thanks for being you.
You're truly the best of all brothers.

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