Poetry by Hollie Davidson - page 4
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Poetry Page 4


You were the first to steal my heart away.
Nine pounds ten ounces a gift God gave me that day.
It has been almost ten years since you came to me.
So full of love and strength such a wonderful boy, a dream.
When I look into your eyes a leader is what I see.
So loyal and compassionate and so carefree.
I wish you love forever, I wish you happiness.
I wish you many tomorrows.
Kody I wish you all the best

It's Over

It's over!
Why can't you set me free?
I swear to you it's over.
Why can't you set me free?
There use to be a fire, my love for you was true.
Now it's a dying ember, it wasn't me it wasn't you.
I need to learn to be on my own no matter what you believe.
No one can rule my life, no one but me.
My wish for you is to find someone that I could never be.
I wish you all the love you so badly need.
So please believe it's over.
Don't try to make me stay.
My love for you is over.
We must go our separate ways.

Inside Of Me

Festered up inside of me anger almost hate.
Not caring, so numb, forgiveness it's too late.
Years of second guessing years of growing cold.
Wanting to be different.
Can I?
Am I too old?
Another person inside fighting to come alive.
Pain out weighs her.
Not time to make it right.
Hurt fills my soul, confusing my mind.
Years of racing against the wind to many mountains to climb.
When will it end?
Who will win?
Can I ever look in the mirror and call that stranger my friend?

I'm Tired

I'm tired of feeling so angry.
I'm tired of all the tears.
I'm tired of pretending not to care.
I'm tired of all my fears.
I'm tired of feeling so numb.
I want to let it go.
I'm tired of being me.
I'm tired doesn't it show?
I'm tired of fighing battles.
I'm tired of never getting it right.
I'm just so damn tired.
I'm even too tired to fight.
I'm tired of the advice we all know I'll I'll never take.
I'm tired of wishing.
I'm tired for goodness sake.
I'm tired of barely living.
I'm tired of it all.
I want to let it go but I'm too tired to fall.

I Miss You

I miss the way my heart would pound knowing I'd see you soon.
I miss the way you use to hold me those long weekends in my room.
I miss the way you looked at me, the way I felt your love.
I miss the days we were friends and could never get enough.
I miss the smile, I miss the warmth, I miss the way I felt inside.
I'd give anything to go back in time and make what's wrong go right.
I miss those days with a passion, where they went I have no clue.
But more then anything I just miss the love from you.

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