Poetry by Hollie Davidson - page 5
Poetry Page 5

How Do You Go On
So many angry words.
So many sleepless nights.
So many broken promises, too many hateful fights.
How or If can we go back?
How does I become us?
How do you look for tomorrow?
When there's so much broken trust.
How do you go on?
How can I find you again?
How can I keep fighting?
When I'm running against the wind.

Heart of Stone
Tears no longer fall
Emptiness fills me high
When did I stop caring?
Day after day turns to night.
When did I stop caring?
Did I ever I say.
One sided relationships
Not worth my time to complain.
Heart made of stone
Tears turned to dust,
Live this way forever
Yes for three I must.
No since in being told
I should be happy and free,
No since in being lectured
No ones concerned but me.
Prisoner of her past
Time to let things go
Love was not meant to be
For a heart made of stone.

Deep Dark Past
Every night you haunt me.
You scare me day by day.
Get out of my life, it's time you go away.
The evil within you tears at my soul.
The passion rises from hell, why?
I'll never know.
Your howl is melancholy
your eyes are full of hate.
You scream an endless echo.
The fight will never end.
I know I can not last,
until I come to terms with my
dreadful, deep, dark past.

Computer Friends
Although I have never met you face to face.
There isn't too many people who could ever take your place.
You make me laugh, you make me cry and have even made me mad.
But you have turned out to be one of the best friends I've ever had.
I can turn on the computer and know you will be there.
A true friend, someone I know that cares.
I may never get to meet you and see you face to face.
But your friendship means alot and can never be replaced.

"Mom he hit me"
Mom he's breathing My air"
"Mom he isn't taking turns"
"Mom it isn't fair"
They scream and fight they yell and run.
Having boys is so much fun.
"Mom he took my pokemon card"
"Mom he stuck his tongue at me"
"Mom he called me a brat"
"Mom don't believe him believe me"
Boy of boy if I only knew the way it would be.
I'd have had a million instead of only three.

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