Cisco Semester 3 Threaded Case Study |
An introduction to the Mt Sky TCS project |
The WAN implementation for the Washington District Schools |
View Mt Sky's school plan and layout of Wirning rooms and cabling runs. |
Check out how the Mt Sky network is logicaly divided. |
Wiring rooms, the construction prcess and layout of them within Mt Sky. |
View racks, cabinets and how the network devices shall be placed within them. |
A closer look at the hardware used through out Mt Sky school. |
Cutsheets, indepth look at where all the cables go. |
The overall district and and indepth view of the Mt Sky IP Schema |
A run down on how ACL's were implemenated on the Mt Sky routers. |
A closer look at how the routers use IGRP to communicate. |
The expenses of network devices, media and hardware through out Mt Sky as well labour costs. |
The positives and negitives of the Mt Sky Network. |
The servers and where they are located through out Mt Sky School. |
Website Created by Rob Large, compiled from the works of Brent Egan, Peter Szweryn, John Orlich and Rob Large, The Mt Sky TCS Project Team |