
 Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 * Chapter 9      Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 * Chapter 16 * Chapter 17 * Chapter 18 Chapter 19 * Chapter 20 * Chapter 21 * Epilogue


Chapter 1

The ballroom was filled with joyful couples and businessmen trying to network with other attendants of the party. The black-tie affair was being held at the prestigious Beverly Hills Hotel. It was New Year’s Eve, a time for celebration, but Buffy Summers couldn’t be more frustrated and irate. Glaring at the dance floor, she watched as a couple danced passed her table once again. Grinding her teeth together, she tried to ignore the older man holding the younger woman in his arms. "Buf, sweetie, just ignore him," Xander Harris tried to pry her attention away from the dance floor. Xander and Buffy met during their sophomore year in high school when Buffy transferred from a boarding school into the Sunnydale Public School System. Buffy’s father, Hank Summers, owned a brokerage firm that had fallen on hard times forcing her extravagant education to an end. Hank was forced to sell the business to a larger company but stayed on as a senior partner. Buffy and Xander became almost instant friends. After graduation, Xander enrolled himself in a business college and interned at Buffy’s father’s company. After he finished at the top of his class, the firm hired Xander on permanently.

Buffy swiveled her head back to her companion, "I’m sorry Xander, it’s just that I can’t believe he is so blatant about it." Buffy totally turned her body away from the dance floor, deciding to totally ignore her father’s philandering with someone probably younger than herself. Paying attention to her friend and the occupants at her table, Buffy forgot about her father and started to enjoy the evening. Willow, another high school friend, and her husband, Daniel Osborne (Oz) sat across the table. Willow left Sunnydale to go to college on the east coast, earning a degree in psychology and woman’s studies. After she came back to Sunnydale, the firm was hiring human resource people and snatched the talented girl up. Oz and Willow were expecting their first child in seven months.

"Tell you what, Bufster. Once they leave the dance floor we’ll go out and cut a rug." Xander knew Buffy loved to dance. It must be a by-product of her skating. Ever since they had known her, Buffy had been an avid ice skater. Recently, she started to move up in the ranks of the local ice skating competition.

Buffy’s eyes lit up with the promise of dancing but decided to tease her good friend, "Cut a rug? You are such a dork!" She slapped his shoulder and giggled.

"Hey, stop laughing, I’m a good dancer." Xander puffed out his tuxedo-clad chest in hopes of intimidation. Buffy smiled and straightened his bow tie.

"By definition anyone that uses the phrase ‘cut a rug’ cannot dance." Xander sat back in his chair, a little emasculated that Buffy didn’t think he was cool. "Hey, you’re still my cool Xander!" Buffy tried to smooth his feathers and patted his shoulder.


Behind the head table, a pair of cool ocean blue eyes watched the activities below him. His new employees seemed to be having fun with their spouses and dates. William "Spike" Winthrop sat back in his chair observing the partygoers. The past thirty days have been literally a living hell. Not only had his mistress, Drusilla, left him, but he also had gone into the final stages of taking over Mercenary and Associates, a brokerage firm. A few weeks ago, he’d uncovered money missing from the brokerage’s books. Finally, last night he tracked down the trail to one of the senior partners. Tugging at his infernal too-tight bowtie, he grabbed his whiskey and swallowed it down. He watched most of workers sitting at the tables discussing families and the local sports teams. He sighed, slightly jealous that he couldn’t sit down at the bar and discuss those trivial things. It’s been so long since Spike has been able to go to a local pub and watch football. Raking his eyes over the crowd, Spike noticed the beauty he’d been studying all night. Her eyes narrowed as she looked out on the dance floor, probably upset that her date wasn’t dancing with her. Smirking, he wondered if what Harris would do if he asked his date to dance. The junior executive impressed Spike from the very moment they met. Unlike most in the office, he was sharp as a whip and knew the company inside and out.

The blond’s eyes pivoted to the couple now exiting the dance floor. Her eyes met the old man’s and she looked away. Crestfallen, the man continued to direct his dancing partner back to her table. Hank Summers, one the previous owners of Mercenary, helped his secretary back to her seat. There was a rumor going around that Hank has had an affinity for his secretaries and had gotten the last one pregnant. Already married, Hank quickly got rid of the bastard child and secretary in hopes of saving his marriage. The young blond must be a jilted lover of his, gauging by the looks she was sending his way. Deciding not to go after sloppy seconds, Spike ordered another whiskey from a passing waitress and continued his perusal of the crowd. He noticed that Harris now escorted his date onto the dance floor. The awkward first few steps almost made Spike smile, this girl was not well suited to the young manager. He was clumsy while she was graceful. His two left feet stepped onto her perfect ones. Smiling, like nothing was wrong, the blond carefully assisted him into the right dance moves. The girl had class, Spike had to give her that. Maybe she was worth a go as she was very much unlike the women he had seen Hank woo.

Losing track of the twirling couple on the dance floor, Spike looked around the tables again. Hank was standing behind his secretary staring out on the dance floor, following the movements of Harris and his date. Hank didn’t look too happy as he watched the couple. Smirking, Spike got up from the head table and walked over the older man. "Hank, there you are mate!" Spike came up behind him and slapped him on his shoulder in a faux show of comradely. Spike’s English cockney accent slipped through. Even though Spike was raised by wealthy parents and had an excellent education at the finest Oxford schools, he made his accent rougher. He found that it disarmed his opponents in the boardroom and out.

"William! Great party, I must say." Hank turned his eye from the dance floor and greeted his new boss with enthusiasm. "You remember my secretary, Shelly?" Hank motioned at the sitting woman. The woman could be considered anything but classy. Her makeup was overdone and her dress was to low cut. How ever did Hank find these girls?

"Good evening, Shelly." Spike smiled down at the young woman, but he noticed Hanks attention went back to the dance floor. Looking up, Spike located the blond again. "Beautiful, isn’t she?"

"What?" Hank looked back at Spike. "Oh yes, very beautiful." His attention went back to the dance floor.

"Who is she?"

"Uh, no one of importance." Hank dismissed the inquiry. He turned completely around, blocking the dancers from his line of sight.

"Must be someone the way you keep looking at her and the way she looked at you while you were dancing." Spike saw the color drain out of Hank’s face. Sputtering, Hank didn’t know how to introduce who Buffy was: a daughter or an enemy?

Shelly stood up and moved to the other side of Hank, "She’s Buffy." Spike’s eyebrows rose in question. "Buffy Summers, Hank’s daughter." Understanding filled Spike’s eyes as his gazed moved once more to the woman dancing around the room. The deadly glares she was sending Hank’s way weren’t those of a jealous lover, but of an irate daughter.


Chapter 2

Back at the head table, Spike watched Harris and Buffy make their way back to the table. Uninterested in the male, Spike focused his attention on the blond. Her light pink cocktail dress seemed to float behind her as she made her way towards Willow Osborne and her husband. He watched her golden tresses bounce behind her, like she was in a shampoo commercial. He watched their conversation and the way her face became animated and amused. He almost could see the twinkle in her eyes all the way on the other side of the room. He admired her perky nose and bee stung lips. Her skin glowed as she talked to the other woman. All too soon, Harris came back with new drinks and sat down, blocking Spike’s view. Getting up from his vantage point, Spike moved around the room, maybe he could figure out a way to get an introduction.

Thirty minutes passed and Spike was no closer to his object of affection. Four times he was stopped by someone wanting a bit of his time to talk about business. Every time Spike bit his lip wanting to say, "It’s new Year’s Eve. Stop with the work!" Twice a single female would cross his path, in hopes of enticing him, but they just annoyed him. Finally, he was within hearing range. Her laughter rang out clearly and melodically, making Spike close his eyes and savor the noise. Never had a woman entered his being so thoroughly and he hadn’t even touched her or talked to her. He stepped closer to the group at the table, waiting for an introduction, but none was forthcoming. The foursome was so wrapped up in their discussion of the latest Survivor show that they didn’t even notice the bleached white hair of their benefactor. He inhaled, letting the whisper of her scent pass through him. Such sweetness deserved words of poetry written about it. Kicking himself out of his romantic musings, Spike almost missed the man approaching the table.

"Buffy, dear." Hank said, getting her attention. The occupants at the table looked towards the approaching man.

Buffy’s head snapped up, eyes glaring at the intruder. "How dare you come over here."

"Sweetheart, please. I understand why you are upset, but…" Hank held his hands up as if to surrender. Oz stood up, prepared to forcefully move Hank away from Buffy. They all knew of her tumultuous past with her father and didn’t want her hurt again.

"There is no excuse, Hank. I don’t want to hear it anymore." Buffy’s green eyes blazed into a deeper shade with yellow highlights forming around her irises, making her eyes almost brown. Her skin turned from a glowing gold to a more heated color. Red rose in her cheeks as she tried to stave off her anger and humiliation.

"Buffy, please. Let’s go somewhere where we can…" Hank moved forward as if to grab her arm, but she stood up and put distance between her and the wretched man. Xander stood up and Oz came forward, ready to extract Buffy from the situation. Willow sat back, holding her hands against her precious belly, trying to protect it from the harsh words.

"What? Where we can what? Talk? You finally want to talk to me?" Her arms crossed over her chest, making Spike squirm in appreciation of her cleavage. He imagined her skin heated from his touch, writhing underneath him. Lost in his erotic world, he shook his head out of it and listened once more. "I wonder why? I’m sure it has to do with you not wanting me to tell Mom about the latest bimbo you are sporting. Don’t worry, dear old dad, I wouldn’t do that to her. She doesn’t need me to break her heart. She has you for that." Hank looked resigned and started to back away. Xander and Oz backed down. The threat to their friend has been alleviated.

This was Spike’s chance to meet this vision. It would be difficult to wiggle his way in through Xander and Willow, but with Hank being senior management, it would seem appropriate. Before Hank could totally turn around, Spike came up to the little group. "Is this a private party, or can anyone join?" His eyebrow rose in appreciation as he finally came with in touching distance of the blond woman. She was even more beautiful up close than from afar.

"Will," Hank stuttered out. "I’m sorry if we got a little loud, we were having a family discussion and…"

Spike waved the explanation off, not breaking eye contact with the green-eyed beauty. "No need, Hank. I just came over to see what this get together is all about. Now, who is this beauty?" No one from the office noticed the change in his accent from cockney to more upper class. He noticed the slight increase of her breath as he talked about her.

Hank turned to look at his stricken daughter. Her eyes were wide and lips parted slightly as she looked at Spike. "This is my daughter, Buffy."

Spike stepped forward and took Buffy’s slight hand in his. Bending down, he bestowed a soft kiss on her hand. "I am William Winthrop. Glad to meet your acquaintance." Spike noted the surprised expression on her face and the slight tremble of her fingers as he kissed her hand. Smirking to himself, he reluctantly let go of her warm inviting skin. "Hank, I was hoping I might steal away your daughter for a dance." Spike watched as Harris stepped forward as if to stop the dance, but Buffy put her hand up to stop him.

"No need to ask Hank’s permission, Mr. Winthrop. I would love a dance." With that, Buffy left Hank, Xander, and Spike staring after her as she walked slowly to the dance floor. Almost bouncing on the balls of his feet, Spike headed after her. Her hips swayed with every step she made, like a golden jaguar stalking through the forest, instead of a woman walking through the crowd of tables towards the dance floor.

He caught up to her just as she came to the edge of the dance floor. "Want to tell me what went on back there, love?" Spike stepped forward to take her body into his arms. Her hand slid up his well-toned arms to rest on his shoulder as her other hand took his.

Buffy looked up into his blue eyes, startled at this question and term of endearment. Tempted to reply with a scathing remark, Buffy decided to play nice with this man. He was Xander and Willow’s boss and anything she might say could be used against them. "It was just a family squabble, Mr.Winthrop, that got out of control." She looked away, afraid he might see the pain in her eyes.

Spike was amazed that this little spitfire could go from ninety to zero in five seconds flat. Her eyes returned the sparkling emerald green and her skin returned to glowing instead of heated. She felt perfect in his arms. If he could move closer without appearing to have ulterior motive, he could rest his chin on her soft head, smelling her hair. As it was, he could smell her intoxicating perfume, shifting his libido into hyper-drive. Instead of thinking about her and what he could do, he decided to get her talking. Maybe conversation as a distraction would allow him no embarrassment when the song was over and he would have to take her back to her date. Her soft voice sounded so good when it was directed his way. "So, pet. Tell me a bit about yourself." Spike looked over at the table where she sat. Hank and Xander were watching ardently as they twirled around the dance floor. A look of longing was plastered on Xander’s face while a grim look was set in place on Hanks. Willow and her husband sat quietly at the table, trying not to stare at the dancing blond couple. Other partiers couldn’t help but watch the striking couple on the dance floor. The image of pale white surrounded by gold struck a beautiful combination.

Buffy looked up again at his question. He certainly was charming and his accent was so sexy. "Nothing much to tell." She looked over his shoulder at Willow who gave her thumbs up sign. Instead of being encouraged, she spat out, "You know my name and that I am Hank’s daughter, what else is there?" She felt his hand shift lower on her waist, almost unnoticeably, but it did shift. She looked into his eyes and saw something she’d seen before… lust. Growing up, she saw that look in Hank’s eyes when he looked at other women. Indignant, Buffy tried to be pleasant for Xander and Willow’s sake. She knew of men like him, her father being one. It seemed they viewed a woman as property and as a sex object, never as her own person. When she stepped forward, she could feel his erection. Almost fuming, Buffy gritted her teeth, intent on finishing the dance without cutting Mr. Winthrop down to size.

"Oh, I am sure there is more, love. Like what do you do for a living? Is that Harris bloke someone special to you? And, why do you hate your father so much?" Her head snapped up again, and her eyes narrowed. He saw the sparks of yellow forming around her irises.

"Mr. Winthrop, my relationship to my father is none of your business. And if you would be so kind, I don’t feel very well and would like to go home." She stepped away and ended the dance. Turning on her heel, she moved through the sea of dancers back to her table. Xander grabbed her wrap and purse from her chair, ready for his friend. Stalking past her father she said few words to Willow and Oz and then continued out into the night. All Spike could do was stand there with cold, empty arms and watch the spitfire leave.


Chapter 3

New Years came and went. Everyone’s back at work and the status quo continues. Spike picked up all the latest gossip from his secretary, Harmony, and found out that Hank was still indeed married, but continued to flaunt his infidelity around the company and community. His wife, Joyce, was considered a non-issue because she was put into a long-term care facility. A few years back, she developed a brain tumor that demanded surgery. After coming back from it, she never was the same again. Talk about her being crazy and irrational riddled the community, embarrassing Hank His "crazy" wife would not ruin his reputation and therefore was put into the facility. The mystery about Buffy was a little harder to understand. Harmony went to high school with the girl and described her as a freak without any friends, certainly not the beauty that met him on New Year’s Eve. Little details of Buffy being an ice skater and competing in local competitions didn’t escape Spike as Harmony gushed all she knew on the illusive firecracker. He learned about her love of art and of her mother’s small art shop she managed. Harmony’s account of what happened between father and daughter was sketchy. Sometime during high school when the lovely Miss Summers came back to Sunnydale from boarding school, her father and she’d had a huge fight. Details were not given because they were not known, but it was implied she caught him with a mistress. Ever since then, a blinding hatred had shown through the blonde’s eyes towards her father. Filing the information away, Spike continued his tracking of missing money, coming back to one prime suspect, Hank himself.

As Friday approached, Spike became more agitated. The lack of a warm body in his bed and heart haunted his mind. To add to everything else, Spike uncovered even more money missing. Frustrated and at the end of his tether, Spike picked up the phone and dialed information. Unfortunately, Buffy Summers had an unlisted number, probably trying to keep her father at bay. Procuring the art shop’s phone number, he dialed it and waited for an answer. A woman, not Buffy, answered the line and within a few moments, Spike had directions to the shop and confirmation that Buffy would be there.

He walked up the sidewalk, holding one red rose, and opened the door to the art shop, allowing the bell to clang announcing his entry. Expecting dull and lifeless knockoffs for sale, Spike was amazed to find a very vibrant and exciting gallery. Large oil paintings covered the two story open space. At eye level, paintings and sculptures adorned every open space. Lost in the haze of wonderment, Spike didn’t hear a young woman approach him. "Hi, can I help you?" Spike turned around and found a tall girl, not much older than eighteen staring back at him. Small freckles dotted her face, bridging her upturned nose. Her long brown hair, hung low on her shoulders. Her nametag identified her as Dawn Summers. Kind brown eyes looked back at him and realization hit, she looked like a taller and younger version of Buffy. Some how, this girl was related to Buffy. Angry that his research did not mention this girl, he flashed his most charming smile at the girl. "I called earlier. I am looking for Buffy Summers."

Her cheeks tinted pink as she stared into his eyes, "Oh yes, of course. Let me go get her." She stepped behind the desk and into a back room. Spike heard a few murmurs and the young girl came back. "Buffy is working. She said you could just go on back." The girl ushered Spike through a storage area and into a workshop. Easels in various degrees of completion and style littered the outer edges of the room. Standing in the middle were two spotlights centered on a large canvas. A small woman stood with her back to him. Her hair was in a sloppy ponytail and she wore paint covered overall pants. Without looking up she questioned, "My sister said you were looking for me, can I help you?"

Knowing the voice, Spike didn’t hesitate with his answer, "Yes, I was looking for you, love." He saw her hand still on the canvas and her back straightened when she recognized his voice.

Twisting around, Buffy almost dropped her paintbrush. Struggling to keep her composure, she set her work utensil down and looked at the man that invaded her nightly dreams since New Year’s Eve. "Mr. Winthrop, what brings you down here?" Buffy moved over to a workbench and grabbed a rag. She worked on wiping her hands as Spike moved closer to the painting. A green field dominated the canvas. In the background, rolling hills beckoned the eye to see their secrets. Swirls of browns, greens, and blues dominated the canvas almost dancing in their combinations. Spike was entranced as his eye followed a small country road through the field and over the hills, stopping at a tiny cottage. Smirking, he turned to face her, "It’s quite beautiful, love." He suppressed a gasp at the vision before him. The spotlight engulfed her tiny form, highlighting her natural beauty. Eyes aglow from the passion she put into the painting, a little splotch of green paint swiped down her cheek, and little brow furrowed in an attempt to figure out why he was here made her the picture of perfection.

"Uh, it’s not finished. Anyways, Mr. Winthrop. The reason?" His eyebrows rose as she became flustered at his compliment. "To why you are here?" Spike stayed silent and went back to looking at the painting.

His fingers itched to trace the road and follow it to its home, but he knew better. "It’s like I’m there on one of the rolling hills, looking down at the field."

"Uh huh. Can I help you?" Buffy wanted no part with this man. He was a tie to her father she did not want. She spied a rose he put down on a table near the door and pursed her lips, she was afraid he would have designs on her.

Snapping out of his hypnotic stare and watched her move around the studio. She put brushes and scrappers in cleaning solution to soak. Her hands continued to pick up objects and move them some place else. Spike considered her constant movement as being a nervous habit. "Pet, please stand still for a moment. You are giving me a bloody headache with all your movement." She stopped where she was. Turning, she put her hands on her hips and he saw her eyes light up.

"Why are you here, Mr. Winthrop?"

"Call me Spike, please."

"Spike?" He saw her anger turn to gaiety as she tried to suppress laughter.

"What? It’s my nickname?"

"Is there another name I can call you, because I don’t think I can cal you," Her fingers came up to her mouth, hiding a smile, "Spike and have a straight face."

"And Buffy is any better?" He saw her mood change instantly. Gone was the small smile and glittering flecks of joy in her eyes and back was the hard steel.

"My mother gave me that name, thank you very much." She turned away from him and started her movement again. Paint supplies put away, she moved onto rearranging the canvases in the room.

He sighed, "Look, pet. I didn’t mean anything about it. Call me William instead, yeah?"

"Ok, William. What can I do for you? Interested in some art? We have a couple very good pieces out front from some talented local artists." She moved towards the front room.

"Not exactly, love. I was hoping…" Spike felt like a teenage boy asking his first date out. He quickly moved to where he put the rose and picked it up. He twisted around and presented her with it. "This is for you. I was a git to ask you about your father. I deeply apologize." Spike thought to himself, ‘could I get any more poncier?’

"What’s a git?" She eyed the rose with appreciation. Her fingers itched to touch the graceful lines of the budding flower, but she resisted.

"A git? Oh, bloody hell, woman…" Spike looked up in heaven, praying for divine intervention. "A jerk. I was a jerk to you. I stepped over the line. I’m sorry, here." He held out the flower and she tentatively took it. She brushed the soft petals against her cheek and brought it up to her nose. "I meant what I said. I want to get to know you better." She looked up at him with wide green eyes. She looked so innocent, yet so much more. "Have dinner with me, tonight." Her eyes widened as her lips trembled. God, the woman could launch a thousand words filled with her beauty.

"Tonight?" Her voice was low, almost a whisper.

"Yes, tonight." Spike nodded.

Buffy looked down at her outfit and looked back up at him, "I can’t. I’m sorry." Spike’s hopeful look fell as she declined his invitation. "I… I’ve just been working all day and must be a mess." Her fingers unconsciously rose up to her hair, running her hand through the ponytail.

"No, you’re beautiful, effulgent, even." Spike stepped forward and grazed her hand on her arm. "Please. I just want to get to know you. We don’t have to go anyplace fancy. Anywhere you want." How could she say no to his baby blue eyes pleading with her? "Just to talk, promise." He held his hands up and she nodded in consent. He grabbed her elbow and started to move them out to the front room, "Good, where to, love?"

Buffy stopped dead in her tracks. "First off, please stop calling me that?"

Spike looked over at her, "What, love?"

"That… love. I’m not your love so please stop using it." She looked at anything but him as she spoke.

Smiling, Spike took her arm again, this time bringing her hand to his elbow, "Sure thing, pet. I’ll try not to use it."


Forty-five minutes later over the remains of a pepperoni pizza, Buffy and Spike were talking. He told her tales of his boarding school in Oxford and his absentee parents who spent more time on vacation than at home. Adolescent pranks and problems riddled his teenage years as he became the man he is today. Bringing the topic back to her, Spike inquired about the gallery. "So what made you say, I want to run a gallery in this Podunk town?"

Buffy giggled as she sipped her coke. "I didn’t. The shop is my mother’s, but she is too sick to run it. I stepped in when she got sick." Her eyes misted up in unshed emotion. "So anyway, I don’t own it, just run it."

"Where’s your mom now, pet?" Spike reached out and patted her hand in a comforting way.

"At the Sunnydale Long Term Care Facility. After her operation when they found out she had brain damage from the rumor, my father put her in there instead of hiring someone to take care of her at home." He not only could hear the bitterness in her voice, but also feel it down to his bones.

"How long has she been there?" Buffy allowed his fingers to intertwine with hers on the table. He rested her hand in his making it so comfortable for her that she would never want to let go.

"Three years. I go visit her every week, telling her how the shop is going. She has good days and bad days." Buffy withdrew her hand and put it in her lap. Spike knew she was withdrawing from the conversation and from him, he knew he had to do something quick to get her back. "During her bad days, I just sit by her side holding her hand."

"So you want to be a painter versus a manager of a gallery?" Spike wanted to change the topic to something less melancholy maybe to talk about her passionate work would draw her out more.

"I didn’t. Actually, I’m an ice skater. I’ve been competing pretty heavily lately and I am going to regional in a few weeks. The shop and my painting just pays for the bills, you know?" Spike nodded as she continued. "I always love the cool grace of the ice. You could put your foot down and never lift it off of the ice. One continuous line twisting and twirling around the blank white canvas of the ice." He saw the wistfulness in her eyes.

"I’ve never thought about the ice like that, but you are right, love." Spike saw a spark in her eye and realized what he had unconsciously done. He bowed his head and peeked at her through his eyelashes. "So how about your sister? Is she an artist?"

Smiling again, she shook her head, "No, she just runs the main shop floor. She just started college so she’s there less and less. I miss her sometimes."

"I bet. So does she go visit your mom with you?"

"Actually, my mother is not hers." Buffy looked away as if ashamed.

"What do you mean pet?" Spike sat forward, hoping she would extend her hand again, but she stood stock-still.

"My fath… Hank. He brought her home one night. We didn’t know… not until she was older that… well, Dawn and I look alike… you know?" Buffy looked out the window. "She was… is… solid evidence of his… and when she figured out that Joyce wasn’t… well." Buffy looked down at her fidgeting hands in her lap. "Dawn… she’s a sweet girl. But, she feels the guilt he should…" He heard her take a deep breath and let it out.

"I understand, pet." Spike sat back, giving her the space he felt she needed. Not wanting to pressure her, he picked up the check and went to pay their bill. Coming back, Buffy finished her drink and her gloomy mood was gone. They walked in silence to his car and he helped her get in the classic black Desoto. Content to just sit with her beside him, he didn’t feel the need to talk. She gave him short directions to her place but that was the only sound coming from inside the vehicle. Parking his car in her apartment building lot, Spike helped Buffy out of the car and walked her up to her apartment door.

As she unlocked the door, she looked back at Spike. He was leaning against the wall, looking straight at her with lust in his eyes. Carefully choosing her words she said, "I had a very nice time… William." He gently smiled at her hesitation to use his Christian name.

"I did too, pet." Spike moved forward a bit, waiting for an invitation into her home.

She opened the door a little and looked at him again. "I have an early morning tomorrow, I’d ask you in, but…" Buffy wasn’t entirely lying, she did have an early morning. The fact that she knew he wanted an invite inside and probably wouldn’t want to leave when he got it, she didn’t want him to think that something would happen between them.

Straightening up at her rebuff, Spike grazed his fingers over her upper arm, "All right, pet. We’ll do this again, yeah?" Buffy numbly nodded, all to aware of the goose bumps his fingers were creating. She didn’t even notice his head coming closer until she felt a warm, moist kiss on her cheek, overlapping her lips a bit. Smirking, Spike moved away and headed down the stairs. Buffy shut her door quietly and rested her weight against it. William Winthrop was an enigma. Part of her wanted him to insist that he come in to see her place and part of her was thrilled that he didn’t.


Chapter 4

Two weeks later Buffy was carrying groceries up the stairs to her apartment. She hadn’t heard from Spike in about a week. He showed up at her mom’s shop last weekend looking for her, but she was out on an errand with a local artist. He left another red rose with Dawn. Buffy shook her head, she shouldn’t be missing him; he was just like her philandering father. Climbing up the last set of stairs, Buffy headed towards her door and a flurry of color stopped her dead in her tracks. Looking in front of her door was a huge bouquet, more like an arrangement, of flowers. Red, orange, yellow, and purples dominated the buds offset by flowing greens of the foliage. Stricken, she moved towards the door before she dropped her bags and opened it. She put her groceries down and went back to retrieve the flowers. A card peaked out from under a purple rose and she snatched it up.


Thinking of you


No other explanation to the delivery as given. Smiling like a schoolgirl she took the flowers over to her sink and filled up the reservoir. She took time to smell each perfect bud and fingered some of the petals. Why was she feeling this way? This was wrong! He was supposed to be rude and crude instead of sweet and sentimental.

She stalked over to her grocery bags and started to put away her findings. This would not do, all she has to do is call him and tell him she didn’t want to see him again. He would give up, wouldn’t he? Without time to change her mind, Buffy called Willow at work. "Hello, Willow Rosenberg-Osborne. May I help you?"


"Hey Buffy, what’s up?"

"I need to talk to Mr. Winthrop. Do you have his number?" Buffy twirled a piece of hair around her fingers.

"Sure… hold on… OH… You have to go through Harmony, his secretary."

"Harmony? They let that ditz be a secretary?" Buffy shook her head, what kind of moron runs that company… Hank.

"Yeah, she’s actually pretty good. Hold on and let me transfer you."

Several clicks later she was connected with William’s office. "Hello, Mr. Winthrop’s office, this is Harmony, may I help you."

Trying to disguise her voice, Buffy said, "Yes I would like to speak to Mr. Winthrop."

"May I ask who is calling?" Damn, Buffy should have known she wouldn’t get past Harmony.

"Buffy Summers." She could hear the gears in Harmony’s brain working hard.

"Oh my god, Buffy? How long has it been?"

Biting the inside of her mouth, Buffy was about to tell her just to transfer her when she heard his voice. Low murmurs of protest on Harmony’s part and then the next moment Buffy heard several clicks and the phone ringing again. "Hello, pet." His deep timber excited her blood stream.

"William, I need to talk to you."

"I was hoping you would call."

"William, please… let me speak." She paused and he stayed silent, continuing, "The flowers are lovely, thank you. But… I don’t think we should see each other again." She knew she caught his attention when she heard him quickly inhale.

"Why is that, pet?"

"I’m really busy and my schedule is packed…"

"That’s bollocks, love, and you know it."

"Our schedules don’t mesh, William. I’m sorry." She hung up before he got a chance to say anything. Within two minutes, her phone was ringing. How did he get her number, it was unlisted: Willow or Xander? It was the only explanation. He knew she was friends with both and probably threatened life and limb to pry it out of either one of them. When the phone stopped ringing, she set it off the hook. He would know she was home, but not wanting to talk to him. Maybe he would get the clue.

The rest of the day went fine for Buffy. She finished painting a canvas at home and took it when she went to visit her mother. Grateful that she had a new painting to look at, Joyce was in high spirits. Buffy took the painting that she finished two weeks ago back to her apartment to contact the buyer that it was ready. Three hours of practice on the ice, proved beneficial when she met with a local competition coordinator, learning of a statewide convention in less than a year. She set the painting on her mantle and made dinner for herself. She put the phone back on its cradle and continued her preparations. She pricked the potato and put it in the oven. Setting her steak to the side, Buffy started to make her a salad.

Thirty minutes later, someone was knocking on her door. She wiped her hands on a towel and went to answer it. Not to her surprise, it was William. He looked gaunt and tired. His blue eyes no longer twinkled with mischief and the start of dark circles surrounded them. His hair was no longer slicked back, but little tiny white curls formed at the top. "May I come in, pet?" Buffy nodded and stepped to the side. She was so flabbergasted at his appearance, she forgot about her earlier decision about him. William stepped in and handed over a black leather duster and suit jacket. Hi maroon dress shirt was rumbled as were his pants. She hung the coat up and turned back to him. He moved away from her and headed toward her mantel, memorizing the painting she just placed there. His eyes roamed over the seascape. The beach glittered with shells and hidden animals while the angry sea beat down on the beauty. Filled with wonderment, he looked at the tiny girl that created the painting. Smelling the food cooking and eyeing the steak on the counter, he looked hopeful, "It’s been a long day, is there any chance I could get some of that?"

Nodding, she went to clean another potato and stuck it in her microwave. She came back into the living room to find him sprawled out on her big blue overstuffed couch with his shoeless feet up on the maple coffee table and his arm flung over his eyes. "Would you like anything to drink?" She stood to the side of the couch, when he lifted his arm slightly and his lips turned upward.

"Anything would be fine, don’t go to any trouble."

Buffy went back to her fridge and found a beer Xander left the last time he was over. Grabbing the bottle, she opened it and poured it into a glass. On her trip back, Spike’s arm was removed from his face and he was watching her with half closed eyes. "Tough day?"

"You could say that again." Buffy sat on the couch, as far away from him as possible when he took a deep drink of the liquid she provided him with. With a grimace he tipped the glass and asked, "Domestic?"

"Only thing I had, sorry." She tucked her feet underneath her, waiting for him to start talking, but he never did. Instead she watched his eyes filter back to her painting. Interested in what he thought about her work, she watched him trace the crests and troughs of each wave as it broke on shore. The microwave finished and she got up to take it out and put it in the oven with her potato. With twenty minutes left on the potato, she went out to her patio and started up her gas grill. Coming back in, she noticed he took off his tie and unbuttoned some of his buttons on his shirt. She went back into the kitchen and fixed William a salad. Eventually he came into the kitchen, watching her prepare the dinner. Silently, she moved around getting sour cream and butter from the fridge and putting them on the table. He helped setting the table with silverware and napkins as she put the steak on the grill.

Dinner was eaten in quiet. Buffy didn’t know what to say to her intruder. He looked so beaten and tired. Tempted to ask what was wrong, Buffy decided that if he wanted tot ell her, he would have. She also concluded that her phone call wasn’t the worse thing that happened to him, if it had, he most certainly wouldn’t be on her doorstep like a little orphaned child. Clicks of silverware on her dishes and low chewing were the only sounds heard in her dinning room.

Spike sat in Buffy’s dining room eating quietly. Luckily, she grilled the steak rare, just like he liked it. The potato was done to perfection, soft on the inside and a bit of crunch on the outside. Savoring the food and company, Spike ate quietly, knowing what he was about to do would totally change their lives. Either she would call his bluff and he would be totally shut out of her life or she would go along with it and they would be bound together forever. Praying that it would be the latter, Spike began to formulate a plan.

After dinner, Buffy cleared the dishes and began to clean up the kitchen. Standing side by side, Spike helped her by drying the dishes. If a stranger would look in on them, it would look so absolutely domestic and natural. Leaning on the counter Spike waited for Buffy to finish wiping the counters down. She was such a beautiful creature, how could he think about crushing her like he was? Working up his nerve, Spike took her hand and led her back to the couch. He let her sit down and he sat on the opposite end, knowing being within arms reach could have detrimental consequences. She looked expectantly towards him and he looked at the painting. "Your work is very good, you know?" She nodded her head, not knowing where he was going with it. "I would like to buy that painting." He pointed at the seascape.

"I’m sorry you can’t." He looked over at her with his eyebrow raised. "It’s already spoken for."

"Really? How much are you selling it for?" Spike leaned his arms on his knees. When she didn’t answer, he continued, "I’m sure it isn’t enough." Silence fell again and she started to fidget. What did he want?


"Yeah, love?"

She grimaced at the term and he shrugged his shoulders. "What’s wrong? Why are you here?" She motioned at her apartment. "I know I didn’t let you talk on the phone, but… I meant what I said and it would be a waste of breath for you to try to convince otherwise." A his lips twisted in a rueful smirk. Such innocence… how does she not see it?

"Pet, I… see… oh bugger!" Spike slid down the couch and sat next to her. "Now, here me out… this… isn’t easy… but it’s the only conclusion I can come up with." Her green eyes sparkled bright with partial morbid curiosity and fear. Sighing heavily, Spike’s eyes became unfocused as he looked at the painting. "Over the past month I’ve been looking through the books of Mercenary. That’s what I was doing today." She nodded, not sure where this was leading. What did she care of the books at the company her father used to own. A budding of realization started to bloom inside her head. "Moneys been missing, you see. Lots of it. I’ve been tracking it down." Spike ran his fingers through his hair, messing the curls even more. "That’s what I was doing today when you called." He looked over at her and smiled a little, "Heard Harmony say your name and I knew I had to talk to you. She didn’t want to transfer you in." His eyes went back to the painting, staring a something in the horizon. After a minute of silence he continued, "I finally got hard proof today. Bloody thief wasn’t very cleaver about it."

"Hank?" Her suspicions were confirmed when Spike whipped his head around and looked at her. His blue eyes were wide and his lips slightly parted as he nodded. "Thought so. Hank never was known to be smart about anything." Buffy pouted, thinking of his infidelity and years of harsh treatment of her mother.

"Yeah, not smart. I don’t know what to do." Spike clasped his hands together. "See, if… hank was arrested it would be bad for the company. Stock prices plummet and… workers," Spike spared a glance her way, "would get laid off." The induendo was not lost to Buffy as she gasped. "But, see… I just… he’s stolen something from me… from all the workers… and I can’t just let him get away with that."

"Oh god!" Buffy gasped and her eyes welled up with tears. Spike looked over at her, wondering what she was thinking. "My MOTHER!" Spike’s eyes widen when he realized she fell in a deeper trap than the one her set. Her mother was the perfect reason to get her to marry him. To save her mother from more pain, Buffy would do anything.

"Oh, pet. I never thought of her. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to do. Dragging him through the courts isn’t going to be good."

"Can… if… if he gave the money back… would you just let him go?" Buffy’s eyes sparkled with tears and he wished he could make them go away.

"Pet… it’s just… it’s so much money… over a long period of time. I talked to him this afternoon… he claims he didn’t do it."

"Maybe… maybe if I talk to him…" Buffy’s brain was whirling around with possibilities. This would just squash her mother’s health.

"Even if you did, sending him to jail would be bad all around. And if I don’t persue it, what does that make me look like?"

"Oh god Spike… this will crush my mother. After all these years and all the women, it would certainly crush her!"

"Shh, pet. We’ll figure out something." Spike put his arm around the now crying Buffy. Her sobs moved him to the core as he tried to comfort her.

"We have to think of something, Spike!" Buffy pulled away and looked at him.

"Well, there is one idea I have… it’s… not very good, but it might solve all our problems." Spike looked deep in her eyes, trying to gauge what she would say. "If… if we would get married… I couldn’t very well turn in my father-in-law… now could I? We would be family. If

he gave the money back… and if the investors ever found out… I could point to the returned money and that he’s your father… I think that would work." Spike sat back and watched the emotions run through her eyes.

"You want us to get married? I can’t!"

Chapter 5

"You want us to get married? I can’t!" Buffy’s eyes looked into Spike’s. There was no way she could marry him. One thing in her life she promised herself was she would never lead the life her mother did. She spared him a glance; his eyes were the deepest blue she’s ever seen. "Look, we have to find another way."

"There isn’t another way." Spike stood up and started to pace around the room. His trap was set but she narrowly escaped or was it that she never entered it in the first place? This wasn’t good. Maybe he could lure her in again.

Buffy stood up and faced him. Her body spoke of desperation. "Find another way, please. You said yourself, bringing it to light wouldn’t be good for the company. There has to be another way."

"Are you daft?" Spike stopped his pacing and looked at the tiny slip of a woman. "If the investors ever found out, it’d be my head." How could this little woman be the spitfire that he had first met? She looked so fragile, so innocent. Spike wanted to hold her in his arms and make all the bad things go away, if only she would let him.

She looked so compassionately at him, "I know, but William, it’ll break her. One more wrong to shame her, you know? I can’t do that to her."

Spike stalked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, "What do you want me to do, give up my career?" He shook her body once, trying to reign in his anger, but it was obviously too far gone. Her eyes were wide and glistening with moisture. He could tell he was scaring her, but she was being difficult. If only she would agree, he could make the pain go away. "Here’s the deal, I’ll pay the money back to the company, and the books will be even then. Hank can pay me back over time. No one would be the wiser. Then if someone does find out I can explain that I couldn’t put my wife through that. Don’t you see that, woman?" His eyes burned into her, trying to will her into agreeing.

Buffy stepped back, extricating herself from his grasp. She desperately tried to come up with another solution. "Why marriage?" Spike looked over at her and breathed in heavily. "I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t."

Spike’s eyes closed for a moment blocking his pain from her. A tell-tale twitch in his jaw told her he was trying to reign in his temper, but he was not succeeding, "Why is that?" Spike briefly wondered why she didn’t want to marry him. Lots of women were lining up in the wings to have just one night with him, why was she having such difficulty with a lifetime? It was more than he offered anyone else.

"William, please. We have to find another way." Her pleading fell on deaf ears. He felt the blood rush through his arteries and veins. She was rejecting him! That’s what she had tried to do this afternoon and what she was doing now. Anger boiled up in him. He could feel it start in his legs, washing over his torso, and finally heading up to his brain. Frustration, loss, and pain were running through his stunned mind as he faced off with Buffy.

"Are you already spoken for? Is that it?" Incredible jealousy bubbled within him, overriding his anger. Was she seeing another man, is that why she had tried to break it off earlier today? Someone she thought was better than him? Was another man spending time with her, touching her, kissing those sweet lips, taking her out?

Shocked at the insinuation, Buffy gaped at him, "Oh course not! I… I don’t love you, that’s why. I could never love someone like you." Spike couldn’t believe his ears. This woman was telling him she could never love him! And, what was that comment about ‘someone like’ him? Obviously, she thought she was better than him. Damn bloody bitch!

Three quick strides later, Spike grabbed Buffy and hauled her towards his chest. "Don’t say nasty things you don’t mean, little girl." His lips came down with bruising force. She twisted and turned, trying to free herself from his grasp, but he only held on tighter. One at a time, his arms snaked around her…holding her more closely and fiercely than before. Forcing her lips to part and their teeth to clash, Spike picked up her slight form from the ground and headed over to the couch. A faint taste of coppery blood hit her tongue as he mashed himself into her, she wasn’t sure if it was hers or his. Struggling, she tried to whip her head away, but by now, she was firmly seated on his lap. One hand held the back of her neck still and the other tightened around her waist. The frantic and violent kiss started to become gentler. A tip of his head one way, the soft puckering of his lips, the movement of his fingers on her waist all made Buffy want to give in. Her inner voice reminded her that this was wrong, that he was evil, that he had grabbed her and kissed her, and it even compared him to Hank. Despite all that, her arms wiggled free and crept around his neck, seemingly of their own volition, touching the soft hair above his collar. Noticing the slight change, Spike wanted more. He wanted everything from her. Softening his lips more, he let up on the pressure against her, letting her lips return to a plumper state. He licked her bottom lip, wanting her to open up for him. The struggle in her brain intensified as new sensations assaulted her body. Her pursing her lips closed and pushing on his chest alerted Spike that he had not won this round. Holding on to her waist, Spike refused to let go. He did pull his head back to look at her. She was an angel in his arms and it was like heaven when she cooperated with the snogging. He could tell she was even enjoying the kisses. Why did she stop them? He rested his forehead against hers. "Don’t… no… don’t you see. It could be so good between us. Didn’t you feel it?" Buffy shook her head, trying to break the contact he had. "Baby, we’d be perfect. Please, there is no other way. You’ll see, baby. I know you felt it, too."

Buffy struggled and he finally let go, letting her stand. She turned around with her fingers at her mouth, touching the bruised skin, "Ask me again, why I wont marry you." Her voice held poison as she watched him run his hand through his hair. "How? How can you do that and think its ok? The only thing I feel for you is disgust."

Spike sat with his feet planted on the floor. A hysterical laugh formed, "Don’t you see, you silly bint? It’s the only way we can protect ourselves? It could be wonderful, pet. We have the passion." Breathing heavily, he peered at her from his position. She was walking away from him, wringing her fingers together as she walked slowly into the kitchen. He heard clattering sounds and water running briefly. Deciding he should see what she was doing, he followed. She stood with her back to him, fiddling with a coffee pot. "Pet? What are you doing?"

"I won’t marry you, William," she said, so softly, he almost didn’t hear her over the percolating machine.

"Buffy, love…" her back stiffened at his term of endearment, "pet, it’s the only way to protect your mum. You want to do that right?" Buffy moved over to a drawer and opened it up and took something shiny out. She stared intently on the object in her hand. Spike walked slowly behind her and touched her shoulder. He peered over her head to look down at the diamond ring she held within her hand. It looked like an engagement ring. Spike surmised it must be her mothers. "I’m sorry Hank put you in this position." She shrugged off his hand and he stepped back. He knew silent tears ran down her face, but he couldn’t stop this, it was what he wanted, she was what he wanted. She put the ring into the drawer and picked up something else. "I don’t want to hurt you, Buffy, but it’s the only way to protect her. Don’t you see?"

"She still loves him, you know? After all the lying and cheating, she still sees him as the man she thought she married. I will never do that, William." Buffy stayed silent for a moment. The only noise in the apartment was the coffee percolating and their breathing. "I can’t marry you." She turned around to face Spike, "But… what if everyone thought I was your… if we were involved… would that do?"

"What?" Spike looked over at the woman, with a determined face and her eyes were filled with tears, she faced him with an alternative. "Pet, no. You don’t want that…"

"I will not marry you. If… if you are serious with the investors… just say I’m your mistress." Buffy moved over to the coffee pot, pouring it into two cups. Spike leaned against the opposite counter.

"But, pet… don’t lower yourself to mistress status… it’s…" Spike was at a loss for words.

"Make it so with Hank. I won’t cut you out of my life. Here…" she handed over a key to the apartment. "This should be proof that we are… involved. We can have dinner or something once a week. Tell whoever whatever, I don’t care. Just take care of it. Protect my mom." Spike felt bad, had he just defeated her? Had he just broken the strength that he’d admired so much?

"Buffy, no. Don’t you see? I’ll marry you, it’ll be OK. You don’t have to be…" This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to be his wife, not be his…. mistress.

Buffy slowly looked up and directly into his eyes, "I don’t want to marry you, Mr. Winthrop… I cannot offer you that. What I have offered… it should be enough for your precious stockholders." Buffy dumped her cup of coffee out in the sink. "I really don’t feel like company. Please lock the door when you leave." She stepped out of the kitchen and disappeared into the bedroom, firmly shutting the door. William stood in the kitchen, staring at the key for a long time. Breaking out of his reverie, he left the apartment barely remembering to take his suit jacket and duster with him.
