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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Main Stats

Strength: str Strength doubles as your character's strength and his hitpoints. Strength determines what you can and can not lift, and what weapons you can and can not weild. To determine your Hit Points, you double your strength. As an example, if your character has 25 strength, then he has 50 hit points.

Speed: sp Speed determines the quickness of your character. Quickness meaning both movment and weapon swings. Speed determines the ammount of ground you cover when at a full paced run. A character can move 10 feet per turn, per 5 points of speed. If you had 10 points of speed then you could move 20 feet in one turn. Take speed movment only into account when fleeing attacks, running away from some one or when trying to escape a blast radius.

Speed also can aid you in combat. For every 5 points you have in speed, the difficulty to dodge your attacks will increase by +1. If you had 10 points, then the difficulty to dodge your attacks would increase by +2 and so forth.

In addition to all this. For every 10 points of Speed you have. You gain 1 additional attack phase per round.

Charisma: chr Charisma is the looks of your character. When you add points to charisma you can choose wether to take the points away from Charisma to bring your appearence lower, or add them to make them higher. The higher your Charisma, the better looking you are, the lower, the more gruesome you appear. Charisma can Intimidate and impose Fear . For every 10 points of Charisma you have, your oponent will suffer -2 to all his Main Stats . This works both ways. If you are -10 in Charisma you impose Fear, which brings your oponent's stats down by -2 as well ("this is not the racial ability "fear") . If your oponent is within 3 points of your Charisma, then he/she suffers no loss of stats.

Mana: mn Mana is, well, Mana. Mana is required to cast spells and preform certain feats that your character may achieve. Mana doubles in potence, meaning if you have 6 Mana in your stats, then you actually have 12 . Mana will most likely be rarely used until the Chronicle's spell book is made available, which will then appeal to some players to play Mages.

Constitution: con Constitution can be looked to as your "fall back" HP. Reducing a player to 0 life will not kill him. You must reduce him past -X where as X is equal to the constitution. If you have 15 in your Constitution Trait then you must be reduced to -15 , but upon reaching 0 life you fall unconcious and no longer have the option to dodge rolls.

Power: pwr Power is your character's damage bonus onto all attacks ( Non-Magical). Power works as 1d6 ( 1 Six-Sided Die ) per 5 points of Power. As an example: If you are successful at hitting some one you may choose to roll a bonus damage ( This damage is added onto the damage your weapon inflicts ) if you roll your six-sided and it lands on a 3 then your damage to your oponent is X+3 where X was the damage your weapon inflicted.

Wisdom: wis Wisdom works the same as Power, but with Magic. Wisdom is your bonus damage added onto your Magical Attacks. The wiser your character is, the more damage he can inflict with spells. When you successfully land a magical attack, you may choose to roll your Wisdom to increase the damage. Your oponent will suffer +X in damage where X is equal to your roll. You may roll 1d6 per 5 points of Wisdom. Wisdom also determiens what spells and bailities you may or may not learn.

Tactical Character Attributes

Magical Resistance: mr Magic Resistance is your character's ability to resist magical spells. When hit with a magical attack you may opt to roll your character's Magical Resistance score. The damage you suffer will be lessened for every point of Magical resistance you have. If you are hit with a fireball that deals 3dmg and your roll score is higher, then you take no damage.

Dodge: ddg Evading. The key asset to not getting struck rests in Dodge . The higher your dodge roll the more likely you are to evade an attack from an enemy, and even survive in dangerous situations. You'll come to understand the importance of Dodge the more you fight and compete. You gain 1d6 per 5 points of dodge in your pool.

Brawl: bwl Brawl, focusing mainly for Mages to defend them selves. Brawl focuses on one's ability to fight simply with fists. Brawl is a roll when no weapons are involved to attack. If you use a brawl roll then you are attacking solely with fists or feet. The higher your brawl the higher the difficulty to dodge.

Melee: ml Melee. Your ability to fight with weapons. Melee is a major factor in most characters, for this determines how well you strike and swing ; basicly your over all swordplay ability. The higher your Melee the more difficult it becomes to evade your attacks.

Tactics: tac Tactics determines just how efficient of a fighter you are. The higher your tactics the better skilled your character is. This helps mainly in a combat situations. For all combat will most likely involve a tactics roll. Fighters will tend to focus most attribute points into Melee and Tactics.

Perception: per Perception. Perception determines how well your character can see the world around him. Noticing things and acknowledging them, and knowing where and not to tred. Perception can be used to detect traps, ambushes and is a key element when evading sneak attacks from would be assassins and cowardice fighters.

Poison Immunity: pm Poison is a major factor in some situations. Some race's bites prove poisonous and to best survive some characters build an immunity to poison, this allows you to ward it off, and perhaps survive a bit longer when infected.

Counter: co Energy streams through most beings, and it is true that even the vilest of the vile have some of life's energy pool surging through them. Counter comes in when your fighting some one who uses magic as a main skill. Counter allows your character to pool your own eternal strength and pin it against there's. This allows the option of a "Counter Roll" if a counter roll is used ( and it may only be used against a spell) then you roll to lower the difficulty, then they may choose to roll their counter and raise it. Counter can only be used once every three turns. So, use your counter rolls wisely, and only when needed.

Will: . will Will is a major factor in most situations, because it can be used for everything. You may only use Will once per turn, and it can be used for any of the following. Increase the difficulty of a roll. Lower the difficulty of a roll. Add to bonus damage, subtract damage taken, add to mana, add to life ( use only once every three turns) and when at 0 HP you can opt to make your Will your current life total. This can only be used ONCE, per fight.

Reflex: rx So let's say your perception failed. You fell into that booby trap in the castle, or perhaps the assassin out thought you and is about to land his strike. This is where Reflex comes in, you now may roll to save your hide, but unfortunetly you get only one pool to use. This is your Reflex Pool. Using the dice here, you can pray you manage to save your behind and continue onward. If you failed--we'll inform your parents.

Fortitude: fort Fortitude works alot like ad&d's THACO. Except with a few modifications. For instance, when ever you are successfully hit, and the oponent makes the damage roll. If the damage roll does not surpass your fortitude score, then you take no damage what so ever.

Anger: ang Anger can be helpful and disadvantaging. When some one raises your anger past it's point system, then you lose half your life rounded down, but gain double all damage when attacking. Only abilities, items, artifacts and magic can raise a persons anger. Other then that you must hit 5 life before you become enraged.

Range: rng Range is how well you use projectile weapons. This is also used as a damage bonus for range weapons. The higher your range skill, the more difficult your range attacks become and the more damage you can deal. Creatures prominent in throwing daggers and bows must use Range, or they're pretty much useless--unless they can weild a sword?

Initiative: Ini Initiative is your intent on combat. Having a high initiative score allows you to roll bigger dice, rather then the standard 1 or 2 technique. If you have a 3 initiative then you get to roll 1d3, 4 Initiative, then you roll 1d4 and so forth. The winner of the post-combat roll decides who attacks and who defends first. Ignore this if other effects don't allow one to choose who attacks or defends first, via sneak attacks and so forth.