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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Weapon Attacks through Melee

When making a weapon attack through Melee, and or, any weapon that fits the Melee skill you must first acheive the difficulty that your oponent must meet in order to dodge it. To determine the difficulty roll your Melee+Tactics skill. The outcome will produce the difficulty to dodge the attack. If the oponent fails to outroll the dificulty, then he or she takes the hit.

Weapon Attacks through Brawl

Brawl attacks are usually with fists and or blunted weapons. Weapons of the Blunted class fit under Brawl. When making a Brawl attack you must first set a difficulty for the oponent to meet. If he rolls equal to and or less then the difficulty, then he or she recieves the blow, and thus takes the damage from it.

If you are fighting with your fists, then the ammount of damage you can inflict is equal to your brawl pool. So, if a hit is successful with no weapons equip you roll 1dX where as X is equal to your brawl pool.

Attacks through Magic

To attack through Magic you must first cast the spell, and state it's effects and targets. Afterwards you set the difficulty for the oponent to dodge the spell. To set the difficulty of a Magical Attack you must roll your Tactics+Wisdom, the outcome is the difficulty to meet. If the oponent fails to beat the difficulty then he or she takes the hit, and the results of the spell will resolve at that instant.

Weapon Attacks through Range

Range is basicly throwing something. Even if you are shooting a Bow, the arrow is FLUNG from the string at a target. Seeings how Ranged weapons are probably the most feirce towards te start of combat and better well used from a distance, you might notice a slight power increase in damage when fighting some one who specializes in the range skill. To determine the difficulty of a Range attack you roll your Tactcis + Range skill. The set number is what must be beat.

Dodging Attacks through Melee

To dodge an attack through Melee, you roll your Tactics + Dodge skill. If the oponent set the difficulty at 10 and you surpass it , not meeting it. Then you successfully dodge, and follow up your roll with your dodge description the same as you normally would through T1.

Dodging Attacks through Brawl

To dodge an attack through Brawl, you roll your Tactics+ Dodge skill. If the oponent set the difficulty at 10 and you surpass it, not meeting it, then you successfully dodge, and follow up your roll with your dodge description the same as you normally would through T1.

Dodging Magical Attacks

To dodge a Magical attack you must beat the set difficulty using your Perception+Dodge pools. If you fail to meet the difficulty, then you are subjected to the effects of the spell. If you wish to use a "Counter" pool roll, you state this before you make the actual dodge roll. Dodging Attacks through Range

To dodge an attack through Range you must first know the difficulty. Once the attacker sets the difficulty to dodge you use the "Dodge" and "Speed" pools to evade the distant attack. So , when you are dodging range, you shall use Dodge+Speed.

More Advanced Rulings


To use your counter, you must wait until the magical attack is thrown and the difficulty set. Once the difficulty to dodge is determined you may then opt to roll your Counter. The defending player always get to use his Counter First. An attacker may –not- use Counter to raise the difficulty unless an opponent has already chose to Counter and has made his roll. When all Counter rolls are completed then the final difficulty is set and must be beaten.

Using your Will

You may use your Will at any time unless stated other wise. Certain aspects of using Will are limited. Such as Will’s ability to make your Will your current life total, which may be used only once per battle. Then the limited Three Turn use of Will which allows you to add your will to your life. If you choose to add your Will to your life, you can never surpass your base life. For example. If you have 25 strength thus having 50 life, and take 5 damage then your current life total is 45. Yet, if you choose to add your Will to your life and you have a Will of 17 points, your life will still only be 50, because that is your character fully healed. Also, when in the Negatives ( Unconcious ) you may NOT use Will to add into your life. For at this point you are unconscious and unable to do so, but you CAN use the Will’s “Once Per Battle” ability to make it your life. If you so choose to do this, you may –not- use will to increase your life. For once you surpass the “Once Per Battle” Will Use, your Will is drained as if 0.

Understanding Damage

Each weapon has the ability to inflict a certain amount of damage with a successful hit. This damage the weapon can deal is listed as somthing similar to ?d? , where as the "?" are replaced with numbers. The first number before the D indicates the "ammount" of dice to me rolled, where as the second number indicates the number of sides the dice must have.

Always roll the weapon damage first, then indicate you wish to use your bonus damage with the strike. Then the damage resolves and is applied to the characters.

Throwing Melee & Brawl Weapons

I have been asked if throwing weapons at some one or a target is legal and if so, how would you roll it out? To answer your question. "Yes" it -=is=- legal. The moment you decide to throw it, your attack is no longer considered Melee, rather a "Range" attack and must be rolled as a Range attack. So, to the point, you must set the difficulty the same you would as using Range, which is rolling Tactics+Range to set the difficulty. The only probably is, if the weapon you threw is not classified as a "Range" weapon then you can not add a Range Bonus onto it NOR, can you add a regular bonus onto it.

Leveling up

Each character will Level Up at the same time. The only thing that which will off-set characters and put characters at different levels comes down to when the character was created. This helps impliment the little "Power by Age" a.k.a P-B-A most of us are use to in regular RPG, but don't let this make you turn your head. Stats are diverse in Chronicles, so just because a character is older doesn't nessasarily mean you don't stand a chance against him. All the different stats to pump points into makes -=each=- character different and each will excell in different things.

When a character levels up each "Main" Stat increases by +1. Then the character will obtain 13 attribute points that he can destribute into any skill and or ability. You can also continue to add stat points into your Main stats if that is what you wish to do. Where the points you earn go is completely for you to decide, but remember, every stat will most likely be used at one point in time.

Assassinating / Secret/Hidden Attacks

So you want to sneak up onto a target, have him be unable to see you and attack? Well, perhaps you should be a halfling? If not, then you are doing it on sheer taught skill. To sneak up behind some one, or be "Invisable" to his eye, you must first state that you are sneaking or hiding ( Naturally ) then you roll your Tactics Pool and just your Tactics pool. The defender will have the option to roll his "Perception" pool. If he fails to beat your Tactics points then you carry out the attack as you normally would face to face, yet the oponent may only use his "Reflex" pool to dodge it.

If he -does- beat the Tactics Vs Perception roll, then he clearly sees where you are. Thus, he may dodge the attack as he would dodge any attack through attacks of that type.

What does "Trained" mean in the spellbook?

In the spell books you will noticed "Trained" under the spells. This means you can put attribute points into these spells. For every 2 attribute points you train one of your spells in, it will deal +1 damage when you use it. As an example, if you have a Fireball spell and have it trained with 4 attribute points then no matter what, if the hit is successful you will atleast deal 2 damage. If it hit for 4 damage and it's trained with four points, then that is a total of 6 damage! That's a +2 bonus!

What does "Distance" mean under the range weapons?

Distance means how effective the weapon is within a certain extent. If you're using a projectile weapon with a distance of 15, then it can only shoot 15 feet with precision, for every two feet further then 15 it is, the difficulty to dodge drops by 1. So, if you are shooting a weapon that has a distance of 10 feet, at some one who is, 15 feet away, then that's an automatic -2 to the difficulty he must meet to dodge.

How far does fear go?

"Fear" like other abilities that inflict stat loss must all be done within a relativly close range. The determined range is standard at 10 feet from the target, but for each 5 levels you acheieve, you may go an additional 5 feet in distance. This additional distance only starts occuring after level 10.

What weapons can humans use with know weapon?

All of them!

Can you gain additional Racial Skills?

Yes! There will be items called "Skill Scrolls" available for buying, and also skill scrolls will be prizes at some of the tournaments.

Will you be able to enchant a weapon with poison?

Yes! Apart of one of the skill scrolls will be a Scroll known as an "Enchantment" skill, which will allow you to enchant weapons with different magics pending on your skill. For sale will also be Poisoning Kits and the like. So instead of a permanent poison, perhaps a temporary one will be sustainance.

How does poison work?

There are Three Classes of Poison in Chronicles. They work as follows.
1) Lesser Poison: Any poison that which inflicts less than or equal to 10 points of damage per round. Lesser Poison can be cured by any means of a "Cure Spell". This includes "Lesser Cure".
2)Greater Poison : Any poison that inflicts 25 to 10 points of damage per round. Greater Poison may only be cured by Cure Spells greater than "Lesser Cure"
3) Lethal Poison: Any poison that inflicts 50-25 points of damage per round. Lethal Poison may any be cured by the Highest Cure Spell, known as "Arch Cure" and or any antidote that is created to cure it.

Can you get artifacts?

Yes, artifacts and special one of a kind weapons will become available as the game progresses. Most of these prizes will be given out at auction, where players buy tickets and a winner is selected randomly. To top it off, they will also be given out as rewards at the winning of tournaments, where as players will have to decide if they want the cash prize or the mystery box. In these Mystery Boxes one of these magical artifacts or weapons could be hidden!