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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Tenaria Chronicles: Lebell City
Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests

Grunsteld, Legendary Tracker

You want me to tell yah about all of 'em!? You crazy or sumthin'? Ok, for the little bit of gold you be gibbin' me, I guess I can give you the run down on the crittas' that make up the majority of this place. I've encountered all of 'em, fought 'em, smashed 'em, and made a trophy out of 'em... Ok Ok, enough with the jabba', I'll start with them forest Crittas'...

Orcs are probably some of the nastiest brawlers out there, well them and the Trolls . They tend to ambush travelers along the trails unless the Half Orcs have their way with 'em first. Then again, the forest isn't always that bad, you got the Elves who stick up for passer-byes now and then, when they're not PICKIN' FREAKIN' flowers with those Druids . They're both the opposites of one another. The Elves shoot them there arrows, and the Druids use that darn Magic of theirs. But, hey, if you find your self really bored, travel to the heart of the Forest and do some Gnome squashin', just pretend you're a tree then--, well anyway. Off around the outter edges you'll find your run of the mill Halflings , small buggers, not as small as the Gnomes, but you could probably play Gnome Squash wit' 'em too.

Nuff' with the Forest, I hate the color green anyways. When it comes to the High Ground you can find them there sucker punching Dwarfs , them little freaks aint got them selves no hono'! Then again, when traveling it's hard to decide which trails to avoid, do you want to find your self sorounded by a dozen or so Goblins or a buncha flying Imps . Then you got your average Golems now aren't those guys some fun when hittin' em with a sword!

But then again we have the low-landers. Regular Humans like me, with a nice mixture of Giants and Aberons runnin about. It aint all that bad, and if we're lucky, sometimes we even see some Skyfolk , but that's only on a good day.

The further towards the wetlands we go, we find, Zombies who're always fun to dance with. If we hang out at night around here, we find Vampires . Then again, if we go into the old ruins and dungeons we can catch glimpses of Spectres and all sorts of other spook. And then, probably most rare, Mutants scurry about the dark lands, some even look human! Scary buggers they is! Oh yeah, and you got them there Were Wolves too!

Character Note: Grunsteld is perhaps the last survivor of the Dark Wars. The Dark Wars were the battles in which the Dark Magi exposed them selves, seperating them selves from the balance they released hordes of villains and monstrosities into the world, in hopes of conqueoring it. Grunsfeld is renown for the parts he played in this epic struggle, and is one tough human! Just don't make him angry!