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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


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Chronicle :The Beginning

Deep within the tallest tower, of the third circle of buildings in the city of Trelesha, a circle of mages stood, marveling at their own brilliance. A new magic had been found, through the process of tapping into the mages own life and into a dark plane which had still yet to be named, they had found a power greater than any other magic known to this day…Shame that it would prove to be most…unfortunate for the mages, that they had found this magic…Seven of them in all, stood around the glowing sphere that was their visual gateway into the place which they had found, the dark ebon glow reflected their pale long faces in the dark blue sphere. A marvelous day for the mages and their city…or so they thought, at least.

“We done it Marviul…we actually done it…we’ve created our own magic….” Whispered Faintiel to his brother mage his old, wrinkled face twisted up in a happy grin, as his brother mage patted his back “Yes my brother mage…that we have…oh how our city folk and king will rejoice!” so narrow minded they were, to be unable to see the truth, that their amazing new magic, was corrupting their very minds and bodies as they stood in the room, with the spheres warming glow…little did they seem to care also, their own arrogance blinded them from the changes on their bodies…Little did they know of the evil magic that they had unleashed upon the lands around them…in the weeks and months to come, they would realize it…all to late, it would seem…

The city rejoiced, the new magic was a great source of income. People, and races from all over far and wide came to see the greatness of the magic’s new powers. The city thrived upon the bullion that was more than literally rolling in hand over foot from people wishing to see the sphere, and to touch it, to see a glimpse of its ‘perfection’. Yet they seemed not to notice that with every moment they spent near it, the more and more they would become tainted bit its evil ways. A few of the mages in the cities around Trelesha were beginning to notice the change in their people, and trader’s attitudes after coming back from Trelesha. Slowly, and indirectly the cities around began to close all trade routes with Trelesha and ban people from going to near the city, which seemed to be having a strange amount of trade from races such as goblins orcs and elves, yet the seemed not to bicker and squabble as much as they had done before.

Tragedy struck, when the ruling king of Trelesha, was found murdered in his bed-chamber, a city just west of Trelesha was renowned for making such fine craftsmanship of daggers like the one that had been stabbed through the kings head. The mages of the seven took it upon themselves to say that it was the other cities moving against them in an indirect act of war, jealous of their power, of their popularity. This, along with the mages growing corruption within them, would lead towards war, more than likely to say the least. The mages had found what they were looking for, a way to make the people of their city, rise up against the other cities, to conquer them.

Life went on as normal for a while, or at least it seemed to, the neighboring cities began to think that they were wrong, and sent messengers to convey their remorse for the death of Trelesha’s royal king, the messengers were returned, without much of a corpse to return, the bodies were all but destroyed, the faces torn open in a distorted vision of horror and pain, entire limbs were missing, the corpses also stank, more so than usual, as if a chemical had been used on them…. That was the last straw, now it was bound to happen. War was on the verge of happening.

As the weeks rolled on and on, the dark power began to have a bigger and bigger effect upon the mages, their skin, began to tint a kind of silvery gray colour, with lack of nutrients and sun-light, plus the effect of the magic on their skin…Also the magic began to taint many of the other races around the lands of the city, and sooner or later… War was soon to break out. It was inevitable. There was no avoiding it, it was like an oncoming storm, all you can do, is sit and wait for it to hit, and hope not to get blown away in the rush. So as time went on, the mages built their forces up secretly, as did the neighboring cities that partly surrounded Trelesha. War-elephants were loaded up. Siege weapons also were constructed, with post haste. The surrounding cities wanted to get the evil gone and buried…with a bit of luck…

Meanwhile! Back in Trelesha, the seven mages, Marviul, Faintiel, Cerion, Balthalis, Kalivur, Jemicual and Valiciea were preparing their own war efforts also, all the evil tainted creatures being drawn towards their city. Even many a fair elf had fallen to the vile magic’s of the seven mages of Trelesha. The wall defenses had been doubled; the walls had been reinforced. The battlements were stacked to the edges with archers, war cannons and hot vats, ready to be filled with burning oil, to be thrown onto the attackers whenever it would be that they attacked. The mages also did prepare, each one took to a tower within the cities second inner wall, preparing spells offensive and defensive, they did not want to be caught off guard. Each mage stood firm and stout in their tower, like faded gray statues, standing ever tall and proud…Well, maybe not tall, but arrogantly proud at the least. Regiments of all kinds stood within the cities walls. Some camped outside also, Dwarfs, trolls, orcs and elves all slept in the came camp, without so much as minor bickering. The magic’s effects were indeed strong, but not unbeatable.

A dark cloud now sat over the once proud city of Trelesha, seven mages stood set as stone in they’re locked towers. Teeming masses of races of various kinds stood assembled as one…Legions and legions of them, rows upon rows…all dressed in black armor, with the symbol of the mages seven upon their breast, the symbol of seven small circles, standing around a bigger circle, a pretty basic symbol, but it was cheap to produce, and the city wasn’t making much income, after wasting all its money on the war efforts. A sea of ravens, bats, giant crows and other such evil related birds sat upon the roofs of all the buildings inside the city. Swirling vortexes of purples blacks greens and even silvers swarmed the towers of the seven mages. They refused to fail this day, as did their arrogance. It would be a battle to the death, with no surrender, no retreat, and no prisoners.

The armies of the five other cities marched forwards. Each man or creature was blessed with a divine spell, to protect them from the evils magic energies that emanated from the dark orb that sat within the centre tower of the third city circle. Great beasts of war, with huge claws and dripping fanged mouths would lead the assault from the side of good, the three huge beasts, giants to some extent, the last of their kind, bred in the darkness for such moments as this, unleashed upon the legions of evil, in a valiant last stand, claws slashed leftwards and right, cannon-balls shot from the cannoners on both sides of the field, the mighty black solid steel balls ripped through armour and flesh as if it did not exist, as if it were but mere air. Screams filled the air, yet still the might beasts at the front tore into the enemies’ lines, cannon balls bent and buckled against their tough hides. Yet, the glory would not last long, for a rippling explosion was heard, as the mages in the third and fourth tower unleashed five bolts of screaming black swirling magic’s, like fireworks, only containing the essence of evil long since dead to the lands of mortal men. They slammed into the great beasts bodies, ripping through the great hides that they bore. Roaring and thrashing the beasts fell, taking as many as they could with them, as their bodies hit the ground, and they disintegrated into dust, and were blown away in the wind.

Cannons and magic rattled against the walls of Trelesha, as the armies fought below, the mages and cannon crews unleashed wave after wave of cannon attacks and magic spells upon the walls and inner city of Trelesha. Little did they know, that the black mass of dust and cloud moving towards their position, was the birds that once sat upon the towers inside the city of Trelesha, now they dive-bombed the good-mages and cannon crews, their infantry and cavalry were being torn to shreds by the seven mages defending forces. Even the might war elephants fell to the raging spells and armies of the seven mages. It seemed all was lost…men scattered and fled in every direction, horses bucked up and ran, cannon balls fired into their own troops. Even though the side of good lost this day, both sides had taken substantial losses, the seven mages retired to their bedchambers, to rest for the next battle, if there was one that was.

The fifth tower was filled with the sounds of screaming and battle, someone had snuck in during the battle the mage within the fifth tower was seen being flung out, an arrow driven deep through his chest, the skilful assassin had not escaped without damage, the mages magic’s had struck him hard, knocking his left arm out of commission, blood poured from the assassins arm as he ran from the chamber, an array of flying weapons whizzed past his head, as he ducked left into a corridor. He had to take out as many mages as he could, or at least help his counter-parts. The Assassins name, was Darien, cousin to the king of Trelesha, the one who had also planned his own cousins assassination, at his cousins will, of course…

“Shit, my arm’s been hit…damn that mage, damn him to all seven hells and back!” whispered Darien as he moved along the north wall of the tower, shifting silently towards the exit, to move to the next tower…now only 6 mages were left…He praised the gods above for his luck and good aim….He darted out, over the war torn court-yard…a whistling sound filled the air, before two black bolts struck him in the back, he fell over bleeding badly “’s over now…all is…lo-…” he turned his head, his eyes, lifeless and dead. So much for the skilful assassin approach to things….

As the troops upon the good-side of the battle retreated back towards their cities… A messenger came, trotting towards them full speed upon his steed “I HAVE A MESSAGE, FROM TOLAF!” he screamed as he came towards the retreating masses “He says, we are to prepare and get ready, we are going to over-throw the evil forces once and for all! He is on his way, right now from his city!!!!” The troops roared in happiness as they now went back towards their cities with renewed vigour and began to move as fast as they could to prepare for the next big battle, to hopefully over throw the last of the wizards.

The Ivory Citadel was in an uproar, as the armies marched out from it, towards the war torn lands south of them. Even as the armies were returning to their cities after taking a beating, the proud and stout legions of the Ivory Citadel marched, under the banners of white and blue. Marching for hours upon hours. Tolaf at the back of the army, upon a mighty war elephant, covered in golden armour, indeed, he was planning to win this little war within the next day or two…He marched onwards with his legions…relentless to stop, unless they had to.

At this same time, back at the ruined city of Trelesha the remaining mages began to rebuild their shattered armies, or at least they attempted too. Pulling up walls quickly, trying to get more power from their dark orb, which sat within the center tower. It was like a drug addiction for them now, they had to get more power, or they would start to get withdrawal symptoms as if the magic given out by the orb was actually some kind of chemical drug… So it began, the preparations for the final battle, the two shattered armies trying to gain the last step, total destruction of each side was the goal for both opposing sides, and this time, there would be no retreating, and no surrender!

The Army of the Ivory Citadel marched onwards, now it had been a day or so since they had began; now the city of Trelesha was in clear sight. The soldiers gave a cry of battle, before they picked up their pace towards the city. Planning on taking it, and destroying the six remaining mages and destroying their prized magical orb. The shattered armies of the other cities also rose up in the arrival of the flags of the great Citadel. Now their numbers were more than the shattered army of Trelesha, they hoped, prayed and cheered for glory, as they marched on, unable to be shaken from their path now. The Broken City of Trelesha was in front of them now. All hell was about to break loose.

Bolts of magic flew from the broken cities walls, but it bounced off the magical dome erected around the troops that marched on the city. Tolaf stood tall and proud on his war elephant steed, his arms held high as he chanted the magic incantations of protection. The mages of the towers cursed him many-a-time in various languages as they watched their spells bounce off. Their own troops were being decimated below them, the armies of the Ivory Citadel and the neighboring cities marched in on them, crushing the shattered army beneath them, sending many of them fleeing into the woods, arrows soon to be put in their backs.

Now the city was empty. Tolaf dismounted his elephant steed, patting it on the side, before he took a select group of soldiers into each and every tower in the city, intent on slaying the mages that stood within each one. Each mage done the exact same thing, they tried to repel them with magic, but Tolaf was too strong, even for them, and the magic’s were nulled, and the soldiers moved in for the kill, hacking the evil mages down into the ground, all their spite and malice driven through their blades into the evil mages, who’s screams filled the towers. Each one screamed curses to their assailants as they cut them down. After the last mage was slaughtered… They moved onto the last tower. Tolaf and a few of the other powerful mages from the other cities stood around the evil orb. None would touch it…

“Now concentrate everyone, we must work on incasing or destroying this evil device.” Spoke Tolaf in his commanding yet gentle voice. The other mages nodded, as they lifted their palms towards the orb, magic weaving in-between each of their fingers, moving towards the orb “We must incase it, and then move it to a safer location, away from the eyes of mortal men.” Commanded Tolaf to the other mages, who nodded, as the spell was weaved, a thick casing of a magical alloy that would look pretty much like steel, was made to form around the dark orb, sealing it away from the eyes of mortal men, also the power that it gave out, was blocked by the alloy, or so the mages hoped.

Now the proud armies stood outside, as the unholy device was transported away from them, towards the Ivory Citadels deepest and darkest caves, away from all mortal men women and children… This was the end of the evil device which had caused so much torment and trouble to the peoples of this land… Now it was over… wasn’t it?

Written By: Dace