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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Sub: Fiery Touch
Spell Name : Fireball
Mana Cost : 5
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 8
Damage Roll : 1d3
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a Fire Ball to be launched from your hands at any given target within 20 feet. For each 5 feet past the first 20 the difficulty is reduced by 1.

Spell Name : Lava Blade
Mana Cost : 20
Spell Level : X
Wisdom Needed : 15
Damage Roll : 2d6
Trained: 0/0
Description :
The mage's arm is engulphed and taken over by a blade of pure lava. At the beginning of each round, the Caster receives an automatic four damage. All attacks with the Lava Blade are rolled as if Brawl. This blade lasts until the weilder dismisses it.

Spell Name : Inferno Sheild
Mana Cost : 25X
Spell Level : X
Wisdom Needed : 8
Damage Roll : 0
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a sheild of fire to rivet up around your character. This sheild protects you from attacks of Melee, Brawl and Range. When ever a Brawl attack or Melee attack is made against you, your oponent must make a Melee vs Wisdom. Is the attacker beats your wisdom roll then you are struck and the sheild disapates. If he fails then you may roll your Wisdom pool and deal him an automatic damage for striking into the guarding flames. If trained, this sheild may destroy weapons. Weapons with critical hit points lower then the trained skill of the Sheild will shatter upon impact, and or melt away.

Spell Name : Lava Axe
Mana Cost : 15
Spell Level : X
Wisdom Needed : 15
Damage Roll : 1dX
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This forges an axe made of pure Lava in your hand. Due to the fact you control it fully you take no damage. When ever the Axe lands a successfull hit you may pay any ammount of mana. Roll 1dX where as X is equal to the ammount of mana you payed. Bonus rolls may not be made to add damage onto the axe's swing. The axe is rolled ass if a Melee Weapon. Every two turns you must roll a Perception Vs Perception roll. If you succeed you continue holding the axe. If your oponent wins then the Axe outens it's self. If you choose to throw the axe, and you may, treat it as a ranged attack and initiate all damage the same you would do if swinging it.

Spell Name : Fiery Fists
Mana Cost : 10
Spell Level : X
Wisdom Needed : 8
Damage Roll : 1d3
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes your hands to be engulphed in seering hot fire. During each round you will receive X damage where as X is equal to the outcome of a 1d3 roll. When ever you land a brawled attack you may roll 2d3 to add onto the outcome of the total damage.

Spell Name : Greater Fireball
Mana Cost : 25
Spell Level : X
Wisdom Needed : 35
Damage Roll : 3d6
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes three Fire Balls to be launched from your hands at any given target within 20 feet. For each 5 feet past the first 20 the difficulty is reduced by 1.