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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Level 1: Standard SpellBook
Spell Name : Fireball
Mana Cost : 5
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 8
Damage Roll : 1d3
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a Fire Ball to be launched from your hands at any given target within 20 feet. For each 5 feet past the first 20 the difficulty is reduced by 1.

Spell Name : Mana Sheild
Mana Cost : 10
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 15
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a sheild composed of your own mana to grow fast to your forarm. At the start of each round your automaticly lose 3 mana. When ever you are delt damage remove that much mana from your mana pool instead. When you have 0 mana in your mana pool the sheild disapates.When you are using Mana Sheild, you may not make magical attacks and or defensive spells.

Spell Name : Lesser Heal
Mana Cost : 9
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 4
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
You gain X life, where as X is equal to the outcome of a 2d4 roll.

Spell Name : Lesser Cure
Mana Cost : 9
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 5
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This allows you to cure a Level 1 poison infecting your character or target character. To know if you have successfully cured it, you must roll your Wisdom Vs X, where as X is the ammount of damage the poison deals per round.

Spell Name : Clumsy
Mana Cost : 12
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 8
Damage Roll : 1dX
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes target player's Reflexes and Speed to be reduced by X. Where as X is equal to the roll's total. To determine how many sides the dice will have you must pay X mana. For example. If you wish to roll a Clumsy spell with 8 sides, you must pay 20 mana. The initial 12 for the mana cost, and then the additional 8 for the number of sides.

Spell Name : Mana Lash
Mana Cost : 15
Spell Level : 1
Wisdom Needed : 15
Damage Roll : 2d5
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes two intangible whips composed of your mana to reach out from your person and lash at target player. To determine the difficulty of this attack, you would roll the standard Magical Attack Rolls, and the defending player must roll the standard Magic Dodging rolls to evade.