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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Level 2: Standard SpellBook
Spell Name : Poison
Mana Cost : 10
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 20
Damage Roll : 1d3
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This spell inflicts a target player with poison. This poison counts as a Level 1 Poison. At the start of every round and at the end of every round, the player infected with the poison may roll his "Will" Vs The Mage's "Wisdom". If he is successfull the poison is cured. If not he makes a 1d3 roll, and takes that much damage.

Spell Name : Levitation
Mana Cost : 18
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 20
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This allows the mage to levitate an object to a height of 5 feet from the ground or less. For each face point trained this spell may raise the object or player an additional 5 feet.

Spell Name : Teleportation
Mana Cost : 10
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 20
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This spell allows the mage to Teleport to any location within a 10 foot radius. To determine wether or not he or she has successfully teleported to the proper location the mage must roll his Wisdom Vs his own Perception. If Wisdom wins then he lands in the chosen spot. If Perception wins he lands 5 feet randomly in any direction other then towards the chosen location.

Spell Name : PLanted Thoughts
Mana Cost : 30
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 25
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This spell allows the caster to temporarily take control of another player for 1 round. For every 1 point of Face Skill that this spell is trained, equals out to an additional round of control. Every time the mage wishes for the controlled player to do somthing they must make Wisdom Vs Wisdom rolls. If at any point the mage fails to beat the player in a Wisdom roll, then the player "snaps" out of the trance and is no longer controlled.

Spell Name : Minor Illusion
Mana Cost : 23
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 20
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This allows the mage to Manifest an Illusion that lasts for 1 round, it may last for additional X rounds where as X is equal to the Trained Face Skill of the spell. This illusion will be believable to all players unless they may a Perception roll Vs the Mage's Wisdom. If they are successful they may see through the illusion, if not, then they will believe it is real.

Spell Name : Lesser Flash
Mana Cost : 15
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 20
Damage Roll : 1d3
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a brilliant flash to erupt from the Mage's hands ( and or chosen body part ). This flash blinds all players that are looking in the direction of the casting spell. The players hit by this spell will be blinded for three turns. When Blinded, dodge drops to a "0" attribute and so does all three weapon classes. At the end of every round the infected players may make Tactics vs Perception rolls. Where as they Pin their perception against the Mage's tactics. If the player succeeds the spell is worn off, and they may see again.